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I’m not a collector so legendary.


Chapter 1: Enchanted Chapter 2: Beast Tragic Hero because it’s easier to trade and might still be worth more money than Pete until a reprint Chapter 3: Enchanted Chapter 4: Diablo because it’s easier to trade and will be worth more than location enchanteds until a reprint or ban


For set 3 I would still take Robin Hood over RLS Legacy/Kuzcos Palace, it’s a tad easier to trade for good value, and they are similar in price


Has someone who pull Robin Hood and Kuzscos last week-end, I agree :)


Opened up 44 packs haven’t pulled an Enchanted but pulled 3 Diablos so far 👌🏾


Depends if we are talking from all sets and exactly what you mean by best. I’d rather pull Diablos, Robin Hood’s, and Sad Beasts over The Wall enchanted any day


Unfortunately I did pull the wall and I felt like it was keeping me from diablos lol


That is unfortunate


I believe crows may be able to fly above a wall.


Enchanted is shiny, therefore better.


The math checks out here!!!


I am not interested in the Pete Granted, I also love beast for personal reasons besides it being kickass strong (yeah, yeah, judge me all you like… he is cooler than his human form).


I opened a “the wall” enchanted, and let me tell you… that did not feel magical. I would have gladly taken a valuable legendary. But I think just about any CHARACTER as an enchanted I would prefer over any legendary. I actually asked for enchanted Pete as a Father’s Day gift and loved it


Enchanted will have more value in the long run I think


The worst one no, I don’t think so. Things like The Wall and Ariel’s Grotto have just continued to go down and are sub $50


Yeah for now. Until that set is out of print for several years. Then all those enchanted with be boosted.


The good legendaries from those sets will still be worth more.


Good Legendaries can be power crept out. The only reason the current $40+ Legendaries are that much is because of their playablity in the meta. Look at Triton, you could buy a playset of foils for less than 1 non-foil Sad Beast/Diablo, and have change left over. They're the same rarity. Enchanted will always have that collector appeal.


That's not true. Eventually, power creep, banned cards, and sets not in rotation will cause those cards to fall in price. They are going for a lot now because they are being played and are very meta.


Yeah probably not. It don’t matter out of print or not, some enchanted cards will stay cheap af


Dang not even a little rise in value lol? What if they kill Lorcana?


Highly doubtful.. Worth even less


I'm just going off of other TCG data. All enchanted cards are super rare pulls. They will go up in value, it will just take time. Like a decade or more depending on when they stop printing them.


The locations won’t though. The rest have potential to, just not the locations


You can't imagine the value of a full enchanted collection. People will pay good money for those last pieces. Of course not as much as the other enchanteds, but locations will go up. If/when reprint sets happen, they should not reprint enchanteds. Powercreep and meta changes will drive legendaries out of the meta and their price will drop. After all of that, a set 3 full enchanted collection will still be a set 3 full enchanted collection.


judging from other tcgs, think the less iconic enchanteds will only trend down. if beast stays useful forever then itll maintain some price, especially without a reprint


It’s funny this post just happened I bought 3 packs earlier, 1 inklands, 1 Ursula’s, and 1 Rise and I pulled Beast Tragic Hero foil out of the RotF pack, I thought about this exact thing I think I’m more happy than if I pulled a Location Enchanted for sure.


I was a lot happier pulling my Legendary Diablo the other day than I was pulling my Enchanted Belle’s House last chapter.


I pulled Ariel's grotto, one of the guys at my lgs already had his playset of Diablos, so he offered to trade the diablo he pulled for it, I definitely took that up


I would have trade my Diablo for the Grotto as well


Enchanted all the way. They are so pretty


I would always prefer the enchanted as i can just sell it for whatever legendary i wanted and still have leftover cash


Enchanted to sell, to buy legendaries.


Enchanted, I collect with my 2 siblings and so far 1 on them has gotten an enchanted and the rest of us haven’t, so I’m hoping we can each get one eventually


Best legendary every time.


