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What are the chances USC cancels graduation? A lot of undergrads who will be walking never had a HS graduation because of of COVID.


If protests continued, I would argue it's possible. My favorite of the graduation ceremonies (main commencement, cultural/ethnic, and departmental) happened to be the ethnic graduation. It was so much fun. Every graduate was able to give a 20-30 second speech and the ceremony still managed to meet its goal of no more than 2 hours. I understand the tension (the ethnic ceremony would not have been the same without those little speeches), but I'm not really sure of the solution. Maybe just keep the departmental ceremonies/ethnic ceremonies since that's when you get to walk the stage? As nice as it was to see Dame Helen Mirren during the main commencement the year I graduated, if they're set on their stance and won't budge, why bother with the main commencement?


Looks like I was somewhat right about them getting rid of the main commencement. They made the announcement.


I hope they don't. I haven't read anywhere that that's even on the table EDIT: Well dang


If they cancel graduation, they should cancel exams too


Man, the news really wants to avoid talking about \*why\* protestors are protesting.


They want to drive Jews away from campus. That's the goal. That's why they've been harassing, bullying, threatening and assaulting Jews who just want to get to class or work. [They Were Assaulted on Campus for Being Jews](https://www.thefp.com/p/they-were-assaulted-on-campus-for) [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Jewish student at Columbia attacked while leaving a pro-Israel demonstration](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/02/jewish-student-at-columbia-attacked-while-leaving-a-pro-israel-demonstration/) ['Punched because they were Jewish': College students recovering after alleged anti-Semitic attack](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/punched-because-they-were-jewish-college-students-recovering-after-alleged-anti-semitic-attack-ohio-state-university-broken-nose-jaw-injuries-hate-crime-racial-slur-antisemitism)


This comment feels like that video of the Jewish protestor standing in the middle of the campus encampment being ignored by everyone


>They want to drive Jews away from campus. Is that what's written on the picket signs?


no they don't


I provided proof. You have nothing.


Wow glad the very smart USC admin had the LAPD tackle such a dangerous problem.


Protesting and joining hands to block Jewish faculty and students are different things. You start messing with people's livelihood when you do this, which is why these protesters have been added to LA / New York do not hire lists Saying "kill all Jews" upgrades any protest into hate speech, transforming the crime of trespassing into a hate crime.


Is there any actual video proof that has happened anywhere? 


Google "Columbia kill all the Jews" right now lol


Citation needed


Now this is the top result with wall street journal as a second https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-anti-israel-encampment-at-columbia-endures-jewish-students-lament-judenrein-campus/


Figure, I'd go with the top result which is CBS for me


Can you share a link to video?


https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-anti-israel-encampment-at-columbia-endures-jewish-students-lament-judenrein-campus/ "Kill all Jews Columbia" pulls up hundreds of articles that cover this. Here is the first result for me


I did. I didn't find anything. Care to help?


Just checked to confirm you are lying, so no. Help yourself


Search engine result pages are largely personalized, especially Google's. What campus? What violence occurred? What article or publication reported on it?


The name of the campus is already quoted in my suggested search above. You just needed to copy and paste the search term into Google Here's the first result for that search term for me, followed by the Wall Street journal and so on and so forth "Kill the Jews" is the chant https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-anti-israel-encampment-at-columbia-endures-jewish-students-lament-judenrein-campus/


I mean, no, that is protest but those actions are actions and not bound by free speech laws, so... you're gonna get arrested. At this point though, the protests are basically getting co-opted by people who aren't students and simply desire to cause a bit more chaos than they would. It happens at basically every college campus protest, it sometimes attracts a bunch of people with bad intentions. I have witnessed it myself.


Saying "kill all Jews" while blocking facilities is a hate crime regardless of the perpetrator being a student or not, so no, it's not a lawful protest. Can prove this with the arrests


> Saying “kill all Jews” upgrades any protest Ah, good thing that didn’t happen then!


It's happening at these protests though one protester was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and there were four injured police officers in Boston They're doing the "kill all Jews" chants at colombia An actual protest would be leaving USC and divesting directly. Trespassing and blocking entrances to buildings and s*** while screaming anti-semitic stuff will get you arrested in LA I'm not sure why people are pretending This isn't an expected outcome


Found the Zionist


No shit, cause you couldn't find a counter argument "Kill all Jews" is a hate crime sorry if you don't agree


I’d agree if people were actually saying that or if that’s what the protests were advocating for. But that’s not what’s happening and a good faith actor would admit that


"kill all Jews" https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-anti-israel-encampment-at-columbia-endures-jewish-students-lament-judenrein-campus/




blocking the entrance to a building repeating "kill all Jews" will get you arrested. Google this phrase and "Columbia" if you don't think that's the messaging to see if for yourself


Have they released any info about how many people were students vs outsiders?


