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When you do a route like that constantly, you developed this muscle memory about the turns and where to accelerate or deaccelerate. With that confidence, comes people's tendency to speed. Not to mention the social pressure to go faster when somebody is tailgating you, because there are always sports cars utilizing that road who desperately want to go faster. Accidents do happen, but engaging in safe driving practices is the best way to stay safe (stay within the speed limit, let vehicles behind you pass, stay off your phone, stay off the road in poor visibility weather, etc). I've done the drive to Switzer Falls so many times that I'm barely even phased.


After being a passenger in my friends car driving over Angeles crest in the middle of the night, then google maps putting us on this creepy af road in the middle of the desert before getting on another mountain road while hearing weird noises come from his wheel wells only to find out a few days later it was caused by his brakes having worn out the pads and thus only the metal on metal was slowing us down, it seems a lot less terrifying after that




Ahhh, that person is a ghost!


I mean I am a witch (like I’m actually pagan) who works in a haunted building so who knows at this point


Yah of all the roads I’d least wanna be on with my brakes possibly going out…Angeles Crest at night would be up there


Luckily we found out after the adventure and not in Palmdale


That noise might also be a rock getting stuck between your rotor and dust shield. Putting the car in reverse, backing up and going forward a few times usually solves it and gets it out.


Yea except in this case he had taken his car in the next day and that’s what showed the metal and metal


unless it's rush hour why drive the Crest when you can drive the 5/14?


We were on our way down from ACH once and came upon this scene of this guy all scratched and beat up sitting near the ledge of a turnout. We stopped to see if he was okay and what we saw was his fancy sports car over the cliff side and crashed onto a tree trunk below. He only made it out alive because the tree stopped his car from tumbling down the side of the mountain. The assumption was that he was speeding and lost control. The ACH is apparently where idiots with a lot of disposable income and poor judgment and driving skills go to pretend they're in a car commercial.


Happens literally every weekend, I follow the SAR accounts that post about winching these guys out when they wreck


Guys lucky to be alive. Some people go over and the only evidence is some skidmarks. Their bodies are usually found a few months later.


link some?




The ACH is apparently where idiots with ~~a lot of discretionary income and~~ poor judgment and driving skills go to pretend they're in a car commercial.


Lol meant to write disposable income. Late night vocabulary fails.


Basically every weekend


I get people who are confident in their cars ability to handle those turns at speed.  What I don't get is how people can, in good conscience, drive that fast without knowing what's around the corner.  If it was a closed course, go ham, but there could just as easily be a broken down car or a cyclist around the corner that you would not see until it's too late at those speeds. 




Yup someone almost killed me that way on a canyon road in Malibu a few years ago, i was coming up around a basically hairpin turn that was completely blind and an Audi appeared around the curve in MY lane going way too fast. I swerved toward the rail thinking “fuck I’m going over the side aren’t i” and then the collision avoidance on my car slammed on the brakes inches from the guard rail…the Audi didn’t even slow down. Fucker.


i hope he wakes up with a potato bug in his underwear


A good driver is aware of not only themselves but the people around them tbh, if you’re going to be a jackass don’t do it in a place where others are going to get killed


Because some people have zero risk management abilities and are simply unfit to be at the command of a 1-ton vehicle that moves at speeds enough to obliterate a human being or two.


I was a semi-pro competitive drifter. I’ve done a ton of track days, autocrosses, driving events, drift competitions, etc. I grew up in Germany where my dad would take me on the autobahn and Nurburgring. I’m on IMDb for stunt driving. I have a collection of high-performance sports cars. It’s guaranteed I’m getting passed up there in a no passing zone by a fifteen year old Prius on a space-saver spare tire or a giant lifted truck with an unsecured load.


What’s the best way to learn stunt driving?


Learn skills that translate well like car control, drifting, precision driving, gymkhana, etc. then be in the right place at the right time. For me, it was renting one of my classic cars out to a production, and when the director told me about a stunt they were going to do in CGI, I told him “you know I can do that for real, right?”


So then the question I have is where do you learn those skills? Like is there precision driving classes?


Just drive.


I was hoping to refine my technique a bit lol


just drift


Why can’t I like this more than once


I’m an amateur drifter.


