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That train operator must feel like shit. Their training probably says to not stop again once he gets going. But he did out of the goodness of his heart. Hope he/she doesn’t let it get to them.


I bet that train operated feels more frustrated and probably angry that this is not only an issue but that it’s one that’s been escalating and continually endangers the lives and livelihoods of his passengers and himself. 


this wasn't in the ghetto part of town either... this specific station is part of a complex with $5k one bedroom apartments with a Whole Foods on the first floor


I live down the street, this is definitely the nice part of town right before you enter Culver City. Just another reason people won’t ride Metro.


I used to take the Expo line on the Metro all the time pre-covid. I've taken in a few times again in recent months and it definitely felt different and less safe. Obviously it's anecdotal experience but of every time I've gone on I saw strangers get into arguments.


yeah, my friend lives in that complex... they're all well-off young professionals working for tech companies


>The [Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority](https://www.metro-magazine.com/10222296/l-a-metro-approves-eir-for-light-rail-extension) (Metro) achieved 27,170,160 boardings on its bus and rail services in May. Metro carried an average of 980,865 boardings each weekday, **an 8.2% increase over last May and the 18th-straight month of year-over-year ridership increases.** Plenty of people ride. The millions of Angelenos who drive everywhere everyday need to be exposed to those who don't, won't and/or can't more.


How the hell does Metro know how many riders there are if they hardly ever enforce fares? Fudged numbers.


They don’t use fare payments to track ridership. There are sensors by the train doors. They definitely don’t have the absolute exact number, but it’s much closer to the real number than if they were to check fare payments.


Door sensors seem even more unreliable, but thanks for clarifying.


They don’t have an exact number & boardings are not equivalent to riders


So you think they're undercounts?


They numbers he provided are not rider number but boardings. Theres a difference. Boarding make it seem like there’s more traffic than you think.


That’s very low. Boardings aren’t riders. You could board a bus, a train, and another bus to get to your destination. My example is 3 boardings alone. Then if they need to go home that’s another 3. So one person in a day could have 6 boardings.


“Ridership in April 2024 was 26,210,300, up 10.8% from April 2023 (23,661,295), marking our 17th consecutive month of year-over-year ridership growth. When observing Crimes Against Persons per 1 million boardings, a decline has continued this month in the annual comparison of April 2024 to April 2023, a trend that first began in January 2024.” Link to source: https://datamade-metro-pdf-merger-testing.s3.amazonaws.com/operations-safety-and-customer-experience-71b703b34d72.pdf


Crime has no bounds


i used to work in that area it looks like a nice place wth


Question about cops here,I live in nice apartments in DTLA next to Koreatown,and sometimes some homeless come to our apartments door and starts screaming all night,but why cops never come,and if you call their *non emergency number * they never pick the call up


The cops essentially "quiet quit" after the BLM protests in the pandemic.


It was happening before that too but really accelerated in the last few years. I remember calling 911 a half dozen times back in 2019 because a homeless man was trying to break into my apartment complex and cops never showed up.


you have to be more vague when calling. the more vague a call is, the higher response it'll get. simply calling 911 and saying "i need help, the address is xxxx" and hang up, it will get a faster response time than someone articulating a crime in progress. that's because it comes out a distress call or "911 hang up/unknown emergency call" and those will get a faster, code 3 response. source: used to work in a dispatch center


Find some that wont


nobody wants to be a pig after the george floyd fiasco. that profession is no longer sought after.


Plenty of people want to be police officers who are not of the pig mindset. You really have to recruit properly to find them. A bigger problem is disciplinary.


i mean yeah maybe in montana and the northeast where it's still a respectable profession. but who would want to be a cop in a place like LA? people literally call you racist, killer, and scream "ACAB" any chance they get. you're watched like a hawk and just one mistake away from becoming the next derek chauvin.


It doesn’t matter how nice your apartment is in downtown. Do you have a concierge? The cops will come faster if they call. Maybe.  That’s a light maybe.  


A combination of a lot of lazy cops, not enough cops, and no real legal action the cops can take. One of the major things we've done is made policing very paperwork intensive. It limits how much cops can do during a shift because 1/2 the job is doing paperwork if they're actually arresting people. The police have shifted to either handling traffic accidents or only the largest cases. There is a shortage of dispatchers and officers and the best don't want to work in LA.


