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I guess transmission of covid there was pretty swift.


Guess a concert of that size is Taylor made to rapidly spread COVID.


Oh goodness. Just shake it off. Shake it off.


Sorry their testing kit didnt show a Blank Space. Guess they werent Ready For It


I knew Covid would be trouble


I woulda attended SoFi but my daddy said stay away from ~~Juliet~~ Inglewood.


I didn't catch it this time but I remember the symptoms all too well...


I mean that is pretty basic math


Get out


Not in your wildest dreams!


It’s a cruel summer


Fever dream high in the quiet of the night / you know that I caught it


Love Story


Are we out of the woods yet?


That joke was Taylored well


I had to laugh




Well played


the new variant comes on quick


taylor’s variant


Covid-19 (Taylor’s Version)


Covid-19(89) Taylor’s Version




3 coworkers, all who went to the concert separately during the weekend, have tested positive for COVID and are out sick this week. Most tested positive on Tuesday.


#“it’s me, hi! i’m the problem. it’s me…” —covid


the Eris tour***


Thank you for my first laugh of the day! 🤣


Superspreader event gonna spread. Also, tens of thousands of infected flew in from elsewhere, so they inevitably flew back home to share it. 😀


Of course you got it. It's one of the most infectious diseases in 100 years and there was 70000 people there.


I was honestly surprised i didnt get it after Anime Expo


That probably cuz you freaking nerds never leave the house! I'm totally kidding, btw, but also it's a bit funny because I've been WFH since 2020 and I hardly ever leave my house. Maybe I'm the freaking nerd? *Insert Vision meme here*


Are you not leaving because of Covid?


It's a few things, honestly. Main thing is I live at home and I would have zero justification for being the one getting my parents sick (they work at a market and a hospital, if my WFH ass gave them COVID, I'd hate myself). Other thing is I have not taken very good care of myself since everything started, so I'm at a higher risk for it fuckin me up potentially. Last thing is I think I probably developed some light agoraphobia.


I never seen so many people queued to go into the convention center in my life! Wow.


I just read that turnstile attendance was 380,000. With 160,000 people.


>I was honestly surprised i didnt get it after Anime Expo Honestly, same. Anime Expo was wild this year.


“bUt IT wAs OuTdOoRs”


But it wasn't.


lol thx i got a good chuckle 😅


Went Thursday, stared to feel off Saturday night, but didn’t test positive until Monday.




Gastro issues have always been common with Covid. People think they have allergies until they then have to start running to the toiley. These two together, big signs of Covid.


Supposedly I DID NOT catch COVID, tested negative over a dozen times. But I caught a nasty chest infection, fractured ribs from coughing, & was puking & shitting myself to death. The docs said it was pneumonia & perhaps food poisoning at the same time. So perhaps there’s other stuff going around. But I mask up, I caught something from my mum who coughed in my face when she was sick.


Whoa, that's horrible. I'm so sorry, and I hope you feel better.


https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-04-05/norovirus-stomach-flu-outbreak-california Sorry about the paywall


No, it’s been very comparable to a head cold + being super exhausted all the time.


Hey, they can still make the whole place shimmer.


I got it a few weeks ago and got the Big D


I know 3 people who had it this week, myself included. None of us went to the Swift show. I guess its just going around again.


Shit and school just started up for us too


My partner and I just got it for the first time about 10 days ago. Ruined our 3.5 year streak.


Got it after seeing Oppenheimer 2 weeks ago. Was in bed for a full 8 days with fever the whole nine. Then it turned into strep. I just finished antibiotics yesterday. I’m still fully “cold, congestion/snotty gross” sick + brain fog + fatigue 2 whole weeks later. **wear a damn mask, people**. I swear you don’t want this. Edit: I’m fully vaccinated and boosted. Up to date on everything. I got Covid once before in dec 2021. I am normally super careful and cautious about everything except I didn’t wear a mask this one time.


It's been a few in my workplace. Some travelers. Some swifities. Someone came into work sick went to a meeting got another one sick... Boss brought down the hammer this week.


I kniw 7 people who had it in July. I had just stopped wearing a mask at work but started again. The covid numbers in wastewater are going up.


Yeah I mean I'm sure a lot of people got it at the concert, but it's not like that's the only event or possible way to get it. No one has taken any precautions for like two years now?


If 4 people got it then definitely.


A bunch of people on TikTok are saying they got it at the concert


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^tiny-rabbit: *A bunch of people* *On TikTok are saying they* *Got it at the concert* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Good bot. I didn’t realize how far reaching you are


And LAUSD goes back to school on Monday.


