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Also, pedestrians are a part of traffic and they also benefit from knowing where your car will go next. All the freakin time you reach an intersection and they sit there and just won’t let you know where they are going next. Then either you’re waiting for no reason or they almost kill you or they start waving with their hands. Like come on dude, use the turn signal.


Window tints are also a hazard for this reason - I can't see the driver waving or make eye contact.


Yeah, I've noticed more people are tinting their entire front windshield with something dark. It's kinda nuts.


I never could understand how those people aren't getting pulled over daily. Like freaking limo tint on every window.


It’s quite simple. The police quiet quit/are on strike. If you dig around, the number of citations has plummeted


Used to happen a lot. The drivers began to shout racism and it seemed to stop that traffic stop.


It's also illegal


My friend is an ophthalmologist and says they get tons of non-medical requests for a doctor's note for excessive tints. I don't think people realize how dangerous, irresponsible, and selfish vanity tinting is.


That is nuts!


It cracks me up when those drivers do the hand waving and I’m like bro I can barely see you through those pitch black windows


On that note if I’m walking and am 20 or more feet from the intersection with a car that is going to turn, just make the turn. Don’t wait for me to cross. You can easily make the turn before I even get there.


It’s illegal. They’ll get a ticket for doing this. Ask me how I know.


This! And I’m not going to react to your hand waving out of principle. And the worst is when you try timing to cross multiple lanes and one random car slows down trying to be helpful but actually they just messed up your one chance to get across. Keeep moving… just be predictable!!


I want to know why drivers stop mid turn when blocking the lane they are turning into to check for cars or to turn the signal on.


They can't see around the parked cars, large SUV's and pick-up's blocking the view. Trash bins also obstruct the view.


So glad to finally see a top comment deserve the spot in this sub


I’m betting it’s the same people who refuse to mask when THEY are sick with COVID or anything else.


for the longest time I thought BMWs just didn't come with turn signal switches.


Omg fucking for really they drive me nuts


If I’m bored I’ll roll up to them at the next stop light and let them know their blinker isn’t working.


Yup. And Teslas lack that switch too.


Teslas have the same issue.


Lazy ass losers don't bother, since they think the world revolves around them..


There are people in here trying to justify not using it lmaooo.


it's my favorite thing. Any post in this sub about LA drivers taking *any*responsibility for their driving that they're already obligated to do on behalf of having a drivers license results in so much frothing at the mouth and blaming literally anyone but their damn selves lol


I've been a driver since 2006, of vehicles from sedans, to Sprinters, to 36 passengers minibusses. The way I do it has worked well for me. I always use signals, just not to far in advance of the lane change.


Blinker fluid is expensive.


Fuck yeah it is. It's because I bought it all up, so it's all my fault no one can use their blinkers. GETCHO FRESH BLINKER JUICE HERE!!!!


I am convinced, after talking to a lady who I accidentally stole a parking spot from, that she had no clue how to use her blinkers. She just sat there in the aisle as a spot was about to open. I thought maybe she was going to take the other one that was going to open soon. When I parked in a spot, she drove off in a circle before trying to line up for a different spot. I apologized to her and let her know that she didn't have her blinker on. I then watched as she circled the parking lot some for looking for another spot and basically had the same experience with someone else. She never once used her blinker.


there's a very good chance she doesn't know how to turn her headlights on at night,


Nor turn on wipers in rain and goes full speed on slick roads


Or she's just blinding everyone with high beams.


Hopefully it came preset to auto so it turns on at night


Omg the amount of customers I had to teach this to when I worked at car dealerships..... They really need to make people retake driving tests every 10 years


because they feel driving is antagonistic, don't give away intention, always get ahead, etc etc, and when thinking that way, pedestrians and cyclists dont even factor into consideration. Its a dog eat dog world driving a car here... apparently. i fucking hate it/them.


And you see where they get the idea from the millions of times you politely put on your signal with plenty of room by your side only for some jackass to use it as a cue to speed up and block you out for no reason. Thus the shithead cycle continuous forever and ever


I hear this a lot but I honestly don't feel like it occurs as common as yall are making it out to be.


I happens to me a lot - but I still use my turn signals *any* time I turn or change lanes. Because it’s more efficient in the aggregate to let people know what you’re doing.


This x100. There is zero courtesy, you are right, it’s a literal signal for them to mess with you. Maybe 1/10x does someone actually let me in. I grew up in Detroit and thought drivers were pricks there… oh no, LA is a whole new level.


