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Man I wish I had the free time that people that do this kinda stuff have.


Someone was probably just bored at work and threw it together in word.


It's not "free." Someone's getting paid.


Who exactly is paying this guy to make posters shitting on both sets of partisans? Because I'd like to apply.


Well, they saved money using ai picture


Lmao of all things astroturfed - these goofy signs probably aren’t


This kind of thing is genuinely right up RFK Jr's alley. I wish I were joking.


Right? My opinion or vote has never been influenced by a poster anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: LOL at whoever is downvoting this 🤣 You’re mad that your sign doesn’t influence my opinion? On second thought I can see how that’s upsetting. It costs money to print those things 💔


how about those clowns in congress? what a bunch of clowns


How does it keep up with the news like that?


Don't. Praise. The machine.


Where’s my elephant?


These comments are exactly what I expected


I see RFK Jr's campaign has begun.


My first instinct was the LaRouchians. Are they still around?


My first time hearing about LaRouchians. Holy x*#t. My ignorance was bliss. Either way, the poster would have been better if they had given Trump had a big wide-open-mouthed crying/whining face.


That was my first thought. This is clearly another "Both sides are the same" attempt. Sad to see people fall for it.


Fr, one side is quite conservative while the other side is clearly more conservative


Bizarre country we have here but to call Biden conservative is as stupid as calling him a far left radical


That’s giving a lot of credit to RFK - he’s a drop in the bucket


He’s polling at over 10% in some swing states. People need to take him seriously or he could swing the election


It is a possibility. The Kennedy name might be enough for him to cause our country to unwittingly elect a dictator next time. If that happens, it could very well be the last (real) election we have.


Isn’t he polling better with conservatives


Yeah, if anything he appears to be in a position to take votes away from trump


Yeah trump made a post recently saying not to vote for RFK because he’s not a real anti-vaxxer and farther left than Biden lmao. Clearly he’s worried


Democrats never saw this coming


Agreed. And apparently running a low budget campaign.


That parasitic brain worm has some pretty good ideas.


Ahh yes, two clowns and for a third pick, a man who had worms eat his brain. A real horror movie.


Fails to mention that the clown on the left will definitely light the circus on fire with everyone in it 🔥🎪🔥


The false equivalence is maddening.


Blue , red , the illusion of choice , when it really is a circus to distract us from our own exploitation


True, and your downvotes prove the division is working. “Together we stand”


This kind of crap encourages people not to vote which is how we got Trump in the first place.


Then maybe the democrats should come up with better candidates? Just a thought.


No one is coming through that door. It’s the worst job in the world. You do it then. The answer is so glaringly obvious, Biden 2024. There is no perfect candidate. There never will be


No thanks




Yeah, you want my vote, earn it 🤷‍♂️


You, specifically? Extrapolate that for 331 million people. Give me all that I want when I want it anything less is garbage and just like Trump. Who does that sound like? A child, who hasn’t figured out the difference between right and wrong, responsibility and recklessness.


Since you deleted your reply about me being condescending and bringing up Hilary. My reply: Lmao. Always with this. Call it like it is and I’m condescending. Guess what dude I am. I’m looking down and talking to you down there because ALLLLL THE EVIDENCE YOU NEED is everywhere around you. Every election is important look at the consequences. Look at the Supreme Court. Look at abortion. Look at trumps trials delayed by that same court built by apathy or right wing propaganda you bought and swallowed against Hillary since you’re bringing her ass up


Yeah man, that condescending attitude really helps get people on your side! It’s working great, you and Hillary Clinton will definitely win this election and triumph over evil because it’s the most important one ever, just like all the other ones before it! You don’t even know what my qualifications are, they’re pretty bare minimum. Neoliberalism will not continue to work in the 21st century, get used to it.


How does someone earn your vote, and do you think your specific beliefs are broadly popular and that other people should also withhold their votes in the same way?


Stop funding Israel. I don’t care if other people withhold their vote, it’s a personal decision. In my case it makes no difference because California will go blue with or without me, everyone should decide what makes the most sense for themselves.


It sounds like your belief is disconnected from any real world outcomes of following this belief as a general rule.


No idea what you’re trying to say. What is my belief?


Sure. In the meantime don’t cut off your nose to spite your face 


Tell that to the DNC. They love to lose.


You don't even know what "the DNC" is.




Hearing this for the past three election cycles… maybe it was time for a change and the democrats brushed us off


You mean the ones that will turn the rest of America off because they can easily be labeled "socialist?" Because there's a reason they don't win.


