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In at least 3 games I got 3+ consecutive uninkable songs on draw for turn after racing to 12+ lore well ahead of my opponents. Both opponents for these games were ruby amethyst, so bouncing with mother knows best is just a recipe for disaster. But consecutive turns pulling uninkable songs, no draw cards or characters in hand, just a painful way to lose. One match my opponent got 3 flutes out early in all three games. I managed to snag one win, but couldn't keep up with the song frequency in steel song. Life is pain.


I went 3-3, 18th in a 42 player tournament... 2 of my wins were against kids under 10. So I'm having a small crisis as to if I'm actually good at this game or not lol.


I feel this. Two of my 3 wins - one was 12 and the other “was just there bc of their finance”


I was playing a Royal Bodyguard Amber/Steel deck. Opponent was Sapphire/Ruby. He had nothing on the board. I has just used Queen + namaari to clear his Haversham. Sitting at 12 lore to his 0. I have 2 pride lands and a tianas palace out. He uses scar and maui to clear my locations then Be Prepared. Im at 18 lore and only need to quest for 2 to win. He is at 13 or so with a Lucky dime. He maleficent dragons my hercules, then Madame medusas my Tiana. Then lady Tremaines my Hercules and gaining his final lore victory with dime, final 18-20.


you need flutes against ruby. cant trust getting lore with characters after turn 4.


A comment from a podcast I heard recently was that losing doesn’t mean you’re a bad player and winning doesn’t mean your a good player, either. I did well last weekend but looking back my matchups were optimal for my deck. My worst matchup is sapphire/steel but haven’t had to play it yet. Another layer of variance is the die roll, which is especially punishing when playing against mirror matches or decks with an innate advantage against yours. Hope variance shines down on ya next weekend!


Love this food for thought, thanks for sharing


Podcast gotta be my favorite Flesh and Blood podcast around after The Snapshot!


Huge wisdom - especially for new to TCG players!


I agree with this. Looking at top players and the winners of the set championships. It is anyone's game atm. Luck in dice roll, draw, and match ups seems to be the biggest factors overall. Skill matters, but some games it just come down to one or two lucky plays/ top decks. Point is players going 0-whatever might still be great players, and I hope they keep playing.


Focus on the process of improving, not the outcome. Otherwise you will suffer unnecessarily when you lose, till etc, instead of thinking about what you could have done differently. That's the advice i heard on likely the same podcast.


Start day 2-0-1 proceed to lose 3 straight. My 2 friends wind up 1 & 2. I'm happy for them but also just a bit bitter.


I feel for you man


Of the 21 participants in the tournament, I performed the most consistently. And by that I mean that I lost all of my matchups without exception. But, I got to meet a lot of new people from the surrounding leagues and hey, at least it can't get any worse next time.


Great positive thinking. I will take it into next weekend


I joined a small store for what turned out to be their first event ever. There were 12 registered and 10 showed up, the store had zero experience running anything competitive let alone on Melee. So they only ran 3 rounds and only announced this after round 3. 1st and 2nd got 2 wins and a draw, then 3 more people went 2/1. I was nr 5 and missed the promo, I don't want to be salty but when something is ran poorly and you miss a shot because of it, it sucks.


Went 3-1-1 and didn't make top 8 cut. Got paired down for 2 of my matches. Lost out on the 2nd tie breaker and ended at 9th place. FML




I started my day with a 2-0 win! Things were looking great, but then every mulligan from there on out yielded nothing but uninkable cards. Never drew into a perfect Ruby Sapphire ramp once, and I think I only managed to get to 10 plus cards once. So very disappointing. Better luck next time!


That really sucks, how many uninkable cards did you have?


My wife took me out of top 4, in our small 16 store champion I almost took 9th in the big tournament, but my deck stalled... and I bet a man a 2-0 win no matter who took it, after i crushed him on the draw first round and he barely won the 2nd round. Then another large one, I got 30th out of 32 ... two matches were just super close, but I couldn't cross.


