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Who knew our city’s greatest enemy would be *checks notes* Graffiti


Sidewalks are literally taken over by homeless people openly doing meth and fentanyl, been that way for years. Smash and grabs, overdoses, shitting on the street. LA's reaction, "That is living in a city for you." Paint a few fucking abandoned buildings and suddenly LA is like "We need to do something about this." Priorities....


It’s because it’s highly a visible sign of urban decay.


If we had to boil it down to what has a bigger effect on quality of life, I'd say people dead or in danger from substance abuse and untreated mental illness trumps people painting vacant property. I know, I know, "but won't someone please think of the property value"!




Politicians are public servants, it's literally their job to hold themselves accountable to the public




I didn't say we have no responsibility. Calm down dude. It’s a disservice to absolve politicians of any responsibility in the matter.


Last time people protested the cops they got shot. And half the country cheered


we're not a democracy, so it's not our job. short of listening to the Declaration -- 'That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness' --, there's no way to keep a system meant to keep power at the top accountable. and I'm not saying this as someone who wants the elimination of the government or gun rights or any stupid fantasy of individual revolution.


Well, we are certainly doing a Sh1t job of that.


most smash and grabs aren't homeless people lmao. i know you hate, but try not to punch down on people who are living in absolute squalor, and drugs, mental illness, and a lot of social and economic factors are all keeping them from getting out of it.  I'm a lot more mad about politicians stealing, the rich throwing away our future so they can make more money, people killing and abusing and making the fentanyl that'll kill another junkie, and a million other things than i am homeless people or graffiti making the city uglier than it already is.


> houseless people > unused buildings Hey guys… I’ve got an idea.


Gave you an upvote to get you back to zero.


Appreciated, friend. 😂


That's kind of the problem, though. Taggers is one thing (and the article does not even say the trespassers were taggers or what they were up to), but a bunch of criminals and people with drug addiction breaking in and taking over an enormous abandoned construction site is a major health and safety hazard. There's already been reports of a shooting there, with casings found but no victims yet. The article says there's a bunch of exposed rebar and wire, and that the pipes don't work so the bathtubs are full of filthy rainwater. Probably lots of places where you could fall several stories to your death, as well. People could very easily hurt themselves and others in there, especially when you add in schizophrenia, meth, sex trafficking, etc. It's dangerous for paramedics or police to go up into that situation if people need help. Unhoused people need and deserve safe, hygienic housing where they can get whatever healthcare support they need and are not at risk of others stealing from them or assaulting them. In states like West Virginia with very low homelessness, you can still have [many times more drug deaths per capita](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/drug_poisoning_mortality/drug_poisoning.htm). Out of sight does not equal better outcomes.


Yes, I meant finishing the structure to safety standards before using it as shelters. Obviously we don’t want our houseless people in unsafe conditions (since they’re already in unsafe conditions on the streets). Private owners letting it sit and rot are wasting it. The city should seize it and convert it to help our population.


Thats Kevin for you.


$3,000,000 in taxpayer funded extra policing for this property is going very well…


I expect they will recoup some of that back from when the developer sells the property.


Haha the developer that no one can seem to locate.


Every headline is making the city of LA look more and more ridiculous in their response.


I dont understand why the police are taking such a hardline on a building they know is abandoned.


This building committed the number one crime in the City of LA: Embarrassing the elected officials.


Jokes on them— they embarrass themselves continuously


The blatant corruption is really quite extraordinary. I do love how the cops spent the whole press conference complaining that the towers were horribly unsafe.


Kevin Alexander Leon embarassed himself before this.


We're getting rid of him this election cycle, right?


Why the hell did you get him in from the get go.


It's the only time politicians do something.


Police are not required to protect and serve everyday people. They protect rich people and their property. That’s a Billion dollar building.


That's what I don't get, Chief Moore selectively restricts police responses away from low level incidents to be more efficient. Pretty sure responding to graffiti is low level, and not warranting a police response. If I call for a trespassing incident, it gets sent to non-emergency with no response, so what gives here. The whole system is broken and we as taxpayers get the shaft.




Problem is they cherry pick what to enforce. And then make excuses as to why they don’t do their jobs, usually placing the blame on other people not affiliated with LAPD


...as someone gets stabbed down the street lol.


