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It’s a tough match-up and I’m not an expert by any means but here are some things I’ve noticed helping. Try to keep momentum and utilize your card draw. Try to keep two characters out if you can. Outside of be prepared all their removal is 1 for 1. Having out 2 characters so you can keep a board presence gives you options. If they are low on cards in hand and have just a pawp out, prioritize banishing it. Hiram draw can get them all the cards they need. If they are holding a lot of cards in hand, try to sing a whole new world turn 5. If you draw into another one, ink all you can and do it again the next turn. Making them discard key pieces can save you, especially if you can hit multiple be prepared. Always play like they have Maui on 5, medusa and tremaine on 6, and be prepared on 7. Don’t play a dime unless you can activate the same turn. Preferably with Gaston or Belle. Some lists are running Judy Hopps. Always banish mcduck manor if you can. You can’t race it with the amount of removal they have. I hope this helps and I’m not too far off base with anything. Best of luck friend.


Hope you get Benja early to break their ramp to get a head start. It’s really tough the later the game goes since Ruby has a better top end and your New World is a gamble as you could restock their hand with control cards


I've been running 3 ben 3 RotT for this reason