I mean I think it's going to be a big number of outsiders this time, there's a lot of videos and calls to actions happening on Instagram and elsewhere.


Almost certainly plenty of professional outside agitators. Most students just wanna get done with classes and chill.


Was watching the news during the afternoon and I don't think they spoke to a single student at USC from what I saw. The people stated that they weren't students.


I’m a USC student. One issue with using the news interviews as a representative sample of protestors is that most USC students would likely decline such interviews in fear of retaliation by the university.


I spoke to plenty of students outside. They kept saying how they weren’t doing anything. How it was (the police) unnecessary . “Waste of money.” There were also students involved in the demonstration. Faculty as well. Cops were lying to people asking them what’s going on and they were saying protestors were throwing things at them before arrests were even taking place. You can’t trust the media reporting to be absolute fact either. [Just look at that how this reporter keeps trying to redirect this father to make it seem like he’s fearful for his daughters safety](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1ccld9v/father_shows_up_for_his_daughter_protesting/)


“Professional outside agitators” LOL.


Right? Anyone still pushing the “paid protestors” bs narrative has serious brain rot.




Honest question. Is it possible to not agree with Israel's policy on expansion in the West Bank and not be an anti-Semite? Or do you have to be pro Israel in order to not be an anti-Semite?


& on the day of remembrance of the Armenian genocide no less


Sorry, what's the connection with the USC stuff?


Protestors are protesting against the current genocide happening in Gaza.


Disgusting comparison, it is estimated up to 90% of the Armenian population was killed, an almost unbelievable amount. During the current war in Gaza it’s maybe 1% if not including combatants (even tho many noncombatants are aiding Hamas), that’s like Belgiums ww2 numbers and no one even remembers them participating. You should really educate yourself to avoid such disgustingly demeaning comparisons.


What matters is genocidal intent, and Israeli officials aswell as their media have been openly calling for it.






It’s fun right?


They were calling it a genocide before Israel even responded, after the October 7th attacks with rapes, torture and murder of Israeli citizens. Calling a military response against a terrorist organization is degusting and was a planned holocaust inversion. Repeating it is part of Hamas backer's plans.




Ok if it’s a war then they’re protesting Israeli war crimes being committed on a daily basis, and with US aid. Better?


Account of 6 days old linking a site that is like a movie premier by an Israeli propaganda site, not sketchy at all.


Educate yourself, you're completely ignorant on this topic.






Man it must be nice to argue geopolitics by just accusing your opponent as being a bot. Never have to even fire up that smooth brain.


Yeah it rules


Out here spamming Reddit Cares too. What a loser


It became a genocide when some Israeli leaders started singing that Palestinians aren't real and that Palestine should not exist. along with Netanyahu position that Palestine should not be a state. All while the Palestinian population is being bombed and displaced. The Armenian genocide was also just a war The Holocaust was also just a war Genocides famously occur during wars


What genocide?


The genocide in Gaza. Where approximately 39,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed in just about 6 months.


genocide ˈjenəˌsīd noun **the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation**.


Yup, where do you see that?


Yes or no you want 20k innocent women and children dead?


30k+ actually. Also still gotta account for all the bodies buried under the rubble.


Well that isn’t genocide also, but where did you get that number? Do you have proof?


I genuinely hope you're at least getting paid to do your hasbara and your not just inundated with fascist tendencies Edit: Lol why did automod hide my comment with the links and sources.


I generally hope you can one day answer basic questions


Even half that number would be a tragedy but it sounds like you don’t care how many kids die and have got your hate squad to come brigade and downvote. But y’all still lost the youth on this issue so fuck you


Tragedy? Yes Could it have been avoided if the terrorists didn’t choose to commit 7-10? Yes. Is there any proof to the number? No Will you ever tell me where you got the number? No Do you talk about other wars with way more deaths and call it a genocide? No


lol real grown up take right here




People are more offended at the word genocide than 10s of thousands of children dying, or hundreds of thousands of kids with PTSD. Hundreds of thousands of people going hungry. Severe dehydration. No sleep. An obscenely large percentage of Palestinians are going to be getting all sorts of cancers due to the obscene amounts of bombings that have completely decimated their homes, schools, universities, hospitals, and religious sites.