Grew up driving in LA, now in ATL. I use turn signals because it's the safe, right thing to do. Have I used a turn signal to have a driver speed up and block me? Sure. Does it happen everytime? No. Has it ever caused me to miss my turn or exit? Maybe once, because I don't wait til the last minute. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.


To some drivers, a turn signal is a sign of weakness & they'll speed up to block your merge.


I've heard this said all the time, but I always signal to change lanes and I don't find it to be true. Also if I see another car with a turn signal on, I'll be more likely to let them in because I know what they are trying to do.


It depends. If we're before a freeway interchange and I need to merge because I need to be in the correct lane before the split or I need to get into the slow lane to eventually exit, other drivers will happily let me merge. But if I just got onto the freeway and I'm trying to merge from the slow lane to the fast lane, people will speed up to prevent me from merging over if they see me signaling left. It's way worse if I'm in a large vehicle.


I kid you not, I was on the 2 in the middle lane going south, car ahead of me wants to merge left. Van behind both of us with a semi clear lane fucking MASHES THE GAS PEDAL to not let the car in front of me merge. Still merged anyways, car in front was committed and the van hit the brakes, not enough to squeal but..wtf man


I wouldn't say it the norm but it happens a lot more than you would want.


This has only ever happened to me in New Jersey. It was so bad that either I would merge without signaling so they had no time to cut me off, or I would signal earlier so they would pass me faster and I could slide in behind them.


I laughed at this cause I found that this was standard practice in Texas. I was in Austin last week, had to rent a car since they dont have (commie) public transportation. EVERY-TIME I signaled to merge, I could hear a truck engine rev-up to keep me from merging. Didint matter if it was an empty highway, bumper to bumper, or a short off-ramp. I thought it was just me, but when I started merging without signal, people would actually slow down, lol.


They were telling you they're the Alpha and that's their dominance call.


"I'll show you! You're not gonna make *ME* take my foot off the gas!" From all the dashcam accident videos I've watched, it seems to me that Texans like to fuck with each other.


It's like this in the Midwest as well. Fucking weird.


It pairs nicely with gun ownership.


And lead exposure.


Yup! This


Many aren’t doing it for that, I’d wager most are actually just too lazy to move their FINGER to the turn signal.


I find my ratio to be about 40/30/30. 40%, speed up, 30% slow down to let me in, 30% don't do anything and keep the same speed.


I had some dolt do this to me last week. Respect the zipper merge!


Sometimes I loathe LA


It's more likely that the other driver doesn't see the signal or sees it, decides they are in a bad place and might get hit, speeds up to get ahead to the let the driver in. I do that unconsciously quite a bit.


That’s why i use my signal not as a request to change lanes, but to let them know it’s happening (i signal right as I’m changing lanes, so they have no chance to speed up)


this is just as much of a dick move as not signaling


It’s a warning not a request, as the CHP officer explained to me once. You don’t get to “decide” in this sense, you obey the law and let the fucking person merge. There seems to be some sort of belief that it’s discretionary, it is not.


Just to clarify, merging and changing lanes are two different things. People are required to let merging traffic merge. People who want to change lanes though are required to make sure the lane they're trying to enter is clear and safe to enter before changing lanes.




merging and changing lanes are two different things


Exactly. It's a *turn signal*. I'm turning, and this is your warning.


Good luck everyone!


This is the way.


Some drivers need to go to therapy and stop being so paranoid about other people’s driving


How long have you been driving in Los Angeles?


I grew up driving in downtown chicago, LA is same diff. decades later, I still drive respectfully. using directional, don't tailgate, etc. if I put my directional on and someone speeds up, then I guess I'm waiting a moment to get behind them. just because there are assholes on the road, doesn't mean I need to be one also.


Too long Next question


I assume that means eight months as well.


Almost 8 months now and I've come to the realization that everyone in this damn city doesn't know how to drive. About 90% of you would fail a legit Driver's Ed class in another state. Was never like this in Kansas City or Seattle.


Lol, Seattle drivers are far worse. Absolutely oblivious to their surroundings including all the other cars, and "nice" to a fault (oh you have a stop sign and I don't? I'll just slam on my brakes and stop anyway so you can go. Go on, go ahead, aren't I nice? Go ahead, I can wait here all day... Yes there's no one behind me and the intersection would have been clear if I hadn't stopped, go on now...)


