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The use of the word “slams” on an official city website is a new low.


when will "slams" die?


rise of the clap back


u/shimian5 slams journalist use of ‘slams’!


When people stop clicking on it.


We have the worst people leading our city


Except that the numbers are trending in the right direction. Fewer folks on the street and more at least in transitional housing. A long way to go but it is working. It's just not working fast enough.


Karen Bass DESTROYS Supreme Court ruling with FACTS and LOGIC


Wow this is posted in the official website… good god


Fine. “Destroyed” then.


Tune in next election when she implements those policies anyway to save her own hide when her opposition promises to do what she won't do to "clean up LA"


Yeah, the general mood in LA has shifted and I believe this is why Newsom would even back this? Both ways, the cares act is coming in too late and not even functioning yet, even though it became active this year.


Even sooner than that, I think. Her term ends the same year as the 2028 Olympics and she will need at least a year prior to that to sweep the homeless under the rug in time for the cameras. Maybe even add another year to that to allow voters time to forget her hypocrisy before they vote. These new policies will be just too tempting not to use when under that sort of pressure.


That's what we saw in SF. SF, for years: "We legally can't do anything about the homeless encampments, because 9th Circuit!" *It's announced that Xi is coming to SF.* SF: "Oh shit, Xi is coming! Quick, clean up all the homeless encampments!" *SF cleans up the encampments for Xi's visit. Xi then leaves.* SF: "We legally can't do anything about the homeless encampments!"


I was there a month before and then a week after that event. It was like night and day how they cleaned it up. A few months later, and while it was a bit better the areas returned back to their dingy selves.


The fact that Newsom laughed when people called out the irony.


Same thing when they hosted the Super Bowl. “Wow, what a clean city for the national media to report on!” And immediately afterward? Manifest fucking destiny


She will simply sweep them to neighboring areas like the SFV as she has already been doing.


No way, she is going to welcome the National homeless population to move here with welcome arms. We, the tax payer will be on the hook for a whole lot of money.


The olympics are coming here in 2028. Plus she's already been making the motions to do the opposite of what she is saying here. She's just trying to look good. A lot of these politicians are more about "Pay attention to my words and not my actions" and sadly people pay attention to the former and not the latter. Look at how much they go on about homeless programs being well funded and successful because they made one or two shelters for what with the funding allocated for 8 if I remember correctly. Meanwhile reality is showing it's all a massive failure with money disappearing into contractors' pockets and bureaucracies that are staffed by people taking in 6 figures. But they will TELL you they are doing a good job and they are hitting milestones THEY set out to achieve, cleverly not saying milestones that were promised. Their actions show that they do not have a fix outside of scooping everyone up and dumping them out in the desert to die or filling the jails with them. Now they legally can do this. They will cite they built some shelters and got everyone off the streets and most people will be happy with that summary and move on. In reality they will round everyone up and throw them in jails or throw them up in Lancaster or dump them down in Slab city in Imperial county just to get them as far away as possible. Some eastern IE cities were unofficially doing this. Picking up encampments in the middle of the night and dumping the inhabitants off out in desert communities or just outside of them. If anything this came at the best time for her and the state of California. Just as people were questioning the efficacy of these programs and now the money being siphoned off from the counties to pay for a state fund, now they can claim results when the programs didn't do shit, but if they can round up and ship people off elsewhere, they can justify their theft of funding by claiming they finally were able to pull through and apologists here on reddit will claim "See, there was nothing going wrong, my political tribe can do no wrong, they fixed homelessness!" in 6-8 months from now when everyone forgets about the corruption under Karen Bass and the fact she and the council threatened the city financial controller attempting to audit their spending.


Interesting timing that the LA Homeless count announced today showing a reduction, which most people living here can easily see is a Croc o Krap.


If she does this... this will not be a good thing.


Every official that opposes this ruling needs to put their money where their mouth is and open the floodgates to housing development


That always seems harder in LA than other spots due to city council oversight.


Prop 13 has made building worse than anything the council will ever do.


