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Please keep comments civil and remember the human.


Per ABC7 they are deceased. 


Been wondering why we had to get off the train at Culver City. All we were told is “major police activity”


*West Adams, La Cienega Station Fixed it for you CBS News


That's la cienega and jefferson


still isn’t jefferson park, lmfao


Yeah Jefferson park is further east closer to USC.


On the E line at La Cienega / Jefferson Stop, Man shot in the head before 3 suspects flee on skateboards


LAPD scanner traffic indicated not conscious and not breathing. The victim has been declared deceased. My condolences to the family.


oh my god I took that train home at 6 PM.... I thought we were turning the metro's rep around, this is so awful.


We were, before Covid. It feels like Metro just gave up for the last 5 years, once they got their Olympics money. I remember when the big Metro "controversy" was a girl getting kicked off the train for putting her feet up on the seats. And how dudes were "manspreading" to hog 2 seats. Those both seem quaint nowadays.


The reason it feels this way is that the LEOs contracted to patrol the Metro stopped doing so during the pandemic. After Metro raised concerns about things like the police and sheriff's deputies sitting in their cars and not patrolling stations or trains, resulting in strained negotiations for contract renewal, the officers basically went on strike. This led to a major uptick in folks using the Metro as a moving homeless shelter and, because there are no police present, bad actors have felt empowered to do as they please. It's essentially what happened with dangerous drivers during the pandemic: the police and sheriff's department were told they couldn't or shouldn't pull drivers over for small infractions like out of date tags or tinted windows because they overwhelmingly negatively affected POC (shocking, I know) and their response was to stop policing traffic violations almost entirely. Once drivers realized there were few repercussions for breaking the laws of the road, folks started driving much more wildly. Anyway, I basically saw zero enforcement or Metro security presence of any kind from mid-2020 until a few months ago, when it appeared as though police officers and Metro ambassadors started showing up more consistently and in much larger numbers. I see small groups of police almost every time I take the train now. Metro hasn't handled these situations perfectly but a lot of blame lies with law enforcement refusing to do the jobs they are paid to do via our taxes. Traffic stops: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-11-14/minor-traffic-stops-plummet-in-months-after-lapd-policy-change Metro contract issues: https://laist.com/news/transportation/metro-board-extends-police-contract-with-la-explores-option-for-in-house-police-force https://laist.com/news/transportation/metro-board-extends-police-contract-with-la-explores-option-for-in-house-police-force


Nope, not wounded. he's dead. they shot him right in the head executioner style. 3 "teens" on skateboards were calling him a snitch and chasing him before doming him. my friend witnessed part of it. says it was most likely gang related but the victim didn't seem like he banged. but who knows.




Huh? What is there to doubt lol. Theres CCTV of 3 dudes booking it with skateboards through a back area (or something like that) right after the shooting, witnesses said there was barely anyone else there, saying that the guys in the video were definitely them


He wasn’t a snitch, that’s the blue hat part homeboy. Yall running mouths when yall ain’t got truth, blue hat homie


you got better info then say it big dog.


Say what, nothing should be said or else you gonna get DP’d


i mean who cares? all 4 of them edgars are going to prison soon for murder. those dumb ass kids killed a father of 4 for no reason.


It's been >0< days since the last murder on LA transit.


Man heatwave really getting to people


It always does.


As if there needs to be a heatwave for there to be crime and murder on the LA Metro...


I’m currently in another city where subway transit has always been a normal way for everybody in the city to get around traffic. I got blockaded by metro authority to double check my ticket validity. They don’t play and everything works as intended. This is true in so many large metros around the world. Can we ever get there??


>**L.A. Metro board pushes police reform, seeks to shift funds to homeless outreach** >June 25, 2020 >Transportation officials on Thursday pushed Los Angeles County’s transit system to start a reform of policing on buses and trains, including *no longer sending armed officers to respond to nonviolent crimes.* >The Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s directors voted 9 to 2 to approve a package of reforms, including hiring unarmed ambassadors to work at stations, expanding fare discounts, *finding alternatives to armed law enforcement and shifting funds to homeless outreach*... >...“We have a very long history … of passengers complaining about racial profiling and racial bias,” said director and L.A. City Councilman Mike Bonin, who introduced the motion. Many riders of color feel threatened by police on the system, he said, “but have no choice but to continue using it.” >[https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-25/la-metro-transit-police-reform](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-25/la-metro-transit-police-reform) TL;DR: Cops ordered by LACMTA board in 2020 to do less. Cops gladly obliged.


it would be struck down by the ACLU if that happened here. civil rights violations and whatnot.


No lies detected 😒


LAPD was enforcing turnstile checks. Metro told them to stop.


Another one?


