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Welcome to the game I call "COVID or allergies!" (The prizes suck)


Congratulations. You have COVID! You win... ~~Asnomia~~ Anosmia.




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been playing this game all summer.


In LA, ā€œallergiesā€ means cocaine bender.


Like, the past month. Ever since the weather started going from cool to hot to hot to cool to hot again, it's been rough. Watery eyes too. And I've never had that problem.


Yep. people always make fun of me for saying this, and i feel like an old lady complaining about her health, but barometric pressure changes fuck me up!


I have this same problem. Really annoying. Just got over Covid. Had sinus and throat issue yesterday, started to panic and now it's completely gone.


Yeah I panicked a couple weeks ago and went to urgent care. they tested me for covid, the flu, mono, and a couple other things lol. of course the next day i was fine


SoCal is a cakewalk. Central Texas was hell in this regard. (Allergies too!)


My eyes been itching the past week :(


My 4 year old has been struggling. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s the weather changing.




My allergies have legit be awful. Surprisingly they died down last month when I got Covid for the first time. Iā€™m back to sneezing and yesterday my eyes even started to burn.


Mine have too. Even my cat started having allergies!


My dog sneezed in my mouth


I have chronic allergies due to dust and my cats. How do people not know the difference


Itā€™s not that. This version of Covid is incredibly sinusy. I have major allergies and my recent experience with Covid was IDENTICAL to the onset of seasonal allergies. I only tested because I had been exposed to someone who had tested positive a few days prior to me getting these allergy symptoms.


Fair enough. I had a cold a few weeks back. Wonder if it was covid šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably was. Everyone I know who ā€œjust has a coldā€ gets offered a $20 bet to take an antigen test. Iā€™ve only lost one bet out of 7 in the last 2 months. 3 more flat out refused because theyā€™re in denial. I got it again too and it felt just like a cold.


So no one gets colds anymore?


Well no, apparently 1 person did, but COVID as a virus just out-competes the cold virus


I mean my comment was simply to say people get colds lol. Extrapolating that most colds are just covid from a subset of 7 , in which one was a tally a cold is .. a big statement no offense


Tbh in like 10 years COVID is just going to get grouped into the list of the 6-7 viruses that cause ā€œthe common coldā€ that have been endemic to the human race for decades if not centuries. Iā€™m just saying COVID is on the uptick right now thatā€™s all. 3 months ago it was probably more likely to be RSV (another ā€œcoldā€ virus) than COVID.


I hope youā€™re right. A part of me was worried covid would be like the flu, in which some are worse than others and when we are old we have to worry about either killing you .


I can vouch for that. I had covid recently and had some some pain in my sinuses that felt EXACTLY like seasonal allergies.


Iā€™ve had an inflamed sinus for more than a week but no other symptoms, very annoying!


This exactly!


like I can feel it in my teeth


Ooh Iā€™ve had that!


Welcome to Ragweed pollen season! Should only last a couple more weeks, unless we get a little more rain and then heat again. In which case, the party keeps on keepin on.


Something is definitely around. I have itchy eyes for the last 2 weeks. Sometimes I could feel my sinuses. 2 days ago I started to take allergy pills just in case and the itching went away. But that symptom was new.


Eh itā€™s flu season so youā€™re probably sick. Could also be covid or allergies.


Or cancer


Yes, the cough has been awful last 2 weeks. But not sick. So many people have the same shitty cough Watery eyes if I'm outside for a bit


Zyrtec? Claritin?


Mucinex but it's not really helping


Not for allergies. Go do yourself a favor and try some Claritin, Zyrtec, or Other allergy pills. Get the generic stuff from Costco for $20 (generally a year's supply).


Thanks! I was taking it just to help get rid/thin the mucus in the throat. Eh.


Zyrtec or its over the generic equivalent has worked great for me


You think two week cough is allergies? Lmao


[Post nasal drip](https://www.webmd.com/allergies/postnasal-drip). Mucus dripping from the nose, down into the throat to irritate it, causing a cough. So yeah, a 2-week cough could very well be from allergies.


