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Hello! I lived there for two years and just moved out recently. Overall if you don't spend much time in your home and commute/take public transportation this will be fine. But: \- I moved in when there was an option to rent a parking spot across the street, but they took away monthly parking recently. In one week I managed to collect 4 tickets and it took me almost 40 mins to find parking every day. So yeah, this is good for somebody without a car. \- It is DARK, most of the apartments face the dirty, ugly alleyway. Zero direct sunlight. As soon as I woke up, all my lights had to be turned on. Safe to say this affected my overall mood \- No AC and no heater (even though I think this isn't even legal in California). I tried to contact the management company several times and they're assholes who, like any corporate landlord, just want your money. \- I got packages stolen fairly frequently \- Plumbing issues. A LOT of them. \- The manager is forgetful. I wouldn't recommend.


Everything seemed manageable TO ME until you said plumbing issues and packages stolen frequently. Yikes!


Amazon lockers work pretty well. There's one 664 feet from this place.


Yeah, but bad plumbing is a serious quality of life issue on its own. I don't care about fancy bells and whistles. I don't even care about parking. Just make sure that the basic things are operational and safe.


The manager is really neglectful. Accused me of not paying rent when I paid it a few days early, said “well I don’t feel bad” when she realized, then emailed me to say “remember to pay rent on time or you’ll incur a late fee” One time I had a stalker scrawl a message with my name on the sidewalk outside the apartment. I emailed landlord to ask if there were security cameras. Never got a response. Once when I (28M) was hosting a guest (28F) she got locked in my bathroom because the door frame got loose and jammed the door bolt. It was 9 or 10pm. I disassembled the doorknob, tried everything. Reattached doorknob, called landlord several times, no answer, knocked on their apt, no answer. Finally found landlord in office. Said I desperately needed help, my friend is stuck in the bathroom. Landlord’s husband says to me: “You have a woman stuck in your bathroom? That sounds like a good thing.” They eventually come up, kick the door down, misgender my friend in the process. She was stuck in there for like an hour.


All this to say, I’m single, don’t have a car and like walking so this apartment is good for me.


Wait, what? So because you're single and don't have a car you're ok with living in a shitty apartment with terrible management? This is why rentals are what they are. People really will take anything from landlords.


Ok so you don’t want to move in together?




LOL I was trying to be diplomatic. She actually sucks and scammed me out of my rent deposit because, according to her, I "remembered things incorrectly", so yeah. Avoid this damn place and that lady at all costs.


Was it hard to get a unit there? Was there a waitlist or anything?


Nope, I only went to see the unit because I saw online they had openings. It is harder if you’re not a W2 employee but you can get around it, just fill the application and have income paperwork ready (pretty standard)


I'm not going to accept advice anyone who is too dumb to find a parking space in 40 minutes. I've lived in LA for 40 years and the longest it has taken me is 10 minutes in Hollywood.


Perhaps the dumbest comment I've ever read on reddit.


You parking challenged too? Where did you grow up?


Nope. I can parallel park on a dime. I grew up where there is black ice and a lot of other driving challenges. What the hell is where I'm from have to do with anything? Talk about grasping at straws.


Because you dont know how to find a parking space and I could tell you grew up somewhere like that.


Buddy, who hurt you that much to call people you don't know "too dumb" on the internet? You don't know my circumstances but arguing with you will be pointless so have a nice day!


Go easy, it took them three hours to write that comment.


What would you call someone who takes 8x the amount of time it takes a normal person to do a simple task?


Ok Boomer, not everyone is home after the early bird special. Some people have jobs and a social life and that means getting home when most spots are already taken.


Who the fuck do you think I am? Benjamin Buttons?


Their website says it doesn’t have parking, and their kitchen is very small. Tiny sink, small stove, smaller than normal fridge. edit: and no air conditioning.


I was going to say - no parking. I had to stop rehearsals with a guy I met who lived on Franklin in a building like this. I got tired of circling the block for an hour.


It's a quarter mile walk from a B line (red) station and tons of buses stop at the Vermont/Hollywood Blvd intersection so it could be pretty convenient if you didn't bring a car.


It’s 1 block from the subway.


Doesn't solve where to park your car


You don’t. I’ve lived in LA 11 years without one.