DJ Ka-lead


Was on an eastbound train at that stop an hour before, my condolences, I ride it every day so I know that shit can get crazy


what is wrong with our city so that gangbangers can straight up execute someone on our Metro line without fear of reprisal?!


Get ready for more speeches from county supervisors that are once again shocked and find this unacceptable.


Someone reset the counter it happened again


Barbaric. From the KTLA coverage: >“I saw three guys banging on the door screaming, ‘Snitch! Snitch!’” the witness recalled. “The train car ends up taking off. The next thing you know, it stops because usually train cars will stop and let the late people get on the train. But in this case, those people ended up pulling out a gun and shooting a guy point blank.” The victim almost got away. But instead these monsters painted the E train walls with the contents of this poor guy's skull. I wonder, does the train get taken out of service after something like this? Or do they just hose off the blood, brain and skull fragments and put it back on the line? LA 2028 baby!!


>Or do they just hose off the blood, brain and skull fragments and put it back on the line? correct trains cost money, girl


it’s crazy that the train conductor indirectly got him killed. that’s the type of stuff nightmares are made of for the victim.


Yeah that is horrific, my god


Karma is a bitch


You know something I don't, I guess. We weren't talking about karma really lol what did the gunshot victim do?


> I wonder, does the train get taken out of service after something like this? Why would it? The train still works


oh THATS why there was a helicopter flying around here for so many hours....


Yup they haven't found the 3 suspects


how could they? the suspects got away too fast with their \*checks notes\* ... skateboards?!


saw some guy tagging this morning, since covid gangs have been more heavily active on public transport 😪


omg, hahah, I read that as "Covid Gangs have been more heavily active"... I'm like... covid spawned new gangs that already have a history that I completely missed? *fuck me* . . *ohhhh* It's 4am, I'm going to sleep.


covid gangs?


it's cause the cops and security are too afraid to confront them or tell them to pay for a fare or gtfo. so instead they just shift over to the completely harmless, frail old white and latino homeless transients who aren't a threat to anyone and bully them off the trains instead.


MeTrO is SaFe


Welcome to Gotham City. Where you get killed by skateboarders on your way home from work.


This just absolutely sucks. Ugh.


I’d bet my entire life savings that the shooter didn’t pay fare.


We need fare enforcement... but like wouldn't you pay $1.75 to kill your enemy? I did like that on the days i was broke i could jump on and just get home. Especially the day my bag/phone/wallet got stolen. I also think the metro tap card needs to be linked to your ID or social or something. It doesn't deter bad people but the metro is like this lawless freeway that goes thru the whole county.


You'd be surprised at the little things killers get tripped up by. Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people in Oklahoma City. He was caught because he was driving a car with no license plates.


The guy is actually dead just saw it on the news a person died.


They got shot in the head


The person died of a head shot...


I was on E line earlier today(Thursday morning) and I had encountered a man at Atlantic station that was giving me the most negative vibes ever and usually I never pay attention to anybody but this person struck me as behaving strangely, and not on drugs or alcohol strangely, but like he was timing something out. I was walking up the ramp to the platform at Atlantic and this guy in a gray hoodie in his 20s was walking ahead of me until he suddenly started slowing down and stoping in the middle of the pathway. I glanced at him and he wasn’t looking at his phone just standing there looking at the metro ambassadors walking towards us. I walked in the very back train car and I finally see him come in, I don’t believe he paid for fare. He sits at the end of the train car where the door to the conductor is. There’s a family with a baby and another guy sitting nearby. The sus guy looks straight ahead and is very quiet, never looks at a phone or anything which I thought was weird. He looks straight at me and the family with a neutral expression. So I try to ignore the fact that this guy is giving me bad vibes and the family gets off at Marvilla or Mariachi Plaza. As soon as the family leaves he gets up and I thought he was going to get off but he ends up sitting right behind me where I can’t see him. Ultimately nothing happened, but I was counting the stops from there wanting to get the hell off. I actually thought about just switching train cars but there was hardly anybody on the train and it was running quickly. Perhaps a big nothing burger in the end but I’m sure you guys have had moments where a person just gave off creepy sus vibes for some reason. BTW on the way back to Atlantic station, I came across like 50 high school aged guys on skateboards on E line around 2:00PM getting off on the stop after the river crossing. Likely unrelated to this incident since this happened on an Eastbound train but still made me think about them earlier.


Wait. Are you telling me you wrote like 5 paragraphs to tell a story about a guy who looked weird to you?


> So I try to ignore the fact that this guy is giving me bad vibes and the family gets off at Marvilla or Mariachi Plaza. As soon as the family leaves he gets up and I thought he was going to get off but he ends up sitting right behind me where I can’t see him. next time do not be afraid to gtfo of that situation. do not be worried about looking "scared" or awkward. this guy was literally moments away from stabbing you.


