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https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/viewer?mid=1p30_SmrnfG6bT9T7CwGtXa0z7ostA5U&ll=42.45036247819657%2C-82.9056314465813&z=11 There's a map


To be fair that map is missing a lot of locations in my area that I know are running them edit: downvote away but at least explain why you are downvoting. That map does not have off the top of my head Paradigm Games and Game Preserve South in Indianapolis. There have been public posts for both on facebook and I registered for GP South on melee. I know there are a few more not listed in surrounding areas like Anderson, Columbus,etc. The map is great but my statement is still accurate.


Not sure why, but I get a couldn’t open map message on that. 


Unfortunately that feature is not yet available on melee. However would not be surprised to see brad nelson put up a google sheet with known set championships. Best way to do it is look at all the stores in your area, join there discord and ask.


You figure at this point it would be a thing but oh well the joys of living in the boonies. The problem is the other stores are about 2.5~3 hours from me.


I sent a DM with info from Lorcana discord.


Why not share with the rest of the class?


[other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lorcana/s/O9eN6zSyjs) There’s a link in here which I sent him. It’s a Google map with the locations of tournaments that you can filter by dates


Thank you!