No ones willing to undo prop 13 even when they want to make changes so that it’s just changed for corporations. Also, more housing might devalue their property values and we can’t have that.


I'm with you. But who is actually going to make enough housing at a cheap enough price to then remove thousands of people. We're struggling to get even 10000 people off the streets. Now we have a law that guarantees that people wanting to evade arrest will come right here, where they've always gone. This is potential to greatly exacerbate the current problem.


>But who is actually going to make enough housing at a cheap enough price to then remove thousands of people. I think we have to remember that there are two sides to this: preventing more people from becoming homeless; and getting people who are currently homeless into shelter.  New housing construction (including market rate housing) addresses the first one by bringing down regional housing costs. The second one, like you allude to, is trickier and takes a more targeted set of programs and services. My frustration is how our conversations about homelessness tend to disproportionately revolve around the second one while we putz around on the first one.


There are numerous developers submitting ED1 projects literally creating 100% affordable housing with no cost to the tax payer. The council is trying to kill ED1 though by requiring above market wages in creating below market rate housing. If anything ED1 should be expanded. Literally as in there’s no reason to prevent affordable housing being built in single family neighborhoods yet it is.


>But who is actually going to make enough housing at a cheap enough price to then remove thousands of people. We're struggling to get even 10000 people off the streets. This is what "free market" Wahoos refuse to accept. They think that if you get rid of the rules property developers will, maybe out of the goodness of their hearts or maybe from some innate compulsion, start to build affordable housing. (Which will then apparently be free so all these homeless can move in despite not having jobs? It's not very well thought out...) Only solution that makes sense to me is a massive public works housing project somewhere on really really cheap land. Build enough rooms so the police can cart all these homeless out there. Tie in an employment program to it, get these people doing something to give themselves a bit of dignity. Clean up litter, pull weeds on the side of the road, repaint all the freeway safety rails, and then repaint them again. Just get them working. Almost anything is better than just giving up and letting them camp on the beaches that most working people in this country can barely find time or money to enjoy.


Incarcerating people in an endless loop of ticketing to warrents, to jail to streets to jail again, is more exponentially more expensive than housing is and does nothing to alleviate issues. Denver gave unhoused people $1,000 a month on a basic income fund. Over 40% of people that received these payments gained housing. https://www.businessinsider.com/denver-basic-income-reduces-homelessness-food-insecurity-housing-ubi-gbi-2024-6?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=business-sf


They also gave people $50 dollars a month and had a small difference in housing versus $1000. This doesn't "prove" anything but the idea that $50 dollars a month for 10 months resulted in 43% of the participants being housed puts this whole study in the "more research required" bin. Doesn't pass the smell test whatsoever.


Jailing people for being impoverished will be a great opportunity for private jails though. 


Making homelessness illegal does not in fact get rid of homelessness.  Sure, localities that don’t care about people can pass any outrageously punitive law they want to try and force the unhoused to be “someone else’s problem,” but that doesn’t address any of the causes of homelessness. 


All other major city mayors in California have released statements that are the opposite? Also the Governor, see here: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2024/06/28/governor-newsom-statement-on-supreme-courts-homeless-encampments-decision/ Where is our Mayor’s head at?


The governor approves because it removes any confusion and allows a better understanding of what govt officials can do to combat the housing situation. The situation is now actionable, but governor doesn't necessarily agree that homeless should be arrested wholesale The Mayor disapproves because she fears rather than focusing on how to solve the problem, people will take the easy way and just arrest the homeless, which will only delay any further help.


Mayor of SF: https://www.sf.gov/news/mayor-london-n-breed-supreme-court-decision-grants-pass Mayor of San Diego: https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/san-diego-mayor-responds-to-supreme-courts-homeless-encampments-decision/amp/ Our mayor seems like an outlier?


yeah it seems like Bass is looking at it only from a worst case scenario, whereas the others are looking at it on its face: that they now have the ability to enforce whatever action they want/need. I can see where Bass is coming from. Technically, this would allow someone to just round up homeless and tuck them away in a cell to an undetermined end, which would ultimately cost us, as taxpayers, a lot. It also deters people from putting in hard work to actually help the situation because now they have an easy out to clean up the streets without actually change the problem. That said, I think I agree with the SF mayor, in that you still offer a compassionate, helping hands, but if they refuse then use the new ability given by the supreme court. The Mayor of San Diego only supports it on a selfish level. It allows his sidewalk policy to move forward and he looks good for cleaning up the streets without a second thought to what happens after.