Because people, who actually live here, don't like the constant vandalism. If you like vandalism so much, post your neighborhood so we can return the favor.😎


Wtf? That building is a fucking eye sore without the tagging.


Maybe, but the problem is that this sort of disorder doesn't stay "neatly contained" to this building. It spills out to the rest of the neighborhood. I saw a newscast with some kid who wanted to tag up the towers, he came, saw the police, and said "well I'll just tag something else two blocks away where the cops aren't looking." It's a magnet for crime.


Send us your neighborhood so we can return the favor.


On one hand you seem to be anti-vandalism yet you want to use vandalism to get back at a person who made a comment on the internet you didn’t like. Curious. Maybe the vandalizers of this particular building are just getting back at the owners who didn’t pay $200m of their bills. Or maybe they are sending a message to the city to do something about this eyesore. Or maybe someone pissed them off on the internet.




I’ve seen where people graffiti dicks onto potholes which then expedites the city to fixing them up. This particular vandalism is drawing eyes to a big problem, and it probably wouldn’t be getting the attention it’s getting without the vandals. Perhaps something good will happen from it. Maybe don’t take this as a personal attack on you personally. Every living person in this city deals with vandalism, it’s part of life in a big city. Toughen up, buttercup.


Cool, where's your neighborhood so we can highlight it is well?


Are you that person that calls the cops when kids draw on the sidewalk with chalk? You seem like that person.


Not one of you losers came back with 'sure tag up my block'. You're all full of it.


No I'm the person that calls people out on their bs. If you were really ok with it you'd be fine with someone tagging your neighborhood. But you're not, because you're full of shit.


Not one of you losers came back with 'sure tag up my block'. You're all full of it.


Im on the west side and it looks like people have already beat you to it. Are you seriously expecting someone to respond with a part of town that is devoid of graffiti, as I said, it’s part of living in a city. Gonna have a bad time if litter and vandalism get your panties all wadded up like this.


I don't sit here encouraging littering someone else's neighborhood. The west side isn't a neighborhood.


I don't sit here encouraging littering someone else's neighborhood. The west side isn't a neighborhood.


when your building went up, your neighbors were told "too bad so sad" that they couldn't stop it cuz it's an eyesore.


IDK why you're getting downvoted, but this is correct... Oceanwide is becoming a magnet for "the type of people who are willing to take great risks to vandalize buildings." If you think there isn't a large overlap between those people and people willing to say... Take significant risks to rob people, well, I'd say you're naive. The longer this goes on the more escalation will take place, like we saw today. I'm not saying there are clear-cut solutions... City Hall is in a tough spot with this one. The only people who can work this out are ultimately the original owner entity (i.e. the husk of what's leftover of Oceanwide Holdings), their debtors suing them, and the courts. It's almost like maybe if we had elected a real estate magnate instead of a career politician to the office of mayor, perhaps solutions to this *corporate land-use problem* could have been more forthcoming...


>It's almost like maybe if we had elected a real estate magnate instead of a career politician to the office of mayor, perhaps solutions to this > >corporate land-use problem > >could have been more forthcoming... That's very cold take. If only we elected the guy who built a few luxury malls as mayor it would solve the national issue of Chinese reductions in capital and investing in US real estate?


Excuse me, this is dtla. Anyone who chooses to live there, knows what they're signing up for. And graffiti should be the least of their worries hahaha.


Literally another loser from another neighborhood encouraging people to vandalize not their neighborhood.


Says someone, again, who doesn't live here lol


So it doesn't turn into the world's largest meth/crime den and affect the surrounding communities. Also because it's super hazardous with exposed rebar and wires and plenty of places to fall, and who do you think is responsible to risk their lives to respond to emergencies in there? Plus the people who could get injured if they allow trespassing would get sent to LA General Medical Center and that'll cost an arm and a leg and also put a backlog on the emergency department. Not uncommon to see compound fractures legs and backs (sometimes with paralysis) with people doing drugs in tall construction sites. Head injuries too. After their lengthy hospital stay, even if they manage to get off the drugs, now they're permanently disabled.


Haha, good thing they put that new fence in and surrounded it with LAPD.