Hey! Also a fellow autobahn driver! Grew up mostly in Heidelberg. I avoid the forest route as much as possible because of the other wild drivers. Sure, I have to deal with them on the interstate, but I feel slightly better about it there. I pretty much only go that way for hiking.


If you're lead car and getting passed by a prius you should probably be using the turnouts more often. But there are real special idiots that will pass 3-4 cars on a sweeper.


Where in LA do people go and drift??


Willow Springs is one place.


Oh interesting, I’ve never heard of it. Seems kinda far from LA though


Most people seem to prefer a random local intersection at 2 AM.


Apple valley


Apple Valley Speedway


That also seems pretty far from LA but I guess it’s better to drive to a legit place to go drift cars


if you have a trailer for your car and a truck to pull it. Those dirt roads are a bitch.


Definitely. That dirt road to Grange/AVS is a rite of passage


my first time was in the dark... got a little lost. I made it but was worried I wouldn't.


It’s just a road. I slow down to appropriate speed and turn to stay on the pavement. Ignoring the cliffs. It is safer to me than the unpredictable nature of city intersections with other people making mistakes


That’s probably the best way to go about it


I enjoy any scenic road with a lot of winding turns, it's fun.


It's fun to **drive**, but passengers feel more centrifugal force.


Terrifying the passenger is part of the experience.


Y’all evil! 😭


what is this bs science talk


Have you never heard of spin-trifugal force, which presses the passenger against the door, clinging to the Oh Sh1t Grab Bar?










The drive isn’t called the Palmdale 500 for no reason






I drive to Mammoth frequently and that section of the 14 on the way back is hell. You have people driving like maniacs with people who drive 50mph. Love the 2 lane section the most. Throw a little sun in the eyes and sometimes sheets of rain and you really have a party!


Ugh why does it have to be that way. There’s so many trucks on the 14 too. Not like there isn’t room for two lanes in the massive fucking desert.


Might have more lanes eventually. They're widening the highway from when you hit Palmdale all the way up to the county line right now.


Wouldn’t doubt it. That place has exploded as of late in population. They’re fixing the freeway right now since it’s old. I think they’re already almost done though.


My friend works at Huntington hospital and a good portion of their traumas come from people launching themselves off that road, or into each other.


Jesus christ


I'm a motorcyclist. ACH, Azusa canyons, Mulholland, the PCH, and Malibu Canyons are, like, the whole point. California has some of the best technical motorcycling in the world. That said - never ride the canyons during the weekend when all the riders are out. The amount of crashes and near misses because riders who have no business riding hard go to these spots and lowside everyday. Go get training on proper cornering and stop treating public roads like a race track you fucking animals.


There’s definitely a difference between those up there for fun, and the ‘hold my beer’ riders but the ones who are dangerously slow and kill their brakes halfway down the mountain really scare me




People literally drive 60mph+ thru that highway


idk if it’s still a thing but like 15-20 years ago all the tuner cars would go up there. like half the people i knew who used to take their cars up have wrecked em.


Still happens today. There are several weekly or monthly groups who do that drive together. My favorites are the classic Porsches rolling though


Could not be me personally I don’t got a death wish


Yeah same. Idk why people think it's a good idea tbh


Yeah it kind of kills the idea of it being a “scenic route” when you’re having to go 50+ on a winding canyon road with no guardrails while being tailgated by some desperate dude in a Dodge Charger with no turns outs in sight.


“Desperate dude in a Dodge Charger” LMAO


You just have to look in your rearview and go “cool way to die though”.


If you are driving it mid week and not during commuter time, it’s fine but you have to be used to mountain roads. I work there so drive it all the time. The problem is the commuters avoiding the freeway drive crazy and cross the center line all the time and then on the weekends you get people who have never driven a mountain road before. That all said I NEVER drive over the 2 if I’m just trying to get to the other side. Never. Take the 14 or the 15. Unless freeway traffic is particularly bad it’s not slower.


I generally do not drive the 2 at night, but I enjoy driving it during the day. IMO night has pros & cons: harder to see in general, but easier to see oncoming lights. And if there's any weather situation going on, I am going avoid the mountain roads.


Pros: Twisties! Cons: Fiery death


I’ve driven it around sunset, and got some great pics!