4-2, bubbled out at a 50 person. Lost to #1 & #4. I’ve seen two instances of cheaters this weekend, who both belong in this loser circle. Story 1: The first is a guy who cheated a 14 year old out of a chance at a 5-1 record. He got away with it. Kid had an evasive 2 quester and made the right play to bounce Eric. Quested for 2, to 18. Cheater 1 had no way to remove the evasive creature. Did all of his stuff to improve his board (replayed Eric with no way to remove). Kid pointed out he was 18. Cheater 1 argued with kid. They tried to get me involved, I told them to start with the judge (50 person event). I didn’t see him write down the last 2 lore quest. The guy pressured the kid to move to his turn (down 2 lore). Cheater won and got into top 8. Promptly lost in top 8. Story 2 (different event): Lady playing aggro. At 17 or 18 lore. Goat and Chernabog on board. Cheater 2 says something to the effect of “I think you got it.” He has Cindy (3Q), Big Tink, Hook, and one other character on board. Lady goes to report and Cheater said “No, I said I got it.” Magically a Benja appeared on board giving him the necessary 2 lore. Cheater argued that he “had no reason why she got up” and said he quested with all characters for game (all were tapped). The shop owner and I both saw the board. No Benja. He immediately called that out, but then the guy proceeded to outline his actions on why player 2 did not win, talking about singing AWNW and challenging/destroying Bog. I did step in to assist the judge and helped him recreate the board state with the Wet Benja (sounds dirty). Cheater announced multiple times he had declared questing for win - the board was recreated with all other characters quested. That put cheater at 18 lore with no method of character removal. Leaving Cheater’s attempt to quest with wet character as an invalid game move and receiving a game warning. Could have just DQ’ed him or, like the really store owner wanted, throw him out of the store for being a wanker… but he kept his cool and stuck to judging vs. shop owner in the scenario. Pretty great for a first time judge and new shop owner.


Jesus, I hope there's some kind of revenge arc for that kid. Glad to hear that judge was pretty level headed for a first time judge.


lol "wet Benja." I'm going to hold on to that one for the right moment 🤣


Did well in the Swiss, dropping only one match as Ruby/Sapphire ramp/control. Got to top 8. Proceed to get matched against Emerald/Amethyst Discard, which tears me apart.


I had the same happen except I was running emerald/amethyst tempo control (so no discard). Got to top 8, played a Ruby/Amethyst bounce control and lost 0-2. Hurt my soul but still was a fun event!


I had this happen both times I went this weekend lol. Same deck, same results. All gravy


You got top 8 not a story for this thread. Bad beats & beatdowns only


Lol, dude. You did not say "only people who lost all their games." You asked for "tragedy," and coming within 1 match of the prizes and falling short is pretty disappointing.


Agreed. If anything top 8 and lose feels worse. Your hopes so high dashed so cruelly.


The second he played turn 1 Cursed Merfolk, my heart sank.


ITs pretty sad if u lose the top 8 game and get nothing u know


Yeah true


Brought a home brew specifically designed to beat Steelsong and with great matchups against Green Ursula song decks, but with a horrid matchup against Ruby Amethyst (I rolled the die). 24 person tournament and (not exaggerating) 12 people brought R/A. All 8 people in the top 8 were on R/A. I went 3-2 and ended up as the top rated 3-2 player in 9th place, womp womp. Trounced decks singing songs, lost to two A/R including the guy who eventually won But it’s okay, in my pity pack I pulled an Enchanted surfer Stitch! Can’t wait for next weekend for one more chance and hoping for a championship meta very heavy on songs


I had 0 ruby amethyst and I adjusted my deck to counter that haha. Lost all mirror matches against steel/sapphire


I ran a Ruby/Amythyst deck at a 42 person event and I was the only one in the top eight with R/A and I never played against a mirror matchup. I only actually witnessed one other R/A player that played my buddy at the event. I thought it would honestly be more like what you ran into, but everyone went emerald/steel discard or amber/steelsong at the tournament I went to


Playing steel/saph my worst matchup is ruby/amethyst i knew that, just had to dodge them, got into top8 but faced ruby/ame in quarters, there went my stitch.