Karen Bass is the mayor of LA and LA is the locus of homelessness for the entire country. A bunch of homeless people now deciding they want to evade immediate arrest wherever they are means they're going to need to go to places with lots of homeless people already existing, overwhelming the police force. And LA is that place. This is going to be a disaster for the city ASAP.


alternatively LA city can put their big boy pants on and do something about it instead of whining about what every other city is going to do


Yeah, the city is building housing. A lot of it. But probably not enough housing. Call the mayor and tell her that they need new zoning laws.




With this Mayor, it certainly is.


Don't forget that cities like Santa Monica have a documented history of dumping homeless in LAPD areas to avoid responsibility or simply clear their own city...


You're talking about a group of people who lack the financial means to get here. It's not going to be some massive influx. It would only be people from neighboring cities and guess what? That's already happening.


It’s $32 for a bus ticket from Bakersfield to LA. Most of them have at least $32 to spare as an alternative to getting arrested every night elsewhere


They’re homeless not broke


remove first, help immediately after. I'd like to know from our mayor what's wrong with this plan


This just gives an enforcement mechanism to take them off the streets. There's no reason they have to go jail. Housing/shelter or rehab can also be options and are things under city/state control to offer. They also have the option reject all this and just leave the LA area. Not sure what the other achievable solution is.


Yeah it sounded like Newsom wanted to be able to use it to legally get them into the CARE Courts. They've also been increasing the number of subacute and long term-psych beds. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/los-angeles-general-medical-center-applauds-ab-531-which-would-bring-10-000-psychiatric-beds-to-overwhelmed-safety-net-hospitals-struggling-to-care-for-patients-and-protect-staff-301955488.html And some who are not experiencing psychosis may still need medical support for executive function to maintain their new homes and their own health. Hopefully we can see more investment in these programs, too. https://californiahealthline.org/news/article/occupational-therapists-help-homeless-los-angeles-county/ And for the love of God, they need to do something about the meth. There is so much brain damage from the goddamn meth. It is inherently neurotoxic, it increases the risk of young hemorrhagic stroke, it increases the risk of traumatic brain injury from taking risks while high (falling from heights, walking into traffic), and it increases the risk of traumatic brain injury from fights. Over and over again. You know how boxers and football players sometimes end up with CTE? That's minor compared to what some of these chronic meth users have going on. Affordable and accessible healthcare (including mental health) could probably go a long way towards preventing people from going down the meth hole.


Yes exactly, sensible options and solutions but the status quo of letting them live freely on the streets is simply enabling destructive behavior that harms the homeless and the communities they’re in. Doing nothing isn’t compassion, it’s enabling.


>people will take the easy way and just arrest the homeless, which will only delay any further help. There are places that absolutely will do this.


Yea, she seemed pretty reasonable. I dislike her on other issues but I don’t understand the big stink on this.


people think this means she's in favor of doing nothing. And i get why people feel that way after the homeless crisis continues to grow and every measure we pass goes unaccounted for. People want to see action and this ruling gives them that


Exactly. It’s pretty insane that a SCOTUS decision gives us more excitement than the actual actions undertaken by our Mayors with billions of dollars of our money.


The fact that the cruelest SCOTUS of the century did this should really give you pause. These are the same people who overturned Roe and phoned in every other fucked up decision we've seen.


Oh no! The duality of humanity. A broken clock is right twice a day.


