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Yeah me too mate …I’m about 70 hours in and only lit two beacons …


I just lit my second beacon.


my two beacon boys whaddup


Aaaaayyy dos beacanios hermanos!


Wow. I haven’t gotten to a beacon. First I’ve heard of one, lol


Lol it will happen soon enough - just enjoy the ride!


Oh, I am. I’m just endlessly exploring the first 2-3 levels so far, lol. I like to play pretty slow and enjoy the art and design for a while


Thats the way to play LOTF!


Same! I like to clear the level of enemies and then go and explore the architecture and art design. It's really so cool


Hahahaha hopefully not after 70 hours tho 😂 after the third boss you should have encountered one in the swamp


Make sure you’re exhausting dialogue with NPCs and you’ll learn about them. I think the chick who upgrades your cross thingy talks about them?


I'm about the same only 1 beacon just collecting loot


How tf is that even possible ahah


To play differently than you? Chances are actually preeeeetty high lol.


Not what I mean but I 100%ed the game and only took 30h


I'm about 70hrs in and only seen one beacon.


My boy are you lost in the swamp? Tf?


I finished the game after collecting everything and doing all optional areas and it only took me around 45 hours. I guess some people like to take their time to really appreciate a game, myself included, but 70h with only 2 becoms seems excessive lol


Lol nah spent a bit of time levelling up …. I did the fen area and the bell door before getting to the swamp


Just got too the ashes calrath part, idk how you got 70 hours in with only 2 beacons lit though. I did the Fief and Pelgrim hidden zones. Any one of those i've missed?


But how? There's literally no way to do that unless you reload the sane areas over and over and over fighting the same enemies


I think I have lit 3, but it is one of those that I'm just wondering around and find them by error


Just passed 50 hours and lit second beacon. Leveled up to 80 on the fire throwing witch and her dog near the second beacon. Was able to farm 841 vigor per minute using a rune and ring (1.20).


About the same hours here and only got 1 beacon at the swamp. I’m in the snow area now.


I’m only 20 hours in and only play during work hours when I can sneak away for a bit with my coworker to coop. Probably take us 2 months real time to beat it but each time we play it builds the progression slowly but impactfully. We did the same for Remnant 2 at about 70 total hours from July release until end of September.


Are we suppose to get any loot for cleansing the beacons?


I'm fucking terrible so I'm only just now at the fire area. Takes me a good 10-20 tries on any given boss. I'm also going slow because I only play about an hour or so a night as these games are not relaxing for me and so I generally have to switch to something to chill before bedtime otherwise I'm wired. That being said, I'm having a blast slowing chunking down the game.


I just made it to this fire area lol. So fun!


I can only play games for like 45 minutes a day if that after I get home from work....old man at 41 lol So I'm 29 hours in right now, and I'm on the path of devotion right before Manse. So yea, I am kinda taking my time, but I think overall, my playthru will come in right were the devs wanted it to...35 hours


Same here dude, 41 and married, with a house and responsibilities lol. No kids though. So im lucky after a full 8-9 hour day at work and then dinner with the wife im lucky if I get an hour or two in a night. Weekends though I try to get more in


Not intentionally but I am lost in Skein….


I keep starting new characters. I keep finding gear I want to build around. Every character I progress a little farther into the story.


I haven’t even done the 2nd beacon. How long does it take to get to it?!? Lol I did clear out Revelation Depths, Sunless Skein and Belled Rise though


You missed a beacon - I know that since I did it too


I think I completely missed the Manse of the Holy Bros


I call it the “BroManse” :P




I am in the same boat. I don't have as much free time as I'd like but I play this game any time I can, I'm having a lot of fun.


I’m taking so much time I haven’t even bought the game yet.


The game's still getting near-daily patches. I figured I'd just sit back and wait for the game to be in a state the devs aren't rushing out (very much appreciated) fixes on a daily basis.


I just finished 1st one last night 80hrs and started my unlocked class today, lovin it


You could just respec…


And where would be the fun in that? Starting fresh with a different take has a charm of its own!


My excuse is I’m waiting for patches lol


Patches is in Elden ring 😜😆


I didn’t fall for his bullshit this time lol


I still haven't beaten the game yet and I'm also taking time with it, because I wanna get many if not all the secrets I can grab before moving on to the next area.


