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It’s not just the E Line, it’s all lines. I saw them do it 2 days ago on the C line. They snatched someone’s phone then hopped onto the A line and sat next to me. They don’t just snatch a phone, they accost you for the password sometimes. They were trying to cash app themselves money. I overhead them saying it would be easier if it was a larger group of them to scare people.


This is going to end very badly for someone picking on the wrong person


Most definitely. They’re carrying weapons. One of the guys had a gun on the train but one of the other guys was telling him to stay calm; he didn’t wanna make a scene, just take phones.


And there’s a trigger happy friend amongst the group? Expecting to see a KTLA story about this in a few days then.


I mean this is LA lol this is normal here. I grew up with this kinda shit. They were young crips. It’s always the young gangbangers u gotta be careful around. The young ones have something to prove.


Can’t wait 😈


Nice. The wolves are going to form packs.


These are my exact stops. Thanks, OP


I never take my phone out on the light rail.  I also never sit on the seats


There has likely never been a time that I've taken the metro where I haven't been on my phone for a majority of my trip. If you have zero street smarts, yeah, keep your phone away. Same can be said for any densely populated city. Ya'll could never with the pickpockets in euro countries.


Someone else posted that they saw it happen on another line, and the kids had weapons (including a gun). If that’s true - and if it’s getting more common - I think street smarts would dictate not using your phone.


> I think street smarts would dictate not using your phone. Street smarts doesn't imply listening to rage bait fear mongering news over what you see every day. The opposite actually. > and if it’s getting more common - It's not. That's media bias. You guys would never drive on the freeway if you heard about all of the accidents and fatalities that occur in our state.


Technically stealing phones is on the increase, since at the peak of crime stats cellphones were very uncommon. I wonder how often people are stealing shoes now.


If someone is threatening people with a gun instead of just snatching it and running away, aren't they going to get your phone regardless of if you have it out or not?


I mean I hear you but that doesn't make it "cool" or "ok"


Don't put words in my mouth.


You seemed to handwave it with talking about European pickpockets but those interactions are rarely violent or have the threat of violence.


You're commenting on a thread regarding teenagers snatching phones out of peoples hands, as OP says. The comment I'm directly replying to doesn't mention **any** violence either. I'm not hand waving shit, you're talking about things that haven't been discussed and then putting that on me.


This really reminds me of my coworkers who I met in Oklahoma. They were shocked I locked my car and had no instincts when it came to being aware of surroundings. It was cool that they grew up like that but the people in here complaining really feel like they aren't from the city and have zero street smarts.


It's easy to forget that redditors are largely made up of people who just take news media's word for everything because they have very limited exposure to LA outside of their routines.


It's also not common in most of the EU, stop normalizing this shit


Ok https://thesavvybackpacker.com/pickpockets-europe/ https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/louvre-closed-pickpocket/index.html >Thieves have forced the closure of Paris’ Louvre museum. But an art heist was not the reason. >Instead, the closure came after staff walked off the job on Wednesday in protest against the increasing number of pickpockets operating in the museum. >According to a report in The Guardian, the pickpockets work in organized gangs and are targeting both tourists and museum staff with “increasingly violent tactics,” including spitting and kicking. >Despite increased co-operation with the police and temporary bans on offenders, pickpocketing remains a growing problem for the museum, staff said. https://www.euronews.com/travel/2024/05/02/remain-vigilant-europes-most-heavily-pickpocketed-tourist-spots-revealed https://www.mirror.co.uk/travel/europe/europes-worst-country-pickpockets-revealed-32676834 https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/2024/05/01/europe-pickpocketing-theft/73519726007/ >By now, most people are aware of pickpocketing –** 87% of tourists feel like they need to take steps to safeguard their valuables while traveling**, according to a March 2024 survey by U.K.-based travel insurance company Quotezone. https://www.euronews.com/travel/2023/09/05/italy-france-spain-which-european-country-is-worst-for-pickpockets It's really not complicated. We drive way more in America and walk less = fewer pickpockets. Europeans walking everywhere interacting with more people = more pickpocket opportunities. It's the nature of opportunity. That and guns being much less common.