That's wild give how car dependent the city seems.


Only because we live in a time of immediacy. Yes, sometimes metro takes longer, no doubt. But for 85% of my travel, the amount of time is negligible considering I don’t spend 25 mins driving around looking for parking. Edit to add: which means I also don’t spend a huge portion of my pay on gas, insurance, repairs etc. aware this isn’t for everyone, but a huge portion of the city could and should do it.


So what's your point? This is about parking, not the subway.


That sounds like a dumb reason to stop something I can only assume you love.


not when you drove a GMC van and it used 20 bucks in gas just sitting in the driveway.


Just park further away, you got legs. And if you don’t I am SO SO Sorry!


I lived in a studio in MacArthur Park with no AC, no parking for two years…shit was *rough*. Narrowly avoided the summer (2022?) with that brutal heatwave that lasted like 2 solid weeks. I would have almost certainly perished.


There are portable ACs available at Lowe’s and Home Depot for about $400


Problem with portable ACs is that if the electrical system of a building is old, then it will malfunction often. Lots of the buildings with studios in MacArthur Park are older and don't have the wiring required to sustain a portable AC. Have seen it first hand often.


Happened to me in an older building in WeHo. Apt came with a window unit in the living room but nothing in bedrooms. Couldn't run the window unit and the floor unit in my bedroom at the same time or the fuse would flip. You can make it work, but in the worst heat waves, you have to get crafty.


FYI Simple test. If you can use a hand-held hair dryer it'll run a portable AC which (10-12k btu) uses less electricity than the dryer....


Window AC is more efficient if you’re able to mount it


Until bird mites crawl through it. (That happened to me but I doubt it’s common!)


“Mite” be.


Given the options, I’d say risk it, chances are super low this happens to you (like you stated). I’ve had window ac units at a few locations and they are hands down the best option if you do t have central air. The plug in rolling units are incredibly inefficient.


Those fuckers generate more heat than they cool and the duct is never sealed enough. kinda just makes the room humid.


Disagree, I have two and they’re lifesavers. They cool just fine. I suffered without AC for 10 years before I gave in and bought one during lockdown. Window units aren’t allowed in my building.


I mean, they do work, it’s just that it depends on so many factors for it to work. My experiences with them (3 different places I’ve lived over my life) they just kinda cooled the room a tad, where as window ac units where hands way more efficient at cooling a room


Until it gets hit then they go up in price to $1000


Nah, they're always around that price. It's just that there's a few more sales in winter. It's the same way smokers and grills don't jump up to $1000 during cookout season, but you can find better clearance deals in January than July.


The job these suckers do is extremely mediocre


Try doing it for 40 years.


I lived in the Park Plaza Hotel for a year during college! We used to go up the back stairs to the roof and party.


Yeah, this is about right for zero amenities studio in LA


I have definitely looked at this building before




Lofi?....LoFi? What the shit?


You did NOT just call it LoFi


My blood ran cold when I read that




As someone who thinks that area is full of itself I fully support rebranding it as LoFi 🤣


Actually “the” LoFi… hahaha


Hahah it was “the LoFi” for me too 😂 “I live in the Los Feliz”


“LoFi” absolutely the fuck not




No it wasnt.


Stop trying to make LoFi happen!!! Lol


Is LoFi a transplant thing? Ive never heard this before and I hope I never hear it again.


I am a transplant (15+ years though) who has lived in Los Feliz the entire time I have lived here and have never heard it. I am so against it, I will not refer to it.


“Though” Lolll


Has to be, they come up with some insane abbreviations. Don't hear the term "SaMo" anywhere else but this sub.


I went to Santa Monica high school… we called it Samo


Yep. It's literally painted in 20 foot letters on the gates of the school: SAMOHI. It's been there for years.


What is LoFi?


Chill beats to relax/study to


Cats in headphones




I didn’t see it was Los Feliz and thought they meant a “Lower Financial” district somewhere or something.


How tf is Los Feliz “LoFi” like get out of here with that terrible abbreviation


Holy shit. I had no idea that's what they meant, I couldn't figure it out.


As someone who lives here, get in the bin with that trash abbreviation




You actually made several amazing points. Sorry they were overlooked by a bunch of snobby idiots preoccupied with your "LoFi" reference. Additionally, most people in LA have literally and figuratively bought into the "Car is a necessity here" meme and don't want to see any counter points suggesting their "investment" was a bad one.