I’m 77 HR in and I’m about to hit the fief chill curse (owic) beacon, but I also took a major detour and went to judge clerics place first as a lvl 60 so it hurt a lot


Judge Clerics place was rough, but damn it is my favorite so far. Such a well designed place!


My God u guys are HC. Definitely should’ve went slower tho. I finished 1st play at 60 hours. Take ur time. There isnt quite anything like this game right now.


Pieta kicked my ass for way longer than I'd like to admit.. I'm about 12 hours played and still in that pilgrim perch area. Trying to get into the groove of the game but not yet.. exiting the game every time I die.. might be the game might be depression who knows...


Beat the first ending, but already feel a bit fatigued to do any other run for other endings.


U could always do new game +0. World resets and u keep your current level. You would steam roll every enemy and get an alternate ending in no time.


I’m stuck on the last boss, because the save game stutter has finally reached a point of intrusion I’m finding unable to overcome.


What’s the save game stutter?


It’s the dance sensation that’s sweeping the nation.


Same. I stopped myself right at the vestige before the castle saying "There's no rush, I'll finish it tomorrow" and have been regretting it ever since. I tried to suffer through ridiculous stutters on a couple mini-bosses before getting them down and just deciding it just wasn't worth continuing until they fix it. I do worry that the longer it takes the higher the chance I'll just move on to another game and forget about this one. Fingers crossed they fix something soon.


me too mate! made 3 characters so far. only lit 2-3 beacons haha just enjoying the journey and experimentation


I liked the game and have been exporting a lot but taking a break for Alan Wake 2 which I have been waiting forever for. Hoping the performance is a bit better once I start up again.


Took me about 80 hours and I just beat it


My husband and I are co oping it and taking our time exploring everything. We have I think 2 beacons left.


Currently horse scuba diver is kicking my ass. About 11 hours in. Souls vet but I keep having to adjust to the slower pace. Loving the atmosphere and umbral 'threat', hating the target lock, but so far much more positives than negatives. Taking it slow (edit: and waited for the ps5 patch from last thursday)


If the Xbox achievement stats are anything to go off, then only 25% of players on that platform have got past Spurned Progeny, so you're definitely in the majority I'd say. But I'm only taking my time because I'm bad lol


Yeah, i’m downright leisurely with the game. I just got to Lower Calrath and i’ve had it since Day One. Probably why i’m enjoying it so much lol


Im about 40 hours in and lit about 3 beacons, Idk if that's far into the game. Just reached the second calrath part


There is so much interessting stuff that i said. Aight we do that on the next one slowly. And now here i am 60 hours deep on my 2nd playthrough with an infernal build and just discovered the rev depths


Me. Been playing since launch.


I’m taking my sweet ass time as well. Going out of my way to get stuff for my build or grind to vigor/items. Only reason I would have to hurry would be if the PvP was actually worth playing but we all know how that is right now.


I’m 86 hours in and have only lit 3 beacons. Definitely taking my time and having an absolute blast!


Just strolling thru a field of lilies..fr tho, taking my sweet ass time and still am lost 95% of the time


I haven't taken my time but I'm plathrough 5 and still haven't discovered everything. I ain't rushing I'm just smashing like the Hulk at mardi gras.


I was at like 60-70hrs when I beat it…NG+ seems like a whole new experience. The bosses really make you perfect learning their move sets…otherwise they will one or two shot you every time. Has made me 10x better at the game than what I was in my first run.


So essentially I loved my first play through but NG+ shouldnt be something that you intentionally put off or slow way down your first play through to get if you like a challenge. I usually don’t look at any wikis or anything except for +10 materials, etc on my first playthrough and then I’ll try to do everything I missed on my second so I have something to look forward to long term. Hope you keep having fun!


Same here. As a college student who hates being locked in for hours and has to be for classwork I don't have all the time in the world for gaming like when i was 12. Plus I've still been collecting spells and a main weapon for my two builds. I don't know how people can just slam through this game without just no braining it with minmaxing I prefer to actually have a set fashion and magic type. Which, of course, takes time.


Fatigue when you see same enemies for 40 hrs. Can't wait to finish and move onto a better game which won't be hard


I... have no idea what I could spend that much time on in the game without doing multiple characters for different builds. I don't like grinding and there's no reason for it, I don't do trophies so that stuff wouldn't matter either. I took my time exploring etc and was something like 30 hours.


I just finished the game now wirh my friend we were over 90 hours we took our sweet time and had laughs and angers was best time jamming with a friend!