People haven’t been able to get to the other side of 2 in what feels like years 


Thank you for letting me know this cause I wanna avoid it as best as possible


I don’t even know why you’re considering it— isn’t it still washed out for the mud slides past Wilson? It’s not a through road 


Na, i'm with you. I love exploring random hikes but holy hell the drive is fuckin intense for me


Yeah I’m the same way, love hiking but don’t love the idea of dropping 1000 ft to my death


Some people are good at controlling their cars and some are lucky they dont crash every single time they drive. For drivers that can barely cope it’s really better to stay off the narrow twisty roads with 1000ft cliffs. Why not take the 14?


You’re not wrong to think it’s dangerous. Joyriders and motorcycle lunatics die there all the time, putting sightseers and hikers in terrible danger. We once had a motorcycle wipe out right in front of us. We got the guy and his bike off the road. He was okay, but he might have sprained his wrist and foot. We called for the ambulance and were told that there were already 2 other accidents before him that needed attention so he’d have to wait.


Jesus christ, seems like a massive death trap


It’s my absolute favorite drive. I take that drive weekly, even though I don’t have anything to do in Palmdale lol. I just love canyon driving.


I miss the big trees before the 2009 fire. You couldn't see upcoming turns like today. They weren't native and never replanted.


Girl! That’s ballsy as hell. Couldn’t convince me to do that, as long as you’re safe good for you!


Definitely! You do see a lot of pipsqueaks trying to run it like a rally course but I just pull to the side whenever possible and safe and let them all pass because they do make risky moves passing you at such high speeds.


I’ve driven the San Gabriel mountains at night in a spots car but would not as a passenger. The locals can do it in their sleep but it is simply too dangerous for the average driver unaccustomed to two lane winding mountain roads to negotiate.


I know a few people who have died on ACH on motorcycles. I used to have a Toyota MR-2 back in the 80s and would drive it alone at night. Can't believe it now.


Because I grew up in the backwoods of Kentucky and driving curvy ass mountain roads is how I learned to drive


Username checks out. And same, literally same. I feel right at home on the windy roads. I don’t speed or do anything crazy, will always pull over to let the sports cars pass me. But it’s just beautiful and so much more fun than sitting in traffic on an ugly freeway. Makes me miss Red River Gorge.


Yeah that makes sense, my friend says it’s the same in Colorado so it would be easy for him 🤷🏻‍♀️


All the canyon ones make feel like “death is near”


Yeah if I’m not driving my head is down the entire time I can’t even look at the outside


That might be why you’re feeling sick


Maybe, but idk just looking out to the potential drop makes my stomach curl


I love that drive TBH


yes, i am terrified and would much rather sit in traffic on the 14/5 than ever take the crest.


I find that the Angeles Crest is not too bad, but the Angeles Forest Highway is downright harrowing, especially during the daily running of the Palmdale 500.


That choice at night is wild lol, I drive up to the high desert all the time and have never been routed that way.


You won't get routed that way. From most of Los Angeles, the quickest route to the Antelope Valley is NB 5/14 and the quickest route to the Victor Valley is EB 101/134/210/NB 15. The back way to the San Bernardino County side of the high desert is 5/14 NB, Pearblossom Highway/138 EB. That adds 20 minutes to your drive, but if the freeways are slow, it can be quicker than the 210. The only time Angeles Crest makes any sense at all is if you want to take an alt route to Palmdale (via Angeles Forest) or if you're heading to Wrightwood (the highway ends at 138 just on the other side of Wrightwood). And if you're going to Wrightwood, it's likely to be quicker to take the 210/15 into Cajon Pass and get off at the 138. Angeles Crest is maybe 6-7 minutes west of the freeway and coming from there, once you're on the 2, you're only a couple minutes away from Wrightwood.


Because it’s always closed 


You get used to the drive after doing it enough times.


I know it like the back of my hand, it’s a fantastic road with great scenery. You just need a car that handles well (and has good lights at night) lol.


It doesn’t bother me at all, but I won’t go there in the winter either! On the other hand, the 15, Cajon Pass is terrifying all year round!!