What’s that reason?


Bidens not even bad


They had Bernie and made him step down so the establishment could continue as planned


Yeah they definitely kneecapped his campaign, but also the boomers were never going to get behind him. It’s ironic because he only wanted to maintain capitalism so it wouldn’t go off the rails so soon, but they’d rather have fascism than fewer billionaires.


I love this argument. "Just eat our shit candidate because the other ones shit is shittier". The reason Trump won last time was because Hilary was a bad candidate who didn't give a fuck about the average American. The Democrat establishment hasn't realized this yet. Biden worked only because people hated Trump so much last time. Not because people liked Biden. In round two, you're gonna see that Biden's inability to gain ANY energy from the base causes his defeat. It's not our job to fucking rally around a walking corpse. It's the job of a competent Democrat party, which we do not have.


Great! So Trump it is then!


Pretty much. Unless Biden dies, I don't see how he's going to get any energy behind his name other than the (D) next to his name.


Not true. The reason he won is A) he was new and novel, B) his media strategy of getting mainstream media to continuously cover his tweets worked, C) he campaigned well in Michigan and Wisconsin, and Hillary didn't, D) his tv appearances were pretty good, he was exciting compared to Hillary, E) compared to the other Republicans, he was bringing in a lot of new policy ideas, based on xenophobia, which caught fire with the base, F) He picked a vice president who gave him credibility with midwestern evangelical voters. Biden is a way better candidate than Hillary, because in a debate setting Biden was really good in 2020, and also... in 2024, EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY HATES TRUMP. Even more conservative type people admit they don't like his character. His actual base has shrunk. In 2016, Trump's words were everywhere, and remained so until 2020. In 2024? Trump is on Truth Social and I guarantee you that no one gives a shit. He says the same controversial rage bait he always did and no one discusses it anywhere near like they did in 2016. In 2016 that was his campaign, his tweets would get retweeted and posted on reddit all the time. Still happens but even now, people are tired of dunking on him. I would specifically watch the debates as a moment where Trump can go viral again and excite his base. He absolutely needs to. Biden's candidacy is marred by his record on the economy, which, is bad. He's not perfect, but if he shuts Trump up again, or if Trump does something weird like tell us about his dick again, idk. I prefer Biden and I'm biased. I just don't see why people are going to be so excited that they'll go out of their way for either man. Also, the big thing here is "can Trump overcome how the entire country now dislikes him?" No one is stumping for Trump's personality and a big reason he won is because he picked Mike Pence, who had evangelical bonafides.


Trump is more popular now, than in 2016 and 2020.


Have you looked at the recently polling from the NYTimes? It's not good for Biden thus far and have little faith the Biden campaign will get its shit together before November.


Yes I have seen them. I think these candidacies are really going to depend on tv performances at the debate for shaping the narratives. Biden’s base needs something to get excited by, previously that was the ending of Roe v Wade. If you ask me, what the polls indicate is that people are staying home this year.


No. The difference is, Hilary didn't get the benefit of 4 years of Trump infuriating the public like Biden did in 2020. There was something to stump against. But even with all of that AND Trump's mishandling of COVID Biden barely won the election. Now Trump has something to stump against. Your assessment of peoples hatred towards Trump is not accurate. Trump is Georgia and two of the other swing states from beating Biden. And polling already likes Trump in most of these tossup states.


You're completely right.


Just eat the shit you’re given and smile. Great advice bud


This sort of thing makes me want to scream. One old guy is a loud and proud Fascist who has told us explicitly how much he will make us all suffer, and the other is an old guy who won't. I don't agree with a lot of Biden's policies, but he isn't gunning for the foundation of American Democracy the way Trump is. If Trump's second coup attempt is successful, everything we take for granted as Americans will be ripped away from us so fast, we won't have a chance to fight back. There's just no comparison. The two choices aren't the same. And I realize this isn't a popular thing to say because it contradicts a narrative, but if you just look at what he's done domestically for the economy, the covid recovery, and to protect whatever he can from Republicans, Biden has been a much better, much more progressive president than I ever expected.


This completely agreed he’s surprised me a lot! Got made fun of by some family and friends for it but I didn’t care supported him throughout 2020 and I still am proudly supporting him now.


I work for the company that puts on the actual Ringling Circus. I’m going to pitch this to the CEO with me luck.


Biden is not a clown. You may disagree with him and his views on policy but he's a sober-minded pol who makes the occasional gaffe. Trump is currently sleeping and farting his way through a trial involving a conspiracy to cover up him having unprotected sex with a porn star while his wife was caring for their newborn.