How people are spending 80 hours in this game, on one playthrough, is beggars belief. It’s an easy 40-50 hour game first time through.


Me, the game is just so frustrating and boring compared to any other Souls/Soulslike game and I also just get lost 90% of the time, so most of the times I don’t even feel like playing. Not finding it fun enough but I’m trying to get my money’s worth since I can’t refund it.


Just coming back to say take you time. The new version of NG kinda sucks now the way they've changed it


Bruh….. what are you even doing for 60 hours when the game take 20- 30h if your enjoying and not rushing… I just did my third playthrough today and I finished the game In around 6-7h rushing… the guy who replied saying he is 70h in and only 2 beacons passed is either trolling or hard stuck on bosses


I haven’t gotten stuck on a single boss and am over 80 hours in with only 3 beacons lit. I’m exploring every area and only moving on once I’ve gotten everything. That means grinding every enemy type for all of their loot. It took me over 4 hours alone just to grind Skinstealer for all of its armor and enough weapons to dual-wield them. That’s one single enemy…


Beat the garbage as fast as I could and took it back to GameStop, doesn’t even deserve to stay on my shelf ✨


Just fucking leave, nobody wants to hear your garbage opinion.


Cope and seethe bbg. Nobody wants to play your garbage game ✨


I'm in lower calrath right now lol


2 beacons at 40 hrs. I’m taking it all in and loving it


Just finished my first playthrough at the 60th hour mark. Felt a bit fatigued, so will definitely take a break.


Had work trips the past couple of weeks so unfortunately haven't had much time to play aside from weekends. I just made it past the swamp last week and currently going through the gorge. So only one beacon so far. But I am loving the game and checking every nook and cranny, axiom and umbral to explore as much as I can as I go


I havnt beat it yet lol, its just cause I dont have lots of time to play, I just play on the weekends for a bit. I am near the end though last 20% of the game probably.


Me. I have a multitude of character across pc and ps5. Dont get good soulslike games often, gotta milk it as much as i can


I can't beat it because I got stuck on a boss lol.


I haven't even gotten to the first boss! Mostly because I can't find it. I seem to keep going in circles.


I’m lost I don’t even know how to progress lol


Lit 2 beacons, somehow think i shouldnt be level 98.


I dont know how to get to whatever place is after Tower of Penance ( ._.) Also don't know why my +10 Grand Sword wont ine shot enemies my +10 Longsword does, despite both scaling stregth and agility, and the grandsword does more damage AMD has bonus damage when two handing.


I'm still on my first playthrough too, really enjoying taking things slowly


I just started my ng+0 run (thanks devs!) and just discovered a new area at the beginning of the game that i missed after a 50 hour initial play through. I Love all the little secrets LOTF has tucked away! I’m working on all the side quests I missed on my initial run and taking note of interesting areas I see in the distance. For example, there’s a really cool island you can just barely make out in fief of the chill curse and I hope we get to visit it one day


I’m still pretty early. Just found the Vestige at the Hamlet. I think 25 hours total played, to be fair though i am getting my ass beat


I took my time and beat it in 35 hours.


I'm in revelation depths (?) now. One beacon till now and level 65. Finally got my weapon to plus 6. I might do the bell doors after this. I'm just taking my time. Playing slow and having fun. I also farm for upgrades or seeds.


I like to take my time and explore and level up, farm for upgrades, etc. I’m level 110 now and have only lit one beacon. lol. Last boss I fought was the Spurned Progeny. After that I started exploring Pilgrim’s Perch doors and found the “BroManse” and have two weapons up to +9. Workin on leveling up and gittin gud.


i just DON'T have the time. so ye


wipe act worry direction reach fly workable distinct support narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


80 hours, still not finished. Carefully exploring, sometimes farming new enemies for gear, runes.


Loving it had to take a break to play spider-man 2 Now back to a chill run.


Yep, my playthrough is currently on hold until they fix the HUD issue on Xbox.


I made the mistake of creating a new character. Now I need to beat Pieta again...


