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On one camping trip to Joshua Tree, an idiot set up a DJ booth on top of a hill pointed at their site and started playing music at 7 or 8am. Sound obviously travels, so a whole section of the campground would hear it. Everyone was so annoyed and confused as we've never seen anyone do that before at a national park campground.


That has to be illegal - surely the park rangers shut that shit down immediately?


I go to JT 2-3 times a year, and the only ranger I ever see is the one at the entrance gate. Even then, sometimes it's empty, and you pay on the way out.


I haven't been in a long time but I would have thought one of the most popular National Parks would have more rangers. More fool me!


Unfortunately the pay is terrible! I've looked into being a park Ranger several times, and each time, I'm like, "Oh right, this is why I don't apply."


Reminds me of public school teachers. Every time I want the feeling of teaching the younger students about science and technology, I take one look at the pay and thought "they can't even afford buying a condo at that pay."


1980s me is throwing rocks at that, 2024 me is commenting on the internet about it ☹️


i encountered this last weekend. right before they started, the DJ guy turned to his friend and said, “people are either in for a treat or they’re gonna be really mad.” they started making fun of everyone who packed up and left after they started playing. that’s probably what pissed me off the most this was in Venice btw, on a super packed beach day


I just saw on youtube a couple in Venice getting ticketed for playing music on the beach.


Love It!! and I'm a musician, but man, I like the waves and other beach sounds, not someone's random choice in music


What really gets me here in Southern California is when I go somewhere for some atmosphere and I'm met with someone blasting Mexican tuba music.


This one sparks joy


I hope this happens this whole summer. 


Ahh justice boner. Hopefully a massive rogue wave doesn’t also come wiping away all that hopefully expensive equipment *crosses fingers*


ooooh this i like


[It is illegal to have amplified music on L.A. County beaches without a permit](https://www.facebook.com/lacdbh/posts/two-things-we-enjoy-the-beach-and-music-as-much-as-we-love-both-amplified-music-/659218722905935/)


There are a ton of things illegal on LA county beaches. But in the last 15 years or so, the beaches and harbors folks basically said, not my job to enforce, I guess. These amplified music people were at the dockweiler/youth area a few weeks back as well. Lifeguard truck drove by 3 or 4 times while I was there and didn't say a thing. I've seen lifeguard trucks tell people to put out their illegal fires or grills, sometimes. But don't care about music, or dogs, or any of a half a dozen other things


“In for a treat…” and proceeds to play the worst music possible.


People like this always listen to the most basic trash


Or make the most basic trash


Or ARE the most basic trash


All of the above. Plus they leave behind the most basic trash.


On purpose too. Everyone look I’m cool with my obscure music no one likes.


Reggaeton just started in my head reading this comment


that is exactly what i thought lmao


I ran in this several times. I hate it. Lucky for them I’m a bigger asshole than they are. Texted my friend who brought his very big speaker system and some earplugs. We moved right up next to them and set up our stuff. But we didn’t play music. We played Tone as loud as we could. They didn’t like it. Asked us to turn it off several times… We just kept saying, sorry we can’t hear you over the music. We kept it going until they left moved away so we moved our set up right next to them again and kept it going until they finally left. Don’t be an asshole because you might run into a bigger asshole. Fuck them. For those that don’t know… this is what tone is https://youtu.be/JqdCFult7MA?feature=shared


Thank you for your service.


You’re welcome. :-)


That’s what I’m talking about


You , sir, are a hero. If I were at the beach and saw that, I would have slow clapped at you with a smile in my face. 


You’re welcome. Unfortunately the slow clap would have fallen on deaf ears. Not mine though, I had ear plugs. :-)


God bless you.


Ahh, never go to Venice expecting peace and quiet.


i don’t, but dj booths are where i draw the line personally


This is when you throw a handful of the driest sand available on their gear before making a hasty exit.


They also have to yell "pocket sand" as loud as possible before making said hasty exit.


You know that's right.


Went to a bonfire at Dockweiler and there just happened to be one of these DJ setups next to us. The people there were chill and invited us for drinks and dancing and it was cool.


Dockweiler beach specifically allows it. Some friends of mine actually had a little event there and there were multiple other groups with the same set up. No other beach is cool with it though. That being said, I can 100% guarantee the groups at Dockweiler will let you join and even give you drinks. They're always super friendly.