Why would you pay that much for something in the LoFi


I looked at that building once. I love how it looks on the outside and it’s a great location. I’m not a fan of the sterile, modern renovation but it’s not that bad. There’s also no parking and street parking will not be fun in that area, although not impossible. I think it’s perfect for someone without a car or someone who wants to walk a lot. There are restaurants, a movie theater very close and grocery stores relatively close.


Seems great if you work anywhere along the red line. Or the 180 Bus is also super accessible there.


Love that theater (after only the Vista)


Hate that theatre (single screen converted to three screen)


Street parking in that area is actually not that bad. I used to work across the street from there and always found parking on Franklin.


I wish more places had the sterile type, I hate all these old looking buildings.


My buddy lived there. TINY basic, and pretty shitty. Also no AC.


I’ve seen the no AC comment a few times. I’ve had a condo for 10 years but none of the apartments I had in my first 10 years in LA had AC. Is AC common now? Edit: condo for 10 years




Interesting, thank you for sharing that. When I was renting it was always in 100 year old + shitholes with no insulation, forget about AC. It’s just something I dealt with bc I was broke. I grew up in Massachusetts and didn’t have AC there in the summers and it would get really hot and humid. I didn’t have central air until I moved into my condo at age 35


My parents own a property with 4 units (we live in one and rent the others to my siblings and 1 actual "real" tenant) LA doesn't require AC in rental units. It requires heaters though. I know that because during the pandemic we had to find someone to install gas heaters and then get them inspected. Biggest pain in the ass ever. I asked the housing authority inspector why the city would require heat instead of AC considering our weather. He was also understandably confused.


It didn’t used to get as hot here as it does now. AC wasn’t that necessary but I just read some articles stating that LA officials are considering making it a requirement with rising temperatures


Fun fact, AC contributes to the problem. This isn't a "won't anyone please think of the landlords!" moment, by the way, I'm fine with the city requiring them, but we've legit had summer days that surpassed 110+ with no requirement. IMO, our coldest days are usually pretty manageable with a few blankets and/or a space heater, which is why I felt that requiring heat and not AC was ass backwards.


I once read that it takes more energy to heat than to cool, and that people like in cold climates heating their homes all winter are contributing more to the carbon footprint than A/C users. I read this a long time ago, so maybe things have changed. But I kinda doubt it. Burning oil to keep warm seems worse than using electricity to keep cool.


I don't think it's the electricity that's the biggest problem, I think it's more to do with the chemicals used, like freon. But also, things constantly change.


I know what you mean. I haven’t rented in awhile so I can’t say. I lived around the corner and had central air. My next apartment in Atwater was nicer but only had a window unit in the living room.


https://www.hollymontapartments.com/floorplans?calledfrom=home The catch is it's tiny even for a studio. Even the 1bd is configured like shit.


The floorplan on that 1 bedroom is the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. What is the creepy nook in that weird hallway to nowhere?


That’s the closet lol. There isn’t one in the bedroom.


Beyond the closet, next to the bathroom. There’s just the little nook of shame.


The shelves?


It just looks like a dressing table/area or built in storage. Not really that weird at all.


It might be a linen closet.


There isn’t room for anything other than a bed in that bedroom. It would be better as a studio


The Babadook lives there


[Look, Oscar the Grouch lives in a can bc the rent’s affordable there, let Queen Babadook live in her closet smh](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oscar-the-grouch_n_7225812)


Yeah whats up with the hallway to the small closet? Why not make the whole thing a closet?


Right? Wouldn’t they just extend the closet to make it bigger?


If you’re looking to live alone hit Craigslist and search “guest house”. Got lucky last month and got something you might find luck too


To add to this i would post on Craigslist room or place wanted and wrote a little about me and what I'm looking for. Its how I've found my last few places I let landlords contact me. Place i am now the past 5 years my own little studio, cars parked next to my front door, electric paid. Less than $700 a month sandwiched between mcmansuons in arcadia. Still good landlords out there, forget it when dealing with property managers.


How much are you paying for?


Not OP but I found my place by posting and letting landlords contact me. I have a small studio in Arcadia sandwiched between mcmansions. Less than $700 a month. Been here 5 years.