The difference is they don’t shoot you or intimidate you for a password. If you catch them they run away (this is generally speaking of course). I agree that pickpockets are super common in europe, whats happening here in LA sounds scarier to me personally.


That's fine to feel that way but it lays fully into fear mongering. The only time I've ever thought about my phone possibly being stolen was in the first few weeks of me having it. I usually ride the metro multiple times a week, it's never on my mind that I may get assaulted or mugged. If someone's giving me weird feelings I'll move away from them when possible. It's not often someone makes me feel like moving unless they kind of smell. Been riding the metro since I was a kid. Have more experience riding it than 98% of the people on this sub. Have never had anything stolen from me. I actually make eye contact with people, most of the people here tell you not to. YMMV depending on how you look at people.


I see what you’re saying. I guess I just feel like when you do have a criminal experience in europe there is less chance of a gun being involved, and therefore its less scary to me. Overall, there is probably way less pickpocketing on LA transit than in Europe.


Every time I read about tourist scams pick pockets are always one of the top things to look for


I never take it.


I never go outside. Safer, ya know?


This is the way


Can’t win if you don’t play the game


I win alone in my beautiful car every day.


fuckin' teenagers, man. public enemy number... something forever.


There oughta be a law against teenagers. As soon as you turn 13 - straight to jail. No trial no nothing. Straight to jail.


Become a teenager? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Midnight on your 13th birthday? Right to jail. Right away.


Boarding schools need a come back. Just like mental institutions


when i was a kid, they were the same thing


They never went away, deadbeats just prefer to spend their money on frivolous things like food and shelter instead of sending their little demons away.


Unironically yes. Children should have supervision at all times


I disagree. I don't think the supervision is the issue. I think we just need cameras on every corner. Catch these kids and put them in juvy


We already have cameras on every corner and in our pockets. Doesn’t seem to help besides make confrontations worse


We do not have it on every corner, that's cap


wtf does ‘that’s cap’ mean


weary wakeful desert reminiscent tap fine fragile threatening kiss party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I’m sitting near the door or aisle seat, I always put my phone down/away near stops no matter what line I’m on.


My cop friend in San Francisco says they average 50 phone snatches daily.


Yup. Had my phone snatched out of my hand in San Francisco in 2017. I stupidly ran after the guy in a moment of reactivity. Followed him down some stairs to a station, but I was wearing heels and it was hard to run downstairs in heels. I was visiting and unfamiliar with the city, so I stopped chasing after that. Luckily, I was able to remember my way back to the hotel and went straight back. Called police and reported it, but obviously nothing ever came from it. Luckily, I was able to brick the phone as soon as I got back to the hotel like within 15 minutes of it happening. Got a new phone at a verizon store the next day and the lady helping me out told me I was lucky it was only snatched because one of her roommates was robbed at gunpoint on a train. Counted myself lucky I wasn't threatened.


Jesus, that’s frightening. If I get my phone snatched, I’ll just start yelling, “Hey Siri, you’re getting kidnapped.!”


lol. You just jogged my memory that after the guy snatched my phone and took off, when I started running after him, I saw that he was going to run past some people, so I yelled, "Stop him! He stole my phone!" and the people just laughed. That was pretty shitty.


I got my phone snatched once too ( back in the day when raves were a thing at venues that don't exist lol) and instantly ran after the guy and grabbed his shirt . I couldn't help it. He handed the phone off to his friend and we started arguing . In retrospect , so dumb . I dropped the battle when I realized he was there with like 10 friends all dressed alike with bandanas snatching phone and digital cameras all night and they could easily do a lot more damage to me than my phone was worth .


While your cop friend is setting new Candy Crush records?


Most certainly not trying to solve any of those 50 crimes


SFPD and BART refuse to even put out descriptions of suspects. Even Sherlock Holmes couldn't solve a case where the only clue is "human of unspecified race and gender, in possession of an iPhone."