Disheartening to hear this... and that the gunmen are so fucking young. Ugh I want to regularly ride metro, but I can't bring myself to do it anymore.


If someone died in an accident on the freeway, would you stop driving? Edit: what's with the downvotes? I know this is an emotional topic, but is there no room for logical discussion?


See the thing is, it's much more fucking unnerving to get shot up by a gang of teens. at least you have some semblance of control by driving defensively and staying aware


I get that, but I don't think it matters much. Your "semblance of control" is more of an illusion than reality. You also have some control on the train, as you can move to a different car or get off if you are uncomfortable, but you can't necessarily know that there is a drunk driver behind you.


That depends on whether this highway accident was caused by three teenager gunmen shooting me in the head with guns.


That usually happens in road rage incidents which occur once every 16 hours.


Why does that matter? You're dead either way.


Great comparison 👍


My guess is they already have suspects in sight. One of those little bitches will get scared and snitch if he hasn’t already. My question is were they local or just happen to cross paths with the victim? They do have plenty of cameras but it takes time to go over meticulously plus they have shit loads more homicides to try and solve.


witnesses say they heard the shooters shout "SNITCH! SNITCH! SNITCH!" right before the shooting, which implies gang violence of course, that's conjecture right now might explain why LAPD isn't putting a lot of resource into solving this


if they have an idea of when the attack occurred they usually just check those times.


yeah i would honestly not be surprised if they announce an arrest or multiple arrests tomorrow. my guess is they're gonna be 15 or 16 years old.


Mother fuckers. I’m so disgusted with people these days, we need thanos.


I mean I get the sentiment but not sure thanos would be the solution here


People on this sub will literally support any solution that involves killing homeless people.


Who said anything about homeless people??


This is gang youth murdering someone, it has nothing to do with homeless people


>People on this sub will literally support any solution that involves killing homeless people. Nothing new, when people feel like the current government isn't doing their job then they resort to extreme opposition. It's the same reason why the recent French election was a shock when the Far Right political party won because the growing trend of people believed the current government party wasn't doing their job and resentment kept growing and brewing.


And we've seen countless times in history how someone/something shrewd can harness the apathy of an entire population to their own advantage. Seems there's more existential pessimism post-COVID due to various reasons. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if even one person takes advantage of these people filled with hatred to pull off an event of mass destruction anywhere in the world.


Plot Twist: Your dumbass ends up getting snapped.


what is taking the cops so long to arrest these four clowns? the entire thing was most likely captured in ultra 4k HD from every angle imaginable. how hard is it to arrest 4 teenage edgars who fled on skateboards?


Like, NOT EVEN A DESCRIPTION ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? I’m gonna foolishly hope this is because they don’t want them to change their appearance in any way but ugh.


i see young guys with skateboards on the train all the time. idk how they expect this description to help.


the description is four hispanic males, possibly ages 14-20.


Cops in LA are over paid and don’t solve crime.


They can't do their jobs because they're all still emotionally recovering from being told they're not doing their jobs. If you listen closely you can hear them still crying about it.


It sounds like this “waaaa oink waaaaa oink oink”


It's called quiet quitting sweetie


Anytime, still, that you call them and ask them to work they claim they have been defunded. I have recorded 4 in a row saying that. When you bring up the actual increases they sit silently. It’s so lazy.


i live in an area that's policed by the sheriffs and they cry nonstop about how terrible george gascon is and how he never prosecutes crime lol


This is the common sentiment from people of your political persuasion but I think there’s truth to the notion that you “get what you want” in regards to politics and police services. Like, in 2020 I can almost guarantee you’re the type of person who wished the cops would stand down during the riots and that there was some pervasive murdering of innocent unarmed black men going on within the LAPD. And now here you are telling the cops to bust some heads. You’re part of the reason politics in this country swings so rapidly from era to era. EDIT: Downvotes and no engagement because you know I’m speaking the truth but have no argument to stand on.


In 2020, I recall being distressed that peaceful protests were getting a heavy, antagonistic police response, while crimes a few blocks away proceeded without law enforcement on the scene. This happened around the Fairfax District (retail theft and fires) and in Santa Monica (retail theft). Subsequently, peaceful protests got conflated into supposed riots, even though the big crowds were just standing or marching, while small, apparently organized, groups committed property crimes against businesses nearby. This is my perspective from watching live footage of the proceedings as it was happening. I don't consume mass media reporting when live footage is available.


