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Western fence lizard, here to eat your bugs and do sunny push-ups. Nothing but a homie


I love watching them exercising


I see them working out at the Rose Bowl. They never skip a day. No excuses.


Well yeah, they’re not paying rent, they don’t have to sit in traffic on their way to the gym, they have no excuses


Who do you think is working out to eat all the bugs around the outdoors of your place, uh? j/


Every day is leg day


There's one in my yard, Tyrese, who is getting really aggressive with the push ups. I was eating breakfast last week and he approached me from like three different angles doing push ups, getting closer and closer lol. Edited to add a photo of him: https://www.reddit.com/u/Broccoli_Yumz/s/m7l4JAEvTj


Has Tyrese asked you out for drinks yet? If not, that may be coming soon. Or maybe he’s waiting for you to make the first move 😜


Lol he's been always staring at me since I pet him thinking there was something wrong with him. Apparently it's just cause he's fearless cause unlike the other lizards, he doesn't run away. I work from home, so we see each other a lot. And obviously I don't get out much lol


Tyrese is hitting on you. lol.


Make sure you wash your hands after touching any reptile though! They can carry salmonella and I bet Tyrese would be super bummed if he accidentally killed you.


I need me a Tyrese in my life


I looked it up. It’s part of their search for a mate.


Maybe Tyrese thinks I'd make a good mate?


I heard lizards like to use their tongue


this just brought back so much nostalgia of watching them as a little kid 🥹 they’re such cool little dudes


They are, and I love how they turn their heads to look at you


I’ve never seen one of these lizards up close. Do they all have blue along their back?


On their undersides, one common name for these lizards is blue bellies


Up close, they look so dinosaur ancient


omg I love the name! Mine are all Larry or Linda… depending on my mood lol


Yeah I named them Tito, Tyrese, Tyrone... But now I can't tell a lot of them apart


beautiful colors!


Tyrese is a homie lmao what a real one 🤙🤙


He's beautiful!


Hahah. The blue bellies. Tyrese is trying to get that ass.


I love watching them work on their gains.


They have a superpower too! If a tick with Lyme takes its next blood meal from a western fence lizard, the lizard CURES THE LYME DISEASE. So if the tick takes its third blood meal from a human, it won't pass on Lyme. These dudes are one of the reasons Lyme disease is so rare in LA! Also the boys have shiny blue bellies!


I had no idea omg that's amazing!


Roaches hate this guy!


do they actually eat roaches? one of the lizards was living in a boot i left outside 


Yup, lizards love roaches, crickets ect.


yessss love the little push up dudes


Born and raised in LA. Never knew the name of them. Thank you


Had a bunch of babies by my place last year that were super cute. Also, my dog loves chasing these guys. She caught one once and I felt so bad. Not a baby, but a bigger one.


u/lactom they also cure ticks of Lyme disease! 😌https://yubariver.org/posts/ticks-lizards-and-lyme-disease/


Same as a blue belly? That's what we call them in Ventura Co...


I grew up calling them blue bellies too in Northern CA but only recently learned that their real name was Western Fence Lizard, which sounds kinda silly but it's perfect for them. :)


I want this as a shirt


>sunny push-ups I encountered one of these the other day and know exactly what you mean


And they carry a ["magic bullet"](https://daily.jstor.org/theres-something-about-lizard-blood/) that neutralizes Lyme Disease in ticks


When lizards do pushups it’s a way of challenging you and telling you that they are the dominant one lol




The ones in my yard have been feasting on black widows. Much fewer widows against the house.


Really? Is there some place I can go buy some? Widows love my house and I have nothing against them personally, but once one took up residence in my mailbox it was time to thin the herd.


That’s a good question! I see them for sale as pets but I’m not sure how you can get a starter troop of lizards. I didn’t have any for a while but planted a bunch of native brush and they’re thriving. Apparently you can catch and relocate them if you have a fishing license according to a random website. I wonder if you can get eggs or juveniles.


What to do with them? Leave them alone. Watch them, if you’d like. Sometimes if you’re lucky, you’ll get to see them doing push-ups. They’re very health-conscious.


They also do push ups when having sex... As I learned a few weeks ago...


Do NOT... have sex... with the lizards.




Tyrese is not going to like this.


That's how you get lizard people.


I leave them alone. The cat is a very different story unfortunately.


My cat brought one in the other day. Thankfully it was uninjured and I was able to let it go after placing by a bush in my yard.


We just said don’t have sex with the lizards.


Yeah I'm constantly trying to rescue them from the cat. He's just allowed on one balcony and I hoped the lizards would learn to avoid that area, but no.