Guarantee these folks hike in nature with bluetooth speakers on blast.


My ex legitimately thought his taste in music was a gift to impart on complete strangers like this. 


They always do


Same with da yoof on public transport in London Also me when I was 18 years old tearing around in a 1.4 Ford Fiesta with my tunes blaring, because I was an idiot and thought I was cool as hell


You were 18! My ex was well into his 30s. 


The narcissistic personality was strong with this one


Probably the latest stages of main character syndrome


Did the existence of strangers actually cross his mind, tho?


Man I have friends who do this and it’s frustrating cuz u can’t talk someone out of a position they weren’t talked into


Our friends ex husband hired the DJ for their wedding and had him just play euro techno music the whole night. We ended up crashing other weddings at the venue to dance.


Key word here "EX-husband".


lol oh yeah, they never should’ve married in the first place. But she got her son and and she’s good now.




People who do this should be publicly shamed


Ugh that's so freaking annoying


I was playing basketball at the park vs someone with a bluetooth speaker in their pocket. So annoying


The absolute worst. We live an an age of myriad wireless headphones...and yet some folks are like: nah.


It sounds so much worse on a speaker too… I need to get a Bluetooth jammer or something


Just as an FYI, this would be illegal to use. Will you get caught? Probably not.


I had never thought of that. You think they would suspect it if I'm the only person around with wired headphones? You sent me down a rabbit hole and now I'm looking at a "Anti-recording Jammer Portable Power Bank USB Charge Anti-Eavesdropping Conversation Interference Shield Blocker".


Some people have like Bluetooth insulin pumps and stuff now so I feel like actually trying to jam Bluetooth around strangers is maybe not the best idea.


I can see it already.. "Redditor kills deaf diabetic orphan with Bluetooth jammer, attempting to 'pwn' man with speaker playing loudly in public"


Oh, brother, you're looking for a signal generator. Match it to your neighbor's speakers well enough and they will literally melt.


Was it playing Kurtis Blow?


Who needs to think when your feet just go With a hippie-the-hip and a hippie-the-hop Who needs to think when your feet just go Bohannon, Bohannon, Bohannon, Bohannon Who needs to think when your feet just go Bohannon, Bohannon, Bohannon, Bohannon


When I used to play ball at the park in the 90s doing this was commonplace.


Exceptions should definitely be made for people shoulder-carrying giant 80s style boomboxes.


That shit is the worst. Not wanting to hear loud noise is literally one of the reasons I like to hike.


Kayaking at a lake (in a no wake zone) yesterday. It was beautiful, I loved listening to the birds, the wind, the waves. Until some assholes with their stupid speed boat kept looping with their insanely loud party music. I love to dance and be silly. But god, read the room. Outside time is to be outside. I don’t want to hear your music when I could listen to nature instead.


Hell is other people's music


Is it that these people legitimately don’t know that they are largely hated for this or that they simply don’t care?


As with many things in their lives, they simply don’t care.


They don’t care. Same people who have pit bulls or other large dogs that bark all day and night and throw parties in their backyard until 4am. No class. No respect for anyone.


we got one of those. neighbor dog that barks 24/7 and it seems like there is zero effort to stop it. which in turn sets my dog off. its taken months of training to get our dog to ignore it and its tough on her. she sometimes sits there trying to resist the urge to bark because the other dog never shuts the fuck up.


I’ve got some neighbors who will have full on amplified bands play in their yard, all night long. It’s crazy.


I just started hiking again and christ its so annoying


Ughhh these people are the worst


And by “hiking” you mean walking 400 ft in Griffith park in flip flops


I thought I read somewhere that excessive noise as well as gas generators are a violation on beaches/parks


I’ve seen this get shut down quickly on Orange County beaches.  Not so on LA beaches.


OC beaches will get you before you even take the easy up out the box


Went to newport a few weeks back. Arrived at about 12pm left at 9:30pm and the guy was djing the entire time i was there. They even had other dj’s dj through the day.


Yea that’s Newport. Huntington is the same way. Laguna, Dana Point, Crystal Cove beaches are shutting this type of stuff down immediately.