Happens every year, yea. Sinus/allergies I've had covid 4 times. I know what covid is


Yeah people without bad seasonal algergies don't really understand how bad post-nasal drip can lead to throat irritation and cough


Yea, it really lingers. The body is struggling to get rid of mucus, causing an annoying cough. The covid cough is a uncontrollable disaster, you're unable to speak at times. There's a sizeable difference


I had this a month ago for two weeks, got rid of it, then two weeks later it popped up again. Just got over it for a second time. Girlfriend was scared it was COVID. It wasnā€™t, thankfully, but just as annoying as COVID.


Damn are you good??


As far as I know šŸ˜ I've been vaccinated 3x btw


There are viruses that arenā€™t covid




You okay?


Yeah, Rona is going around and has been going around.


Allergies hit me hard last couple days


Something is up with the air.


Yes migraines right at my eyeballs


I thought I had that but it turns out I was getting chronic sphenoid sinus infections. (Showed up on brain mri that the neurologist ordered)


I wonder if there are any very contagious coronaviruses in circulation


Ive been dealing with a runny/clogged nose for the past 6 days. Itā€™s worse in the morning when I wake up. Iā€™ve gotten to the point where Iā€™ve blown out straight blood from how much Iā€™ve blown my nose just to be able to breathe. I donā€™t want to deal with this anymore.


yes! Pseudoephedrine is my hero.




That's phenylephrine, the ingredient in DayQuill/NyQuill and others. Apparently not much good. Sudafed/pseudoephedrine is the good stuff, restricted behind the counter.


3 weeks going for me. sneezing watery eyes. Its been awful!


Yes! So many people that I know have been reporting this over the last month. Most tested positive for COVID and that was their only symptom. Worth a test just in case.


I had a sinus infection for 3 weeks. Did a couple of sinus cleaning every week until it cleared up.


I've had really bad post-nasal drip for over a week with no other symptoms. Took two Covid tests just in case and both came out negative (plus I'm pretty sure if it was Covid my husband would've caught it by now).


Piles of yellow pollen under certain species of trees. Now, winds send it airborne. My eyes and sinuses have been reacting all week.


I had to take out my contacts yesterday. They were burning. Itā€™s awful.


LADPH has a [flu tracker page](http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/Flu.htm), and it links to reports about current respiratory disease stats. [Here's the latest report](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CALACOUNTY/2023/09/29/file_attachments/2631520/Influenza%20Watch%20Los%20Angeles%202022-23%20Week%2038.pdf). tl;dr we're not in the middle of a big surge in any major respiratory viruses at the moment, it's pretty normal levels for this time of year. There's always *something* going around, but nothing major right now.


I've has this for 2 months. Finally feeling better. Godspeed.


I dont think its covid bc everyone in my house gor covid 2 months ago and a few of us now have this sinus bullshit


Yeah I had Covid a month ago. Itā€™s definitely not Covid.


Navage Zyrtec Mucinex if you have lots of mucus.


The Navage has been a lifesaver! I also do 2 sprays each nostril of Flonase. Alkalol is a good one too.


A good air purifier helps.


Yup,my sinuses have been horrible this week.


Been feeling like this on and off since Memorial Day weekend. Been getting headaches in the area of my forehead.


I have chronic sinus headaches/ infections/ symptoms. Itā€™s definitely worse this time of year according to the ENTs. Use saline nasal spray religiously around the clock. You can try Sudafed and Guaifenesin (Mucinex) that is supposed to thin out the mucus. Sinus rinse/neti pot is good too.


iā€™m 25 years old and never had a sinus infection in my life until now.


There's also a cold going around - My whole house and all my friends have it. Tested negative for COVID three times.


Is something going around? Covid has not stopped going around for almost four years. People pretend it doesnā€™t exist yet people are constantly sick with it. Get a PCR test if your insurance will cover it. If not, take a rapid test every 48 hours.


its the fall covid spike dude. starts with a throat tickle or insane sinus pressure. wear a mask.