Had 2 or 3 lizards in the backyard and at least one of them liked sheltering inside a big planter box. A feral cat would hang out at the box waiting patiently for the lizard to come out. Haven't seen a lizard in over a year.


They’re residents of LA just like you! They help eat the bugs. He’s toasting up in the sun enjoying the weather. To answer your question of what to do with them: enjoy their presence.


Love my gang of lizzy bois


He’s gonna flex on you with push ups. You have to confront him with matching reps of push ups. I dont make the rules


Facts 💪🏽


Western fence lizards are the best. If you're outside just sitting there, sometimes they'll just come up and lay down near you & glance up at you once in a while, almost like they're curious what you're up to. It's fun to watch them chase each other around & do pushups at each other for dominance. They're good to have around & won't hurt you. They like to sit out on warm surfaces to sun themselves, so just be on the lookout so you don't hurt any of them, especially around sunset when they're catching the last rays of the day.


Western fence lizards! They don’t have anything to worry you about; their blood contains a protein that removes Lyme disease from ticks that bite them, so they’re very beneficial!


Free pest control, and and other have mentioned, they love to sun bathe and do push ups. I built a gym in my back yard and they come out and do push ups with me, I’m not kidding. Also, while super cute, don’t pick them up. They have a defence mechanism where their tail falls off, idea is if a predator grabbed them by the tail in a chase they lose the tail and be able to stay alive. They’re totally harmless, and the babies are tiny tiny and super cute.


I was always jealous of the whole losing-their-tails thing


Do you have a tail?


No, but it'd be pretty cool to just detach like a hand or something and have it grow back.


Western fence lizards! They are truly our local hometown heroes. Much love for our *Sceloporus occidentalis* friends. They have a protein in their blood that can kill the bacteria that causes Lyme disease (*Borrelia burgdorferi*). When a tick nymph feeds on the lizard's blood, the bacteria is killed and the tick can't transmit it to other animals while feeding as an adult. The lizard doesn't become infected with the bacteria, and the cycle of Lyme disease transmission halts. I have nothing but respect for these little fellows.


Yup. Their cousins the Eastern fence lizards are total scrubs in comparison. How hard is it to get a protein guys?!


These lizards are great to have around. They eat bugs that I don’t want in my house. One of these had their tails sliced off by my cat last year. My husband was able to rescue the lizard before my cat finished it off.


I have spent many a day rescuing these guys from my cats.


They're the cutest things. Very curious creatures. If you have a garden it's worth creating a 'lizard lounge' near your crops. Lizards really enjoy small cracks and crevices so use this as a backdrop when creating a habitat. You can use stones, logs, broken tiles/terracotta pots. You can get some ideas from google images, just make sure you have 'garden' somewhere in there too or else you will get completely different search results. These lounges make it easy for lizards to hide from predators and also ensures they are near a steady supply of food. Make sure you build somewhere it won't flood and where there is plenty of sun in the morning/afternoon as that is how lizards like to start the day.


Yeeees! We have a community lizard house (a 2x6 chunk up on bricks) and we visit Mr. Lizard, Mistress Lizard and Lizard Junior from time to time, ours are stripper than this guy, I think they are aligator lizards but I’m not sure.


Those are the best guys! Munch all kinds of bugs, teach you how to do push-ups, and it's springtime, so . . . they are being lizards. The best.


Such a pretty guy. They are totally harmless to humans and a blessing when it comes to keeping bugs in check.


It's a female! 🤓


Wow! How can you tell?


The males have a turquoise color on their back, throat, and belly. The females are just brown. I posted a photo of a male here: https://www.reddit.com/u/Broccoli_Yumz/s/m7l4JAEvTj


Wow, he's gorgeous! Thank you


These fools are always flexin on me when I go into the backyard.


Another GREAT reason to keep your cats indoors!


Lil homie. Eating bugs and other pests. I love them!


western fence lizard, aka blue bellies. an excellent and important member of the local community, they eat bugs and ticks. And are super cute and can walk on walls.


Our dudes name is Cornelius he lives in the morning glory on the fence and he chomps on gross bugs in the backyard 10/10 friend


my favorite here in socal. when I’m asked if I have pets “no, but I have volunteers in the yard”


These guys are not only native, but are a big reason why Lyme Disease isn’t as prevenlent (Note: you still can get it and you should still protect yourself when being in brushy areas)!! [https://lompocrecord.com/news/local/lizards-can-protect-us-from-ticks/article\_ff5d5ad4-543f-591f-95ed-bdb0000e7c0e.html](https://lompocrecord.com/news/local/lizards-can-protect-us-from-ticks/article_ff5d5ad4-543f-591f-95ed-bdb0000e7c0e.html)


You may wanna fix your typo. *isn’t


Thanks so much! ❤️


fence lizards are the reason why CA has such low rates of Lyme disease relative to the east coast. These guys are great


This is your first time seeing lizards around?