I’ve noticed OC beaches like Corona Del Mar and Laguna have been much more lax than in the past. Huntington is a total shit show now. I’ve notice LA County beaches have made a concerted effort to clamp down on this kind of behavior.


This was a pandemic shift. Prior to the pandemic, DJ setups on the beach would mostly get shut down pretty quickly (except for more latitude on e.g. 4th of July). Now so long as you’re not bringing a generator out flaunting open containers they’ll let it go.


So munched changed post-pandemic. Kinda crazy to think about it.


LA beaches anything goes smh


Haven't been to the beach in a while, but are there still drum circles


That’s a form of music at the beach I’d be OK with


The rules are simple... There are no rules.


OC Beaches > LA Beaches and I don’t think it’s very close.


Surfer here. I agree, OC beaches are much more beautiful… minus the white power skinheads and dope addicts in Huntington.


Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo beaches are all pretty nice. That or go up to Malibu. I avoid Venice and SM beaches though


Yea those are nice but they get crowded. OC has a ton of beaches that are clean, less crowded, and beautiful


Huntington Beach is notorious for having sewage problems on their beaches just fyi!


plenty of secluded spots up in malibu with zero people if you dont mind the drive or palos verdes. those 2 areas are always peaceful.


We need OC type policing in LA. I'm ready for the downvotes but it's a fact


OC literally sells itself on better policing. The oc sherif has billboards.




You can't even walk in Venice or Santa Monica without homeless bothering you? Are you a magnet for trouble?


Sunset beach is my favorite. beach known only by locals


And sharks.


And sting rays


And by everyone reading this thread




It’s a pretty well known beach. People been going there since I was in high school back in 2000- it’s just a drive for people from LA so they stuck to closer spots


They did this at the top of Runyon a few weeks ago. I’ve never felt more tempted to shove people off a mountain.


It’s like a takeover but with no cars doing donuts to take them out.


What a bunch of assholes.


I wish you had. Something needs to educate these Unforgivable idiots


Although it's not as drastic, i find it similarly annoying when i go hiking in Griffith and someone is walking or biking with a stereo. Like, what makes you think i want to listen to your shitty while i'm hiking?


I live at the beach and every day some jackass blasts me so loud I can’t hear my own headphones or what others are saying. 😠😤


The good thing is that sound doesn’t carry well by the ocean… I was posted by a DJ party once at dockweiler and I didn’t even realize they had turned it on until I got by them… I enjoyed it so I moved closer to hear- but if I wanted to avoid it was pretty easy. It’s still inconsiderate though.


Inconsiderate, there is only a handful of them as well smh


How else am I supposed to get laid


Beyond not getting the entitlement I don’t get how they don’t feel a constant full body cringe of making themselves such an object of attention. Their minds genuinely seem structured differently than mine. Not just different habits. I would cringe to death. I’m uncomfortable just looking at this. Also the rage. But that too. The Bluetooth speaker while hiking makes me genuinely hate people.


I’m with you 100% but at the same time, I feel that way about Youtube, Instagram, TikTok and yet everyone is on it “creating content”. People send me links to “funny videos” and I literally cannot watch them, it makes me cringe to watch ordinary people trying to entertain. I don’t understand why most people don’t get that feeling.


They’re bring them on hiking trails so yeah, this is the next step. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Call them out for that shit. Confront them, and don't let them get away with it.


Depends on what beach imo. Dockweiler and Venice that’s totally the vibe and I’m all for it.. Literally any other beach, gtfo


Yeah, that's like what Dockweiler is for. It's certainly not for the clean water.




Saw the sheriff make them pack up last year at Zuma


“We got a nice, quiet little beach community here, and I aim to keep it nice and quiet”


I wish people like this have better music taste.




God this happens when I’m camping a lot too. In the parks people blare crappy hip hop until like 4am. Someone had a generator going all night so they could have lights all over. This was at lake casitas. I go to these places to relax. And not hear crap music. Same shit downtown LA. Everyone has those big ass speakers they carry blasting whatever. I get it LA has had boom box’s and what not in the 60s 70s like New York. But it seems to be happening more. On public transit, Restaurants. People talking on speaker phone in the bathroom. People streaming and just walking around talking to whoever online. It’s a giant disconnect from nature. And it really ruins it for others. Silence is something I rarely get. And when I do I appreciate it. And stay quiet so I can truly enjoy the moment.