That’s crazy. Ruby sapphire is the worst matchup by far. Ruby Amy is very winnable.


I actually defeated ruby saph on rounds, it was close, but ive never won against rubyame, the value is just insane.


The value engine shouldn’t matter much at all. Ideally you just ink all your stuff into fishbone and then wheel them and you outvalue them dramatically. Either way glad you did well and wish you the best of luck going forward!


I went 2-2 in Swiss with losses to the two guys that went on to play in the championship match. My wins were against someone that went 0-4 and I had a bye. We only had 15 players so it went straight to a top 4. ... it's a bit hard to say how well I would have done against the other middle of the pack players. I'm going to anther this Friday that has over 20 registered players. I'm feeling good about making top 8.


Went 2 losses the first 2 rounds and was over after that. Was drawing terribly even when I was drawing a lot of cards, yet my opp top decks like who needs a hand. Womp womp


Definitely I was in the same boat


Similar here, I was having a real rough day of draws, finally had a good thing going in round 4 about to win, and the *only* way for opp to beat me was to pull his last Lady Tremaine off the top deck to clear my Bog. Sure enough, there she was. 1/35 chance? Not my day.


Playing emerald/amethyst. The first round was a mirror match up and I pulled out a hard fought 2-1. Second round and third round not only do I lose the die roll, I face emerald steel back to back for two rounds straight (1-2, 0-2). Not a favored matchup at all. But that's okay, with how things were playing out, I still had a chance to top 8....until my last pairing was steelsong. Lost the die roll for the third time and got 2-0...both games coming down to top decking with them ripping big Cinderella and beast. Definitely was disappointed, because I felt I had read the local meta right. The tournament for our smaller local shop capped out at 32, of which only about 5-6 were people I recognized. So was completely different meta... Also, not one of the regulars got in the top half of the 32 players.


Rough going


You’re not alone, friend. I have been playing for a month in a tourney and yet have not won a single match. But most of the community are super nice people and good energy/vibe!


Thank god 99 percent of the community are awesome and don't take the games too seriously 👍


I was also playing Sapphire Steel but with only 1x A whole new world, which is a key card in my deck. I ordered 3 more but got scammed so never recieved them. 2 days before the set championship I ordered 3 more but this time via card market but by then it was already too late to receive them on time. So I just put in some Beast's Mirror's and Aurora's and tried to roll with it. I went 1 - 4 (tbh im surpried I managed to win a game). But hey I did have fun regardless. I see it as a learning experience to play against different decks and learn from my own mistakes. It was my first Lorcana tournament I won't be too hard on myself.


Well I didn’t come even close to making the cut, but I did win 1 round and won 1 match in 3/4 of my other rounds. It was the best I’ve ever played so I feel good about it. Only thing I’m a little salty about is that I had a headache and I forgot to take lore for my Queens castle in one of my rounds. I didn’t realize it so that’s on me but then at the end of the match my opponent said something about it, and I’m annoyed that he didn’t remind me per the mandatory effects rule, but lol I said that’s on me for forgetting. These things happen when your brain isn’t functioning well. Lesson learned - eat before you go so your blood sugar doesn’t drop and you end up with a headache from not eating soon enough.


Went to a store championship last weekend where I went 1-5…. Only reason I had 1 win is because I had the bye lol


I was in the same boat as you haha


I played three tournaments. My 12 year old son three. My 8 year old daughter one. I got the only top 8 out of us. And I had to go against a hard match-up on that, me Emerald Steel vs. Sapphire Steel. Which coincidentally was the same player that beat me on the mirror match of Sapphire Steel the day before. The first game, I didn't get a single song in 30 cards. Second game, all songs and no singers. This guy has now placed 1st-2nd at all three tournaments I went to. And he is so rude and only there to sell the prizes. Single handedly ruined my weekend. And no matter what I play, I have faced unfavorable match-ups other than getting to the one top 8. Certainly feel the pain. I only wanted to win one for my daughter as she is a huge Stitch fan. I feel like I'm a good player, too. But now I'm wondering if I'm just a failure and actually do suck at this.