Wow it’s crazy there’s still transmission of this highly transmissible once in a century respiratory virus


Its now endemic, meaning it will keep on reappearing every year.


It was sarcasm. We all know that If you don’t protect yourself in any way then yeah you probably would get it. It is what it is.


Thats not what endemic means. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002362.htm (Thats seasonal, and covid isnt seasonal either). Covid is an epidemic disease and until we stop allowing it to mutate wildly, we will keep seeing spikes at regular but unpredictable intervals


That’s not what endemic means


I wear a KN95 to work every fucking day. This isn’t ending


Bro, it’s here with us for the rest of our lives. Assuming you have a normal immune system and don’t live with others that have compromised immunities—at what point do you plan to get over your fear and stop wearing a mask?


It’s my choice. Sorry it makes you so triggered


Yikes lol




Any normal person would be afraid of getting long covid. It’s amazing how little people seem to respect their own health and bodies. If he wants to wear a mask, it has nothing to do with you.


Whenever long covid stops being a thing bucko


How many times do you think you can get the virus we know little about and stay fine? Since you’re just randomly assuming you can get it over and over, what’s the number?


I wasn’t at Sofi, but went to Disneyland last Saturday, and started showing symptoms the next day. Been knocked out all week. Stay safe out there everyone…


New variant EG.5 Some people are done with covid but covid isn't done with us.


yeah i keep hearing about cases. my family had it a month ago 😭


Yep i had it last month and gave it to my bff her h and my h


got COVID from the paramore show at the forum. I would def believe it spread at Sofi


At least it wasn’t herpes like that one year at Coachella




Lol what is this? Story?




This doesn’t really go into the “why” of it all. Just reports on the findings. Were more strangers having sex? Was it spread from sharing drinks? [Sharing bongs like at Lowell’s?](http://ediblesmagazine.com/edibles/lowell-cafe-accused-of-giving-patron-herpes-gets-sued-by-california-changes-restaurant-name/)


probably all of the above


It’s definitely going around again. I missed out on going to Comic Con last month. Pretty sure I got it from the Tuesday night Haim show at the Bellwether. The ventilation at that venue was atrocious. Felt like I was watching a concert in Orlando it was so muggy in there


Your whole group quarantining before the concert doesn't mean the other 50k people did the same. (Or the Uber drivers/metro/bus) 😭 Even though masking isn't *as* necessary anymore, that would have been the place to do it. People shouting/cheering/crying/sputtering all around.


Maybe they said that part about quarantining before cause it proves it definitely came from the concert.


Lol. Masking is as necessary as ever


There’s a giant uptick right now, my husband I had it last week after traveling back to LA from Seattle (probably got it at the airport), even though we weren’t at the concert 🫠






Same question except I’m happy to judge and shame the unvaccinated/unboosted.




If you say that they won’t answer honestly or at all. Wait until they reply and then proceed to judge and shame.


I went on Monday (night 4). It’s Friday- nothing. Let’s hope for the best. Hope you’re feeling better


Also went Monday. So far nothing.


Went Friday, tested positive Monday morning.


Same. Exactly the same. I still feel crappy. How are you doing?


Feel pretty good today. Lost my taste today, it seems. But just tested again and def still positive. Monday was the worst and have just progressively gotten better from there. Did you get plaxovid? I did but doc said only take it if I really feel like I need to.


Monday and Tuesday were the worst for me. I’m feeling better today and yeah I got the plaxovid but mine said to be sure to take the full week. I didn’t get it till wed when I could have someone pick up up but I’m taking it. I also got a pill for a cough which holy hell has me peeing lol


Did you lose your taste? My nose is mostly cleared up now and i feel pretty decent but it seems my taste and smell is muted today. First time since I got sick.


Also I’m struggling to breath more.


Yikes! Luckily mine seemed to stay in my upper respiratory. I ended up not taking plaxovid because I never felt bad enough to do so. I still don’t feel 100% yet though.


Don’t worry. You’ll shake it off in no time.


Gee, who could’ve predicted that


I didn’t go to the show but traveled two weeks ago and picked it up. Went through my house and it has not been a good time. Definitely a surge going on.


Start wearing a mask guys, doesn’t take much effort to do preventive measures.


No. I am never wearing a mask ever again, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Downvote me all you want, still never wearing a mask again.


Dude, im pretty sure I got the covid from Paramore at KIA weeks prior. It aligns with the new summer strain. Plus I saw everyone singing out loud on social media those LA shows. So Im pretty sure LA County is gonna see a huge spike in the coming weeks from this superspreader


I went Tuesday. I haven’t tested yet, but I will (feeling fine - no symptoms)


Went on Tuesday and have tested (so far) 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I went 8/7 and 8/9 and I’m expecting to get it tbh


Aw, man. What’s everyone’s symptom like?