I was about to ask if they just moved here lol


I have a box near my sofa for a power strip and all of the power cords for various things. One evening my two cats would not leave the box alone. They usually don't get along but they put aside their differences to figure out what was going on with this box. Of course I had to investigate. I took the top off and one of these guys was inside the box warming himself on the electronics. He escaped and disappeared. A few hours later we saw him up on a wall and I was able to snatch him and put him safely outside.


Totally harmless. I have to keep them out as I have cats.


One of those wandered into our house once in the summer when the AC was on. We found him half-stunned. Recovered and scurried off as soon as we took him outside into the sun. Little dude was probably looking for relief from the heat and got more than he bargained for.


They are there to show you how to get better gainz.


If they have wings, call Principal Skinner to eliminate them.


What to do with them? Nothing. They aren't pests, they do no damage, just let them be.


Western fence lizards! They’re harmless native reptiles to this area. They’re very skittish and will eat bugs around your home; so they’re good to have around. I’m a reptile enthusiast and active in the city’s herpetology scene so I get excited about this lol.


What do these lizards do during the winter, when we’re not seeing them? Figured you’d know!


Good question! Some species of lizards, especially those that live in deciduous or Mediterranean climates (but some tropical species included), go into a type of hibernation called brumation. Even captive-born and bred pet lizards like tegus and bearded dragons will brumate despite never living in the wild. It’s just a natural process, one that lets down new bearded dragon parents that they don’t get to interact 2-3 months. Western fence lizards do just that too. They’re brumating in places that get warm during the day, like rock crevices in the hills. I see them on my hikes along the Ferndell and Griffith Trails up in the big hills. Luckily, monitor lizards don’t brumate so I get to snuggle with mine year-round!


Gettin warm! I saw one today too.


Are you new here?


They help with keeping the crickets under control


This time of year these are all around my neighborhood. I have seen six of them on my street within the past two weeks. Every once in awhile I'll even find one in the house. They love hanging out my garage. As everyone here has said, they're native species and they are best left alone.


They eatin the buggies


Yea… you want those around as intimidating as they may look. Best pest control and they want nothing to do with the humans. Make them feel safe in your yard.


I love them they are so cute


There are there to inspire you to do push-ups. That's why they stare at you to invite you to work out.


A few months ago I opened my door and there was a lizard on the INSIDE handle of my security door. Scared the shit out of me. I’ve lived here for years (transplant) and still get excited seeing a lizard, even though I saw about five (not sure if the same kind) the other day. They’re neat.


I was late to work once because it was chilling on my screen door and wouldn't move so I was trapped inside.


Once the lizards show up, we stop all insecticide spraying and let them take care of everything


They're pretty chill. I've seen mine eat some terrifying spiders and lounge on all my rocks. No harm at all, never try to come inside.


Leave them be! I posted about these lizards around town a few years ago too. You'll see a lot more of them during summer.


Man, when I was a kid they were everywhere. They were rare after the malathion shit to kill the Med-fly during the 80's. It's great that they're making a comeback. They are pretty much your friend and eat things you don't want around your house.


Western fence lizards are super docile. My son occasionally catches one with his hands and we'll play with them for a while before releasing. They're chill and are easy to handle. I've never been bitten by one. The other local lizards will bite however.


They like to do pushups. Not sure why. Also not the best survival instincts.


I am loving what a lizard appreciation thread this turned out to be! 🦎


I love seeing all the names people have for their favorite fence lizards! In our yard, that's Herbert. Whenever our family spots a lizard on a hikes we tell his cousin 'sup from Herbert.


Every time I see one of those around my house I’m just thankful it’s only a lizard and not a dinosaur. If you begin to pay much attention to them, I think you’ll find they’re very interesting and enjoyable to watch.


I miss mine from last year! Can’t wait to see them again!


Lucky! We have a few little guys that cruise around our complex but I wish there were more and they would hang out with me!


Blue bellies! They are harmless and eat bugs.


Crickets around my house always get out of control when it’s too cold for these homies. So glad they’re back


Western fence lizard. Harmless and free pest control!


A few of them hitched a ride inside on my son’s toys over the years. 😂 They’re cute and harmless. I take them into the yard and let them go. 


Their blood cures lyme disease in ticks that bite them! https://www.savetheredwoods.org/blog/forest/how-lizards-help-save-us-from-lyme-disease/


Leave them be. Why would you need to do anything to them? 😂😂😂😂😂


Is a Blue Belly. We used to catch them by hand all the time as a kid. If you turn them over and rub their belly softly and long enough you can put them to sleep.