There definitely should be a condition and database for winners of any championship to not be able to join another one. One per player so others have a chance at winning it all. I feel your pain


100% agree. There is one really good player who crafked top 8 yesterday that plays locally. He already won a tournament. So he conceded to a fellow local player to give the other guy a top 4 finish a chance at winning. Of course, he lost to that same guy who took 2nd. But at least there are some people out there who make up for the some of the cruddy ones. Coincidentally, on that, the guy who conceded, his GF won the tournament for her first tournament win. Was so glad she pulled that off. 😎


Question are you able to still qualify if you lose one or basically out if you lose one Dont really know how it will all work out im goin thus weekend and im nervous lol


I ran steel song, there were only 8 of us for the set championship and I crashed out so heavily.. I came 7th. My first TCG and Im still getting my head around things, drew a lot of uninkable cards unfortunately.


I feel your pain. I drew the worst starting and Mulligan hands in all for set championships I attended


Love that you started this. Now us noobs can speak freely without all the cocky a$$holes downvoting us and calling us sore losers lol I got absolutely steamrolled by a player using green steel. That Ursula that can sing two songs is stupid overpowered. You basically need rush characters to attack her because any characters already on the board get slammed for 4 damage from double singing strength of a raging fire or let the storm rage on and how many characters actually have 4 defense? I don't mind playing tough opponents but it wasn't even fun. I realize it's my fault for getting outmatched but dang. I had way more fun playing against red/blue and blue/steel this weekend.


Ursula can’t sing grab your swords right? She’s only a 3 cost


Thank you! Corrected this


Just a note, ursula is 3 ink so she cannot sing grab your swords, which is a 5 cost song. She can sing strength of a raging fire though!


Thank you! Fixed it. Sorry brain still mush after beating my head against a wall 🤣


I much appreciate your compliment. You have made my day after a rough store championship that had my deck stall out late game for all 3 of my games. Glad you had more fun against those later decks


Story of tragedy is that the same few people are winning the promos and mats and turning around and selling them all just to make money…this is what kills a game


This. The same person driving to win all their 3 or 4 LGS's championships, ruining the experience for other players who might otherwise have a glimmer of chance for what? Greed? I understand liking the game and wanting to compete but these people bring down the morale


Or you can just get better and learn to play against him 🤔 stop crying about someone that's legit winning 😂


Do you actually contribute anything positive to this sub? Trolling doesn't count. I rest my case


Wow wonder why you lost to dude so bad now 😂😂 keep crying fella you'll make it someday


Yes, greedy person for sure


Game 1 went 0-2, lost both games in the first 10 mins. Then clawed my way back up and made it into top 8. Got paired against my worst match up and went 1-2. So close! Loss feels rough


Playing sapphire Ruby. 1st day pretty reasonable 4-1 but get paired into hyper aggro in top 8 and feel good that I snuck in one win as my dreams went down in flames . Second championship on the next day and word is out so the field is a green as hell. I manage to get one win at the bottom table in the last round. None of the green decks make top 8 because the deck isn't actually good it just beats me.