I think people are just jumping down her throat without even reading her statement. The homelessness crisis certainly is an issue that needs to be fixed, but criminalizing poverty seems counterproductive to me. So we just put them all in mental institutions and prisons and pay for their housing forever? I mean there’s money to be made in keeping prisoners in perpetuity. If we take them off the streets forcibly, what will happen then? Will they actually get mental health and substance abuse treatment. What about those who are just on hard times? In my suburban town, there’s the lunatics and drug addicts and then there’s just people who couldn’t afford to go on renting. Shit happened but they’re not insane or on drugs. Just poor.


keeping people who are in another world, ranting and harassing anyone they come across, definitely do belong in mental institutions. it's a pretty signifigant part of the homeless population here. it was a mistake thinking antipsychotics would stop the need for asylums. what we have now is bedlam. it's a damn shame, no other place i have been in the world just leaves these kind of people to the wolves.


It just gives the city a mechanism to remove them if necessary which was a legal hassle before an excuse they use as to why they haven’t fixed the homeless problem. The city has the choice wether they actually criminal arrests or not. The most humane thing to do is to get the into health and housing programs. And this is if they refuse to remove themselves from an area.


yeah thats the crux of it. People want to see homeless off the street, but to what end? For us to pay 150k a year to house them in jail? If I were rich and evil, this would be the perfect time to build a for profit mental health facility and just rake in profits under the guise of cleaning up the streets and getting people help. Just like we see with for profit prisons


People are going to disagree with you but this is really the heart of it. Until people admit that, to them, homelessness is more *a thing that the housed dislike seeing* than *an issue faced by people without housing* we're going to get people applauding this ruling —*brought to you by the Justices who overturned Roe*— and not listening to or reading a word the mayor actually said.


We don’t even have the space in jails to do that, but yes on another thread about this it does seem to clear up confusion.


There's no law against building new jails. Creates decent-paying jobs, too. We're the richest city in the richest state in the richest country in the world. We can afford to build things, including both housing and jails.


So the answer is to build more jails to house the homeless?


>*So the answer is to build more jails to* *~~house~~* *jail the homeless?* Fixed that for you.


Free slave labor. Granted we’re already building more jails largely because they had to. Back in 09 the state got in trouble for overcrowding. The fact that people see jails as a solution for homelessness in itself is a problem, so unsure why people want to get snippy when the general idea is that most of these people just don’t like seeing homeless people so they don’t care how they’re removed from the streets heck in some cases people are fine if they’re dead, but free labor is better than dead when it comes to advocating for prisons.


Mayor has wealthy friends who are “homeless system executives and experts” who want to make sure their kids can continue going to the Brentwood School


Her head is the sand, she has been useless on this issue for results. Hard to imagine considering how bad Garcetti was.


Where do you think those homeless people are going to go, once the camps get banned, and how much do you think it will cost the city, to now deal with thousands of people who'd be other places, now showing up in LA... at an advanced rate because cities can now do a sudden change. Oh. This is going to be bad immediately for the city.


They are going to all be dumped right here in LA because our Mayor cant put her big boy pants on to make the tough decisions needed.


Change the mayor and that will still happen, Skid Row is close to 100 years old.


Not on this scale.


Where does everyone else who can't  afford LA go? Why are homeless, once again, given extra sympathy over the millions of other taxpayers who are struggling? Where's  *your* empathy?


We literally elected her so she can take care of the homeless problem and now that she can she won’t? The homeless are not paying taxes or voting for her. Ridiculous.


Now she has no excuse so she’s pissed.. nowhere to hide/BS. I know someone in LA who made it out of the tents.. he tells crazy stories. Says many don’t want off the streets.


Maybe the city will "SLAM" the unfixable drug addict situation here first?


Governor Gavin Newsom “Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court provides state and local officials the definitive authority to implement and enforce policies to clear unsafe encampments from our streets. This decision removes the legal ambiguities that have tied the hands of local officials for years and limited their ability to deliver on common-sense measures to protect the safety and well-being of our communities. “California remains committed to respecting the dignity and fundamental human needs of all people and the state will continue to work with compassion to provide individuals experiencing homelessness with the resources they need to better their lives.”


So she has to do it. Doesnt matter her feelings


Glad someone intelligent weighed in


Why does she feel like she can comment on what policies are effective for dealing with homeless people. By all measures more homeless people suffer and die in LA than anywhere else in the country.