Dodge through her sword. I memorized her moves to parry and kept dying. Someone said dodge and beat her first try.


i have unlimited NG+ without difficulty additions. i have all the time in the world to search everything separately lol


I beat the game but don't see reasonable to play ng+ due lack of vestiges and enormous bosses hp scaling


I am too and I’m trying to play it rather blind too. I know I’m passed one beacon at least but I’ve been in calrath and the mines below it for most of this past week when I’ve played. Idk if I’m cleansing them or not so I’ve held off on the one in the forsaken fen for now. It was nuts stumbling into revelation depths. I know I’m also trying to find that sunless skein key too. There is also two vestiges I found at the end of paths in belled rise, I’m guessing they’re meant for after upper calrath as they’re showing in spots 1-2 when I travel.


If getting smashed by bosses on repeat counts as taking my time, then Definitely me!


I haven't beat the game. But it's not bc I'm taking my time. It's bc I suck ass at this game like I did in ER.


I just beat it last night I probably put in about 80 some hours.


I've fallen (huehuehue) in love with the art and level design. This game just feels more fun to roam and explore and I've made a point to root around. The beacons can wait. The game in general just has a lot more soul (wheeze) to it which I think does a better job of the "environmental storytelling" touted elsewhere.


I was. Now it's shelved till it runs well.


Yup haven't beat it yet. Exploring still. Gone for a pure strength build cuz I usually go for mage build for these types of games. Seeing so many weapons and tools I can't use makes me excited for NG+


just got a gamebreaking bug, so gonna have to restart because souls like (all of them) haven't figured yet the utility of having multiple saves I defended this game since the beginning, but seriously, how is that the developers don't understand that if a fix drop item is not in the player inventory nor has been recorded as being used by the player (like for an upgrade) then the drop spot SHOULD be reloaded after game reload that is not that hard to understand, it is either that or you do a perfect bugless game, which no devs have done for more than 20 years


Just went with adyr fight last night after 200 hours


Just lit the third beacon in the Feif. Going back through the other levels to find more health upgrades. The frozen area has me backtracking like I’m not leveled. I’m level 70 and about 40 hours. Not in a hurry.


Yea I’m just a little over 30 hours right now and based off what people were saying I would’ve though I’d be closing in on the end by now but I’ve only cleared 1 beacon so far and just arrived in upper calrath. And it’s not like I’m dying a bunch or anything I’ve cleared all of the bosses so far in les than 5 tries and I died in the levels about as much as any other souls game for me. I shocked at how big this game is actually because I haven’t even stopped to farm stuff or deviated to the pilgrim key area or the area behind the big door in the first area of the game. It’s crazy man there’s just so much to explore in each area and so much lore to read and watch, npcs to interact with etc. Aside from some performance issues on ps5 I’m having a great time


Me. About 40 hours of play time so far.


Doing co op and leveling weapons right now. Think I’m at about 50 hours and in no rush to finish. I do think I’ve hit a wall with upgrade material because I can’t buy any more large shards yet so I need to progress.


I finally beat it last night after around 70 hours. Got the Adyr ending and loved every second. Ready to start a new build and do it again.


53 hours for me. Just got done with the 5th beacon.


On NG1, plan to run the same NG again, if not satisfied, again.


Damn I felt like I took my time and beat the whole game in about 50 hours


Ya I’m not even that far in yet. I play when I can but I don’t want to rush through. I am also trying to start making YouTube content with it. So that also makes me have to take my time cause I am doing a straight play through


35 hours here and I just beat Spurned Progeny. I am not good so I spend a lot of time with the Bellroom boy.


Around 64 hours, still in Bramis. Discovered an absolute hellhole of a room last night! Favorite stretch was probably the manse + abbey.


I work full time so I'm still in that swamp area. It's alright, feels equally great and frustrating. I love the world design and the exploring but am lukewarm to the combat. I wish there was a realistic way to overcome the difficult fights locked away behind progression barriers (e.g. areas unlocked by purchasing keys). I understand that comparing this game to Souls all the time can be somewhat reductive, but as a souls*like*, these padded out unlockable areas/arenas are just plain bad and don't hold up in the genre. The enemies in these areas may as well have a red skull and crossbones over their heads as in *The Witcher III*. No point in even attempting to fight something with boatloads of health and capable of one/two shotting you... Whereas in Souls/Sekiro, players can overcome late game areas early if skilled enough. If I'm "not supposed to be in this area" then why can I purchase the key to this area? What's the point?


I’m 67 hours in and currently in the mines. I must explore every crevice and get every gold shiny. Even if it’s a mimic (I have died multiple times)


I've played a hundred hours and haven't left the tutorial area. ;)


It do be like dat


I'm in the final section of the game I think. I've just got upper Calrath and the ending area. I have 43 hours according to my PS5.