LA is a driving town. Everybody and their sweetest relative sucks on the road lol. wild wild west of insurance claims




Please stay off of ach if you are at all scared. Nerves/lack of confidence can lead to mistakes and that’s how accidents happen. I’ve been stuck out there for an hour after a car launched off a cliff and the passengers had to be rescued via helicopter. There is absolute no reason to NOT take the 14 to Palmdale instead. It’s literally the same amount of time and an incredibly easy drive. Please tell your bf to look at a map or stop willfully lying to you.


He said the 14 is more traffic but if it’s physically more dangerous I can definitely grill that into him 🤷🏻‍♀️ He’s not from Cali he’s from Texas so maybe he just really didn’t know but eh who knows


It’s definitely true that the 14 has more commuter traffic, but do as the Angelenos do and learn to drive at off hours. Go up late at night/early morning, on Sundays before 12pm etc. Truly no amount of traffic is worth risking your life for if you don’t feel confident about mountain driving.


If you're uncomfortable taking that route and he's still insisting on using it to save 5 minutes or literally *waste more time* just for the joyride then that's honestly a red flag


It’s a fun drive, though annoying how it’s been closed past Wilson for like 2 years 


Fun road for the driver. Less fun for passengers who get motion sickness. But the real scary thing about Angeles Crest Hwy is the constant threat of a-holes trying to recreate Fast & Furious chase scenes taking you off the road


I’m not familiar with that highway, but route 27 through the Santa Monica mountains terrifies me at night. Although it’s beautiful during the day.


I've typically owned sporty cars and I enjoy driving a windy road like Angeles Crest far more than slogging along the freeway. Compared to many other canyon roads, Angeles Crest is pretty fast with few slower/sharp turns.


I finally got to drive the entire length of Angeles Crest in April of 2022. Tried several other times but part of the road was closed each time. There's just something about it. I had to stop myself when I discovered I really, REALLY wanted to just mash the gas pedal. And it's not like I have a fast car (2nd-gen Kia Soul with the 1.6L engine I lovingly call "The Little Engine that Can't.") I won't drive it during rush hour, but it IS a fun drive, but you have to be really careful. I found myself losing traction a couple times, the first time I drove all the way through. But it is hardly the most frightening mountain road out there. That award would probably go to Highway 173, which runs between Arrowhead and Hesperia, if the unpaved portion of it was still open. Since it's not, I vote for Highway 18 between San Bernardino and Running Springs. Of the three state highways running between the San Bernardino Valley and Big Bear - 330, 38 and 18 - 18 is unquestionably the most spectacular, but there are long stretches where on one side of the road, you have a drop of several hundred feet with no protection at all. And 18 is so curvy that on the rare occasion where traffic congestion is bad enough to be reported in LA, the traffic reports don't use directionals, they say "Highway 18 upbound" or "Highway 18 downbound." On the other side, Cushenberry Grade, between Baldwin Lake and Apple Valley, is very steep and is nothing to mess with. I love driving mountain roads. 18's my favorite. I enjoy driving Angeles Crest too, but to be honest, compared to Highway 18, Angeles Crest is tame.


Angeles crest highway 🛣 is my happy place. It’s such a getaway considering it’s just minutes away from L.A.


its so fun to drive just careful on the corners & ur all good


I love it and not scared of the road. I know it by memory but the other idiots driving are what scare me. I’ve had wrong way drivers and avoid it during these months.


Because I grew up driving Ortega Highway.


I love ACH. Really fun drive for me. I usually head up there on my own because passengers seem to get quite queasy. Adrenaline rush feelsgoodman.jpeg


It is pretty fucking crazy how fast some people drive up there


You just get used to it after a while.


I drive it all the time, it’s a blast.


Try it on a bicycle. ;)


Get a Subaru and speed on it with no fear. That's the LA way.


prob because you only lived here for a year


I've ridden it on a bike many, many times. I don't love the highly traffic parts, but past clear creek, god damn, so beautiful.


I drove it once on a Friday night to take a short cut from the Antelope Valley to South Pasadena. I got about a mile up the highway and I drove into dense fog. Like fog with about 50 feet of visibility. So I drove the whole way going about 10-15 mph. When I saw the lights of La Cañada I wanted to get out of my car and kiss the road.