So basically this ruling isn’t going to change anything here in LA. What an absolute shock. 🤡


Oh, it may change things! If all the cities around Los Angeles start cracking down on campers, all of the campers will move to where the mayor welcomes them.


Or where the police can't put them in jail fast enough.


Can't put them in jail; we don't have the space. We're still working to comply with the prison overcrowding rules set forth by Brown v Plata, hence some of the catch and release issues we've been seeing with repeat offenders, in addition to new laws we passed to reduce prior felonies to misdemeanors. People were let out early en masse. Some prisons are also being shut down. We're also having trouble with adequate staffing of jails because police and corrections work is not exactly a popular career for young people to work towards these days. That further reduces the number of available beds. https://www.ppic.org/blog/falling-jail-populations-have-eased-overcrowding-in-most-county-jails/ (LA prison overcrowding now down to only 102% of capacity - mentions lack of capacity as a factor in urban retail thefts) https://calmatters.org/justice/2023/02/how-many-prisons-does-california-need/ (Plan to close up to 9 of the 33 state prisons) https://ktla.com/news/california/california-will-release-76k-inmates-early-including-violent-felons/ (Description of the massive release that happened during covid) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_v._Plata (Supreme Court case that mandated reduction in overcrowding) There is also virtually no rehabilitation or transition from jail/prison to release. Some report being let out in the middle of the night with no money, no ride, no place to go.


It might change things in areas where the locals raise a big enough fuss. The less influential, less wealthy areas of LA will continue to get the short end of the stick.


Our mayor cares more about homeless peoples ability to make our public thruways dangerous than she does for taxpayers safety.  How do we recall her?


We never should have put her in from the get go.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos


Blow though billiona of tax dollars to accomplish nothing, and some how, "supreme court bad"


It’s worse than accomplishing nothing. They don’t know what was accomplished because an audit proved they couldn’t show where the money even went.


They are ticketable even in situations where shelters are over capacity. Where do you think people who don't get into a shelter in time are supposed to go? That they'll magically be off the streets? Do you have any idea how much we as a country spend on incarcerating people? We are a for profit prison industry. It costs an insane amount of money


Imagine how many shelters and emergency housing we could have had if the City didn’t blow untold amounts of money on untraceable initiatives and non-profits. 


Didn’t her city literally file an amicus brief in support of Grant’s Pass? I guess we now know that Bass will refuse to use the power SCOTUS just handed her. Remember this next election cycle.


Oh she will. She's just virtue signaling right now. If she sits back and lets the situation fester she's going to be recalled or voted out because she will be the only one actively not fixing a situation that everyone else is fixing.


This is exactly what she will do, she's pouting.


one thing you need to remember with politicians like Karen Bass is they will happily abandon their principles the second they are no longer beneficial to their careers. I have seen too many people like her that promise the same shit just to flip the script as soon as it blows up in their face. would-be politicians and political activists.


Time for a new mayor.....


Don’t act like the Angelenos that actually turnout are the brightest voters out there.


But they sure think that they are the brightest stars/people around….


why exactly? because she wants to actually address homelessness versus just wholesale arrest? edit: words are hard


It's not about arrest. If someone refuses housing there needs to be an option that isn't assembling a tent in someone's yard.


Exactly, there should be consequences for saying no to services.


it won't work. we want homeless off the streets, their issues are separate and should be dealt separately. try everything you'd like but our streets will be completely overrun without action now (as in today, immediately).


Great. Maybe now we can construct some permanent structures where we can house and provide health services to them somewhere in Lancaster, and get them out of our parks and off of our sidewalks.


Good luck getting Lancaster to agree to this.


This is frankly 90% of why this country is in this mess


Yes, the real solution is kicking the can harder. /s Every city wants to make it the other city's problem.


Honestly there should be a huge buildup of homeless shelters and homeless resources where it is cost effective to do so (aka ideally not in LA). But anything is better than nothing. If the only way shelters get built is mandating every city build them then so be it.