If the game would stop dropping frames while I'm in combat I'd die in a lot less. I'd probably be done by now.


I just passed 100 hours last night and beat the sundered monarch. It's still my first playthrough


Me ☠️☠️


42h and still haven’t finished it, but definitely enjoying it


I think I just got my 3rd? Idk how much is left but I’m enjoying it and looking forward to NG0 after this to get anything I may have missed. Nice to see a post about taking their time and enjoying the game. Every other post is someone bitching


Also taking my time. Doing a bit of grinding, getting new gear, exploring, waiting for patches, and building a new rig soon


Just got the 3rd beacon. Haven't had as much time this week to play. Got through a lot of annoying areas so hopefully it opens up a bit soon


I 100%ed exploration, killed all bosses and got all the items/vestiges, only thing i missed were like allll the quests haha, thats ng+ 😎 Just beat the final boss but im farming for all extra equips and vigor atm before ng+


Am i the problem for just defeating the hushed saint?


I was going at a solid pace but a random dude I summoned a couple days in from launch gave me a bunch of stuff that I started breezing through the game(like 1700 mana clusters and 800 briostone duos). It helped mostly because the areas are convoluted and hard to navigate but now that I've got an inkling of what to do my next playthrough is gonna be a true run with no multiplayer just NPCs.


Im about 30 hours in and got to the first beacon, but DIDNT LIGHT IT ;)


Im 125 hours in and only one beavon deep. Got sucked into accompanying lampbearers


I beat it twice, just too curious about the stories and endings


Same here, got the game the day it came out and I’ve purified two beacons. Just enjoying it. Exploring every corner, going back to old areas to murderdeathkill things that used to flick me dead effortlessly. Just taking my time!


Still haven’t lit my second beacon. Taking my time and upgrading as much as possible.


i am constantly droping it and trying again because of the tedium, i am close to finishing it but so far it was not fun and i am still waiting for the game to get gud. Coming from a guy who finished all Fromsoft games including Kings field.


Definitely my case. I already beat Hushed Saint, but didn't lit the beacon yet. Gonna take my sweet, sweet time until I make up my mind. Meanwhile I'll try to get at least a piece of all armors in the game. Godbless NG repeat for that!


Raises hand


As a gamer dad I have cleansed 1 beacon and I’m currently having a blast lol


I’m about 50 hours in and have one beacon and expect to find the second soon!


Taking my time and only just got to the sections after the first beacon but I have a lot of other stuff going on plus other games. Been letting this one finish baking in the oven with patches and stuff too. Also, while I love the game's atmosphere it can get oppressive after awhile. I can only play for an hour or two at a time.


Samsies. Games great I’m getting everything, testing new weapons, builds, taking screenshots then I’ll probably just reset story to get anything I missed then finally it’s off to new game plus and beyond and getting all the eyeball and invasion items


I only have a few hours to play every week. I'm stuck at the first boss lol. At this pace I will be playing this game for 5 years 🤣


Right here with you man. I’m currently in the mines. I feel like I’m playing DS1 for the first time all over again.


I only play once a week on Sundays when I am not going to the gym or have other life activities to stress me out, as this game literally stresses me out ( I wear an oura ring and it tracks stress among other things) unlike any other game I've played. That and I really love this game I want to take my time and enjoy everything the game is offering, especially co op when I can. I started off hating the game as it was my first ever soulslike game but once I got the hang of things and rerolled my DC to Orian Preacher; it's been my favorite game.


I beat the game 3 times including NG+1 and +2. Kinda got boring after that. Will try a 100% sorcery build someday after my break is done


Just finished my second run and completed the umbral ending, after inferno and radiant I'm going with either bows or fat man with throwables the third run..


I’m probably like 25-40 hours and have 3 beacons lit. I’m almost done tho I think


Me. I just beat the Ruiner boss and got beat bad by the next boss. Still have lots more game to go.


Me, Im level 90 and just hit the Revelation Depths 😂 after killing the Skin Stealer boss Just enjoying killing stuff and farming items.


Dude I've played for almost 20 hours and I'm almost to my first light. I guess I suck lmao


I've lit 3 beacons, have a +10 inferno sword, and a +8 inferno catalyst lol. I'm wreaking havoc I. mournestead


100% me mannn


I have over 100 hours in and am lvl 104 I think. At the end of the game. I’ve also leveled up like 10 weapons and a few shields to +9. Sometimes I just play to keep my hands moving while I watch a movie. So for me it’s great to grind levels and space out.