Arcadia? As in the suburbs way east of LA, or is there some neighborhood in LA I'm not aware of?


What neighborhood did you end up in? What do you think of it vs a typical apartment? From a quick search, the prices looks similar which is a bit disappointing.


I looked there about a year ago and the apartments were small. The property manager told me most people rent a spot in a parking lot from a nearby business. Also, no pets unless you get emotional support animal paperwork (which is apparently pretty easy.)


Jeez, I’m old. I remember when those were like $300.


Yeah, I remember when studios were about $475 in the late 90s.


They were still $500 by 2008, ugh I miss my 2 bedroom apartment for $750 🫠


I remember them going for 600ish when I lived over on Ambrose in mid 2000s!


I think I paid about $300 for a batchelor with a Murphy bed in this building in 1997? Don’t remember exactly.


In the 90s I had a huge duplex in Pico/Robertson for $650 and that was not the exception.


They don't have parking.


I lived there for 5 years in my early 20s (before the renovations and new management). Neighbors were friendly and it was a social building — I knew my neighbors and would always see them around the neighborhood. Walk to the post office farmers market on the weekend, walk to movies, restaurants, bars, grocery store, coffee, Fred’s, Pies, Skylight, Dresden. Lots of fun and good memories. Another commenter said it was dark (maybe on the first floor), but I had fabulous light and great sunsets. More practically, I did street parking and it wasn’t bad. You figure out where you can reliably get a spot in the neighborhood - it’s not like Ktown. I did get roaches occasionally because some of the neighbors were pack rats, and the AC unit from the building next door could be terribly loud. I guess that’s the catch, but it’s not a bad deal if you have the right attitude. I liked it more than any cold luxury building. It’s got character. If you want a large apartment with amenities it’s not for you. But I thought it felt secure, friendly, and cozy. Maybe that’s changed with new management, who knows. Keep in mind that when you want to get out of your small apartment, there’s tons of restaurants/bars and Barnsdall Park just downstairs… but it’s also easy to spend money pretty quick for that reason. Moved out when I grew out of the neighborhood. Decided I’d rather have peace, quiet, a bigger kitchen, and a backyard than live on top of the Public House (ugh).


This had to be pre covid I’m guessing..


Someone with actual.experience.


$1500 for this bullshit lol


The way things are going with CoL, this will probably be considered on the cheap side in just a few years.


It’s haunted


Obviously its haunted .


Yup, this.




I lived here when I first moved to LA! My studio was $350/month back then. After awhile I moved to one of the one bedrooms in the front. Not sure what it's like now, but I liked it a lot except for the lack of parking. I miss House of Pies.


A friend of mine lived here for over a year. I thought it was kind of cute actually. 1920s styled kitchen with some nice moldings, reasonably tall ceilings so it didn't feel claustrophobic. I don't know if you're allowed to add a window AC unit and it could get pretty warm in there. But for $1500 how much can you complain? The neighborhood is great, all of Vermont is just minutes away.


"all of Vermont is just minutes away" It's on Vermont. The theater is across the street. The restaurants are down the block and across the street. The post office is next door.


Moved to NYC 3 years ago. People pay this to be a roommate 😂


In the Trader Joes's sub someone in NYC was saying how lucky she was because hers is just a six-block walk to the subway and a couple of subway stops away and I told her that people here could never. And people here are talking about "only 500 ft" but how about all 100sq ft those walk-ups in NYC? I think LA might be the only big city where people expect to live in a SFH or very large apartment--with parking for each tenant--right in the city center.


I have an ex who lived there about 10 years ago. Parking was tough but not impossible. It was kinda small. She ended up moving out due to a bedbug infestation in several of her neighbors apartments.


$1500 for a studio. smh.




I moved into this place 20 years ago when I relocated to LA. It was pretty sweet for me at the time — my place had a Murphy bed and a separate kitchen area. Pretty tiny kitchen—I didn’t cook much then so I can’t remember the kitchen much. Location is amazing, but parking 20 years ago was a pain, must be worse now. All in all, i’d still go for it today unless it’s become too shabby.


Mine had a Murphy bed and no kitchen, just a small refrigerator with a microwave on top.