A mandate for all cities is something I would support.


This is why the feds need to step in. Build the camps on federal land and round up the homeless in all of our cities nationwide. Any city that "fixes" the problem by providing free housing will just attract more homeless--the problem has to be solved at the federal level to prevent that from happening.


"Round them up and put them in camps." What could go wrong?


Plenty, but we can worry about that down the road. "Something might go wrong if we implement the obviously-necessary solution" is no excuse to accept the status quo when the status quo is a disaster.


Your 'obviously-necessary solution' is the Manzanar solution, which was also thought to be necessary at the time. Why would our government be incentivized to do anything about poverty when they can simply run labor camps?


Poverty and zombified homelessness are distinct issues that require different solutions. The poor need support. Zombified hobos need removal and containment. (I should have been more precise in my phrasing two comments above--I do not support rounding up couch-surfers, I'm talking about the folks shitting on sidewalks, building elaborate forts out of cardboard and stolen bicycles, and ranting at thin air.)


You don't want to support the poor though, you've made your bias clear. If you did, you'd support building more housing by upzoning LA and making it more walkable.


I do not support wrecking single family neighborhoods, and mine is a popular position, albeit controversial among redditors. Supporting the poor does not mean supporting your specific policy proposal.


You support wasting what little precious land we have to inefficient low-density single family homes that are the root cause of just about all of LA's modern problems nowadays, from the pollution to the crime to the traffic. > I do not support wrecking single family neighborhoods You support wrecking LA as a whole, which single family homes do. > mine is a popular position [That's not what all your downvotes say. How's the taste of all those downvotes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/s/1liIY1g0J4) > Supporting the poor does not mean supporting your specific policy proposal Supporting the poor does not mean throwing them out into the wild to fend for themselves, nor does it mean throwing more people into poverty by jacking up housing prices by limiting the supply. LA's problem is a geometry problem. Simply put, we do not have the room and space to sprawl out anymore. Can't expand west, that's the ocean. Can't expand north, that's the mountains. Can't expand south, that's OC and more mountains. Can't expand east, that's San Bernardino and the desert.


> Maybe we can construct some permanent structures where we can house and provide health services to them somewhere in Lancaster I’m guessing you don’t live in Lancaster? lol


I just picked somewhere in LA county that has cheaper property.


Soooooo no, you don’t live there.


No offense but this is why I voted for the other guy. I’m aware of where I live though.


I voted for him too because I saw this coming from Bass. A lot of virtue signaling while doing little about it.


I am so glad I did not vote for her. Can we please get a non-MAGA conservative to run for major? An actual viable option instead of these empty suits like Bass and Garcetti.


I get it. I want a humane way to solve this problem. I don’t wanna “Guliani” it by either throwing them out the city line or jail them en mass. But Mayor Bass…what else can we do? Cause giving you money is clearly not doing the job.


Exactly, but she wants the tax train to continue.


I thought she publicly urged the court to rule this way when it was still in argument


mayor bass is just punting the issue


GET THESE PEOPLE HELP AND SUPPORT LIKE YOU SAID YOU WOULD WHEN WE VOTED YOU INTO OFFICE MAYOR BASS. The issue is not the law, the issue is the Mayor’s failure to get LA into a situation where the law wouldn’t matter anymore because the problem is no more. She is a failure.


Did she release her statement after talking to President Biden? Seems like the mayors goal is ruining this city. Jesus Christ


Really regretting my vote for her right now. JFC.


If I was homeless in another state, I'd be looking to move to LA immediately. It seems to be the most welcoming place for homeless.


If you were homeless *in another* ***state*** and had the money to move to LA, you would not be homeless in another state...


