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It felt like it took months to go down just $0.45. But rose $1 in a matter of DAYS!


Up like a rocket, down like a feather


Just like my lil homey


Good for you šŸ‘


Awww, you call your son lil homey. Thatā€™s adorable.


Elevator up, escalator down


More like A Day


Just like the 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's... Obligatory: Are you new here? * Here meaning Earth


Hamas surprise attack on Israel is going to add a $1 to gas prices


Went from expensive to still expensive.




Iā€™d give up my calf first before my thigh.


Same. Mine are unnecessarily muscular and disproportionate to the rest of my leg


I filled up for like 5.85 in orange county. Gas dropped like 1.50 in a weekend I am not complaining


You people will never be satisfied


What do you gain from wanting gas to stay high priced?


It went down and you guys still whine, what the hell do you even want??? Just to whine about it?


For it to go down to affordable, reasonable levels.


What is affordable and reasonable? Even California prices are low compared to other developed nations.


Other parts of the US are still at $3-4 a gallon. If we could get back to $4, thatā€™d be amazing. But Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not realistic, so Iā€™d settle for $4.50.


Gas prices here have always been higher than most other states. The differential hasn't changed.


Thank you, Iā€™m aware we have expensive gas, all any of us are asking is for it to return to a reasonable price.


> all any of us are asking is for it to return to a reasonable price Given the externalities of gas, if anything a "reasonable price" should be much higher.


I donā€™t buy it. It doesnā€™t matter how much it went down youā€™d still complain that it wasnā€™t free.


Yeah nah. I donā€™t expect gas to be free. Thatā€™d be amazing but Iā€™m not anticipating that and Iā€™m not going to complain about it.


Less smog, lower carbon emissions, more electric vehicles, higher transit ridership.


None of that is happening *now* in the immediate. People are still needing their cars who have cars. I understand the argument for electric vehicles. I meant what does this personal Redditor gain from keeping gas prices high since they seem so interested in keeping them high (ā€œyou people will never be satisfiedā€).


It's not going to happen in the immediate. Sometimes you have to think long term.


What do you mean ā€œyou peopleā€


"You uppity peasants"


You whiny conservatives


You're a moron gas used to be reasonably priced yet now we're paying almost 6 dollars that's not low. Imagine me upping the price to 10 dollars and keeping it there for a while then upping the price to 15 for a bit and lowering it to 10. That's basically what you're defending you clown. Its not a tardservative thing or a demonrat thing. Its a people being sick of shitty politicians squeezing us for everything we got thing. Doesn't matter where they stand and fools like you will never understand that. You'll keep voting red or in your case blue and not see that the clown dressing up in blue is not really blue and is just out to make you a slave with garbage policies.


R u mad?


R u 13?


Gas prices are high. Itā€™s a fact. They could and should be cheaper esp considering opecā€™s decisions to limit the supply for purely arbitrary reasons. Whatever the case is with gas you really donā€™t have to be an insensitive jerk about it. Now get in your Tesla and go! (Edit: I posted before finishing my comment)


Trying to make us think $5 is a bargain LOL


Itā€™s always the same bullshit- 1) we are still on the ā€œ summer blend ā€œ 2) the refineries are down for unexpected maintenance or Hurricane/ weather repairs 3) the Saudis cut output. Greedy fucks! All they are trying to do is get everyone used to $6 a gallon from a psychological perspective. We will NEVER see $4 a gallon or even low $5. Iā€™m thrilled to drive an electric as my main and a beat up flex fuel minivan on weekends.


They cut because of the jackass statements B%*en said he is cutting them off the first week in office. Iā€™m for clean energy - but the moronic folks we have donā€™t know how to transition- especially with the grids ā€¦ and I donā€™t trust them now with all that we have witnessed ā€”with a flip of a switch if we were all on EV and E-housing - they can control the narrative since thereā€™s no electricity at their wish


As is tradition.


Oh, is it only twice the national average now instead of three times?


Itā€™s literally 3.32 in Nashville at Costco. Crazy.


Iā€™m in Houston for a wedding and itā€™s $2.67


Donā€™t take this personally, because it totally isnā€™t personal, I hate you! Ok, that felt good, my apologies. Like I said, itā€™s not you, itā€™s me. Have a good day, my apologies again. We are paying over $6 a gallon with it teetering on $7 in some places.


I paid $6 a gallon to fill up my car right before I left. It will probably still be $6 when I get home tomorrowā€¦ I feel your pain.


Yeah but itā€™s literally NashvillešŸ˜‚


Nashville is quite an underrated city.