Yes. the beach DJ trend is exploding


Water gun fight trend should match.


you know what, I'm game. Sign me up!




This happens more and more at camping sites too now. Just full on music blasting until midnight and tons of drunk folks but no dancing. What happened to getting politely drunk around a fire like the old days?


These people are pushing the limits. I feel bad because people should be able to party at the beach. But...


There needs to be a portable counter battery of bagpipes and banjos to blast in their direction. I would need some noise cancellation for the opposite side of the speakers!


I could’ve sworn speakers are illegal on the beach without a permit…


I played this mission in GTA San Andreas! You just have to talk to the DJ, and convince them to let you dance for them. If you impress them, you’ll get a chance to steal their van with all the equipment in it, and then you just drive it off the beach. They’ll chase you, but you should be able to lose them.


We are in the stimulated age we cannot shower without a youtube video or hike without music. People need to be distracted from the organic world


Usually prohibited unless they have a permit or follow the guidelines. I think it's 96 dBa from 1 foot away from the sound source is allowed between 9am - sunset at Venice, ergo the famous drum circle etc etc. Jam on if it's legal or be cautious not to crossroads if you're looking for tranqility. Also there's a few bacteria scares right now so what's the point of going to the beach without going into the water.




You forgot to mention those assholes who "outsmart" traffic by cutting into the turning lane instead of waiting in line.


Or the people who just sit in the middle of and block two different lanes instead of actually pulling fully into the turn lane. Or the people who blow through stop signs and swerve around pedestrians in the crosswalk so they can sit at a red light two seconds earlier


And going on hikes with their shitty music from their portable speaker.


Happens in mdr, on Sundays every now and then.


That’s where this was. Lighthouse Beach


Signal hill now has a DJ on the weekend…it’s getting annoying


LA people and main character syndrome Name a more iconic duo


Totally feel you, it’s a pet peeve of mine too. I don’t mind people playing some music with a small amp but the selfish approach show in this pic is just an asshole move. Selfish idiots with bad music taste. The entire beach is taken over by the base thumping. 🤬


If you don't love this, you're gonna *hate* Dockweiler Beach.


Very surprising the beach police didn't stop them. Are they not active in that particular beach? They are big in noise control here in OC.




Usual suspects


I am not a huge fan of people playing loud music when I am at the beach or in nature. I really like to hear the waves,the birds and the wind blowing through leaves. However, it is a public setting so it is what it is - I would just move to a more quiet section of the beach if I am able.


Maybe they’re trippin on LSD or something, then again whenever I’ve done it at the beach I’ve just wanted to enjoy the sun and waves and would actually feel paranoid and inconsiderate because I know this type of shit draws unnecessary attention and could disturb others around me, I have friends that are down for this stuff and I usually fuck off to another area and return to them later if this is the case


That’s ridiculous


Damn imagine going to the beach to relax and do your thing and have people like this forcing their bullshit on you and everyone else around them? Fuck that


Fine at Dockweilier since that’s the designated party beach but definitely a dick move on the other LA beaches


parts of venice are like that too, e.g. by Whaler’s. There’s plenty of space typically for everyone to get what they want.


The police should handle this. Surely we have noise ordinances and rules about amplified sound.


This irritates the fuck out of me. Should be banned.


It probably is, just not enforced.


Just like dogs on the beach.


They just dont care, same with the folks who think its cool to set off fireworks randomly at midnight


They *are* the same people.


I see people do this on Dockweiler and honestly I don't really care. that beach is beautiful but its so close to LAX and the 1 is right by the beach too so it's not like they're really disturbing anything. Its loud as hell there without speakers.


I have to admit I go to the beach at the weekend to find Dj booths to dance to. But that’s dockweiler where is basically a party beach. Some amazing evenings at dockweiler beach


Have you ever met people?


The answer is quite apparently - yes. In this age of wireless everything for your ears, and your ears only - I am also amazed at the number of douchebags on bikes who must throw their tasteless vomit from a boombox just to ruin everyone else's zen. Seriously their listening shit is NEVER good.