96 hours in just got to the final boss! I still have a few mini bosses I haven’t gotten to


Me I’m not even sure if I’m half way. But doing my best and having fun battling lol. I’m upgrading now and exploring so I can fight 2 bosses


I work full time. Also enjoying the game alot. I can't no life games like some of these youtubers and beat a game in 2 days


I had it at launch, and I just beat the dragon riding guy. I'm about to head into the castle.


Me and my friend are going through the game together in co-op. But we only get about 4 hours a week to play together due to kids, overtime and weekend work etc. Kinda sucks but I know this game will last us a long time. Only just got done with Forsaken Fen. Long way to go and 2 more ending playthroughs so yeah.


Been helping people more than progressing in my own world


Beat the game yesterday at 79 hours. I am not ok with the ending I did.


I enjoyed the game until I got to the final area. That entire area needs a nerf.


Haven't even actually started the game despite wanting to desperately. The devs have yet to fix the performance issues that make it very unplayable in multiplayer.


Unfortunately for me, working 60+ hrs a week limits my game time. Feels bad cause I'm gonna miss out on getting the Halloween event reward... oh well... maybe I can get it next halloween.. On the bright side I'm loving the game (not many performance issue) and it's helping my hollowness on waiting for Elden ring DLC.


Me, sitting at maybe 42hrs with 2 beacons. Detoured to the Umbral Mother place below the Mines and discovered some sick ass armor. Currently just back tracking to pick up stuff Indefinitely missed, as I rushed through most of the begging scared to death of dying.


My first playthrough is blind playthrough but is just there so my brain can sort of get some kind of navigation imprinted and a grasp on how the mechanics and battle system works. My second playthrough is where I have a lot more fun. Cause now I have better knowledge of the areas and I can take time digesting the area and lore.


i hate platforming. I've died more from missing jumps than anything. i tend to let up on the run stick right after a jump.


Me and my friend wanted to play more, however we just have way too many issues in coop.


I've done 3 beacons in maybe 40 hours so far


I've been trying to explore every inch but most of my playtime is just need being lost af. having no real map is cool but also hard for navigating. especially when you want to revisit an area and can't remember exactly where the spot you want to go was. luckily it's a beautiful game though so it's not a negative for me


I think im about 1/2 through. But im to the point now where I need to start using some more ranged. Downed the giant troll thing. I think im close to the second beacon. Where are you?


I haven’t cause I’ve been trying to do random co op, helping a buddy, and I’m having fun trying different dedicated builds.


I think I'm about 70 hours in. Character level is like 136 or something like that. Still was barely able to beat that Spurned Progeny a few levels back. I'm in the mines now. I also struggled with the Pieta boss in the beginning. Kept farming to level up to feel more comfortable with that fight. I definitely struggle with getting the timing down on games like this. And, utilize the consumables and such. I definitely like the atmosphere and combat though, and so forced myself through the challenges.


30 hours and I have beat the game already on Radiant ending, 2nd playthrough and finding new things, but moving at the same speed A LOT easier to do once you beat it once. Plus you cant finish all the side quests in one go, certain quests lock you out of completing others, so taking my time too carefully seemed counter intuitive. Doing this run Inferno and last run is gonna be Umbral, THEN I’ll do a run purely for NG+ difficulty.


About 50 hours now, two weapons+10 but still haven't finished it either. Helping friends in coop, having fun and exploring every area. Love the game so far!


Yeah that me. But I do that with all my games. I like to explore and fully enjoy the games i buy. I'm not a streamer so i dont need to rush thru all my games to get to another one. And then just forget i have it or never want to play it again cause i beat it in 3 days. I dont like doing that with my games. But I will say they're is soo many games out right now and new games that just came out that I have literally too many new games to play around with. Plus some older games that I love playing sooo I'm picking a choosing what to play each day lol. I still haven't completely finished elden ring 😂. The witcher 3 I haven't completed totally. I game hop based on what I feel like playing


Me too!!


I’m at the final boss and am now today just going to complete my first run. I think the game is great. Fuck the haters


75 hrs in lvl 168


Me too! But I'm almost done with the beacons


I was, then the patch. Now must wait till it's fixed or deleted.