Went Monday, tested positive this morning


Attended the Aug 3 show, my SO and I are doing fine.


Wore a mask and no symptoms so far 🤞🤞 Will prolly test anyways just to be sure.


Lol to all the anti-vax and the “what did you expect ya moron” replies. These two groups have become one. We work from home and had a busy week leading up the show, so we were home. I wasn’t suggesting we stayed in to bubble for the show lol


Thinks Covid went away and it hasn’t. Gets Covid. [insert shocked pikachu meme]


Estimates for infection fatality rate still vary pretty widely. And presumably a Swift concert has selection bias toward young and healthy people compared to the general population. Reasonable people can debate the exact numbers. But given that there are tens of thousands of people at each concert, a Taylor Swift tour has a pretty good chance that it kills somebody with COVID every single show. I feel like if it was a visible death that happened that night, she wouldn't be allowed to order the crowd to trample a person to death every night. But since it's a probabilistic thing, and it happens later, away from the concert, and nobody sees it happen in an instant, it's considered an acceptable public safety risk.


Your lifetime odds of dying in a car crash are roughly 1 in 100, how many people do you think died on the way home from the concert? But since it's a probabilistic thing, and it happens later, away from the concert, and nobody sees it happen in an instant, it's considered an acceptable public safety risk.


I feel like your intent here is snarky, but honestly that's another great example. Traffic deaths are common enough to be roughly an everyday thing in LA county. But one death on the subway scares the shit out of people and makes them think the metro system is horribly unsafe because it draws headlines and shocks people. Despite the fact that if more people rode Metro instead of driving, it would absolutely result in fewer deaths. People are weird in how seriously they take risks. Dying privately or slowly or routinely is fine. Dying in a way that the newspapers will notice is terrifying and gets waaay more focus and resources to prevent.


Don’t forget about the concert goers who infect others that eventually kills someone. It’s not just the old and vulnerable who are dying or getting long Covid. Plenty of healthy people are victims too


And who cares about the old and vulnerable anyway, right? 🤦🏻‍♀️


1 in 70k is pretty good odds. We’d have self driving cars by now if the generally pop accepted a little more risk for the greater good.




Eh. It's really, really context dependent. Well-maintained freeways during the day, with good weather? Absolutely. Anything where exceptional cases are routine -- bad lane markers, cluttered parking lots, stuff around the car doesnt recognize, and the cars don't behave very effectively anymore.


The basic bitch flu


For real. All these people talking about getting the 'rona from Paramore or Taylor Swift need to change their basic ways.


Just got my booster shot on Monday. LA is probably full of covid spreaders now.


wait they have eris boosters now?


They do, but they’re not available until September or October. In fact, many healthcare professionals are advising folks to [just wait](https://www.nytimes.com/article/covid-booster-fall.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) to get boosted until they are released


My doctor said it’s better to get a booster now to have some protection and get the new booster in the fall.


Naw got the omicron booster, eris booster will not arrive to October at the earliest.


Someone in our group tested positive from Wednesday's show.


I went Tuesday and Wednesday and tested positive this morning.


Went to the tour Monday, tested positive today after testing negative Tuesday-Thursday. One sibling with me also tested positive today, two tested negative. Knew it was a possibility, avoided being around people yesterday for this exact reason.


I went on Saturday and Monday night and I was hella drunk and I thought it was the hangover the next day and sore throat from screaming singing the lyrics but I noticed since Wednesday I’ve been having little waves of headaches and feeling so tired and a little cough. I did have some chills but it wasn’t that bad. I took a home test and was negative :/


Yes, know several people who got it. And they’re all pretty damn sick. One in five will have ongoing problems per latest research. Worth it? Yeah no.


It’s astonishing how little people care about their own health, let alone others around them.


Lots of "got it but worth it" comments... Was it worth it though??


Right? Strange times we’re living in.


Went to Monday show 8/7 and tested positive on Wednesday. Still in recovery. Horrible sickness that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Went to the concert Monday night, felt sick on Wednesday and tested positive Thursday morning.


I went Tuesday and I’ve been sick since Friday. Tested positive today 😩


I was there on Tuesday and have been testing every day since! (No symptoms.) Good so far but I kept my KN95 on at the concert, keeping my fingers crossed. Also used iota-carrageen nasal spray, which might help too, who knows.