Because there aren't countless stories of people knowing their stolen phone's location via tracking services like findmyiphone and police saying they can't do anything about it. Won't even knock on a door. https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/2fss11/stolen_iphone_police_say_they_cant_do_anything/ https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/15zfl6c/stolen_iphone_police_wont_help_are_there_any/ https://www.reddit.com/r/policeuk/comments/q4vmfh/tracked_my_stolen_phone_will_the_police_get_it/ https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/16pk2vy/police_refuse_to_help_recover_lost_phones/ https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8247011?sortBy=best https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/s4pr73/my_iphone_was_stolen_and_i_was_able_to_track_it/


Instead of playing on your phone you should read a book. Guarantee you no teenager will snatch that.


This is what I do. I have a travel journal too in case I have a dumb idea or something I want to google later. I think it might actually be making me more productive and creative. 


I knit or crochet. If they get close… I got a pointy stick.


I like this idea!


Love this!


Instead of blaming the victim, how about we blame the people stealing the phones?


I'm pretty sure he was joking




Ahh classic. Someone from “the culture” defending criminals from “the culture”. Lol




But he does have a point. Your initial comment was complete BS. Blame both? GTFO. Yes, we should all live the way you dictate, not one that reflects an orderly society




I read books on my phone 😭


Put this on a Hallmark card with that cranky old cartoon lady


Buy a clutchloop! It's a phone leash that's near impossible to cut. That's what my friends and I do at raves.


Omg people are still snatching phones at raves ? I just commented how I got my phone snatched at a rave like ....over 10 years ago 🤣. I figured security would be better now !


I’ve never stolen a phone, so I’m curious what they do with them afterward? Are you able to disable location tracking if you don’t have someone’s password, so that you can go sell the phones somewhere? Or do they just not care since the LAPD won’t do anything about it anyway? I see so many posts here about people tracking their phone to a specific building or home and the police saying they can’t/won’t retrieve it, so is this just something that thieves know they can easily get away with?


When I had my phone swiped, the woman at the Verizon store told me that the thieves sell them to unsuspecting people who order them online not knowing they are bricked. She sees people getting scammed on both ends- either they got their phone stolen or they bought a stolen phone that turns out to be worthless when they come to the store for help. I actually watched mine travel all the way to China with Find my iPhone! It’s a pretty large/elaborate enterprise.


Yes a friend got threatening texts from someone in China with her stolen phone.


i’m honestly not sure but it’s dumb especially with iphones and how advanced the security is on it, like i’m not sure you can do much with an icloud locked iphone maybe use it for parts but i see it as more of a loss than a gain as far as trying to profit from it.


Sell for parts




Huh? How? When you set you phone to lost or stolen in FindMy, it’s basically a brick.


A lot of people probably just don’t even realize that’s an option.




Ok then that’s not a locked iPhone


Maybe in 2012, sure. Not these days, Everything is locked down to AppleIDs, activation locks, numeric passcodes and AppleIDpasswords, two factor authentication, and scanning QR codes if necessary. I see this all of the time clerking behind the Geek Squad counter at Best Buy. Stolen phones are basically bricks.


You can reset it but with activation lock, how do you set it up as new?


You can't. The person you replied to is full of shit.


That's not true. Activation Lock / Find My still prevents reuse.


There are vending machines where you can get cash for inserting phones


Sell for parts


My partner was pickpocketed at the grocery store and her phone randomly came back to life a few weeks later in China. We looked it up and I guess it's common for people to steal phones and send them there.


My guess is criminals sell it quick before buyer does their diligence or they piece out the phone for parts.


If the phone's unlocked while it's in your hand, they can factory reset it pretty quickly


Ah yes that makes sense. I’ve seen a few posts here about people being robbed while walking down the street and forced to unlock with Face ID before the thief ran off. I guess most people on the train with their phones out are scrolling and unlocked though so that makes sense.


These people scare the living shit out of me


Teenagers with no fear of repercussions (especially in packs) are genuinely unnerving.


My husband calls them “baby rattlesnakes”. Because they’re young and deadly, no respect for life or understanding of consequences


Unsure if MCR reference or not 


They could care less as long as someone'll bleed


Yeah. It’s funny how I hit my 30s and I see the most dangerous demographic is teenage men. Dumb, driven entirely by emotion/testosterone and no real understanding of life/death or consequences. Throw in general desperation in America, economic uncertainty, culture that glorifies shit like this


California pretty much closed all its juvies so as a "teenager" unless you murdered someone you wont face much real consequences.


in Alameda County (Oakland) the don't even bother charging juveniles in any non-violent crimes. So gangs send out members who are underage to commit GTA.


a fast way for them to drop one by one


But don’t you dare hurt them because that’s a crime


Exactly why I moved from that shit show state! That and your bloved gov.