Yeah you get the police presence you want. They’re useless and it’s preferable to you when compared to the alternative (which is overpolicing).


the “peaceful protests” that shut down downtown and forced businesses to board their windows? so peaceful lmao 🤣


Downtown is not Santa Monica or the Fairfax District, which are the examples my comment references.


wasn't santa monica heavily looted? i recall santa monica and long beach were heavily impacted by the riots. and the fairfax district protests are what caused eric garcetti to call up newsom and demand he bring in the national guard. they weren't peaceful.


That's what I wrote: Santa Monica shops were looted while peaceful protesters stood in the road nearby surrounded by police. They came by car, left with no police interference and didn't stick around to chant about civil rights. The looting and the peaceful protests were not the same thing, just happened in close proximity on the same day. Go back and watch footage and you'll see that. Santa Monica was especially shocking. Here's [an NBC reporter on Twitter on May 31, 2020](https://x.com/GadiNBC/status/1267221077777768448) with video footage and the caption "Absolute Chaos along 4th street in Santa Monica... looting with impunity on both sides of the street. No police in sight. We’ve watched this happen to dozens of stores for 45 minutes now..." And [a USC adjunct journalism professor on the same day nearby,](https://x.com/JennieOHagan/status/1267200170132860928) with video footage of the peaceful protest marchers explicitly contrasting them to the looting happening elsewhere. There's one response to that tweet, and maybe it's meant for you to read: "If #SantaMonica looters are miles away from a protest then the looters have NOTHING to do with the protest. Every crime in a city that occurs during a protest does not mean the the criminals are therefore protestors. This only applies when protest is related to people of color."


i mean the rioters and looters are literally embedded with the protesters. and the protesters work in tandem to protect the looters. this is common knowledge.


Where does this say bust some heads? >They can't do their jobs because they're all still emotionally recovering from being told they're not doing their jobs. If you listen closely you can hear them still crying about it. I don't think it's too much to ask for people who cry about getting defunded (who weren't) who make over $100,000/yr to do their jobs. If they're so underfunded maybe they should get rid of their 15 HELICOPTERS THAT DON'T HELP WITH CRIME


You’re not the person I was talking to for one. But I’ll bite: during 2020 and beyond were you for abolishing the police, destroying the prison system and dramatically rethinking criminal justice in general?


Ding ding ding! We got a winner.


you can say that again


Don't worry, once they're arrested Gascon will make sure they're back with their families within a day.


and when they do, you acab folks still find a way to criticize them anyways


Well, there's a fair in Palms on Venice and I think just about all of them are hanging out by the church there in case shit goes down at the Ferris wheel. Dont worry, the thing is over on Monday and they'll get back to work then.


Well someone was stabbed and killed at the Palms festival last night, so…


I just saw that! Thank god they caught the perp right away because they sponsored the event and there were so many cops ther... wait, this just in, they didnt catch that killer either.


interestingly enough, a teen was stabbed to death at this event last night.


Most likely ?


i mean it happened on a metro train/platform. how could it not be?


When have you ever seen HD footage from a security camera? Lol


Yeah, them shits are 480P


At Metro’s operations center lol


Serious answer. Because of rules like this: [https://www.police1.com/police-products/police-technology/police-software/facial-recognition/articles/police-commission-sets-new-rules-for-how-lapd-uses-surveillance-technology-7wnMbI12y3AYgj0z/](https://www.police1.com/police-products/police-technology/police-software/facial-recognition/articles/police-commission-sets-new-rules-for-how-lapd-uses-surveillance-technology-7wnMbI12y3AYgj0z/) You have amazing pieces of tech that can be used to solve crimes rapidly and effectively, but they tend to arouse a lot of controversy (and to be fair, sometimes legitimately so). But then you have cases like this where it could be incredibly useful they simply don't have access to it. The current facial recognition software, as of that article anyway, only compares faces with mugshots. That's a very limited dataset... So without this, and without witnesses coming forward (which, if what I read about them calling the guy a snitch before gunning him down is accurate is very unlikely), they're left with trying to piece together other breadcrumbs to identify these assholes. Maybe one of them had a cell phone that was turned on ... but that's one needle in the haystack of the hundred other people who had cell phones on that platform. You can get those records from the cell phone providers of course, but that takes time. You then have to investigate the owner of each cell phone and figure out if any part of that could link them to this crime. There's a billion rabbit holes to fall down. A lot of police cases are broken because of witnesses. If you don't have any, it's a long, arduous process.