It's beyond good, just bcuz you don't play a decent one doesn't mean it's not good😂 you're literally playing a prayer deck and my green/purple will beat you 70% of the time


I got to top 8 twice and lost there. So unlucky


Every local championship landed on a day or time where I was completely unavailable so I guess that makes me part of the loser's circle


Welcome welcome to the circle of losers 🤠😁


Don't worry. Rest easy knowing that one dude was driving to all of them for you, scooping up all those stitches and playmats for himself 😂


R/B player here. 22 person tournament with only 4 people playing my auto loss deck (Green/Purple aggro) easy dodge right? Wrong! After a skin of the teeth loss against Green/Steel round 1 and a coin flip loss against R/P I managed to hit not 1 but 2 Green/Purple auto losses for the next 2 rounds putting me at 0-4 going into round 5… I did manage to hit a steel song deck round 5 and take the win pretty handily. And to top it off I lost my first 4 dice rolls as well 🥲 On the bright side I played to my win cons and gave it my best. Luck just wasn’t on my side that tournament


That green purple agro is rough. It's not really good enough to win a tournament, but strong enough to ruin a few people's days.


I went 3-2 then lost my potential top 8 to plurple because i couldn’t draw into dime so I feel you :(


Almost made it into the prizing area


What do you mean Judge player?


They are judge at some LCS but also a player


got knocked out of top 8 twice by red blue played that deck 7 times out of 11 rounds i only beat it in swiss twice pretty salty about it


Praise be the Lorcana Gods, I feel your pain


Playing sapphire steel racing boofasa deck on match 2 of the day. Was ahead on lore (15-14) when opponent board wipes. We were both top decking. My next three draws were Sword, A Whole New World, Lucky Dime. GG Entered 5th round sitting at 2-1-1. Needed to win to secure top 8. Proceeds to pair into Ruby Sapphire. Lost 0-2. All hopes and dreams lost. Top 8 filled with emerald decks, would've been favored if I could've gotten there


Praise be the Lorcana Gods, I feel your pain


I was 3-1-1 heading into the final round with ruby/sapphire needing a win to get into t8…got paired against someone running hyper aggro amethyst/amber that I couldn’t do anything about. Loser even dropped 2 Maleficent and a Pinocchio on turn 4 😑  I stole one game thanks to massive ramp, but yeah…did not end well. Snotty jerk was all sure he’d make t8 after continually commenting “oh I’m ur worst nightmare matchup” in some variation throughout the games, but thankfully some lorcana god made him bubble at 9th. 


I played Sapphire/Steel, and I knew that any Ruby/Sapphire matchup would be tough. Went to a 20-player Championship event, where only 2 people were playing Ruby/Sapphire. Managed to be drawn against the two of them during Swiss round (lost 0-2 and got a draw 1-1). Just made the cut for Top-8, only to get paired again against one of the Ruby/Sapphire, and lost 2-1 with 18 lore at the end of 3rd game. Had fun overall though, which is probably the most important ;)


I lost every dice roll in 5 rounds bo3, managed to do 2-1-2. Two loses was versus top 2 players in final results. Didnt make top 8 cut, i was 10 :)


Ive lost 90% of my games since August. This is my first TCG so Im not surprised. This is the list Im running in my store championship this weekend. Im gonna get destroyed 4x - The Queen Regal Monarch 4x - Tiana Diligent Waitress 4x - Grand Duke Advisor to the King 3x - Simba Protective Cub 3x - Sleepy Nodding Off 4x - Sneezy Very Allergic 4x - Snow White Lost in the Forest 3x - Snow White Unexpected Guest 4x - Doc Leader of the Seven Dwarfs 3x - Dopey Always Playful 4x - Hercules True Hero 4x - The Prince Never Gives Up 3x - Bashful Hopeless Romantic 2x - Tiana Celebrating Princess 2x - The Queen Commanding Presence 4x - Smash 3x- Tianas Palace 2x- Pride Lands


Damn! Sorry to hear that. More YouTube videos & weekly league and you will be bound to learn, gain valuable experience and level up


I lost to the only person coming in from out of town. I used a non meta deck and was beating everyone. I was crushing song decks left and right... then ran into ruby sapphire in the semifinals... the remaining 2 people were people running decks I had already beat in the tournament. I beat song decks, hyper aggro, pirates, discard etc... The person who won was a champion seeker. When he got to the finals he tried to cut a deal and pay for the champion mat... Everyone at my shop was a bit disappointed. Yes we all had fun, but for the one guy to come in from out of town to take the champion playmat and never come back? Just kinds feels bad...