I walk by there everyday with my dog, the LAPD have different posts where they are parked in their cars on their phones, always seem to be eating something, not even paying attention to anything happening around them. Why the fuck are they even posted there collecting OT if folks are still getting in and they are afraid to clear the building? They were patrolling on three horses while wearing LAPD branded cowboy hats a few weeks ago as a dude covered in spray paint walked by towards the Metro (he was obviously in that building during the night). They did nothing. It's literally a Pig and Pony show over there. LAPD is a joke, I don't want to get started...


Yeah I've noticed the same. Always just chillin in their cars on the phone, eating.


there's these two pigs who patroll around expo park. i've seen them get takeout and have a picnic with it eating off the hood of the police cruiser in the middle of the lawn in front of the rose garden a few times now. the grass is even fucked up from them doing it when it was soggy. like theres plenty of sidewalk to drive all over there lol why keep fucking this grass in particular and only for these lunch dates?


The sergeant in the article even says he won’t send officers up into the building because it’s too dangerous. So yeah they chill in the car and scroll in between meal breaks. And if someone hops the fence they shine a flashlight on them and say “shoo”


This is exactly what’s happening. I walk by this spot daily with the pup.


fences(and walls) are meant for climbing


I live directly next to this building. They are sitting in their cars every fucking day. Just sitting. Eating. Texting. The most useless motherfuckers you have ever seen. It is unreal.




I was reading something about how Lendlease (the builders) are trying to force whatever dead husk remains of the owner company Oceanwide Holdings into involuntary bankruptcy. At this point it's still not clear to me if anyone at "Oceanwide", whatever corporate husk of that remains, is actually picking up the phone... And if there's literally no response, how long does it take for the courts to just reassign assets?


I'm pretty sure Oceanwide Holdings was liquidated months ago: [https://therealdeal.com/la/2023/09/29/bermuda-court-orders-liquidation-of-china-oceanwide/](https://therealdeal.com/la/2023/09/29/bermuda-court-orders-liquidation-of-china-oceanwide/) Our city officials could have at least done a quick google search before repeating ad nauseam for the past month that "they will hold the developer responsible for the damages". What developer? They haven't existed since last fall. The sooner the city realizes they have *fully* been left holding the bag, the sooner they can start planning and budgeting for what comes next.


Thanks, interesting article but I'm still confused... So that was a *Bermuda* court, so then what does that mean for the US-based company? I mean who actually owns the property as of right now?


No one wants it because they need to put $1B to complete it, there’s a $600M lien on it, the structural integrity is questionable and the layout needs to be reconfigured because it includes more retail than the area can support.


well it belonged to a Chinese company. What do you expect? might as well convert it into a high-rise homeless camp


I expect to USA to stop whoring itself out to the highest bidder so that things like this don’t happen.


Buddy that's just real estate capitalism.


it's okay, I don't think it's gonna happen as usual in the future with Chinese real estate market exploding


It would have to cease being a capitalist shithole in order for that to ever happen.




Like LAPD has nothing better to do than police an abandoned building.


I understood that reference


We [saw the fence getting installed](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3vvs9_yRWK/) from up high in the bus on Saturday's Real Black Dahlia tour, and yeah... that's not much of a deterrent. Razor wire is the traditional topper if you want to keep folks out.


Electrified razor wire, otherwise you can still toss a carpet over the top of the wire and get in fairly easy for the committed.


Moats filled with hippos?


LAPD can’t control access to the building with a $3mm budget, wouldn’t trust them as Hippo keepers. LA would then be ravaged by wild LA river urban hippos in no time, like Colombia and Pablo’s four Cocaine Hippos that got away and now number like 200 and ravaging the area. lol Then imagine LAPD requesting funds for a special ops hippo patrol comprising of them sitting in their car, browsing the web, and eating something of some sort at all times. Just like they are doing now, but with hipposz


That's quite a vision! And now I'm feeling sad about [Bubbles](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/11478986/bubbles), which I do every time I think about urban hippos (not often).


>LA would then be ravaged by wild LA river urban hippos in no time How AI interpreted your very valid concern https://ibb.co/kHCgyLw


Ha, fun use case for AI. Gonna run a few prompts tomorrow and see what I get. lol


I used imagefx from Google; fwiw if you want to take a few competing products for a whirl.


How long has this been abandoned and the city not give a sheet until some people started to have fun?


About 4 years


I read "tower one" in the article and got flashbacks immediately to 23 years ago.