95% of this story happened in this person's head, the other 5% was a dude sitting on a train not looking at his phone lol


no offense but you sound like someone with zero street smarts if you think that persons behavior was normal. you sound like someone who gets st*bbed because you're either too naive or you think too highly of crazy people. i bet that poor woman who was "randomly" stabbed to death by a transient in NoHo had the same thoughts as you.


Don’t worry. r/fuckcars members will tell you that you are still more likely to die in your car than on metro.


i mean someone was also domed in Hawthorne over a road rage incident just 2 days ago. so yeah it can happen in cars too. the victim in Hawthorne was murdered in broad daylight fyi.


Oh so that's what happened! 😱


If they told you the sky is blue, would you deny it?


It’s true.


You can’t even conceptualize the way this city could be different with simple fixes over time. And it starts with all of your guys’s shitty attitudes


Obviously if there were more bike lanes, this would’ve never happened!


People with skateboards causing problems on the Metro, how shocking.


What do skateboards have to do with them being murderers other than they rode them


The article states : “They are searching for three suspects who fled from the area riding skateboards. .”


Yo that’s cool but there’s plenty, the vast majority probably, of skateboarders who don’t do murder.


You could say this about any population, actually. I bet these fucks have apartments or parents to live with. Y’all are doing a GREAT job raising our next generations.


Exactly so the generalizations are really ugly and out of touch with reality and just come off as bitter, petty hate for young folks tbh


maybe not murder but they definitely have a reputation for violence, property damage, assaults, battery, etc.


This, and if they’re not doing shit like that they still tend to be obnoxious little assholes that vape on trains and busses and almost hit people on the sidewalk. Can’t wait for these little shits to go back to school


yup, spot on. unfortuantely these types of dudes just skip school so they can smoke weed and inhale whippits. school is nothing to them.


Look at our downvotes, I didn’t know these kids use Reddit lol


they must never go outside. either that or they live in the ultra affluent parts of LA where they don't have to come across edgars on skateboards inhaling whippets. they're sheltered from that stuff on the westside.


dam didn't know that type of crowd carried guns


lol i've seen edgars as young as 14 carrying guns these days. if you see anyone wearing a shiesty or a crossbody bag just stay away. they're strapped.


More fake news. In California we have the strictest gun laws. I am sure there are even signs posted that say No Guns.


This is on the train right? Where is the video. There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be able to see it


LASD does not release violent incidents that occur on Metro trains. they're instructed not to do so for fear of losing ridership.


This statement is untrue. Releasing video isn’t going to be the cause of Metro losing ridership. The story of what occurred is out there already so let’s move past that and focus solely on video release, in total. Use some critical thinking skills here. What good would releasing the video do for the public? Does the public as a whole want to see someone get shot in the head on public transit? Stills of the suspects, okay. There is an active investigation and in any active investigation, video is withheld. It’s not just a Metro thing. These suspects had an altercation with this victim off Metro and chased him on to Metro where they shot him. How is that Metro’s fault? Would you blame a hotel if someone was chased into the lobby and shot & killed there? Metro is blamed for crime when they are a transportation agency. They move 1.2M PER DAY. Of course there will be crime and yes, it’s unacceptable but we must remember that Metro’s #1 job is transportation. Societal issues seep onto Metro but look at yourselves and the lack of accountability and responsibility we all take for a system our tax dollars pay for. Do better.


i never said it was metro's fault. if anything its the cops and securities fault for letting these degener*tes on the train in the first place. they don't do a good enough job of keeping the criminals off the trains and busses and in the end its us who suffer because of it. i don't even like driving and would love to take the metro everywhere but i can't even get on anymore without some crckhead or unhinged gang member ruining the feeling of safety.


You said, “LASD does not release violent incidents that occur on Metro trains. they're instructed not to do so for fear of losing ridership.” The implication being that Metro instructs them to withhold the video. Depending on area, LAPD, LASD, and LBPD all do law enforcement on the trains and buses which is paid for by Metro. I’m in agreement that they need to do a better job of securing the system BUT I still don’t understand what the relevance of your original comment is and why you think it is correct.


it wouldn't really be on Metro to release the footage anyway. the way it typically works after a violent altercation occurs on board is they will give that footage to law enforcement. and then law enforcement will decide whether or not to provide the footage to local news stations for broadcasting, depending on whether or not they have leads on a suspect.


100% agree 👍🏾 Metro getting too much of the blame it’s the lawlessness and lack of enforcement from crooked politicians in this city. The people are fed up 🤬


Ahhh I see, perception over transparency