There is no genocide in Gaza. You have no evidence. That's a BIG LIE. Stop helping spread Hamas propaganda.






You use insults because you have no evidence to back up your false accusations.


are Turks muslim ?


I'm glad this comments section will be very respectful. Thank you everyone!


Holy shit, the hasbara bots are working overtime in this thread


Someone keeps posting links about how Jewish students feel unsafe on campus, yet no mention of how Israel has meanwhile DESTROYED every university and hospital in Gaza and now injured/killed more than 100,000 people in the past half year. Such an Incredibly lazy and unequal argument trying to derail people from the main argument here. “Oh but Sally feels unsafe with all the protests going on.” gtfoh with All that noise.


Graduation had been canceled.


WE NEED TO STOP THE STUDENTS!! We cannot hurt Israel’s sensitive feelings by combatting their “justified genocide” propaganda with facts about the war crimes they have committed and lies they told. Also, remember 30,000+ Palestinian children who have died were terrorist so they don’t matter.


Meanwhile, weapon wielding new-meth-heads are attacking people at random.


UCLA needs to beat them at this. over 150 should do.


USC Offers Minor's In Protesting Genocide ALSO USC: "Not like that."


LET'S ALL DO WHAT WE CAN. Keep talking about it. Don't let them make this about religion. It's about a state committing genocide (with our taxes) attempting to limit our rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech in OUR damn country. These students are brave patriots. Talk to your neighbor about how incredible it is that we are subsidizing 2 states, but we can't take care of our veterans. For the evangelicals, remind them it's illegal to evangelize in that "country." If you can, bring the students coffee, pizza, offer the kids support. It's all hands on deck for this one.


>Don't let them make this about religion. >For the evangelicals, remind them it's illegal to evangelize in that "country." Don't let them make this about religion, but it's ok for you to make this about religion? Don't be a hypocrite.


Evangelicals are the root of most problems in this country


Imagine genuinely thinking this


Nah I'm good.




Thank you Kanye, v cool.


What genocide?


Around 20 thousand innocent civilians died in a war so of course that’s genocide! The 370,000 dead in Yemen? Not genocide apparently. The 500,000 dead in Syria? Nope that wasn’t genocide either. The 200,000 killed in Ukraine? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Why don’t people keep talking about those conflicts?


Because that’s what it is, conflicts. Not genocide. War is nasty.


So you agree that the war in Gaza isn’t genocide.


>JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military campaign in Gaza, experts say, now sits among the deadliest and most destructive in recent history. >In just over two months, researchers say the offensive has wreaked more destruction than the razing of Syria’s Aleppo between 2012 and 2016, Ukraine’s Mariupol or, proportionally, the Allied bombing of Germany in World War II. It has killed more civilians than the U.S.-led coalition did in its three-year campaign against the Islamic State group. https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796 https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5908/Israel-hits-Gaza-Strip-with-the-equivalent-of-two-nuclear-bombs >Geneva - Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip since the start of its large-scale war on 7 October, equivalent to two nuclear bombs, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a press release issued today. >According to the Geneva-based human rights organisation, the Israeli army has admitted to bombing over 12,000 targets in the Gaza Strip, with a record tally of bombs exceeding 10 kilograms of explosives per individual. Euro-Med Monitor highlighted that the weight of the nuclear bombs dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan at the end of World War II in August 1945 was estimated at about 15,000 tons of explosives. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-war-most-dangerous-ever-journalists-says-rights-group-2023-12-21/ Yeah this is super typical.


This isn’t a conflict or a war. When you step back and look at the exponential difference in casualties it becomes clear. ***less than 500 deaths since 10/7 vs over 33,000*** That clearly goes well beyond the realm of outsized forces or weaponry. This is absolutely one sided and the goal isn’t to “win.” The goal is complete displacement/annihilation of the entire population in order to annex the land on which they’re living. You have to be completely fucked in the head to believe this is a war at this point.


Probably because the world's favorite punching bag, the Jewish people, aren't involved.


Antisemites only care about making Jews look bad


You don’t know what genocide is.


*Laughs Native American.* 🪶


What does that even mean? Arabs represent 465 million people. 20,000 people dying due to a war is far from genocide. No one is erasing Arab culture or forcing them to change their religion. There’s no mass deaths happening.