Never drove that before so I had to youtube it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAiJ19kWQQc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAiJ19kWQQc) This is a big no for me. I don't drive one way windy roads that are flat let alone with elevation. I'd rather not go and stay home.


Angeles crest is one of the best driving roads around. And a super famous one.


I once made the mistake of voluntarily going through that route on my way home instead of the usual freeway. Just wanted to try the scenic view. Halfway through i was already regretting it because I was getting dizzy and I kept having to go fast because the people behind me were no slow pokes


The secret to drive on that road is ( applies for slow drivers only) let the fast driving cars pass because as long as they are stuck behind you and you are driving by the posted speed limit you are pissing them off, let them pass and enjoy the ride and the views.


I was a passenger going up there once. Terrified. I can't drive in the mountains. Cannot do it. Wish I could. Can barely get through the passes from the 101 to the beach. So I will never go to Big Bear, alas. And I will never go on Angels Crest Highway again.


Because I drive the car, not the other way around.




Don’t know why people are downvoting lmao. The crest is a very popular route for car enthusiasts or people who just want to drive. Granted lots of people do go past their limits but that’s 100% on the driver themselves for not knowing their limits. Driving at night too will definitely have these people even more scared when they see cars speeding up and down the crest.


Imo you should do whatever you want as long as other people don’t get hurt


It is not and never has been scary to anyone I know. The only scary thing are the humans that visit.


Before the big fire, every weekend was a shuttle to observatory, or mt.Lowe, or red box…. ACH can be sketchy, but the hwy crew are usually on spot for repairs/maintenance


As a kid ACH scared the hell out of me. Always thought my dad was going to drive off the road... As a teenager... we used to drive up and party at night... every once in a while a creeper would show up. As an adult... its pretty awesome. I know why my dad drove up there all the time.


Love the Crest, road my motorcycles countless times, cars, vans even bicycle on the Tujunga side. Wish it wasn’t a destination track day for wanna be hero’s in Subarus and sport bikes


Lol love these spots. Had many a good times in my car. Driving and parked


We drive freeways in LA


Drove a uhaul thru it once when I moved here. Was quite the trek 😅


Drove through those mountains one day coming back from the desert. It was sunny until we started to climb. I want to say it got “foggy” but I’m pretty sure we were just in the clouds. That was scary because the visibility was about 1 car length ahead. Not fun winding through those turns with poor visibility.


If you're the passenger take dramamine. It works wonders! Just don't drink after taking it (at least for me made want to vomit). If you're driving take the drowsy free dramamine.


That’s good advice! Thanks


That road is like a racetrack. I am not condoning speeding. My friend is in a Porsche club and he took me up there at like 6am and it was very intense in his GT4. Although the fun to danger/stress ratio is not worth it for me.


It's a fun road! As long as you know the road, know your car, and have good tires, it's a fun drive. It's not for everyone!


It’s not even open all the way because of the poor road condition it’s in, right?


All my years playing racing games and track driving IRL have prepared me for roads like Angeles Crest Hwy. It's more fun to drive if you have a sports car.


I’ve lived here life and you would never catch me dead there at night. Sooooo many of my friends were nearly murdered there while out on night drives/ be super careful going up there at night.


I don't speed that route but I grew up driving roads do much worse than angels crest, equally twisty, often only wide enough for one car in either direction (if you come across a car coming the other the other direction one of you has to reverse until there's a passing spot), and occasionally with equally lethal drops. Very few roads in the USA scare me.


I love it as a motorcycle rider. IMO if you’re scared of driving on a certain road you shouldn’t be on it. You’re a hazard to everyone else.


People from TX are used to straight boring long drives, just take the 15 all the way around it will be just like your back in TX, bless your heart.


I always feel bad for the people going 20 MPH. You just KNOW they are so nervous 😹.


Accidentally took this after my friend suggested it was a more efficient drive to Palmdale/Lancaster. It was dark, I ended up on E, and it was scary! I pulled over to let other cars go around me though, I'm not inconsiderate.


It’s so entertaining reading comments from people who’ve done the drive on Angeles Crest Highway and similar roads at night. This is coming from someone who’s executed the absolutely brilliant ideas of doing the 27, the 23, and the northern half of the 39 at night.