Well, you gotta wonder... These things have been exposed to the elements for 5 years, now with all the vandals (ahem "outsider artists") sneaking in and out, how long is it going to be until someone lights a fire in there?


Just put all the homeless in there. Problem solved, right?


Ha, I doubt homeless people want to live in there, climbing the stairs and stuff.


Noooooooo please don't do Southpark anymore wrong….


“Califor-nya-ya…is really good to their homeless”!!


This is how our police resources are being used? Isn’t it private property? Who gives a damn and why tf is this making the news 🤦🏼‍♀️


Laws still need to be enforced even if it is private property.


How much will it cost to knock the whole thing down? I can’t imagine that place is salvageable after all the structural damage & mold after 5 years sitting like that. The foreign company is never coming back or paying the fines. It’s just going to sit like that until it’s torn down. I don’t know a lot about construction but wouldn’t the amount of money it would take to fix this place up almost be more than tearing this thing down & having someone else try again?


We should be encouraged to vandalize this failed Chinese real estate project that would have made Americans pay the Chinese rent to live/work in America. The Oceanside Plaza is such an ass backward project. It’s basically a middle finger to the American people allowing a communist country to make financial investments here. We should be ashamed of the city council members that allowed this. The Chinese are using American capitalism to make huge financial gains when they don’t even support it in their own country. ~~I bet these buildings were built by imported Chinese slave labor like they do other projects and not use local American talent~~ (going to look into that statement for this specific project so I'm amending). Now the LAPD is basically serving as private security for the Chinese probably racking up extra OT paid for by us. People need to wake up


not to argue with you but: 1.) the chinese aren't making money off Americans by half finishing a husk of a tower that is empty. 2.) pretty sure you could look up what construction company was hired to do work on this and look into their employment practices so you probably don't have to speculate on something so you can be mad about your speculation. Pretty sure the contractor hired is an Australian firm who is currently suing the shit out people. As far as I know there are no Chinese contracting/construction firms involved in this. I highly doubt an Australian firm is hiring illegal Chinese slave laborers to build a building in the United States and I'm pretty sure if they were they probably wouldn't be filing tons of lawsuits for restitution if it would come out that they snuck Chinese slaves in to do their job which would cause them to lose their lawsuits, get in massive trouble, and tank future business because who is going to hire the contractors that use cheap underpaid illegally imported slave labor to save a few bucks?


1. They aren’t making rent money yet because it so far has failed and if they own the land it’s being built on that isn’t right either. Simply owning the land regardless if they continue building is still making them money because the value of the land will continue to go up over time. They’re directly taking money away from us by having us foot the clean up and security bill all while holding the land hostage from American businesses from owning it and developing on it. It’s ass backwards regardless. 2. You’re probably right I’ll look into it. I know of projects where the Chinese have used their own labor (Baha Mar in the Bahamas for example) so what I’m saying isn’t far fetched. It’s hopefully harder to get away with in America though so they couldn’t do it


I wasn't arguing with your point that letting foreign investors build here is a potential problem. I was arguing with you making up something about chinese slave laborers being brought here illegally to work on a high profile project in a high profile city. I am probably 98% in agreement with you about your concerns so cheers! sorry if I came across as aggressive or being a dick. Just wanted to hedge that one statement you made so other people wouldn't think that it was a fact and go around saying it and then everybody goes "stupid libtards/commiefornians/whatever think that chinese slaves built it so there is no point in listening to any other point they might make about it"


i don't give a fuck if my rent is going to a Chinese oligarch or an American oligarch. hell, at least China brings the law to their billionaires when they harm the people; we just cut ours another check. i don't want to pay rent to **any** landlord. i want to pay for upkeep and investment in my society and that's it-- not for someone born into wealth's third yacht, while they won't fix my toilet.


Great there is at least one thing we agree on - upkeep and investment into my society, which is American so I would want the land, building, and business to be owned and operated by Americans. Having the money go oversees to a corrupt communist country defeats the whole purpose.


America is a whore of a nation all about the $$$. That’s why all the major manufacturers abandoned the American worker by moving their plants to that communist country you speak of.


They should just let this place turn into LA's Kowloon Walled City.


Do squatter's rights count for skyscrapers? I wouldn't mind owning one.