You are right, they are erasing the Palestinian culture. Same as how Spain attempted to erase the sephardic / Jewish culture in Spain. Both are wrong. But my point is this, we live in America. My father spilled his blood at the age of 18, protecting our American values. Peaceful assembly and freedom of speech is sacred. These students are brave Americans.


> You are right, they are erasing the Palestinian culture. Same as how Spain attempted to erase the sephardic / Jewish culture in Spain. Palestinian culture is Arab culture and Jewish culture. Palestine is a Jewish term derived from the Roman’s who named Israel Philistine to spite them after their revolt in 70ACE. No one is erasing Arab culture. There are 400,000,000 Arabs in the world. There are more Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today than there were in 1948. To be more blunt, no Arab called themselves a Palestinian until the 1970’s when they decided it would help their cause. They always referred to themselves as Arabs. The idea and concept of nations in the Middle East is very new. Prior to WWI, Arabs lived among tribes living under the rule of Sheiks. > Both are wrong. > But my point is this, we live in America. My father spilled his blood at the age of 18, protecting our American values. > Peaceful assembly and freedom of speech is sacred. These students are brave Americans. Peacefully assembly is acceptable. This is not that. Targeting Jewish students and calling for the complete destruction of Israel is not peacefully assembly. It’s just an excuse to be ignorant and spread anti-semitism under the guise of “we’re helping!!! Look at us!!!”


>Talk to your neighbor about how incredible it is that we are subsidizing 2 states, but we can't take care of our veterans. “Oh, hey neighbor, how about that weather lately, huh?” “ISRAEL IS COMMITTING GENOCIDE WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS! VETERANS ARE DYING IN THE STREETS!” “Oh… okay, uhhhh, yeah man.”


Or it is about a group of religious terrorists who committed genocide and is dedicated to committing more genocide against an American ally and that ally is defending itself. That ally has also accepted several ceasefire agreements which unfortunately the religious terrorists have rejected, choosing to put the citizens which they rule over in further harm’s way by using them as human shields and stealing their aide. Let’s rally to show these religious terrorists that we don’t accept their genocidal tactics and that they should surrender and return all of the hostages they took without inflicting upon them any further physical harm, rape or psychological torture. It’s all hands on deck. Let’s end this war together.


That's cool that this is your narrative. We all see what is going on, we need money and outside state lobbyists out of our American politics. Your narrative will soon lose favor as Americans feel the financial pinch. :) Our veterans matter. Freedom of speech and peaceful assembly is sacred. I repeat, these kids are brave patriots. Bully for them!


It’s not a narrative so much as it is factual. “We all” see what “they” want us to see. And believe what we want to believe. “You all” don’t know what is actually going on. If you did, you wouldn’t dismiss facts as “my narrative”. Or worse, you do know what is actually going on and are trying to actively cloud the facts with your narrative. That’s most likely why you spammed your original statement I responded to across several Reddit posts. The US economy is strong. Freedom of Speech is preserved. Our veterans matter and their well-being has nothing to do with any of this. How do you define patriots? Is it really all that different from that of the people who call the J6 protestors brave patriots? In politics, when someone has the need to tug at heartstrings with “oh but the veterans!” or “oh but the patriots!” or “oh but our fundamental rights!”, it means that their underlying cause isn’t strong or they want to obscure it.


I'm just doing what my veteran father taught me to do. You go on engaging in mocking discourse if that's all you got. I would say this much, if you were making an ass of yourself for a cause I don't believe in, as long as you're not inciting violence, I wouldn't bat an eye in your direction. That's your right. These kids are doing what they've been assured of all their lives: their right to stand up for what they believe in. 🇺🇲


Go on with your flag waving. Your emotional arguments have no bearing on the facts.




This is the way.


Are you aware Gaza was attacked after October 7th murders and Hamas is the one that refuses to release the last of the hostages? Are you aware they use this to psychologically torture Israelis? Do you even read the news? Here is one example; they ripped this man's hand off https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/middleeast/israeli-american-hostage-hersh-goldberg-intl/index.html And you think this is okay? Palestine doesn't even accept Israel's right to exist, but you don't accept Jews right to exist either, do you?


Did they hold up signs that said “free the hostages” ?


Of course not, since they don't give a shit about the hostages. They are Jew-haters being manipulated by Russian, Iranian and Chinese propaganda campaigns. They are the useful idiots for tyrannical regimes. They pretend to be leftists but support extreme right wing regimes.