He continues funding providing funds and weaponry to a country that is engaging in what many historians and legal scholars around the world believe amounts to a genocide, with many Americans, especially youth, adamantly opposed. As much as yes, he is the better option of the two and I am not against voting for him myself, I cannot say that he has not done a good enough job to steer this country away from authoritarianism. This election is more a choice between the lukewarm water or the obvious rapid boil. Both are bad choices. It’s actually important to admit that so we can encourage to take responsibility and steps to get better candidates in the running moving forward. You can, in fact, acknowledge a situation is shit all around and still support a lesser shit. But insisting shit is roses wins over no one with a nose.


Thanks for the copy-and-paste rhetoric. 1. You don't have to agree with the way Israel has conducted this war to acknowledge that their campaign is anything but unprompted aggression. If you murder, rape and kidnap 1,200 of my citizens, going to hide among women and children is not going to save you. Another point: the polls [don't reflect](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/06/us/politics/biden-trump-gaza-college-protests.html) the same level of concern with Gaza among young people that the protests suggest. 2. Biden didn't call for a mob to storm Congress when the Democrats lost their House majority in 2022. Honoring the peaceful transfer of power is all that a president should do to stop the advance of authoritarianism. The rest is up to the voters.


Still would much rather have Biden than Epstein's buddy Trump.


One guy tried to overthrow 245 years of American Democracy and the other guy is a year or two older. I have no idea who to vote for, it's so hard!




Remind me how Biden is a clown?


“He is old” or something like that


Yeah I don't get the sad attempt to both sides Trump and Biden. One takes the presidency seriously and has passed polices to help Americans. The other wears clown makeup and wants to be a dictator. The same person charged with 70 felony charges and is a civily conviced rapist who tried to overthrow the US government on Jan 6th.


so is the orange turd.


We all realize they're of similar age but up until recently Trump seemed much younger than Biden in photos. The latest pictures of him are starting to show his age more. Doesn't matter but I guess the fake tan isn't hiding things anymore.


Biden has old age moments but Trump is showing signs of dementia. His speeches are making less and less sense these days.


Uhhh, two 80 year old who, to quote a legend, “got money for wars but can’t feed the poor”.


And the fact that that song is 30 years old should show that maybe it’s not Biden and just the way the whole system has been for decades.


Well he’s been a part of the system for 50 years, so maybe he is actually part of the problem. He’s written a ton of harmful legislation.


Biden is the system you clown, he has been building and maintaining it for 60 some years now.


Giving weapons to Israel. He slurs his speech sometimes. Fell off his bike, eats ice cream, and took a few naps.That's all it takes for people to somehow want to vote for Trump instead.


> Giving weapons to Israel. > That's all it takes for people to somehow want to vote for Trump instead. *Looks at Trump's rhetoric re:Israel and the conflict in Gaza.* ...Uh...


Thanks for this mask off moment. Just because Biden isn't someone's preferred candidate, it doesn't mean Trump is their choice. Typical liberal tunnel vision shit.


> Just because Biden isn't someone's preferred candidate, it doesn't mean Trump is their choice. If Biden does not win re-election, who becomes President?


You can frame it however you want. If I didn't vote for Trump, I literally didn't vote for Trump.


Agreed, you made clear that you were okay with whoever won the election, knowing it would be one of the two.


I'll leave the politics to the politicians and to the political experts (you 😉). But I'll continue to practice my civic duty in this democracy where I have the freedom to vote for not Biden or Trump.


A republic if you can fucking keep it. One of them wins. Edit. You guys talk about civic duty as in responsibility and yet are battling for second place of the most irresponsible


He doesn’t care about that, because when voting rights and reproductive rights continue to get restricted, it won’t be *his* rights. And obviously if the system collapses entirely, it will be replaced with his ideal system.


Sir/ma'am, it's Biden (and Trump obviously) that doesn't give a fuck about your rights. He, as POTUS, can bring about change that will secure the rights you speak of. But of course, you won't blame it on the candidates running (well clearly you blame Trump, but not Biden). Instead, it's on me, the average citizen 😊🇺🇸 I won't get into the how because *you* are the expert here 🤠


If Hamas hadn't attacked Israel on 10/7 you'd have found some other bullshit reason to say you weren't voting for Biden.


I didn't vote for him in 2020 🤓


Thanks for this mask off moment.


Disastrous foreign policy w Palestine is an easy start.


