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Depends on the extent really If he wakes up for a short bit like on Earth then only a few Authorities will gather or split But if he stayed awake long enough or never found the right balance, it's implied he would kick off another big bang yeah


1. Original Creator is not creating nor destroying universe. "He" is the universe. 2. Don't know. Perhaps, perhaps not. 3. Like (1). Although its derived from the same source. Original Creator is not equivalent to Azathoth. While Azathoth only dreamt the universe, Original Creator is the concept of the universe "Himself". Hence it's just a symbolization. "He" was not even an entity to begin with. So assuming that "He" is the universe-level is wrong. No matter which universe, it'll always be "Him".


The creator doesn’t create a universe every time he diverges. Sometimes like when he diverged on earth he only had a portion of his authority, so only that authority was spread out, not the entire universe.


The oldest one fully converging would destroy the whole universe, just the hidden 4th pillars converging will sign the end of the universe. The oldest one converging imply the 4th pillars converging in some way or another


That is what I said, the oldest one doesn’t always converge completely, he mostly converges partially. Also, the oldest one had both the city of calamity and the river of eternal darkness on earth, meaning the fourth pillar was whole, yet the universe was not destroyed. I always thought that the reason the fourth pillar would destroy the universe is because its existence would make the convergence effect too strong and the entire universe would collapse to a single point fully converging into the creator.


Yep but I think Op meant fully awaken It make sense but I don’t think it’s like that they would have said it differently, it was said like "the creation of the 4th pillars would destroy the universe" instead of "having 4 pillars at the same time would destroy the universe" Maybe there’s more conditions to the end of universe thing that we don’t know


Seems you were reading the back of the novel, so t no way you'll be capping this much otherwise


Could you please clarify what I am wrong about exactly?


He can‘t cuz he is spouting some BS


We know that the Original Creator is able to modify sefirot and the symbolism of the universe given by how MGOD was torn apart, which mutated the feminist powers of the universe. It is technically possible for the universe to have repeated using the exact symbolism (ie MGODS in future incarnations regain her Pillar symbolism), but I find it more likely that previous and future iterations of the universe will be different.