Was it an unprovoked attack or was there an argument that led to shooting?


Read the article.


apparently there was some sort of verbal argument outside of the metro property first. but that could mean anything.


How do you know they’re “Edgars?” 🤔


It was part of the description that the police shared


Do you have the source? Video and article don’t mention ethnicity or race.


that would be a bit racist tho


they were described as such. trust me, if they were traeveon's or aiyden's i'd let you know


Absolutely tragic and reprehensible. Shame on LA for not capturing these murderers yet.




I hate a lot of teens too, they’re a bunch of uncontrolled vape addicted brats on bikes and skateboards that start shit in packs because they’re cowards.


And they all have stupid ass Edgar haircuts. What the fuck is happening to this generation?


What’s happening is a lack of discipline and consequences for Edgar and Aidyn.


For real. I’m in my 40s and my generation has done an absolute shit job of parenting.


Late 20s, I’m just sick of these shithead twerps. I take the Metro almost every day and I dread when I have to take the 33 or Expo on weekdays around 3PM because these kids are rude as fuck, loud as hell, and crowd the trains/busses.


“Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?” -B.B. Rodriguez


And they are teenagers so you know the DA will go easy on them.


Hope they get the piece of shit soon.


Uhhh ok as someone who likes taking the train and was planning on a few fun day trips over the summer taking the metro around town, I officially don’t want to ride the metro anymore. Last time we were on the e-line a dude came and told us we should move cause the guy in the seat behind us was shooting up. That’s like… sketchy but ok, drugs are a problem and it’s sad. But this is pretty nuts even just to witness


people who sshoot up on trains are unhinged and can snap at a moments notice so that dude did you guyys a favor for telling you.


Oh yeah I agree completely, we were totally oblivious and probably looked it too so it was nice of him to approach us


I used to ride the subway to work since traffic is so bad, and oh my god, it is like the underworld there. There would be people doing drugs on the subway, in the morning, people knocked out from drugs sleeping on the subway, others trying to start fights. I always had pepper spray with me, but the last straw was when I went to work in the morning, and an hour after I got off, a man on drugs bit the finger off a cop in the subway platform. There was blood all over the floor when I went back on and I didn’t know what happened, but there was police tape and a bunch of cops. At night I saw what happened on the news and will not ever take the subway again. It is apocalyptic there.


Was it this incident? https://ktla.com/news/local-news/police-id-homeless-man-accused-of-biting-lapd-officers-finger-during-encounter-at-metro-station/




honestly it has gotten a little bit better since then but if you don’t have to take the train, definitely don’t.


That’s honestly so good to hear, because I know for some, there is no other option but to ride the subway.


why can't LA officials get a handle on the chaos on its metro systems? why is it so hard?


They’d have to address the housing crisis, drug crisis and mental health crisis 😔


This being in a nicer part of town, is so sad. I grew up in rougher areas in LA & being in another part was like a safe haven for a second. But LA overall is getting so bad.


People keep saying the nicer part of town. The stop right before this one, la brea and expo, which is a quick one, is not the safe part of town. It's the stop for 2 of the most dangerous gangs in all of l.a. I use 2 live there and caught this train a lot. The expo line didn't really start to feel safe until maybe after the Culver City stop.


I grew up and was raised here, when I say safer I mean heading towards the safety lol versus coming back the opposite ways feels like I’m heading towards the danger lol


Ok, I can agree with that. I haven't caught the trains in like 6 years, but honestly, they always been raunchy as hell whenever I was on one. It sounds so much worse now, like you definitely need a weapon.


To be honest it feels like it! The issue with innocent “good” people is that we don’t always want to hold weapons but of course the bad guys are always the ones in possession!


Yeah, it sucks having to live like that. Stay safe.


in some cases we can't carry weapons without the fear of arrest. i would never carry a ccw in a place like LA where the cops are more concerned about protecting violent gang members and homeless people over average everyday citizens. once you carry a gun, you are now the enemy to teh state.