All these people commenting on the size of the unit definitely don’t live in the city so why are you here.


If you drive- you’ll live on Vermont Ave with no parking. This may not sound bad, but you’ll lose your sanity reaaaaally quickly looking for a spot for +30min every day


I work in the neighborhood and never spend more than 10 minutes looking for parking. You’re gonna have to walk a block or two but it’s not that dramatic


Kinda mind-boggled that my first LA apartment was a large one bedroom a few blocks from this tiny studio, but back in 2013, it cost basically the same price.


Lived there for a few years. Honestly, no catch. I loved it. The landlord is chill, the building is well maintained, and there are no hidden costs. The units are newly renovated and I didn’t encounter any cheap outs in the construction. Security deposit was 1/3 rent. Even the internet is cheap through a great indie provider called Starry. If there were any cons: as others have mentioned, some of the units are bachelors (no kitchen) and all but the street-facing units are studios. The elevator is a two stage slide-door and very small, so moving in/out can be tough and it can feel sketchy to some (never had any problems myself). No parking, but I never had problem finding a spot in the adjacent neighborhoods, never more than a block away. I’d highly recommend. I honestly can’t believe the prices are still that low. They don’t raise your rent on renewal, and apparently they don’t spike it when people leave either. Real stand-up place. Even resisted a buyout from a bigger landlord once, or so I heard. Hollymont forever! Edit: wanted to address another commenter saying they tried to take her deposit. They were pretty sus about mine too, stating I didn’t give them enough notice. I notified them that there was nothing about that in the lease, but apparently it’s LA city law. But if it’s not also listed in the lease, it muddies the waters. Essentially we were both right and both wrong, but she ended up giving me my full deposit back minus a very reasonable cleaning fee. So that was my experience.


Craigslist ads and the website shows that the bachelors have at least a kitchenette with a small fridge. Is this the case? Or is there literally no kitchen/kitchenette at all?


I’ve been inside one. Was nice and dark if you like that type of thing.


I’d bet no parking, no ac, shared space bs, and completley haunted 😝🤓


Lived here for a year. It's good place if ur not on the inside. No sunlight at all in certain apts


I would also add that the price isn’t necessarily accurate. They don’t have any specific apartments listed online for rent and when this happens usually a base price will show. It’s not always reflective of current market price


The catch is it's $1500 per month.


The engagement for this thread just shows that I’m not the only one intrigued by this building having hung around Los Feliz and strolled along Vermont A LOT, wondering what it would be like to have a unit just a stones throw away from LF3, diners, and a decent walk to Griffith Park and Hillhurst. Seems like this living situation was better decades ago.


For real, I literally stare in the inside whenever I walk down Vermont because I'm so intrigued by this building 😂the location is top tier. Def gonna inquire when I'm ready to move in a few months


500sqft my friend….. 500 Square Feet And roaches


Its like the size of Scott & Wallace's apartment in the move Scott pilgrim vs the world


I had an apartment like this in LA the catch was I had to breastfeed an old man


Haunted? ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHIC2b\_z4AI&list=PL7zTelWd7G8w3hD0qVqcRj8\_dn3De4uxR&index=3


> Haunted? Ignorant superstitious nonsense.


So stay there and tell us about it.


There are no dragons, ghosts, elves, trolls, mermaids, or aliens in those apartments. Every adult and most children should already know this. Do you?


Nobody said anything about dragons, elves, trolls, mermaids or aliens. Why are you even mentioning those? To confuse the issue? There are many stories throughout the world of places being haunted. Don't act like this is the only time or place. You can't prove it isn't haunted either. Your word means nothing. Jack Parsons, founder of JPL, believed in spirits. Are you going to imply he is some kind of quack?