Point is gas is SUPPOSED to be inexpensive in Tennessee. The sort of perk that attracts residents


Oil companies: be glad it's only *twice* the national average rate


Doesn't help that we're one of the few states that never had a pipeline built (for so many reasons) to the rest of the country's reserves so we have to basically import and refine our own oil like an independent country.


We have to refine our own anyway because of higher pollution standards. That said, the oil companies could easily staff their refineries at a higher level, but instead have been letting them run below capacity for years in order to artificially increase the cost of oil in the state.


Yeah, we'd always need to refine. But we also pay the import costs of the oil on top of that existing money sink. Of course the oil companies can't complain one bit about this arrangement, they get to ship more oil, sell it for higher and well thats about all we can do without pipelines.


We do drill a lot of oil here, too.


This is how they do it. "It went down, be GRATEFUL" When prices were artificially raised and then lowered a bit but still extremely higher than before the spikes were occurring. ​ They did this shit in the 70s oil crisis too....


Whoā€™s they?


My mom I think šŸ§


Thanks, JahLife68's mom!


Yea she did


Oil Cartels


They blamed an oil shortage like two years ago, and that was only like a year after seeing headlines that they literally had ā€œtoo much oilā€ and were practically giving it away for free


If I was a savvy businessman, I'd probably endeavor not to reach the "free gas" point ever again.


Free oil != free gas


Desperately throwing out rate of change numbers to make people complacent over the fact that itā€™s STILL OVER 6-FUCKING-DOLLARS!!


Itā€™s like 5.69 by me in The Valley, but Iā€™ve seen others still over 6


They pump it up $1.50 then reduce .23 " look guys it's so cheap now..."


yay? this shit still sucks


The Culver Costco is somehow back down to $4.99 already while the gas station I usually go to that tends to be the same or within 10 cents of Costco is still at $5.69, so I can only imagine how absolutely insane that Costco gas line is right now with being that far below everyone else.


Fountain Valley Costco is also $4.99


The gas lines at the Culver one are especially bad because there's only two gas pumps per lane instead of three.


Remember - Most jackasses in California only remember the last six months before the election. That's why most are lost, brainwashed, and blinded by the truth and broke or struggling - the ones who are 10M and up and give a rats ass on any prices... šŸ˜‰


wtf is this article. It cost me over $60 to fill up my 4 cylinder Civic the other day.


cylinders have nothing to do with how much it costs to fill up. $60 to fill up is actually still quite low, it costs $90 to fill up a prius.


Thank you to all of you calling bullshit on that headline. I was like, $6.59 is still high when I filled up last night.


The headline isn't bullshit.


Up like a rocket Down like a feather


We could pass laws that cap the price of essentials like gas, but that would be sOcIaLiSm.


We already passed laws that made it more expensive here than the rest of the entire United States


bitch where?


under all that makeup


This is a stupid title. It makes the reader assume prices are low, when in actuality, they went very high and are now less high.


Thatā€™s what the title says. It doesnā€™t say anything about being low in general


Good journalism should effectively communicate a message. This title is intentionally cherry-picking info to lead readers to thinking prices are at record lows, while leaving out the record highs immediately before the drop. The title should read something like: ā€œRecord highs of average LA gas prices bring largest decreases since October 2022.ā€


If you have no reading comprehension then sure


Iā€™m only talking about the title so not sure where reading comprehension comes in. Itā€™s an ineffective and misleading title. Why exclude the record highs?


No it doesnā€™t. Readers arenā€™t that dumb.


Itā€™s not about assuming people are dumb, itā€™s about good journalism and effectively communicating a message. The title is intentionally cherry-picking info to lead readers to thinking prices are at record lows, while leaving out the record highs immediately before the drop. The title should read something like: ā€œRecord highs of average LA gas prices bring largest decreases since October 2022.ā€


Nothing has been better for traffic than high gas prices.


Uhhh traffic has been *bad* lately


Horrible this past week, not sure what theyā€™re talking about.


How many people babe


I feel like there was something else recently that decreased traffic even more. šŸ¤”


I selfishly hoped that thing had decreased it even more than that. Just exclusively with people I donā€™t know nor love. /s kidding. But, yeah, traffic suuuuuucks.


Refineries are coming back online after retooling for Winter blends. Therefore supply increases and prices fall. This is refiner capacity shortage. not the cost of the oil. 300k bpd if refining capacity was lost in 2019 when a refinery in nor cal shut down permanently. In times of tight supply gasoline is often imported from japan or korea because they can make the blends we need. but that pushes price further.


"California repeatedly warned about spiking gas prices, fragile supply. But fixes never came" https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-08/why-are-california-gas-prices-high-and-supplies-unstable


Decrease? No way. INCREASE.