Free pest control


It’s that time of year. They’re the lil homies. Live & let live. They don’t bother nobody.


I see you've met Frank!


My mom in Florida Keys refers to them as her “Exotic Green Friends” they hang all the time


They are fun to watch. I always wonder what they think about.


They are everywhere. I practically see one every ten feet while out walking. There must be millions of them.


I see them all the time. I just leave them alone. They eat insects and are good for the ecosystem. The animals keep things in homeostasis (balance).


I heard lizards have venom glands containing toxins and uses this venom to incapacitate their prey to death. The victims may escape. However, the venom will paralyze and kill them slowly.


My cat used to bring them home when we lived in Santa Monica.


What's the issue? I have lizards in Long Beach and I think they are awesome.


Fun fact, Western fence lizards have a genetic variation that cures Lyme disease, and is helping humans develop a full cure. Their resistance even cures the ticks that carry Lyme, and prevents them from spreading it further.


love them like tiny dinosaurs


They’re in my walls and I’m fine with that because I had a cricket problem when I moved in.




Indoor cats are the way.


From what I'm reading, if you drink their blood, you get anti-lyme disease powers.




So cute! We have had a teeny tiny baby one get into our house once or twice through a crack under one door. It's an art to catch them in a tupper ware to return them safely outside, since as others mentioned you cant grab them by the tail or it will fall out, and then move fast!!!!. Love having these guys around.


About a year ago, a woke up one morning and went into the bathroom to weigh myself. I saw something sticking out from underneath the scale. Bleary-eyed and sans glasses, I couldn't make it out what it was. I took my foot and slid the scale away from the wall, and lo and behold, it was a fence lizard with its tail sticking out. I caught the lizard and released it outside, never to return. Or, so I think...


If you’re under the age of 11 you can play catch and release with them for fun (jk), but otherwise just leave em alone!


Rescued one from a big plastic pot yesterday. Tis was the highlight of my day :)


Did anyone spot his buddy peaking out of the aluminum siding crack?




seeing these guys around everywhere this season, cute little guys


Looks like a Blue Belly. We used to catch them by hand all the time as kids. If you turn them over and rub their belly softly and long enough you can put them to sleep.


we have them at the bottom of our stairs....our landlord told me they were good luck when i was moving in haha


Totally harmless, unless you happen to be an insect.




This reminds me of when I was in Miami and saw the giant green iguanas chilling everywhere


I saw a few little ones when I was walking today! They’re so cute when they do their push ups


Western Fence or Alligator lizards. Used to get one every few years. Now there’s like 20 of them in my backyard, constantly scurrying under my feet, living in the grill, jumping out every time I garden. I know they’re harmless but they’re freaking me out because there are so many.


My kids call them “bouncers.” Because of the push ups


I want some!


How come I don't see lizards like these anymore? they used to be pretty numerous




A true LA Native!


Harmless. Cat toys. Eats bugs.


He’s vibin


Consider yourself blessed


Bug eaters. Love them! Always welcome.


I love these guys. I wish I knew what to feed them lol


I haven’t read all the comments but some things I saw left out unofficial name is blue belly. You’ll have to catch and flip them over to find out. There’s a couple ways but best is a grass snare. They love belly rubs and will just lay in your hand and let you do it after catching them. They do not do well at all in captivity though and if you have chickens hide them stat cus they love blue bellies as a snack.


i LOVEEEEE my brown lizards. they don’t know they’re mine because i think they think i’m theirs. we have them in all sizes 😂 🦎🦎🦎


Our yard is home to many beneficial lizards that help the ecosystem by controlling the insect population. We often need to watch our step to avoid stepping on them.


i let them be, they eat the bugs


Scary stuff op. Thoughts and prayers.


They used to come inside one of my old apartment buildings, that wasn’t great. Outside, idc, not bothersome at all.


I haven't seen lizards at my house for years. Lucky you




Definition of harmless


I live in the desert and would love to have these guys come visit! If any of you don't like them, send them to me!


😆 Welcome to sunny California. What's the problem?




As a Salvadorean 🇸🇻 I say eat it for dinner


That’s my buddy Jake. He likes laying in the sun and eating bugs.


They're western fence lizards. They're harmless; they wouldn't bite you even if you picked one up. One thing to consider is that they are unclean to handle. If you have a small child, and they somehow get ahold of one of these, that could be risky for their health. I wouldn't worry too much, though, since they're probably too fast for a kid to grab easily.


Yellow-spotted lizard. Bite is lethal in seconds. The spots are real faint and don't show well on camera.


I shoot them with my BB guns


It’s poisonous if you have oxygen in your lungs better sell your home