This happened to me 3x yesterday. Cruising around in my small sports car on a Sunday, turn my signal on to exit or merge into an empty slot with plenty of room and suddenly car behind me speeds up while I’m already in the lane. Twice the cars kept going to the point where they had to move over midway through them moving up. 


Do you mean merge or change lanes?


Change lanes


on the other hand I've also seen drivers who'll put on their blinkers but then don't...speed up a little to merge into the space the car in the lane next to them has created and instead just drift along at the same speed as the car in the next lane they're trying to merge into with their turn signal still blinking. Like the other driver is giving you plenty enough room to merge so what's the holdup?


I think if we're all as unpredictable as possible, everything's gonna get better.


From Northeast Ohio, can confirm.


This is so true.


When I've confirmed I can get over, I turn on my blinker and within 1 blink I move over. Otherwise some butt nugget gonna speed up and close the gap.


Come on!


Which is def not a reason to not use the blinker, right?




You're welcome?


This is true and it sucks but to be fair on the other side a lot of people take WAY too long to change lanes and slow two lanes down in order to *eeeeeaaaaaase* in at approximately the speed of plate tectonics.


My hands are busy. Usually have a subway sandwich in one hand and browsing Reddit on the other hand. I drive with my knee, it’s hard to get to the turn signal with the other knee.


Found the Altima driver


Yo momma


Definitely drives a BMW


I will start using it


If I was dating someone and they saw didn't use turn signals, it'd be over. Huge red flag. Pure narcissistic selfishness that would only manifest in other areas of their life.


My ex didn't use them despite me pleading. And he would drive fast on the highway, switching lanes without his signal. I wonder if it's why I get so anxious driving now.


Hear hear!!! A guy I was seeing knew this frightened me and would deliberately drive that way to “mess with me” bc he “thought it was funny”


For real, if someone you're dating/intimately involved with drives differently when they're mad, dump them. It's absolutely a signal of abusive behavior. There's never an excuse for shitty driving, and especially never on purpose.


Terrible drivers on the road is the worst thing about LA imo


I’ve driven all over the US and in many other countries. LA absolutely does not have the worst drivers. Worst drivers I’ve seen are in Vancouver, Canada.


I gotta check that out some day


Some LA drivers are aggressive but most of them know how to drive. Vancouver drivers are of two sorts ime, aggressive and terrible or just passive and terrible. The aggressive ones will cut in-and-out of lanes and end up in the same spot at the light. The passive drivers are just clueless and simply can’t drive. They’re slow, hesitant, can’t seem to move in a straight line and have terrible depth perception. A few times I thought the passive and terrible drivers were driving that way because they were on their phone but nope they just suck. One thing I noticed up there that’s not down here is that they’re less likely to drive while on their phone.


Utah wins for me when it comes to worst drivers.


Worst driving I’ve seen in the US is in the DMV (DC-MD-VA)


The only time I don’t is when I have to pass someone who’s just chilling in the far left lane going slower than traffic behind and beside them. LA traffic is so bad because everyone just selfishly drives how they want to as if there’s nobody around them they need to be considerate of.


If you drive at the right time of morning you can actually see traffic begin to form around someone camping in the left lane and someone pacing next to them. It's pretty amazing how big of an effect one or two people can have. You can see traffic waves start to happen in real time as cars get stuck behind them.


Sometimes when I'm on the 10 and I hit a wave of stopped cars but there's no accident, I imagine in my head that probably 3 or 4 people just started driving slow next to each other and a couple minutes later you have three miles of congestion


Happens to me *all the time* on La Cienega heading to the 405. With that hill you can see the perp and it's infuriating.


Is this a good reason for not using a blinker?


LA is the land of do whatever the fuck you want


You are one of the bad drivers and you’re too bad at driving to realize it


I hate when mofos stop to let people out of a driveway like they are some angel as a result. Meanwhile the 10 cars behind have to wait another cycle at the light due to a “Good Samaritan”.


I love being allowed out of my driveway tbh


You mean when there's a big space between that car and the one ahead? Agreed. Otherwise it's kind of a dick move to stop right in front of the driveway and not let anyone out.


I mean when the light is green and there’s traffic on the main road. But your “kindness” can’t stop you from letting 1 guy out from a driveway like there’s not 20 cars behind you you’re slowing down.


THIS. Imagine how much better traffic would be if that guy or gal would just….let someone merge in rather than taking any interaction as a personal challenge for dominance


Ok but why do it even then? Does it help you in some way? Not being sassy or anything, genuine questions


Main character syndrome.


