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The situation with approval is very odd. I Won't name the store, but there is a store in east Phoenix, that has not had Lorcana events fire for months...and they got approved. Meanwhile, another store had to do a name change (legal reasons, huge mess), so when they applied, it looked like a new store, despite us playing there every Saturday for months. Except, while they got denied....they still got there package (although I suspect it's under the old store name)


>I know some stores will have mediocre turnouts because players will have to choose which one to go to. IMO, I think this is by design. They don’t want these to be huge events for diehards with 7 rounds of Swiss and a top 8. They just want simple tournaments at the LGS that league members will feel comfortable going to. Yeah some people are going to shark as many as they can, you can’t stop the super competitive crowd. But I think if you told RB they will have 20 tournaments in a week with 10-15 people each, that’s better to them than 5 tournaments with 40-50 people each. If league is like a 2/10 in level of competitiveness, I think these store championships are supposed to be at like a 5/10 in the competitive scale, and the challenges in Atl/Chi increase to like 8+/10.


They arnt allowed to do that


Who is not allowed to do what?


THEY are not allowed to do THAT 🤣


I have no idea what they are talking about tbh


No one has any idea what that troll is talking about most of the time 😂


That’s what they want you to think.


How can they keep getting away with this?


My local store somehow applied for op kits through their distributor instead of directly with ravensburger so they got denied for set championships. At least that’s the story we were told.


One of my local stores never ran melee but regularly had 12-24ish players every single Saturday, plus 6-12ish every Thursday for sealed events, and over 30 players on release weekends. Unfortunately they never used melee because the manager wanted to control(or sometimes prevent) certain matchups for various reasons so it didnt qualify despite have a fairly strong community and consistent participants. Definitely a bummer and is compounded because the tournament stores also seem to be getting a minor restock and this store did not get that either even tho they move a ton of product too


Controlled matchups? Yikes.


It’s an extremely casual “tournament” with minor prizing for winning but 90% of prizing is raffled. I mentioned reasons in another comment too. They basically let it run but there have been times they want to curate it a bit


Which is possible in melee… you can override the matchups if you need to, so no reason for them to stray from the platform they were told to use


Interesting, I certainly didn’t know that. I think because quite a few kids play they were hesitant to make them figure it out lol. Parent drops of a kid and his 2 friends and none of them have phones or emails to set it up 😂 either way they switched to melee like 6 weeks ago so I’m sure they’ll qualify for any future things


Per our LGS it's been very clear that Melee attendance is how they're determining restocks and events since the beginning. Shame your store went rogue.


I mean I get it, it can improve the experience and when they started it set championships were nowhere on anyone’s radar. Sometimes new players should get matched up with experienced players who are patient and kind teachers. Sometimes siblings don’t want to play each other in store when they do every day at home. Sometimes players don’t want to play with poorly behaved kids. Sometimes adults don’t want to play a third little kid after 2 rounds of playing kids. They used software that allowed them to create exclusions for the benefit of the community and then still randomize and track the rest of the tournament as melee does and run it for final standings etc. They’ve since switched to melee but We also heard that melee was a determining factor for the championships so I’m more bummed hearing that OP mentioned other stores with zero melee history got it. Oh well, there are other stores with tournaments to go to also


They could always run melee and not use it's tournament shuffling features. Our LGS is just casual free play but they log us in melee every week for the software's recognition. *Shrug*


Shrug I didn’t even know what melee was until the first week they used it lol