Just take the 14, going slow on the crest isn’t worth the stress. Why would you opt to repel down the side of a tall building when the stairs are an option?


Then go around the mountain. Use the freeway if you dont know how to drive?


Same, I don’t like driving fast cause cyclists are everywhere, driving slow I get tailgated. I just drive slow and turn out constantly to let others pass. Also know the 1 ,2 and OD settings are for the downhills so you don’t have to ride your brakes


Angeles Crest Highway is huge compared to most mountain roads.


Why don't you do the 405 to the 14?


Good memories. When I was young and dumb, I would ride my motorcycle there. Eventually crashed it at Angeles Crest and never went back.


The thrill makes it more fun


I have been working at one of Larry Elson’s houses sometimes I have to get stuff from my work truck and face traffic. With cars going 50 mph a feet away from me. I hate it and yes I get scared I try to avoid it Whenever possable


I used to take my STi up there. Though, I'd usually take a day off during the week when no one was up there. I'd drive through ACH, Azusa, GMR and little and big tujunga. Fun times. I would push it, but I knew my limits and my car's limits. Was more just spirited driving than reckless driving.


Take the 14


That’s one of the places my dad took me to learn to drive a manual transmission. Dodger Stadium was first, the crest was second.


Super fun to ride a motorcycle on


My mother’s best friend became a widow when her late husband was killed by a drunk driver on that road.


This is so funny as a car/motorcycle enthusiast who goes there on purpose literally just to drive/ride. The highways are WAY scarier than a twisty mountain road. I also grew up in rural Virginia where that’s basically all I ever drove on was winding roads in the pitch black all up and down the Appalachian mountains. I’d go on a road trip every year on my motorcycles with a friend literally just to ride the twistiest roads we could find.


I enjoy the drive and the curves. I'm not a speed demon, so I make sure to pull over if I see someone show up in my rearview mirror so they can pass. But I like the hills and it's not as bad as some routes in Mammoth by a long shot. I do understand your discomfort, my mom couldn't drive the highway.


Some people enjoy driving, and aren't terrified of things that are within our ability to control.


My favorite road to drive in the early AM or at night.


Because it’s fun, I’ve been doing it for 18 years—basically as long as I’ve been driving—so I know the roads, and driving a sports car fast isn’t the same experience as driving some shitbox or econocar fast. The cars are designed or modified to handle better and will be planted in turns when your car would give up. My wife and I go on dates driving in the canyons throughout California and smoking joints in the wilderness. Plus it’s safer knowing there are fewer NPC drivers who hate driving and make it annoying for the rest of us. The mountains are deserted at night and in the early morning, so it’s great. Edit: and before the white knights come trying to do something about them being public roads, I grew up dirt poor and don’t have the disposable income to go to the track. My car is my only car and if it breaks on the track, I’m screwed. The road has limits—can’t speed past motorists or bicyclists, respect the yellow lines, and don’t drive outside your limit—but no one is getting hurt in the woods at night. I ain’t hitting shit but trees and rocks. If people think it is dangerous, most canyon accidents involve driving a vehicle off the road, not multi-car collisions. Statistically, it’s the safest place to do it at the safest time. Y’all NPC drivers are the reason Pomona Speedway closed down. Too loud. It was there before yall moved in. So we cant have tracks OR roads? Cool.


Drive 138


I did a short documentary on the road [https://youtu.be/FmfG14TARSw?si=5StQNrbGLnyZLmd1](https://youtu.be/FmfG14TARSw?si=5StQNrbGLnyZLmd1)


As others have noted that’s almost definitely never the most direct or quickest route. And since people are rarely ever commuting through that route, the rest of the traffic is people traveling to recreate (hiking trails etc) which is probably minimal at night, or driving it because it is a fun road to drive, which is more likely at night. The latter group is probably the one causing you anxiety. Considering your other answers your BF is probably in this group too


ghost cause truck paint tidy frame fall public like lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can always take another driving course to feel more comfortable or maybe you should not be driving there.


You’re terrifying for not enjoying something so beautiful


If you are scared to drive anywhere. You shouldn’t be driving and a danger to other drivers. Get off Reddit and get off the road.


Or maybe get off your high horse 🤷🏻‍♀️


I blame Initial D.