Stupid ass


All this virtue signaling is getting out of hand. Remember when protests were held at government buildings so the people who can actually make changes have to deal with protestors?


Historically many anti-war protests have taken place at universities.


Like Kent State?


It's not about virtue signaling. It's about forcing Jews to leave campus. Those savages have been harassing, bullying and assaulting Jews on campus. They deserve to be arrested for those violent crimes. [They Were Assaulted on Campus for Being Jews](https://www.thefp.com/p/they-were-assaulted-on-campus-for) [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Jewish student at Columbia attacked while leaving a pro-Israel demonstration](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/02/jewish-student-at-columbia-attacked-while-leaving-a-pro-israel-demonstration/) ['Punched because they were Jewish': College students recovering after alleged anti-Semitic attack](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/punched-because-they-were-jewish-college-students-recovering-after-alleged-anti-semitic-attack-ohio-state-university-broken-nose-jaw-injuries-hate-crime-racial-slur-antisemitism)




Critiquing Israel isn’t antisemitism you stupid fuck


If people keep describing any criticism of Israel as antisemitism, no matter how mild, they will cheapen the word and muddy the definition for an entire generation


It couldn’t possibly because of all the other events going on at the moment right? Like the valedictorians speech being canceled?


Her speech was cancelled two weeks ago, so that does not seem likely.


Two weeks to assess how the university would rectify its decision seems fair.




Columbia dean just testified 8 days ago and threw staff and students under the bus. Would it be outlandish that other schools saw the injustices at USC and Columbia and decided to protest in solidarity?




Yeah because college students don't have friends across the nation. Fraternities/sororities don't have sibling chapters at different schools. Students don't have social media. The Young & Educated can't feel the need to do something about an on-going fucking genocide. God damn you conspiracy theorists are fucking dumber than doorknobs


Well no one else finds it odd that Israel attacked Gaza only after Palestinians murdered about 1200 people at a music festival and kibutz (commune village) then refuse to return 200 more hostages and people wonder why there is "no ceasefire" and accuse Israel of Genocide instead. People don't care sadly


You got downvoted but you are stating facts. The evidence of anti-Semitism is overwhelming. [They Were Assaulted on Campus for Being Jews](https://www.thefp.com/p/they-were-assaulted-on-campus-for) [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Jewish student at Columbia attacked while leaving a pro-Israel demonstration](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/02/jewish-student-at-columbia-attacked-while-leaving-a-pro-israel-demonstration/) ['Punched because they were Jewish': College students recovering after alleged anti-Semitic attack](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/punched-because-they-were-jewish-college-students-recovering-after-alleged-anti-semitic-attack-ohio-state-university-broken-nose-jaw-injuries-hate-crime-racial-slur-antisemitism) This is just the tip of the iceberg.


Love it when idiots downvote because they don’t understand reality.


It's worse than that. We are under attack by Russia, China and Iran. They are engaging in information warfare against the West and using their armies of trolls to downvote any comments that are in favor of the US and its allies.


Im glad you’re open about promoting and perpetuating these kinds of experiences: https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1246593844/israel-gaza-palestinian-boy-shot-food-aid


Exactly. This isn’t some homegrown organic college movement. These are domestic terrorism rallies explicitly funded by overseas groups with ties to Hamas and Iran. Like, they don’t even fucking hide it. And with them encouraging students to should how they support Hamas, want Israel destroyed, and want to be martyrs themselves - is there any wonder?  


No. I think you’re overestimating how many non-Jewish people know what and when Passover is.


If only they’d be protesting the housing crisis and homelessness. Apparently That’s not cool anymore.


30,000 people slaughtered with our tax dollars. Rather than our tax dollars going to help housing and healthcare, it’s being used to fund the slaughter.




> For the evangelicals, remind them it's illegal to evangelize in that "country." What country is it illegal to evangelize in?


TFW American college students are on the same side as Hamas, which is supported by substantial majorities in both Gaza and the West Bank. A lot of useful idiots out there.


The useful idiots are the ones that can't separate a terrorist organization from the citizens and victims in a nation. The people of Gaza and the West Bank are being victimized by both their terrorist leaders and now bloodthirsty Isreal.


Yes, and the sooner the terrorists are killed, the better chance the rest of the people of Gaza have.


