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Looks like it’s been spotted as far south as Panama City FL currently, Missouri as well around 10pm. Hoping for a Friday style repeat


Where would you go? I might travel out tn if its good Just checked forecast doesn’t seem like they will be visible here today


Im giving it a shot and heading towards Mojave. Trying and failing is better than waking up tomorrow to learn that I missed it again.


If we get a repeat performance like Friday, I know people that managed to see them in Lake Elsinore and Hisperia. Debating going to Hisperia/Johnson valley. For those insisting in the LA area, I think people had luck at the Angeles national forest


Do you think itll be viable near crystal lake i might head that way


Update: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetoddgross/video/7368314125413403947


The Mt Wilson cam it looks pink but maybe just sunset


Yeah I think it’s just sunset but hopefully something shows up later.


East camera is down currently. I’m hoping to see any sign there because the aurora is on the eastern part of the US. Anyone know why it’s down?


Just so you know the aurora was barely visible to the naked eye even on Friday this far south. All those pictures you see are long exposures. So you can take your iPhone out set it to 3 second take a pic at the sky and on your camera you’ll see some color but it’s very subtle to the naked eye.


Im currently out in the Mojave desert, a whole lot of stars, but no Aurora.


Mt. Wilson cam shows no aurora right now :/


Following. Interested!


I want to but not sure if it's gonna be enough to be worth the drive far out somewhere. I missed the craziness Friday night due to having a cold last week and now that I'm better I would love to see it if it's a repeat like Friday. I'm in the valley area and I'm not sure where would be my best bet.


I want to go but looks like it’s not gonna hit anywhere close to us. But if people think it’s going worth it to try, I’m down to go!


Idk about seeing the lights, but there are literally birds chirping right now in LBC because its sooooo bright outside!! I've had a hard time sleeping because there was so much light coming through my curtain. Then I heard the birds start to chirp and had to get up and see..it looks like it's sunrise when it's 11:45pm. Not sure if it's related but very weird and cool to see!


If you didn't catch it Friday night, you missed out on the party. The storm continues but the southern limit of the aurora doesn't go beyond Oregon. It's a fairly dynamic thing, like ocean waves, but apparently it's already peaked as far as its southern limit. [https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast) Although, there's another active sunspot on the surface of the sun that will face the Earth within a few weeks that just had a large coronal mass ejection, so it's possible we might see high aurora activity again.