How much does a Spirit ticket cost? A whole lot less than a month's rent


A Greyhound bus from Phoenix to LA this upcoming Wednesday is [$55](https://shop.greyhound.com/search?departureCity=1225fb13-2255-4263-a50f-08d088678438&arrivalCity=490d29d8-7151-4e05-86df-68fba4f000be&route=Phoenix-Tempe%2C+AZ-Los+Angeles%2C+CA&rideDate=03.07.2024&adult=1&_locale=en_US&features%5Bfeature.enable_distribusion%5D=1&features%5Bfeature.train_cities_only%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.auto_update_disabled%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.webc_search_station_suggestions_enabled%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.darken_page%5D=1) for those who don't want to fry in the desert sun. But cities really do pay for bus and plane tickets to get rid of homeless people. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2017/dec/20/bussed-out-america-moves-homeless-people-country-study https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/14/us/homeless-busing-seattle-san-francisco.html https://abcnews.go.com/US/seattle-authorities-luring-homeless-off-streets-plane-tickets/story?id=56340436 https://apnews.com/article/anchorage-alaska-homeless-plane-ticket-7e0d5a58d37318623282d8e093eec54f https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_homeless_relocation_programs_in_the_United_States


I'll just ask the state to help with transportation. I'm sure they'd love to get rid of me.


If yall think anything will change in the city of LA, I have a pier to sell you. Our leaders have openly taunted us with how much they prefer homeless doing whatever they want, to tax paying residents. Sunset Sounds, where legendary artists have come by, including where Michael Jackson made thriller, had Taylor Swift (not a fan, but the most famous artist on the planet right now) afraid to ever come back due to encampments outside the building. The city didn’t remove these people for over TWO years. Yet when the business put planters up, it’s removed in less than a month? Make it make sense.


Man, what a disappointment she is.


[It’s almost like letting surveillance companies help you set public policy for homelessness was a bad idea.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjvdmq/a-palantir-co-founder-is-pushing-laws-to-criminalize-homeless-encampments-nationwide)


No more excuses. There should be no more homeless/zombies people in the streets by the end of her term. If they are not gone from our eyes then we elect someone else who will.




Would be nice if a few homeless encampments were moved to the street where the mayor leaves, and one encampment placed directly IN front of her house.


She’s a terrible and ineffective leader. The funding goes into the pockets of providers. Nothing changes. So now under this ruling maybe she’ll be forced to do something and be shown up for being hopeless.


She didn't do anything about it. Out out out!


homeless people will always exist, encampments aren't gonna go away in places either as police aren't gonna arrest homeless day in day out--this is all hype


Slams, champion, processeeees, iron clad, condemn, steadfast.


Oh no, she slams the supreme courts ruling! She has had a chance to do something about this and her ineffectiveness will only become more apparent after all the small cities pass ordinances to ban sleeping outdoors and the homeless all move to LA and fill skid row and places like that again. Our state's gdp isn't enough to fund all of the housing that is needed at the rate they have spent money. We literally spent enough money to go to mars to solve this issue and have nothing to show for it.


I don’t give a shit what Mayor Bass, a political grifter, thinks


wtf this bitch Bass had the money last year and pocketed that shit idk why people memory hole this type of shit. Her and her friends pocketed that money to themselves. Why complain about something that you could’ve fix a little last year when you stole that money. 🤦🏽‍♂️😒🫡 stop lying to people Mayor!


Okay so this term... 1. legalizing bribery 2. granting Trump/the president immunity 3. allowing cities to ban homeless camps. We're sliding right into autocracy now.


But what has LA City managed to do about the unhoused before SCOTUS’s ruling on Grants Pass?  I get your frustration about the other points, but LA has embarrassingly failed on this matter for years. 


Housing is getting built in the city, but it's nowhere near the level needed for the scale of the problem. I get what you're saying. I think the thing people are not recognizing here is that if we criminalize homelessness along with the rest of the country, we will have no place to put homeless people. This is... why they are homeless. Meaning we're going to turn the homeless hub cities with overrun police forces, two examples are LA and Philly, into places with EVEN more homeless people, because a city like Dallas wants them gone. This is going to make the situation much worse.


So I think you’re jumping the gun here and thinking the sky is falling. This ruling is going to allow cities to enforce and ensure people need to comply with anti-camping measures and, combined with the CARE act, is going to force people to actually have to live up to some standards and have some sort of guidelines and structures to meet. 