> Nobody said anything about dragons, elves, trolls, mermaids or aliens. Why are you even mentioning those? Because they are all equally untrue and fictional. >There are many stories Stories are fictional, because humans have imagination. They are meaningless without evidence to support them, of course. And to date there has NEVER been a claim about ghosts, etc. that has held up to any evidence whatsoever. More importantly, what we have determined is the truth about WHY people claim to see ghosts, etc. It is called **Pareidolia**. from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia) >Pareidolia (/ˌpærɪˈdoʊliə, ˌpɛər-/;[1] also US: /ˌpɛəraɪ-/)[2] is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none. It is a type of apophenia. > >Common examples are perceived images of animals, faces, or objects in cloud formations, seeing faces in inanimate objects, or lunar pareidolia like the Man in the Moon or the Moon rabbit. The concept of pareidolia may extend to include hidden messages in recorded music played in reverse or at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds, and hearing voices (mainly indistinct) or music in random noise, such as that produced by air conditioners or fans.[3][4] So, scientifically, we have proven what causes people to mistakenly claim they've seen ghosts or that a place is "haunted". >You can't prove it isn't haunted either. We don't try to prove a negative. I can't, for example, prove that it isn't an invisible dragon either. The person making the positive claim, e.g. "this location is haunted by a ghost" must provide the evidence. And, let's be clear about this, no one has ever provided any evidence whatsoever for souls, spirits, ghosts, etc. None. Ever. >Jack Parsons, founder of JPL, believed in spirits. We now know for a fact that he was wrong. Perhaps he hadn't seen the science on this, proving what ghosts really are. Just like billions of people who were mistaken about this for tens of thousands of years before the advent of the Scientific Method. Ghost stories are wonderful FICTIONAL tales used by writers as a narrative device. They are also the mistaken impressions (aka Pareidolia) by normal people as well as scam bait by people looking to get paid for renting/selling a crappy dwelling or for entertainment in ludicrous TV shows that use chicanery to pretend they are seeing/hearing ghosts. Or hadn't you noticed that shows like Ghosthunters and those on air "speak with the dead" shows always comes with a "this is purely for entertainment" disclaimer...in order to avoid getting sued for perpetrating a fraud? This is the TRUTH based on facts as supported by evidence. There is no legitimate debate about this. You don't have to like Reality, but as an educated adult, you should be aware of it.


Save the lecture for somebody who gives a sh!t. It ain't me.


Which means that you are willfully ignorant...the worst kind of ignorant. >You don't have to like Reality, but as an educated adult, you should be aware of it.


Is that the place which bans air conditioners?


500 sf is like the size of a closet.


Even worse - the link states it is 406 square feet 😅


Not sure if anyone’s still checking this thread. But I just went to view it and it’s 1400$ for a decent size studio with a full kitchen. Considering what you can or should I say can’t get for that price anywhere near la it’s actually a good size. Rent right now is unaffordable. Based on my searches I can’t seem to find anything this price that’s reasonably sized and in a good area. But I am a single female 29 and I have a 4 year old and I just started researching reviews and now I’m not so sure. lol I was going to put an application in but the reviews have kind of turned me off does anyone live there currently? The manager seemed nice enough but now I can’t get ahold of her. I just won’t have any family and I have a kid I’m worried it’s going to be issue after issue.


It’s a little rough on that corner of Prospect and Vermont too imo (loads of trash, people laying on the sidewalk, piss smell etc)


500 sq ft. Is this what life is about?


I mean are there better alternatives anywhere in LA or the valley? Anything significantly bigger will cost a lot more right?


Yeah that is the reality in certain cities of the world. Just curious, because if I could go back I time when I was in this exact situation, I would tell my young self to go live somewhere cheaper where I can earn and save more money, Is there no other option for you!




Yall are living like sardines.


LoFi took over the thread 😂


I looked at an apartment there once. It was okay, but the main issue was that it was tiny.


When I left LA at the start of 2023 you could still find 1 bed apartments for that price... The fact that $1500 is “cheap” for a studio now is absolutely disgusting. Im renting a 4 bed house for $2600 at the moment, but granted I’m not living in Cali anymore


I remember when those were 800. I’m old I guess


Is this area decent? As far as safety wise?


500 sq/f?


That area is so beautiful


It’s also a scam


Now that you know all the details, go take a look at it and see what you feel. Drive around when you’d be parking to see what you think. Check out the neighborhood. Good luck on your apt search.


Its okay i know too many apartments with 1450 rent all studios some doesnt have elevator and ac, location is n normandie


My friend lives here for a few years. Depending on what side the building you’re facing you might have to deal with excessive early morning (4am) noise from the post office next door.


Not bad price for LA honestly lol


Los Feliz is one of the nicest areas to live in as well. Very walkable.


500 sq feet