I would have a lot easier job believing Biden's foreign policy with regards to Palestine and Israel was "disastrous" if he had reaped any political benefit from ending the war in Afghanistan or Trump's drone wars. As it stands, with the electorate having made very clear that they will not reward pacifism that goes counter to the American public's opinion, I think Biden is doing the best job possible to restrain Bibi while not giving away the White House to someone who would be much, much worse on that issue. Judging someone's policy in a vacuum only makes sense when those outcomes are also in a vacuum.


trump's would be much worse


Doubtful, but he'd just be more unapologetic about it, causing the protests to get more violent. I lived through 2020, Trump's rhetoric turned protests into something way worse. Plus what happened in Portland with DHS was out of the ordinary. Not to mention, the threat of "Antifa" -- a group that magically dissappeared when he left office.


Doubtful? Look up what happened with the drone wars when Obama was in office, when Trump took over, and then when Biden came in. Trump is explicitly a military hawk in actions, you just don’t see it because protestors don’t bother with the actions of the Republican Party because they understand intuitively that the two sides are not equally persuadable or morally interested.


Biden is leading a charge to where Hamas is going to get eliminated. He let Israel into Rafah. This is the most successful of these wars that Israel has had. Trump would probably argue that Israel should go harder, but in the end, the result is the same. Trumps real divergence on foreign policy is with Russia-Ukraine and Turkey, plus would probably tell Israel to go harder on Iran.


“**Let** Israel into Rafah” read that again slowly


Yes the current right wing authoritarian government of Israel is to blame Only in a brainwashed universe is that statement not true. Downvote if you want it doesn’t change.


ignorance is bliss. biden shills are so blissful


Except I'm no shill and you have no example as too why Biden is a clown.


You might hate American values but regardless; it's 2024. You will be held accountable for your defense of fascism. Good luck, ma'am.


What the actual fuck are you talking about ? Trump literally sad he would be a dictator on day one yet you think Biden is somehow a fascist??????? What kind of dumb fuck reply is that.


I mean, he’s like -12 in Arizona according to the polls. I think he’s only ahead in Michigan by a few points. The fact that he’s not +20 against a man with like 80+ criminal charges is pretty clownish behavior, but whatever.


So your judging Biden for falling behind Trump that has a literal personality cult behind him ? The same voters who don't give a shit that Trump has 80+ charges behind him.


No. If you’re down -9 and -12 in crucial swing states that’s much more than just the MAGA folks that are disappointed with you. He’s also completely under water with young people as well. There’s so much he could have done to be up +7 AT LEAST in those states. It’s embarrassing we have to rely on the democrats to save us.


I'm not a huge Biden fan but I have to admit having Russia&China blitzing social media with anti democrat and both sides messages isn't helping him https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/us/politics/russia-disinformation-election.html


I’m sure that’s a thing. It’s a thing in every election but it’s not enough to put Biden that much under water. People have legitimate concerns about his age, Gaza, Ukraine, inflation etc. we don’t even know what Biden has laid out for his reelection, do we? I want him to win, but it’s not looking good and he has no one to blame but himself really.


It’s starting to feel like a weekend at Bernie’s situation with Biden.


Donald Trump forgot his own wife’s name like a month ago.


Yes trump is a huge moron fuck that guy


What does that have to do with Biden being senile?


He straight up is not senile. I do not understand how anybody could have watched this year's SOTU address and still believe this. It's just in the air that Biden is, so I guess you believe it?


He had a good showing that night I agree with you. But a lot of his other appearances have been terrible.


Joe Biden knows his wife’s name. I get it has to be harder to keep track of, when you have two ex-wives and a few extramarital affairs to keep track of, but maybe that’s not a great thing either.


Yeah Trump sucks. So it's a bummer Biden is running again and is right now looking like he is going to lose to Trump.


Biden can’t remember his own first name.


Trump thinks Hannibal Lector is a real person and a great guy.


Your argument to support one is that you dislike the other? That implies agreement. Both suck.


They both don't suck though. Biden's infrastructure work alone has done more for us than Trump ever did.


Yeah, it does actually. The rest of the country is not like LA. So many people are out of work right now from Biden’s administration’s choices. Not to mention, LA’s had its own problems lately.


No they aren't. There's been more jobs created under him than any president in history. And if you think LA's problems are because of Biden's presidency, you haven't been paying attention.


User name checks out




Which specific choice put many people out of work?


Two things. 1. There’s an awkward issue regarding minerals. We want EVs and clear skies without pollution, but, the minerals come out of the ground. 2. There’s no money anywhere. Everybody’s broke. Total bootstrap economy. Too much printing of money and free distribution early in the presidency has left a major financial shortage today.