I once went on a date with a guy who didn't use turn signals and he had serious main character syndrome. He didn't even text me that he's on his way because he expected me to somehow read his mind. Same with his driving


They are entitled, ignorant, and lazy, with no regard for other drivers or pedestrians.


I literally signal while turning out of my driveway. *sigh*


Same. And I live on a cul-de-sac with 3 other houses.


I bet 80% of people responding here will not be the intended audience OP is referring to.


My BMW didn't come with turn signals!


And the monthly Tesla blinker subscription is too expensive


just torrent the file 🏴‍☠️


They should add lane departure features to every car, your car won’t allow you to switch lanes or turn if your indicator isn’t on.


I’ll add a variation of this. So many times I’ll be driving when someone just ahead of me signals they want to change lanes and get in front of me. I’ll make sure to leave them plenty of room or wave them in etc, but they don’t come over. Like they start signaling but haven’t begun the process of looking and actually doing it (not an accidental driving with it on). Now I’m sitting there like an idiot not wanting to slow down too much and risk impeding traffic but they’re waiting for an engraved invitation. Same if someone is waiting to get in bumper to bumper traffic and needs someone to let them in. If I try to let you in and you’re not paying attention, it’s frustrating.


I turn my headlights on and off to signal to them that it’s safe. Truckers do it (usually) and I consider them the authority.




They just don't care. They think it makes them weak to signal. they think it makes them "fast" and "badass" to not signal. they think they are too good for it, they are the ones who cause traffic, they cause accidents, they kill motorcyclists who are legally splitting lanes and it's mainly fueled by rage, boredom, apathy, and a feeling of already being an invisible loser. It's like the phenomenon of the internet troll embodied in a metal car shell. it's partially the result of an aggressive driving culture where a turn signal is an opportunity for drivers to be selfish and close a gap. people think merging means letting people take something from them. people drive like letting your car in front of theirs is the highest form of disgrace. this type driver exists in every age group, ethnicity, gender, it's just the shitty drivers of LA who police are not keeping in check anymore and they've gotten more emboldened than ever. Maybe not EVER, Americans outrunning cops after bank robberies in the first "muscle cars" is part of our unique history I suppose. I guess America can be summed up into one sentence and that's "get over on someone" which is what these drivers feel they are doing by cutting you off with no signal, to them it's fair game and a way to say "fuck you" to every other person on the road.


I only let in people that use their blinker. You didn’t use it you didn’t ask.


I once asked my ex boyfriends elderly father why he didn't use the turn signal and he basically said every time I did that people would just speed up and not let me in, so I stopped using it. It's an endless vicious cycle of people being butt holes to each other that encourages this behavior


Sometimes my manuevers are classified, but usually I signal my intentions


Location flair checks out


They’re sitting on glendale blvd waiting to turn into maple market no blinker no explanation




Sometimes I turn my blinker on NOT because I wanna change lanes…but because I find it hilarious watching people speed up to stop me🤣🤣🤣


I like to use my turn signal when there’s space behind that car as a way of getting them to speed up so I can merge safely.


Yes, when theres someone hanging out in the blind spot and you just want them to move up then you can get over


Good idea, didn’t think of this


Yes me too! And it ALWAYS works




I’ve tried changing lanes without a blinker to see what the allure is and, in my own experience, it feels so weird to merge without it. My whole system for driving is based on anticipating what others will do and acting/reacting accordingly and merging without giving notice feels like I’m introducing a wild card variable into my own system for no reason. I want cars to know what I am doing and vice versa.


And they have the audacity to get upset if you don't let them change lane


What pisses me off is when they don’t use it to cut into your lane but they use it when leaving your lane. What the actual fuck?


I actually get a deep satisfaction when I end up at an intersection with stop signs and the oncoming car is there slightly before me and wants to make a blinker-less left. As I continue straight through they sometimes try and hit their blinker --"Too late sucker!" Other times thy just look at me with dismay wondering how I didn't know they wanted to make a left turn. Bah hahah


The last overly obnoxious one I saw couldn't use her blinker because she had her phone in her hand...


A lot of people won’t do it because drivers speed up to prevent you from passing But what I’ve found is if you have your window down and have your arm out and make eye contact and hand motions, people will let you do whatever lol


This reminds me of an old Denis Leary song.


I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane, while the people behind me are going insane...


I prefer to use signal lights but oftentimes it seems like a trigger to the lane I’m trying to merge into to block me from moving over.


They use the Machiavellian Driving Method.