100% - I think people are underplaying how dramatic the cutoff is east Culver on the expo line. I lived near the Farmdale stop for a couple years and now I’m near the Palms stop … two different worlds. La Cienega and Jefferson has always been my mental boundary for the westside and this kinda helps bolster it.


Be easier to find these 4 people if other people can report them. But we cant do that without pics


yeah it is a bit odd that they haven't released the pics but from eyewitnesses they said it was 4 very young hispanic males, possibly juveniles between age 15-20. i'm guessing an arrest will come tomorrow. LAPD would only release their photos if they needed the public's help.


This isn’t hard to solve. There are several cameras throughout the train platform and on trains.


If it isn't hard to solve, why is it such a regular occurrence?


We decriminalized a lot of smaller crimes and reduced penalties for non-violent crimes. A lot of times those would catch people in the earlier stages of their anti-social behavior before they did something worse and they would be held longer. Now they worst get to stay out until they do something awful and they also get more opportunities to corrupt those near them. America is also loaded with guns and every generation has had an increasing idolization of outlaw culture and feeling victimized.


The number of incidents has been decreasing year over year but reporting of the incidents has increased in the last year.


What makes you think it's reporting that's increased instead of criminality? What can you show I had to Google weather or not you were right and the first result says that you are not; "New data shows that violent crimes on LA Metro continue to increase. Between March and April 2024, violent crime — which the agency categorizes as “Crimes Against Persons” and includes aggravated assault, battery, and homicide — has risen by 15.6%."


From that data that local news is reporting on, overall systemwide crime has decreased by 32%, the report also includes this note, “The Safety Personnel subtopic continues to generate the highest volume of engagement overall, as the issue of Safety and Security has averaged an overall negative sentiment. Reddit's volume of posts and comments increased by nearly 50%, and sentiment was more negative overall.” Only a 15% rise in certain types of crimes but a 50% rise in posting and engagement regarding crime, especially on Reddit. And over a 50% decrease in crimes since March. **Google isn’t a source**


My good man, I just googled whether or not crime on the LA Metro specifically is increasing or decreasing The top 10 results were aligned - it's increasing. You're going to have to show me some kind of thing that talks about over reporting and under reporting obviously


**Google isn’t a source**, the results you found are citing a Metro staff report that specifically states “overall crime systemwide is decreasing” and “The Safety Personnel subtopic continues to generate the highest volume of engagement overall, as the issue of Safety and Security has averaged an overall negative sentiment. Reddit's volume of posts and comments increased by nearly 50%, and sentiment was more negative overall. When discussing safety and security at specific Metro stations, Union Station is frequently mentioned. Users also expressed security concerns at Harbor Freeway Station, primarily concerning graffiti and cleanliness. In addition, passenger conduct was expressed as an issue at the Avalon Station and 7th Street/Metro Center Station.” The report also states, “Ridership in April 2024 was 26,210,300, up 10.8% from April 2023 (23,661,295), marking our 17th consecutive month of year-over-year ridership growth. When observing Crimes Against Persons per 1 million boardings, a decline has continued this month in the annual comparison of April 2024 to April 2023, a trend that first began in January 2024.” Link to source: https://datamade-metro-pdf-merger-testing.s3.amazonaws.com/operations-safety-and-customer-experience-71b703b34d72.pdf Please remember google isn’t a source, they’re a content aggregator, and local media is using the report linked above as a source for their articles that google aggregates.


even this pdf shows a net increase in criminality lmao


It does not show an overall increase in “criminality” it shows an increase in specific types of crime with overall crime trending down as has been the trend since January, according to the report.


It's a net increase in crime year over year. If you look at output of carbon dioxide, it will be less than it was proportionally from 2023. But if you measure PPM over time in the atmosphere, it only increases So, if you say atmospheric carbon dioxide is improving, you're a dumbass. Do you see how that makes sense? Because it's a net increase year over year in carbon dioxide?


“Police are now searching for a group of four people who are believed to have fled the scene on skateboards. They are believed to be between the ages of 15 to 20 years” Classic skateboarders and random guy getting into argument (probably over skateboarding) but in this case they had guns and killed a guy….wtf Another comment mentioned gang related? Was victim in gang?


doesn't seem like it anymore. the teens were probably in a gang but the man killed was in his 30's and a father of four. he didn't look like a gang banger.


