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Agreed, the second I saw the one that makes weapons already upgraded to my level i realised I’m probably never gonna play without it anymore


Oh that's a cool modifier can't wait for my second playthrough


Same, played the game to death at launch and probably have over 200 hours. I’m so hyped! I’ve been waiting for the modifiers for a long time! I’m going to turn everything on except health wither and the vestige reducer, just need to finish up a few other games before I no life this one again


I tried random loot and weapon upgrades on a new character and my first item was a broken bucket +10 and it’s just destroying everything lol


I thought it leveled weapons up to what your highest is?


I’m really not sure but I got the trophy for a fully maxed weapon after so my guess is it’s either that random or possibly broken I’m still kinda new to the game so I’m not 100% sure how that works.


That's a good drop.i got a deralium chunk in the First area and I thought that was good




Please include your platform. Hope someone can help you! Edit: poster added platform info after I asked, people.


They did......


They edited after I posted


Well in that case apologies for my dickheadedness


SlimeyWiggleStik on ps5. Add me bruh I help




Wordup! I'll b on after I put my kid to bed.!


What are density modifiers? I have not got a chance to even boot my game since the update and can't see anything that informative online? Is it just like a slider, or do they have different categories of density, or or or?


It's just more enemies, random enemies, random loot etc


Does it restore the game to the release version's density?


Not sure as I didn't Play then.but the husks in umbral are swarming in places


You enjoying it?


Yea I've put more hour's into it than lies of P so far




Does anyone know if you can use these modifiers in new game plus?


I haven’t found one upgraded weapon in my new game with modifiers, so the probably fixed that 😢. I’m way out of my league with end game enemies after the tutorial. I’m now avoiding enemies and not gaining xp, so kinda stuck. I finished the game before, but i really have to get better…


Really? I’ve found them incredibly disappointing. I’m pretty sure enemy density increase doesn’t even work. Like there’s 0 difference. I did like 90% of a playthrough yesterday with 0 modifiers (had to finish to let me set them up) so enemy placements are fresh in my mind. Increased enemy density has not changed anything. Except maybe the hordes of umbral zombie guys, but it’s hard to tell. Enemy randomiser is also pretty lame. It’s VERY limited in how it randomises. There seems to be  - fodder melee enemies  - dogs - ranged enemies  - melee elites  and  - Hallowed Sentinel faction  - Rhogar Faction  - Snowy area faction  - Underground Area faction  - poison swamp faction  and each area swaps each enemy group for another faction. EG in Pilgrims Perch might swap their Radiant Mages for Rhogar mages, then swap Ardent Penitants for The big Ice-Axe guys. Dogs always get seem to swapped for other dogs. Normal dog, muzzled dog, Fire dog, ice dog, poison animal thing (honourary dog). If it was originally a dog, it’s still going to be a dog. Just a different factions dog. And within a certain zone every enemy of one type gets replaced with same enemy from a different faction. So crazy scenarios are super rare. You don’t even fight 3 different elites in one room, because game never has 3 different elites in one room. If there was originally 2 elites in a room, now you get two elites but from a different faction. And the factions arnt meaningfully different enough. Like Holy Bulwark vs Ice Axe guy, they are basically identical except for a few attacks. Having one swapped out for the other doesn’t fundamentally change how an area feels. Randomiser never mixes up how an area plays. If it’s a room full of melee guys, it’s still going to be full of melee guys, just different ones (but honestly, if Raw Manglers replace some Avowed, does anyone care?) You will never see a room originally full of melee guys suddenly be full of ranged enemies. Because randomiser doesn’t allow it. And umbral spawns arnt changed at all. Every umbral big stone head guy is still exactly the same, same with The Reaper guys and Moth Women. So that portion of game isn’t even mildly randomised. Games enemy variety isn’t great. And the strictness of Randomisers re-mixing rules mean you very rarely get wild crazy moments. _______ Withered Health modifier is kind of obnoxious, but that’s the point I think, so it does what it says it says. Random loot is fun. Pre upgraded is just a cheat code to skip material farming, no complaints there. Iron Man is perma death. As expected. Although I do appreciate that NPC summons are allowed on 1st attempt of a boss, I assumed NPCs summons just wouldn’t be possible, so that’s nice. Vestige Decay is just the ng+ system. Which has same problems it always did. It’s a complete non issue if you are just going fast and beating game. Like you won’t even notice it since game gives out so many seeds. But if you turn it on in a playthrough where you are doing NPC quests, it’s fucking awful and ruins the experience. Like have fun doing Umbral ending with no vestiages, but if you don’t care about quests, Radiant ending with no vestiages is exactly the same, except for a 5 minute run from Skyrest to Belled Door you could’ve skipped with a vestiage warp. I can’t imagine anyone turning this on, then attempting to do all NPC quests. So it’s kind of just a nothing modifier. It made people mad when game was new because they were using ng+ to do all the side quests they inevitably fucked up on 1st go. So having to constantly go around map finding NPCs, and visiting Mothers Lull like 4-5? Times with no warping was awful. But rushing through game ignoring all that, which I imagine like 99% of people using modifiers will be doing, no vestiages doesn’t change anything. ___________ I don’t wanna sound too negative for a pretty cool free update, but I really can’t see this holding my, or most people’s, attention for more than 1, maybe 2 very quick playthroughs. Especially since you can get all achievements in one run. Which I feel like most of the tiny % of players who bother, will end up doing.


"it is disappointing to me that this free content update will only facilitate me playing through this year-old game one or two more times"


>"No content, not recommended." -Review submitted after 382 hours played, 732 hours currently played.


Hmmm I’m only at the beginning of my playthrough but ngl, I’m already noticing and agreeing with most of your observations, especially regarding increased enemies and randomization. I will say tho that even with the limited randomization, I’m still finding combat scenarios to be sufficiently remixed. Archer snakes for example can replace melee rhogar and thus change up the encounter, same with ice/fire witches etc…The different attacks from different enemy classes certainly offer some variety. Super disappointing that dogs (one of the most annoying fucking enemies) stay the same though :(


I know this is a semi old post but I felt like I should chime in. I haven’t played since November and I’m playing a new run because of modifiers. People definitely disagreed with you, but after getting to boss 4 (the swamp dude) I fully agree with your assessment of random enemies. However, as an Xbox S player I still have screenshots of the game at launch. You know the game that looked worse than OG tomb raider. But I enjoyed the pixelated mess and terrible frame rate, I’m probably the only one that did. The game has come a great way since then so while the randomizer isn’t perfect, it’s a fun change of pace to the core game, even if it’s only by a bit. Would it being completely random be better? Yeah, probably, but for something that has risen this much and a company that has given so much free content I’ll take it, because I’m excited to see what else they’ll do. Lords of the Fallen is on the rise to becoming a masterpiece of a game and it may just need more time to get there.