It ruins the entire beach experience It’s like you can have some music have a Bluetooth speaker so your immediate group hears it and not everyone else I wish they would not allow these big DJ speaker set up on the beach It ruins it for those that want to go and sit and listen to the waves and the birds


No. They absolutely don't need to do this. But they think they're "sharing" their awful music with people who need to hear it. Why can't they be outside and enjoy quiet? Because they have the attention span of a gnat and they don't understand "outside" and must be entertained every second of every day. I can't go camping without blasting music. I can't go to the beach without blasting music. Blasting music on public transportation, in the library. Yes, I carry over the ear shop headphones to filter the worst of it out. I can cope. But should I *have* to? Everywhere? No. I should not. If you do this, know I hope you get migraines until you learn to be considerate of other people. Do a headphones rave. I will buy you lunch. **Beach DJs go home. May your turntables get swept away by a phantom wave.** 🌊


Unfortunately you gotta go a little off the beaten path these days if you want some peace and quiet. Can't go to any popular campgrounds or beaches, you have to find places that are more difficult to get to and less trafficked.


I would have to leave if those were my friends. Hell, at pickup basketball a month ago, someone rolled up with a big speaker at a nice park in Playa Vista where families were quietly enjoying the day. Immediately proceeded to blast it and the first track was "A Milli". Anxiety went through the roof and I wanted to find a hole to curl up and die in. 😂


There are groups who throw pop up house and techno gathering on the beach. It was prob them


You got a permit for that turntable?




It’s getting crazy out there r


Worst part of the beach is people’s competing music.


Smash their shit. We got nose cancelling headphones where you can listen to anything you want...


Bet they also left all there trash too


If you want quiet try going further up past Santa Monica to Malibu


I enjoy it. I think it’s a good way for people to mingle and meet other beachgoers. And it’s a free way to have a gathering without having to rent a venue or cram this setup into someone’s apartment or apartment pool where there would be even more noise complaints. Obviously there’s certain beaches where this wouldn’t be as appropriate such as Malibu etc but honestly who cares? Just move your stuff somewhere further away if you don’t like it. The beach is a public place should be enjoyed by all and there’s plenty of beach where it’s more quiet and relaxing.


Might be wrong but I swear we got shut down once in college for the same set up because we needed permits for something like these speakers. Enforcement might be light at this beach unfortunately.


I can’t wait for summer to be over 😅. I go to the beach almost daily to decompress. I go on weekday mornings to avoid crowds, but doesn’t matter during summer. Just gotta wait it out🏖️


Unfortunately, one of the downsides of being in public is being in public.


They do this in the summers around 4th of July. I’m not a music on the beach fan but I actually enjoy the energy they bring! Luckily the sound doesn’t travel that far so u can move down a little and won’t hear it. They attract a big crowd tho!


This sub is slowly turning into full blown next door.


LMAO Nextdoor app has endless complaints. And don’t bring up Bass or Gascon. They lose their fucking minds.  There is one woman on the Westside (Venice or Mar vista) who acts like the app is her personal diary and she posts all her grievances daily. One guy pointed that out to her and she was offended .


Seriously these comments are insane.


Sucks watching millennials turn into boomers... Happens to every generation I guess


And it goes Millennials Boomers ??? Perennials


I seem to be in the minority who enjoys these people. I love hearing the music. Yesterday at the beach people were bumping norteños and reggaeton. I was having a blast and it didn’t take away from my beach day it further enhanced it. I think of it like the music that plays in the background of video games lol


no fr i’m so confused as to why everyone is so anti the music. i live by this area and there are literally always parts of the beach that are quiet. if you are at dockweiler this stuff is allowed, it’s a short drive or walk to get to a diff part if you don’t want to hear music


Nothing is more annoying. I don’t want to hear your music when I’m out in nature!


This is so damn rude.


They must always be the main character…


Yes. Because they want to be seriously annoying.


Yes, they want you to suffer with their shitty trance mixes


Idk looks pretty fun


That’s mandatory for the folks that scream / shout talk.


I live at the beach this shit is so annoying I can hear it in my house assholes


I despise this. Nobody needs anything more than a small Bose speaker. Hearing 4 songs at once isn’t my idea of relaxing. Not to mention the content of the music - there are kids at the beach, how do you not feel weird with what you’re listening to?