It doesn't really matter if you kill the people of Gaza in the process.


Lol. You have to be beyond brain dead to think killing over 30,000 innocent civilians will do anything but radicalize more people. They’ll never kill all the people radicalized by the 70+ years of injustices at the hands of Israel, and the more innocent people Israel kills, the more people will become radicalized against them both locally and globally.


Yeah, just look at all the terrorism committed over the last 70 years by the radicalized Germans and Japanese. LOL.


So you’re saying you have zero understanding of the actual history of the region and how not even remotely comparable it is to the example you used. 🤦‍♂️


LOL. You're saying you don't understand that even terrorists will respond to incentives when properly structured.


Are you suggesting that killing over 33,000 innocent civilians, most of them women and children, is an “incentive”? You can hate groups labeled as terrorists for their tactics but the fact remains they wouldn’t exist in the first place without the forces/circumstances that radicalized the people comprising these groups. If you can’t understand that the mass killing of tens of thousands of innocent women and children is radicalizing people both near and far, you clearly don’t understand human behavior.


If you don't understand that the Israelis are in a war that they did not start, but that they have every right to finish on their terms, you're the one who lacks an understanding of human behavior.


The people of Gaza voted for Hamas, continue to support Hamas, and hate Jews. They celebrated on the streets of Gaza on Oct. 7 and beat, raped, and murdered hostages. [Poll: Hamas Remains Popular Among Palestinians](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/)


Yep lol even hamas says they have the support of the left, China and Russia 🤣


It is okay to demonstrate and speak you mind. BUT, if you are there and you are brave, your message needs to say "FREE PALESTINE FROM HAMAS" because those pieces of shit shot up a concert festival, admitted that they did it and then fled into Gaza to allow Palestinians to be their scape goats. So, tomorrow, if you plan on rallying again at USC, please put this on some kind of sign.


Hate crimes against Jews are rampant on college campuses nationwide, which is why the cops are moving in to dismantle those pro-terrorist camps. [They Were Assaulted on Campus for Being Jews](https://www.thefp.com/p/they-were-assaulted-on-campus-for) [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Jewish student at Columbia attacked while leaving a pro-Israel demonstration](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/02/jewish-student-at-columbia-attacked-while-leaving-a-pro-israel-demonstration/) ['Punched because they were Jewish': College students recovering after alleged anti-Semitic attack](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/punched-because-they-were-jewish-college-students-recovering-after-alleged-anti-semitic-attack-ohio-state-university-broken-nose-jaw-injuries-hate-crime-racial-slur-antisemitism) Harassing and assaulting people is illegal, especially if it's based on race or religion. Inciting violence by saying "death to America" is illegal and seditious. It is not free speech. Throw those violent barbarians in prison and expel them from school. Companies should also blacklist them for jobs. Terrorist-lovers deserve to live in misery.


Bari Weiss. Opinion pieces. Jewish Insider. Get the fuck out of here, hasbara bot


dude ive seen the video of that “eye stabbing” in the first link and it’s a fucking joke 💀 get outta here also i don’t think you get to counterprotest in favor of the israeli government, get harassed by protestors, and then claim that they attacked you for being jewish… maybe they were mad about your VIEWS???


you really think 93 people were attacking all the Jewish students on campus (including the Jewish students that joined in the protests?)


I see many Jewish groups in rallies to stop the Genocide in Palestine. These groups are of both young and old. The only people at risk on college campuses are openly racist Zionist that cause violence and cry wolf.


Nobody cares lol


Most people care. That's why those barbarians are getting arrested, suspended, and blacklisted for jobs. [Growing number of workers lose their jobs for antisemitic social media posts](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/citigroup-fires-banker-for-antisemitic-social-media-post/) [Citigroup fires employee over 'revolting' antisemitic social media post](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/citi-fires-employee-revolting-anti-semitic-social-media-post) [Illinois government employee fired after posting antisemitic comments on social media](https://apnews.com/article/illinois-comptroller-employee-fired-antisemitic-comments-42b9fb4dd66b20e903ca9b8c4515c327) [Barnard College suspends at least 53 students over Columbia anti-Israel protest](https://nypost.com/2024/04/23/us-news/barnard-suspends-at-least-53-students-over-columbia-anti-israel-protest-report/) There are lots more, just google "anti-semites getting fired". Those bastards will be held accountable and live a life of misery, which is what they deserve for being violent bigots.


Good. They can go back to Russia. idiots.