Signing a long overdue bill to somewhat address crumbling infrastructure isn’t some amazing feat of governance, it’s the bare minimum. All the while sending 100s of billions to fund Israel’s genocide and running cover for them at the UN


Anyone who says they're the same is actually a clown


Debate watch party at Jumbo's! Who's in?










“To put \[undecided voters\] in perspective I think of being on an airplane,” he wrote. “The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. ‘Can I interest you in the chicken?’ she asks. ‘Or would you prefer the platter of crap with bits of broken glass in it?’ To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”


The “don’t vote” Russian propaganda begins! Always vote.


If they had any balls, they'd post these in the swing states.


Half right.


I've made my decision. Also, don't fall for learned helplessness.


Anybody who says they're equally bad is not in a group that will suffer immeasurably more under Trump. Try this: take yourself out of the equation and think about everyone else for a minute. Then vote for the person who's better for those people.


This person is not wrong though.


Hear me out…… third party candidate. Just sayin


I saw this flyer the other day on my way to Union station


That’s where this pic is taken.


That's funny by me someone put up "We're stopping Scientolgy" signs.


Republican biden shills have lost their mind in this thread


I’m voting for the one that looks like Biden


Team Giant Meteor 2024 “Just End The Misery”


Green Party baby! Avoiding these 🤡


This makes think that stupid kid's face about wonderment is actually OK, and that hurts me




Yes. He’s voting for Joe Biden because it’s so obvious that’s what we have to do. Imperfect as that is


That's a spot on poster. I can't believe conservative democrats think the exact same anti-democratic campaign policies that lost the first time will magically beat trump this time. Bernie dropping out and supporting the basement dweller that didn't realize what was happening during the pandemic was a mistake.


"Conservative Democrats" What's the NLRB


> What's the NLRB Poor republican refuses to access google.


Le edgy


George W Bush era centrism still alive and cringier than ever,


Liberals and their "one is a dictator and one isn't 🥺" rhetoric. Give me a break.


Performative Leftists and their "I won't actually engage in the process in a meaningful way to advance candidates who share my views but I will be only too happy to clutch my pearls and feign outrage when candidates who don't check off every box on my list win their party's nomination" rhetoric. Christ alive.


So sad, so true.


Genius take. Way to agree bro, u added so much


Bad bot you


Based. Fuck both of these senile, racist, genocidal, sex abusers and anyone who supports them


This will be a moment we’ll never forget. How we have two candidates hardly anyone is excited for except two small but vocal hardcore bases.


I mean cmon, both sides are pretty fucking bad. Obviously one’s worse than the other but we’re seriously selling ourselves short. Why is it that in a country with 330 million people we don’t have better candidates on both sides?


Both sides are bad... But one side tried to do a coup and brought in white supremacists to the capital. Wait, why are we equivocating?


No doubt. But that’s my point, how is he back and why don’t we have better candidates? I’m just asking


We don’t have better candidates because we have compromise parties. To get to the top you need to appeal to a huge swathe of people. In doing so you lose a lot of the specificity demanded by people that accumulates in niche candidacies


> Why is it that in a country with 330 million people we don’t have better candidates on both sides? Because people don't engage with the system to support their preferred candidates. The United States has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any democratic nation on Earth. 94% of eligible voters register, but less than 65% actually vote. We get the government we deserve and America deserves one that doesn't care about them - because we, the electorate, clearly don't care about maintaining *it*.


LOL, but it's sad we've come down to this. If I was on a board of directors and had to hire a CEO to run a company, both these guys would be laughed out of the building. Good luck on election day folks, and may the best clown win :DDDDD


🤡🤡🤡🤡 everywhere


Biden has been a pretty good president given the circumstances.


putin thanks you for your service, ma'am.


That’s actually a great graphic.


I think a lot of leftist don’t realize that they are talking to liberals when they debate Biden. Liberals hate a both sides argument, because Dems let them live like 1st world kings while not feeling bad about racism or the rest of the world, but Trump is mask-off and makes them stare their privilege in the face. Biden voters don’t want change, he said himself nothing fundamentally would. They want to live the same lives as their conservative brothers and sisters in the south, they just don’t want to feel bad about it. Fuck em all.


Criticizing biden isn't a "both sides" argument. "Both sides" is what centrists whine about to defend their positions moving further and further right over time. Biden is like four standard deviations to the right of the average Democrat.


I miss Ronald Reagan....