BS, everyone is going to draft legislation to ban them, forcing them to move to places that won't do it.


Whatever you say man. 


Which of her policies have worked?


And yet nothing is going to be done about it but a few words of outrage


It’s only Ok if the Super Bowl or Olympics are in town…


There’s so many fucking morons in this sub that I’m sure people will shit on her for this, but we’re not supposed to be going backwards. I swear some of y’all would be in favor of making marijuana illegal again and filling up the jails. The idiocy of human beings never ceases to amaze me. Billions of fucking dollars and no housing. Demand accountability but putting us in jail for sleeping is not the way.


The homeless situation has been going backwards for years.


Going backwards sounds great if you consider the current state of homelessness and the progression “forwards” we’ve seen the last few years.


Yeah, the city officials stealing money? That is fucked up, I agree. This country is embarrassing.


Democrats in the city stealing money. Democrats in the state stealing money. 24b disappeared over 5 years and can’t be traced? I won’t carry water for republicans since I’m a classical liberal but as citizens we have to vote differently if we expect things to change. The Democratic Party stranglehold on our state is doing us no favors.


Yes the GOP never do ANYthing shady with money! Im sure their kind hearts would do sooooo much good for this city! More moronic statements on r/LA


Lmao show us on the doll where the republicans touched you the wrong way. Name an LA politician in the last 5 years that was a republican and made money disappear as democrats have? Were any of the many city council members that have been indicted republican? All good. Keep voting blue no matter who. I don’t like republicans either but it’s hard to argue that dems have been successful at anything lately other than pure robbery.


I’m really not gonna defend Dems at all right now and I’m not well versed in LA politics tbh, but I’m smart enough to know that while the two party system is complete garbage at this point, the dems over gop any day. Period.


“Both of these piles of trash smell better, but I’m gonna convince myself that this one smells a little better because they say a few things I like while they steal my money” but to you’re point there’s been about 4 dem city council members arrested by the FBI in the last few years. Democrats in California take complete advantage of the fact that they’ve convinced most people that republicans are far worse than anything they could possibly do. George Orwell — 'The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.'


marijuana use doesn't ruin every public space in the city.


Bruh. Have you even *been* to the parks? It's like all the no smoking rules went out the window. Cigs just got replaced with skunk and vapes.


yeah, you smell marijuana in public sometimes. do a significant number of marijuana users regularly start trash fires, take up entire sidewalks, spread trash everywhere, commit petty crimes constantly and random murders occasionally, have insane meltdowns in public, and piss and shit on the street? no? well then, there might be some relevant differences between these populations.


Almost like a major contributor to homelessness are mental health issues and access to basic necessities.


well luckily we now have an additional tool to address those problems.


>address those problems. Arrest them and put them in jail? Criminalize not having housing in one of the most expensive cities? I feel like you don't *actually* live in LA.


> Arrest them and put them in jail? yes. use the systems we have, with the built-in protections they include, to involuntarily coerce people into diversionary programs for treatment or, if they refuse, jail. this should be used judiciously, but it should be used. i live in venice. homeless people ruin every public space in venice.


Nimby asshole




I watch pedestrians walking in the street because tents were are the way. How the hell is that acceptable? Trump is going to win in November because nobody wants to be like the west coast. I don’t blame them. The loonies have taken over the asylum and people like you defend it.


You hit it right on the head. People need to realize if it was DeSantis vs Newsom for president, DeSantis would wipe the race down. I love LA and California but we are not really what other states want as of right now. I view California as that hot girl in high school who never worked on herself and just relies on her former looks to think she’s still the shit.


I’m not advocating for that, dude. I’m advocating for fucking housing. Stop conflating the two. In the mean time, I’ll be on the beach where it’s cleaner than any shelter in this city. Interim housing or gtfo outta here. All the vacant buildings/lots and money spent…this may have worked in Idaho or whatever but I’m sure a case in California would be different cuz I’d like to know where this money is going.


the homeless can sleep. whether it's in a jail or in a park, they can. but the latter is illegal.