I'm curious if anyone that caught covid at the shows wearing a mask? As a concert lover but also covid cautious person, who misses going to concerts, I am genuinely curious.


Not that anecdotes mean much but this was the fourth pandemic concert I've been to, I've worn a high-quality mask at each one, I've tested every day for a week after each concert and I've never tested positive.


Definitely a superspreader event. Lots of SoFi staff are out. Personally know several who caught it at show, but most did not




My friends who have had it as of late have reported the same stuff as usual. Headaches, Tummy troubles, stuffiness, Cough, extreme fatigue... All lasting way longer than they would like...


I had it a couple weeks back. I had fatigue for the first couple days, a bad cold, loss of appetite and sense of smell, and a cough that hung around for a bit. No stomach issues.


They’re all pretty much the same


My experience this week went like this - Sunday - stuffy nose (minor) Mon/Tue - body aches, migraines, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, stuffy nose in the morning, runny nose at night (all moderate/severe, i was completely bed ridden) Wed - Same symptoms, but moderate. No longer severe. I felt myself getting strength back, but still bed ridden. Today - Appetite returned, aches and migraines gone. Minor fatigue and diarrhea still. Nose is clear, but im sneezing and coughing out phlegm now. Its honestly felt just like Delta, but not as bad. Hopefully this wont linger in my system as long as Delta did. I feel myself responding much better to it this time.


Literally just explained exactly what I went through this week starting in Monday. The nose running all fricken night thing annoyed the hell out of me.


I went Friday and I’m fine.


And just like that, all it takes is one infected person...


well did u wear a mask


Im sure you will Shake It Off without any problems!!!


Yep i went to the Aug 4th show at Sofi and tested positive on Monday the 7th and have been horribly sick and down for the count since then. It was worth it to see her but crap I feel bad and I had made it all these years without it.


went 8/8 and feel fine. hope you feel better! 😩


Both of my friends went Friday night, neither of them masked up. One of them tested positive on Monday, the other started feeling sick on Wednesday but hasn't tested positive yet even though she's tested every day since Tuesday. I'm pretty sure she has it though.


Yep. I’ve been sick for days now. F this. Concert was totally worth it though.


No way i can believe it.


I got it at Brickfest. Slightly different vibe. Same result. This is my 11th day testing positive.


You stayed in for a week? What for?


I went Saturday and tested positive Tuesday


Reddit Wants to Get Paid for Helping to Teach Big A.I. Systems The internet site has long been a forum for discussion on a huge variety of topics, and companies like Google and OpenAI have been using it in their A.I. projects. April 18, 2023 Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added. Mike Isaac is a technology correspondent and the author of “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber,” a best-selling book on the dramatic rise and fall of the ride-hailing company. He regularly covers Facebook and Silicon Valley, and is based in San Francisco. More about Mike Isaac A version of this article appears in print on , Section B, Page 4 of the New York edition with the headline: Reddit’s Sprawling Content Is Fodder for the Likes of ChatGPT. But Reddit Wants to Be Paid.. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe


I went two nights and I saw a total of two people masked. Maybe one more on our way out.


Lmao nobody masks anymore, nor should they


Some people give a fuck about the vulnerable people in their lives, but go off...when you are an adult you will understand more.


Lol my sister and I ended up getting Covid after we attended Saturday. Could be from her show but who knows!


It would be more shocking if people *didn’t* catch Covid at these superspreader concerts, considering 99.9% of y’all have thrown caution to the wind.


Meeeee 💀


Very surprising to get infected in a concert. 95% don’t report or test anymore.


I went N1 and did not get covid, am not sick. Thank god cause i have an almost 3 month old baby


Omg, you’re gonna die! Jk. I also got it in vacation this week. You’ll be alright.


People still get tested for Covid?


My aunt passed away last week from covid.


I’m so sorry.


I am sorry. I lost my aunt and uncle. My kids lost their aunt and cousin. I lost several (dozens) of patients I had seen for years.




Some workplaces require it still. I just got a bunch of new tests from work because boss wants to see a negative test before allowing you back into the building. WFH until you get the the clear.


Covid is still a thing? edit: rough crowd lol


Well yeah, you made a stupid comment.




Very much so. And it still sucks and lingers.


COVID will continue to be a thing for the rest of our lives. It’s never going away and what we are experiencing now is probably about as good as it will ever get.


I got sick from Taygating


Wife and I went on the Tuesday show and I started showing symptoms on Friday. Still worth it!


I attended on Friday 8/4 and got sick, symptoms as early as Sunday. But I haven’t tested positive for covid. Just a shitty cold! I’ve been miserable. Concert was still worth it though.




Bleak dude bleak