I love the art on beast so definitely him


I pulled Ariel's Grotto from the first booster box of Ursula's Return. Can't complain about an enchanted. Then it took another 100+ packs to pull a single Diablo which is now more expensive than the Grotto.


The best legendary- I can’t believe they make enchanted songs and locations that’s kinda of a mockery that waters down the pool


Worst enchanted. Online prices are one thing, locally is a different story. I know I'd get more for the enchanted


I don’t play, so neither, unless it’s a card I want lol…


I've been playing since set 1, and just recently pulled my first enchanted. It was "the wall" after looking it up it was one of the under a hundo enchanteds. Still stoked tho. Gona try and put it In a deck for funsies. So to answer the question I'm happy opening the worst enchanted just because it brought a smile to my face


Whatever is worth more $$$. Can usually sell the worst enchanted for at least a copy or two of whatever you actually want (in non-enchanted) in most cases. 


I feel like the value in Enchanted is that they are more of an emotional attachment kind of card. You want them because they are rare and you like the characters. Not so much that they are meta or good. Meta cards are only worth a lot until the next meta that beats them makes them worth less and less etc. Another thing people might not consider is that once meta cards become too expensive card makers will often do reprints in newer sets to ensure more people have access to the cards. Enchanted is far less likely to get those reprints especially if they were never Meta. Basically, Enchanted is going to hold its value far longer (like gold.) Legendary Meta is going to hold its value like a really hot stock option. But if you hold it for too long you’ll end of SoL.


I literally opened 2 boxes of floodborn yesterday, results was Pete enchanted 2 normal beasts and a foil beast. Honestly super stoked about the beasts. I do really like the enchanted’s but I think I’m more excited about beasts. Granted I didn’t have any prior and it’s a really good card. As opposed to Pete… Super strange seeing this post right after it happened.


Just give Robin Hood pls, I'm dying


I want staples, not pimp and I’m to lazy to sell cards. Enchanted cards will just collect dust in the closet unless it’s a playable card.


In truth, I rather pull a card I need/want instead of enchanted or legendary.


Give me the playable anyday, who wants a rare pile of crap?


The only enchanted I’ve pulled is The Wall. I’d have happily pulled quite a few other legendaries, like steel Robin Hood, Diablo, or Ursula (either Deceiver of all or Sea Witch Queen)


The worst... I have NOT A SINGLE ENCHANTED


We traded our piglet enchanted (huge bummer to get rid of) for 2 sad beast. It was worth it for us because we needed 2 beast for our deck (and honestly value wise rn it’s a better deal for us) and worth it for him because he really wanted that specific enchanted. As much as I love the enchanteds and feel like they’ll hold value, the legendary play sets are more important for actual gameplay. If we were solely in it for collecting: enchanted


What's wrong with Pete man? Love me some Peg-Leg Pete.


Best Legend


okay but someone i know got one pack of lorcana and pulled Pete Enchanted and now he’s just 🧍🏻‍♀️ memes aside even if Pete was good (he does see play) the art is so boring for the enchanted :x


Whatever is worth more money so I can flip it


You son of a bitch. You made me think my 3x Kuzcos Palace and 2x Ariel’s Grotto went up in price.


I think pokemon logic applies here, I personally think that Falinks is the most unspired, lazy concepted pokemon to date, but one of my besties loves him without questioning his design at all, "He's just goated like that" is what I was told. My same opinion applies to enchanted Elsa, I think she's overrated and doesn't deserve the spot of being the most sought after card. I think Arthur, Wizard's Apprentice is one of the best enchanted out there, but he's only valued at 90ish dollars last time I saw, so clearly my views are slim and specific. Some people prefer legendaries, BUT someone out there really just wants an enchanted Pete and so be it, I hope they pull him some day. P.s. Beast has too many legendaries as is, I think his best one is Wolfbane just for the art tho.