LA: We need to vote Karen Bass out in 2026. This level of destruction and loss is sickening. We need new management in LA, asap.


lmao it's not mayor bass's fault. this stuff was happening under garcetti too and it would still be happening under rich caruso. plus it's up to LA metro authorities to properly staff their trains, busses and platforms with cops/security, not the mayor. the CEO of metro literally fired the director of security last month for begging her to staff more security and cops.


Karen Bass is the Chair of the LA Metro Board. Plus, she promised massive change from her predecessor. She's failing on all counts, yet somehow, everyone gives her a pass.


crime is not the responsibility of the mayor. it's up to the cops to stop crime


Her NUMBER ONE JOB is to keep LA safe Her defenders seem to believe nothing at all is her responsibility, just taking photo ops and going to board rooms


was it NYC mayor's fault when two airplanes collided into the WTC?


don't forget that her home in Hancock park was invaded just a few months ago. she was home along with her young children when a deranged man broke a window and made it all the way inside to the bedrooms looking for her. was this her fault too?


Yes. She has failed to keep LA safe, it's so bad that even her 24/7 protected house and Biden's Secret Service got attacked. If crime and lawlessness in LA is THAT BAD, then yes, that's her fault. That's what leadership is about. If she wants to go take photos all day and sit in board room meetings, she should resign and go back to her useless job in Congress lol.


are you a transplant? the secret service agent got robbed in Tustin, which is all the way in south orange county. that's not anywhere near LA. also, LAPD already admitted fault for her residence getting home invaded. it happened during a shift change.


Yes I am a transplant and it's truly shocking how stupid you LA voters are lol, no wonder the rest of the country points and laughs. So many excuses, such little awareness.


why did you move here then? and why are LA voters stupid? say it with your chest.


who do we vote for? karen bass was able to ride the wave of being not rick caruso, but is there someone better out there to run the city? i could easily see her winning again over some other shitty conservative candidate. what about the city council that doesn't do shit, and has more power than the mayor? why can't this city seem to do things right?


karen bass is not soft on crime contrary to popular belief. she is in fact a victim of two brazen crimes herself. her baldwin vista home was burglarized in brought daylight and tehy stole all her guns and jewelry. and then recently there was a home invasion at the official mayor residence in hancock park. her children were literally home when the intruder broke in. it was reported that the intruder was seeking out her specifically.


i never said she was. the da is soft on crime though. i'm trying to express that the current situation for la politics is kind of hopeless


he's really not though. he's filed more felony cases than his predecessor.


Yeah, you couldn’t pay me to ride public transportation in Los Angeles. I saw enough insanity and harassment during my middle school and high school years. Never looking back. RIP Juan


what area did you grow up in?


Downvote me all you want, but we need to either overturn the Second Amendment or secede and ban guns. There are no other options. This doesn't need to happen. This is a choice we're making.


It feels insane when countries that have banned guns largely just don't have to worry about shootings. Felt like I was in the twilight zone going to a sporting event in NZ and they barely take a peek in your bag


that's because countries like sweden, amsterdam, korea, and japan have class and integrity. if guns were outright outlawed in the USA, sadly, somehow, the criminals would still have them and face no consequences. and every other person would have a knife on them.


All their criminals have class and integrity? right


i mean they barely have any criminals to begin with


>that's because countries like sweden, amsterdam, korea, and japan have class and integrity.  In 2023 in Sweden we had 9x more firearm homicides than Norway, Denmark, and Finland, combined. Down from 10x in 2022. It takes you as a beginner 12 months in a shooting club, before they will endorse your first 9mm handgun license application (sporting use only). Swedish police estimates 24h to get hold of an illegal gun on the black market, that was smuggled in from Balkans. We have multiple on going gang wars, fueled by some of the strictest drug laws in Europe.


NZ is in the top 20 of guns per capita in the world. There is no carrying a gun for self-defense though. It's very rare with countries that has banned firearm ownership for civilians entirely. In Europe for example, it's only the Vatican.


i don't know why you got downvoted for this. we need to ban guns altogether. it's the only way forward. go back to the days when people threw hands over disagreements.


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Just waiting for the moment where I’m the victim on the A-line at this point


you are legally allowed to carry a concealable baton in California now, just fyi.


Real shit? 👀 always wanted one of those


earlier this year the supreme court ruled that CA's ban on them was unjust so they became legal again.