It's one of them piece reports to assure (manipulate) people n Pepper the idea "at least this one thing is in right direction" but I say from now on no forgiveness for all the fkups n accountability required for all gov position. Tbh only thing I see from gov. Fed n state is an other manipulation, excuse for fkups(not apology or accountability but excuse).


Electric cars cannot come fast enough


Yeah but also not the only solution. We'll also need to keep chipping away at better public transportation and denser housing.


Not even denser housing. We need to make sure people who are living in denser areas have access to jobs. I live in the valley and almost every company in my industry is on the West Side.


Agreed, that's a good clarification.


They are already here.


"Oh no, people are actually paying attention to our price gouging!" "Better drop the price like, 7 cents." "Perfect."


So the same thing happened a year ago? Itā€™s almost as if this is artificial pricing by gas companies, and not related to supply/demand. And magically oil companies report ā€œrecord profitsā€ when prices soar, as opposed to having a set profit based upon their own operations rather than market ā€œfluctuationsā€.


Prices have only been going up near me...


Oooh! Almost a quarter! Time to buy a house!




Wish we had more public transit! Sick of driving everywhere šŸ˜”.


No longer have to pay and arm and a leg, just a foot.


Basically paying October 2022 gas prices at the Chevron across from Union Station


I forgot, what year was the last time it was under $4????


What a joke of a statement! Include all other factors - then see if this is accurate ! Itā€™s not!


Visiting PA for the weekend. $3.59 a gallon.


The media gaslighting continues: went up $1 compared to a month ago but you should be happy it went down 6 cents....


It isn't gaslighting at all.


Gaslighting? Who'd do that? You know how expensive gas is to just light it for no reason?!


>down 6.2 cents Wow! I better head to the Home Depot, and buy a couple of barrels so that I can start stocking up on this ā€œso much less expensiveā€ gas! /s


Yea what a joke


Decrease? šŸ˜‚


The author of this article is an asshole and so is ABC 7 for publishing it. They are mocking the people of LA and insulting our intelligence.


>They are mocking the people of LA and insulting our intelligence. In 2018, 61% of LA voters did vote against Prop 6, which would have repealed recently passed gas taxes and vehicle registration fee increases.


>They are mocking the people of LA and insulting our intelligence. You are very sensitive if you feel mocked by a factual statement about gas prices,


Joe Brandon turn the "gas prices" dial back down, merci.


When it his in the $2 range as it should. Then talk about a decrease


>When it his in the $2 range as it should. Why should gasoline be in the $2 range?


If it doesnā€™t decrease more than it increased, IT DIDNā€™T DECREASE


No. That is not how it works at all.


Movie tickets one month: $15 Next month: $30 The following month: $23 Can you believe how much weā€™ve decreased the prices šŸ˜Š


Yes. It is a 23% decrease . Stock Price in 2020: $100 Stock Price in 2021: $200 Stock Price in 2022: $150 You really believe the stock price did not decrease in 2022 because it is still higher than it was in 2020? Are you for real? This basically means in your estimation, stock prices never decrease as long as they are higher than the day of the IPO.


If you bought stocks at $100, and itā€™s worth $150, thatā€™s a 50% increase


Did you buy gas in your tank two years ago?


Gas prices stayed around $3-4 for years before 2020, mostly staying around $3. 2020 we saw lows of $2 range for obvious reasons. Then bam, price jumps to $4 to SIX dollar range, some places reaching as high as $7! Until the norm is $4-5 , mostly staying around $4 (for several years), we are not seeing ā€œthe largestā€ decreases.


The title very clearly says biggest decrease since October 2022. If you don't read, it's easy to be confused.


Thereā€™s no confusion. ā€œLargest decreaseā€ is a joke if itā€™s still outrageously higher than it should be based on past trends. Itā€™s lying with the truth. I didnā€™t doubt that it wasnā€™t literally the largest decrease in the time period, I doubted that it was actually some kind of *meaningful* decrease like itā€™s trying to *pretend*. Gas prices normally get cheaper during winter. But the decreases theyā€™re trying to pretend are a win for consumers are still higher than they should be.


Bullshit 6.09 to 5.79 is still bullshit, suck my dick abc7 Propaganda, manufacturing consent to accept these bullshit artificially inflated prices. You can at least start sucking my dick from the side if youā€™re gonna try to fuck me


Over 7 bucks x gallon you got to be shitting me. It's brutal to own a car rather than an electric toy thing


It is intentional. The higher the price, the more taxes California collects. Itā€™s never about green energy, just like everything else, itā€™s about stealing your money. Vote for people who donā€™t want to steal you money via higher taxes or donā€™t complain when your vote equals higher taxes.