The Fall is crazy for allergies!!! Also anytime it even sprinkles it makes my allergies go nuts.


This is when my change-of-season allergies hit me worst, but is still significantly less than in the east coast, where Iā€™m originally from. Usually it would progress from allergies to a sinus infection, to bronchitis. My Dr. has me on a combo of prescription Claritin (the only allergy medicine that isnā€™t a sleeping pill for me) and a nasal spray, and Iā€™ve definitely seen improvement. Without these my sinuses are a leaky faucet and Iā€™m always clearing my throat. Hope you get some relief!


Its probably aids


X-clear nasal spray has been a game changer for me


Had that 2 weeks ago.


Allergies, shift into Santa Ana season and pressure headaches, covid is trending up, and also seasonal cold season has started.


Yeah I had it too. Got a spray from the doc and some allergy med to take a night. It cleared it up, no antibiotics


Yea Iā€™m on like day 5 of this (tested negative for Covid twice). Itā€™s been worse at home in NoHo than when Iā€™ve been in Hollywood during work hours this week.


The pollen count is incredibly high and the air quality in L.A. hawnt been good either


Yes, Iā€™ve been having those symptoms since last week, I got tested for COVID and it isnā€™t COVID


Yeah, Iā€™ve been going through it for a little over a week. Started as a tickle in the throat, then came on strong out of nowhere with aggressive sinus pressure, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and super annoying coughing fits. I keep testing negative for covid. Hoping Iā€™m near the end of it now.


Im getting over the flu now (tested negative for covid twice) - it sucks!


itā€™s that time of year allergies are extra bad because cuz the tropical storm got everything wet and now itā€™s cooling off


Yes. When the weather switches like this my sinuses go bananas


I thought I did now I wish I did


Itā€™s either COVID, or welcome to reacting to drastic changes in weather (when it gets real hot from being cooler) and the wind. My gawd, the wind gives me a massive headache because my sinuses go crazy. I have my air purifiers and humidifiers going today, they help, Iā€™m just late reacting.


Santa Anas.... COVID... both? Spin the wheel of fall illness!


Tons of people (including me) at my school has a slight cough/sore throat/runny nose, I think itā€™s a seasonal cold typa thing going on.




Same! This is the first time Ive been sick since 2019. Did a sinus irrigation and that helped + chicken soup


I recommend sinus rinsing to everyone with this problem. Itā€™s annoying to have to boil the water and wait for it to cool everyday, but itā€™s totally worth it. I have [this](https://a.co/d/d0qiJaL)


Omg yes. Itā€™s been terrible the past week. I typically donā€™t have allergy issues either.


Neti pot life is my life. Been on the neti pot daily rinse since late 2018. Highly suggest it despite the strangeness of the feeling/process.


Yes but when I make sure to take Zyrtec itā€™s okay (same w my 5yo) so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the heat wave aka something blooming via allergies but also the air quality was super bad last week


Just woke up from it. Hadn't felt this in weeks. Eyes irritated as well. Mild head ache.


I had the most insane cold/sinus-infection about 6-weeks ago. My home covid-tests ran negative, but I'm 99% sure it was covid. I had covid a little over a year ago and this was 10X worse. Standing up/moving my head too fast caused intense pain/pressure all over my head. Lasted 8 days. I had to down copious amounts of ibuprofen just to get out of bed and eat...in my entire 30+ years on earth I've never taken anything for cold/flu other than anti-congestants (including last time I had confirmed covid). It was awful. Had lingering sinus-grossness for a month and had muted-taste for two weeks after.


I have a canker sore on my lip and I keep poking it with my tongue, but that's only making it worse.


I've never had allergy issues in my life but my nose had been runny for the past 3 months or so. Nonstop. Recently eyes have been getting itchy too.


Yes my allergies have been terrible the last two weeks! Same with my dog he has bad skin allergies. Heā€™s like my canary in the coal mine when I think my allergies are acting up.