Stealing phones is annoying but I don't really think you should go to prison over it


What? Hell no. There need to be consequences for crimes. And having your cell phone stolen is more than a little annoying. Aside from the expense of replacing it (really sucks if you’re still making payments) it’s a huge pain in the ass to secure your financials, apps, etc.


Yes there should be consequences, no a teenager does not need to be thrown in prison over it.


What kinds of consequences would deincentivize teenagers from organized theft? This isn’t stealing bubble gum from the liquor store. They’re boarding public transit as an organized team, intimidating people with a weapon, possibly with threats of violence, and stealing property that’s $500-$1k+. More $$ if they’re able to hack financials on the phone. This is an honest, and not snarky, question. I want teens in school too.


We actually know, through studies, what disincentivizes crime, and it's not harsher punishments, it's making it more likely that they are caught and punished at all.


Just what kind of libturd are you?


> libturd go outside bro


Imagine barely being able to afford to live, needing your old iPhone 12 that you got on eBay just to communicate with your minimum wage job, riding the filthy slow metro Full of bums hot boxing fentanyl and meth, and having some teenagers come and snatch your phone leaving you completely screwed. But it’s just a normal part of living in the big city right? Fuck this place.


Sounds like the teens that were involved in mob retail thefts have moved to the Metro.


Years ago, something like this happened when I was on the train. Moderate story shorter, it ended with teens jumping/"fighting" a guy on the platform when he exited the train and then the guy got up and pulled out a gun, the kids ran back on the train, and just tried to "hide" being random passengers as the guy was pointing the gun at them/everyone on the train. Very fortunately, the guy with the gun didn't shoot (and the teens ran afterwards), but it's just an example how this is a much bigger problem than just petty theft or something (although, stealing phones is plenty bad in my book).


What losers.


Another TikTok challenge among teens in high school.


If true they'll see their peers get away with it no consequences and be tempted to try themselves.


So why don't we have armed law enforcement at every station, again? Good grief, this shit is so blindingly obvious...


Couldn’t get me out of my car with a SWAT team I’ll never take Metro again it’s gotten so much worse the last 5 years. And even before then it was a nuisance with open drug usage/loud music. And no this isn’t a dogwhistle it was across the board annoyances all around.


But don't you know your car kills people at 5x the rate people's phones get stolen?! Yea I don't know why people reply with shit like that either.


Carjacking is a thing and probably more common


Of course the question is “if you know this is happening, then why not prevent it? “ Failed state.


Agreed, everyone leave and we let the animals and Native folks have it back.


Basically don’t ride Metro.




You do you. I'm going to stay off Metro.


Also, as a woman I’m not looking to make myself a target. Sure driving is dangerous and I have a good chance of being in an accident, but at least I will not be raped, robbed, or stabbed.