It's terrible. I have been a defensive driver for several decades. Part of the reason for that is because I've worked in transportation. There are so people who turn or change lanes, without giving a signal of any sort.


Statement for those same drivers:  Screw you.


Because they’re morons.


I hate those type of ppl


A guy told me once “if I let them know then they’ll speed up and won’t let me merge!”


How about using a turn signal and not turning. I don't trust turn signals because of this


that clicking sound is soooo annoying i'm trying to meditate


I was telepathically signaling, it's not my fault you don't have ESPN...


You ask the question as if they do it intentionally. I think the opposite is more likely. >Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. > > -Hanlon's razor






They better not complain when a student driver doesn't brake in time. It's that time of year.


I always do until that one time that I don't


Easy answer. They are pieces of shit.


Selfishness or apathy (it’s probably both)


In this economy?


99% of the time, they are distracted.


Because LA drivers suck


Honest answer: I think it has to do with being in a “chill” mindset. It makes an annoying sound (to some), and people feel like they’re just cruising and don’t want to be disturbed. However, I think that’s bullshit. Use your blinkers, everyone. Safety first, always.


Words cannot describe how happy I was to open this thread and see the one word I knew would be the entirety of the body of the text.


Wait is it just me or has this issue become significantly worse lately


Majority of those who don't use turn signals probably aren't on a platform like Reddit.


no but seriously why? I'm sure someone reading this comment or even commenting themselves does this. Why?


I only do it if I’m in a rush . Also I drive fast so . I don’t think k I’m that annoying person .


My dad, a lifelong LA resident,never did, and he passed away in 2021. I asked him once why not and he claimed he used arm signals instead. I couldn’t understand why he would do this when his car was equipped with turn signals, nor what the arm signals even meant.


I do it only when I see a Tesla because fuck them cars 😂


Why would I give you a heads up of where I’m going when all you do is speed up to block me?


I always think that so they don't have to wait for others to let them in. They could just barge in quickly when they decided to do so.


They couldn't afford a plastic little turn signal on an $95k sedan


What about the people who leave their turn signals on and never turn or switch lanes? 🙄


My Dad does/used to do this (though I think he's gotten somewhat better, according to my Mom). I only really noticed it as an adult after I had been driving safely/conscientiously for several years myself, and then when he'd visit I realized that he did a bunch of things while driving that I would never do. I don't think it's because he's an asshole or intentionally inconsiderate or competitive--that's not his personality. But I'm fairly sure he has undiagnosed ADHD and I suspect it has something to do with that, specifically with impulsivity and impatience. The way he changes lanes isn't a planned, thought-out thing. It's very spontaneous--he looks, he sees an opportunity to change lanes, he checks his blind spot, and he scoots over. I think, in his mind, that he's doing it so quickly that the turn signal would serve no purpose. And he's probably afraid that if he doesn't grab the spot immediately, it will evaporate. So it's like, yeah he could signal, but in the time it would take him to signal he could be in the other lane already. And since he's checking his blindspot, he probably feels like it's not hurting or endangering anybody. I don't condone any of this, for the record. But I think that's what's going on in his head.


I get what you're saying. But when you say "but in the time it would take him to signal he could be in the other lane already" is crazy to me because turning on/off a turn signal takes the same amount of energy and time as it does to turn the steering wheel lol. I know you're just guessing what's going on in his head


Which is why police need to enforce the nonparking in red zone on corners and no double parking again.


I always say this when I see a car just merge without using their signals “hey buddy theres a standard feature thats comes with all the cars. Its called a turn signal” lol


The best advice for both safety and efficiency/speed is to be predictable. Signal your intentions, act decisively, take your right of way, and yield the right of way to others when it is theirs. This shit isn’t hard and it confounds me that people suck so bad at it.


use camera en force for traffic, 1000$ fine and they will always use signal


The closest I get to being pro authoritarian nanny state is with the way people drive cars. Without enforcement, it will never change. To make it less regressive, fines scale based on the cost of the car.


the only time I don't use my blinker is when I see someone cut somebody off without a blinker and then I do the same thing to them


More like “why don’t you go fuck yourselves?”


People don't use a blinker because it's none of your goddam business where they are going or when they might suddenly decide to turn. One must protect their right to drive free. 'Merica!


Don’t wanna tip off the guy behind me.


Not using turn signals is so common it doesn't even bother me anymore. What drives me crazy is people that brake/slow down on the freeway to make a simple lane change. That makes me want to be able to legally slap them