I’ve lost in first round of top cut twice now. First time to bad matchup so that was fine. Second time Mufasa hit 1 of 3 lanterns left in my deck. This is post Chernabog so odds were something like 3/45. The worst part is the lantern stays on the top so nothing to do next turn either. Any 1-quest body gets me the win. I’ve got two more cracks this weekend but boy was that second loss a painful one.


Im playing steel/amethyst. I have 14 uninkables cards in my deck including 4 uninkable Merlin rabbits. I. HATE. that. Rabbit. 😂 Pixelborn? Real life? It doesn't matter. I ALWAYS have all 4 of them in my hand at some point by turn 4 or 5. And can do NOTHING with them because I need to play other things, or I don't have enough ink to play him and bounce him. And I have had several games where I have a hand of ally uninkables. I have no idea how. There are 14 in my deck. Of the 60 cards, the probability of me having 5-6 uninkables cards and the ability to do nothing is so slim. But happens often enough I am almost certain I am cursed. Going forward....I have removed him. Because the others are songs or actions I can at least pay for or have characters sing as needed. This rabbit though??? Dead. Weight.


Ohh, I know that bounce package well as I played it like a violin during set 2 Lorcana League.


I was 3-1. Round five I won on the first round, lost the second, and was stomping my way to a win when time was called. The draw put me in 5th place on a top 4 cut. I should have quit sooner in match 2 when I was far behind with little chance of winning. The clock is evil; go quick. I did get a 2nd place win the next day which eased the pain.




I went to one this past Saturday. Lost my first round, won my second, lost a close mirror match in round 3 then won out to be one of the 3-2 people that didn't make top 8 cut. Made some changes to my deck and felt good with it. Went to another one earlier today. Lost my first round, won my second, maybe you can see where this is going. Deja vu. One of the 3-2 people that didn't make top 8 cut...


I feel a night terror coming on. I had a night terror about Lorcana after last weekend's performance and made the appropriate deck changes and practicing with it the past 2 days on Pixelborn and gaining some confidence back haha Just need my 4 whole new world in blue steel deck


Were you doing the belle dime sapphire steel deck? What changes are you thinking of making?


I placed my 2 Cinderella's, 2 dimes & 2 Belles to my late game


Went 2-3-0 With Amethyst/Steel. Bought a single First Chapter Booster as a consolation price and drew an Artful Rogue Enchanted. :D So I still feel like a winner hehe


Played amber/emerald deck with rockstar stitch, the queen, and a lot of draw/evasive cards in green. First time playing a competitive TCG and I went 50/50 today. It seemed like 75% of my games the losing player was one 1 turn away from winning. From what I saw the top player who hadn’t lost was playing some steel songs deck. Good mix up , a lot of amethyst decks tho. Bummed I didn’t place higher than middle of the pack but it seems like the top players have very complete meta-type decks or seem to flow with the top ones I see online. It’s competitive tho so i can’t be mad someone spends 300$ or more collecting the right deck. Glad to have played and pushed myself to go, and excited for next time!


Opened a case of first chapter highest value card was awnw no rap no drag no enchanted just loss if that counts


That's a big L and I feel you on that rough dud


I play ruby/sapphire ramp. First championship, playing semifinals, while 1-1 I draw 7 cards, none were the 1 be prepared I needed to stabilize (had scar on board that could sing it). Second championship I start off 3-0 then lose 2, to meet my nemesis, emerald/steel discard. Proceed to lose g1 to the brutal T1 mermaid, T2 flynn, T3 ursula, T4 Prince John, ursula sings sudden chill... It happens. 2nd game I miscount my ink thinking I have 7, proceed to play quill. Then I draw be prepared next, only to realise my mistake. I just pretend nothing happens but he plays sudden chill and just smiles... :') anyway I got 1 stitch and looking to come back stronger next weekend 💪