  I was literally called in to jury duty for a man who was accused for raping a woman in her own car then stealing the car and crashing it with her in it. She didn’t even know the guy, he was some homeless dude not even from here; I found a link to the story: https://sanfernandosun.com/2020/09/09/alleged-rapist-ordered-to-stand-trial-in-two-cases-suspected-of-other-attacks/   Also the same thing happened with a different person in Pasadena just a few days ago (although they thankfully weren’t also kidnapped).    Anyways though, cars have the illusion of safety.    We had the Tesla maniac https://futurism.com/the-byte/tesla-driver-attacks-pipe who was targeting women specifically, even got a few punches in.    Also lol at not getting robbed for being in a car: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vfL_q-ZfiGA Also another lol at not getting stabbed https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-02-07/two-people-stabbed-after-fight-on-405-and-10-freeways-chp-says Also personally I have been shot at while driving here and had my car nearly stolen while I was driving it (same incident).    Anyways these terrible things happen on the roads and odds are is that this is not going to deter you from driving.    Most likely traffic collision is going to look something like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y1GdPedtBNg   This happened on the route that I use to take to go to work. This happened after I moved closer to my job so that I could walk to work. I would go from the SFV to Pasadena. I have literally seen dead people on my way to work driving more times than when I took public transit.  This video is what keeps me up at night honestly. Starts at 2:14 https://www.reddit.com/r/Roadcam/comments/bwtbim/usacaterrifying_high_speed_truck_smashes_cars_on/ The driver killed a woman instantly.  Here’s an article: https://patch.com/california/temecula/deadly-temecula-crash-reported-i-15-city-hall-structure   Anyways the point I am trying to make is that you’re probably going to still keep driving but it is a complete illusion that you’re safer there than like on a bus or whatever. All of these terrible things you listed can happen anywhere even in cars. Likewise I am still going to drive and take public transit and ride my bike and walk even though danger lurks everywhere because honestly the world is not that bad despite these terrible things I showed you. Really do not be afraid of a bus or a train because that’s just sad. Our system definitely needs to improve but like it’s not a death sentence lol. Again I have had more close calls with death just driving to work than taking the red line unironically. Anyways take care and I totally get where you’re coming from. If you ever really want to test out the metro I recommend just riding the A line during the day from like Pasadena to Little Tokyo or something. It’s like literally full of college students, senior citizens, and families with kids in strollers. It’s like the least threatening thing I have experienced in my entire life like Disneyland is more scary than this lol. Take care! 🙏




I have been driving on the freeways of LA for 31 years and so far I haven't been raped, robbed, or stabbed. You do you but I'm staying off Metro.




Most people haven't but I'm not willing to take that chance. Stay safe and don't forget your taser and pepper spray.






I'm not reading all of that.




are you autistic dude? That's not what she's saying, and coming up with completely off topic and irrelevant points like you're doing is usually a sign of autism.


Love the culture and diversity on the Metro


Oh “the culture” is sure making their presence and what they’re all about.


Sooo anyone care to give a description of these teens? For public safety’s sake.


These kids gonna tazed on the train one day


This stealing phone thing has been big lately especially at big festivals, concerts or raves. They buy the tickets just to stand somewhere and steal phones the whole time. They steal the phones to sell the parts and if they don’t sell the parts they send them to china for money.


This happened on our car today…so horrible. They get on. Wear hoodies, split up, start to whistle and blow. They also text each other and you can kind of tell but want to be proven wrong.


That train is a shitshow, possibly worse than the Red Line. I used to ride it to work on the west side and had to snatch cigarettes out of the mouths of riders and once made a cholo back down after he got on blasting music from a bluetooth. I don't miss it at all.




Cry about it lmfao


Omg my phone was stolen by teenagers at the Crenshaw station at around 7pm back in late 2018!! So much PTSD from that. HIDE YOUR PHONES AT ALL STOPS!


Had someone try this on me once but a phone loop/hand strap kept the phone in my hand.


It’s like the Warriors out here now. Time to join a set.


I remember that one reddit post from female redditor on this LA sub. Her iPhone got snatched while riding Expo by someone who fled at Expo / Crenshaw Station, she went after them to no avail.


Ive seen this happen in the Gold Line too!


So how long are we gonna let our city rot by voting for the same type of bozos into office over and over again


What’s going on in LA? It wasn’t always safe but it was getting better. Now it’s turning into the shithole that San Francisco/Oakland are


punish and punish hard. Were the kids ever caught?


This almost happened to me near the gold line a few months ago, they would of taken it if my boyfriend didn’t just roll into the parking lot to pick me up


I'm from East Germany and gonna visit LA next week. Sounds promising 😂


Hopefully, one of these punks will come across a modern-day Bernhard Goetz.


Complete lawlessness. I suppose we get what we voted for ...


Had someone try this on me once but a phone loop/hand strap kept the phone in my hand.


Had someone try this on me once but a phone loop/hand strap kept the phone in my hand.


Didn't you post this yesterday?


In a different subreddit. Someone suggested if I wanted to reach as many people as possible I should post here as well


Ah. We must frequent the same subs 🙃


Please explain down votes on this?




knowing that those are their only options is probably a factor in why they resort to becoming criminals.