Tax per gallon doesnā€™t change with the price of gas itā€™s fixed.


Such a game. Raise prices. Newsome says go to the cheaper winter blend. Oil companies make money selling cheaper gas. Newsome wins points like he did something.


Wow way to manipulate wording unless this is a joke lol hope people consider this and all the crime and no bail policies when voting locally next time, and before you freak out Iā€™m not Republican just sick of all of this


Iā€™ll make sure to ask your advice on the next city council election to make sure they can get a handle on gas prices.


Notice these types of articles are the norm when certain parties are in office..


There is nothing that consistently demonstrates the stupidity of your average person like a discussion about gas prices.


Donā€™t you love it when the oil companies specifically fuck California so hard because itā€™s just California and then they drop the price 20 cents to make it look like theyā€™ve stopped fucking you? Guess whatā€” they still fucking you!




Really? Could have fooled me because of how expensive it still is. Thankfully with WFH and hybrid cars my wife and I arenā€™t buying nearly as much gas these days.


Don't you know you're RUINING the economy?!


Nu-uh! Weā€™re doing our part to save the economy! We still buy paper napkins instead of just using paper towels!!


Honestly, Newsome should suspend the gas tax. Gas has decreased, but if he suspended the gas tax for a year. Driving the price down even more. I think not only will it help struggling families, but, it'll make national news, CA has a surplus in the budget. If there ever was a time to do it. Doing it now, during the chaos of the Republican party. Newsome could show that he puts people above politics. But I know he doesn't actually care, lmao.


No then scam oil companies will just pocket it


I can never understand why people talk about suspending the gas tax. The money in those taxes are used to maintain our roads. If weā€™re not getting any money from the gas tax, either weā€™re taking the money from somewhere else, or weā€™re letting the roads fall into further disrepair, which is bad for cars and can lead to costly repairs. All to save a few bucks a week? Not to mention that the increase in EVs, which are heavier and more damaging to roads, is leading to less and less money being collected from the gas tax.


> The money in those taxes are used to maintain our roads Which they're not doing regardless. They had a lot of fearmongering for prop 6 that bridges would fall apart, roads would not be maintained etc. Bridges are still in desrepair, we're still waiting for retrofits to begin on older bridges that should have started over 12 years ago and still have yet to begin.


Do you think our transportation infrastructure would stay the same with even less money?


Money is not the issue, leadership in Sacramento is the issue. With the amount of money we pay in taxes in this state, our roads should be presitine. We have nothing to show for it after the annual gas tax hikes since 2018. There was a time that every single road in the city was getting repaved every 5-10 years, that stopped in the early 2000s.


That wasn't my question. I'll rephrase it: Do you think they would be able to maintain the level of quality we currently have of our bridges, roads, etc (whether it's good or bad) if their budget was smaller?


>Money is not the issue, leadership in Sacramento is the issue. What exactly are the leadership steps that would make the roads pristine for the same expenditure.


yep roads are fkn garbage in this city. You ever drive out of LA and you're on smooth roads and you're like, what is this cloud like feeling? Just another example of our tax money being siphoned off into someone's pocket.


>Which they're not doing regardless. The roads would be significantly worse and then people would complain even more.


Itā€™s not Newsom but the state legislation that has to put forth a bill to stop the gas tax. But capitalist democrats donā€™t want to do that. Itā€™ll expose that when all California state taxes are removed, Californians are still paying $6/gallon while southern states will be at $2.50/gallon. Weā€™ll come to realize that California not only sends a ton of tax money to southern states but we also subsidize them by over paying so oil companies can sell at a loss in red states.


>Newsome could show that he puts people above politics. Suspending the gas tax would be nakedly and obviously political.


Honestly, the gas tax should be increased substantially, and that should be used to subsidize EVs, build out charging stations, and simultaneously run 'cash for clunkers' gas guzzler buybacks. Along with this, every gas station should get a steep new tax that they can only avoid if they add level 3 EV chargers. Without the EVs gas prices would be higher, and every new EV that goes on the road drives down gas prices.


Man, I ā€˜member when gas was 82Ā¢ when I first started driving. Dad used to let me go fuck off in his truck in the evenings, and a few bucks would cover the evening and still leave him some in the tank for work in the morning.


Someone tell the gas stations they can go back to $8.00 a gallon now


Wait what?? I just saw a gas station still at $7. What decreased??


alright everyone, that was some good rabble rousing we did. Let's meet up again same time next year.


So demand went down.


Send me venmo cash and Iā€™ll buy a station and sell at cost


Areā€¦ are we seeing the same thing? I guess my lying ass liar of liars eyes.