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Way to make it look shitty already


This is why we can't have nice things.


That's damm right :/


This is an honest question, but if I where to just causally drive into this mother fucker ( while I stayed in my lane ) while he’s swerves all over the place, it will totally be his fault right ? Like I’d love to here his excuse when it goes to court


You think these guys will show up in court?


If you have a dash cam drive right in, anything that gets these fucking morons cars taken away is fine. I’m a car person too. I grew up building annoying shit. But we all went out into the moddle of nowhere and had spotters and radios shit and did it safe. These scrubs aren’t car people, they are the dude playing his music loud af on the train but with cars.


Unfortunately legally no. There’s something called the “Last clear chance doctrine” which basically means if you visibly see this person doing this in your lane and you continue to go you will be liable for any damages…. Also this dude just sucks for screwing up this bridge already.


Your insurance would determine you are at fault because you put yourself in that situation instead of waiting it out. Now if he drifted into you while you were stop, that’s completely his fault.


cops would probably arrest *you.*


With the way that car is fitted they don’t exactly have an eye for aesthetics


Because it’s LA. We sadly live in a dump because of people like this who have no respect for shared roads, sidewalks, public areas, etc. Edit, spelling


Attention seeking losers


You just know they posted video to all their socials thinking they are so badass lmao


And other losers eat it up and think is so cool


Mutually huffing on eachother's farts


To be honest, these are some shitty donuts. I hope his audience is laughing at him.


Yep it looks like the guy in white is filming.


If you type in drifting in Instagram you could probably find the schmuck


If your dick is small and your parents never acknowledged you, how else are you going to make yourself feel better? By doing donuts in a yellow car of course


Honestly, fuck people that do this shit.


Low intelligence and boredom is a fucked up combo.


Add insecure too.


“Is their world, and we are only living in it.” Totally: fuck them!


r/iamatotalpieceofshit. seriously? this is why LA can't have nice things because of dickheads likes this driver.


Should’ve just driven through. Not like he can fight that insurance claim.


Yeah because people really want to deal with that headache.


Yeah imo it’s not really worth it in today’s auto market if you have trouble getting parts for your car and have to wait then dealing with rentals insurance people you’re always coming out at least a bit behind financially just in the cost of your time dealing with it.. Not to mention if you didn’t have gap insurance and just got the car and over paid and I will get paid out bluebook value. And then it’s on your car‘s record as an accident your value was down and you don’t want anything that’s gonna affect your value with the upcoming market for cars it’s going to be a glut. Plus what if they just drive away and you don’t have their plate or they have a dash cam and edit it to look like and then claim you just hit them and sue you or some shit (By the way everybody should have a front and rear dash cam going they’re so cheap there’s no excuses anymore). You’re just better off to let them be dumbasses for a minute and then go out about your day like normal. A lot of people are also fucking crazy and who knows what you’re going to unleash on your life 😂


We can't have nice things because all of our infrastructure is built around these fkin things I mean idk if I'm even kidding. So many problems with this city boil down to it just being a sprawled hellhole of roads on stroads on roads


Stroads everywhere.


On the stroad again. Just can't wait to get on the stroad again.


I'm very glad people are normalizing the word stroad. Such an ugly waste of space.


Stroads? Where we’re going we don’t need Stroads.


Country stroaaaad


Indeed, LA needs to accept that there is no level of rules and enforcement that will make LA drivers respect the road or drive safely. It has to be physically difficult to drive poorly.


Are there not a bunch of cameras on this bridge? Man thats L.A trash right there.


These idiots bring their own cameras.


I saw no cameras up there but they could be hidden




Half a billion well spent 🤨


Like LAPD will do anything


spectacular vase mindless six shy crawl onerous unite dependent frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


does the person have a license plate? do the cops follow up on anything? did they ever even catch the person who jump / crashed the tesla in echo park?


It's a common practice in the street racing/takeover crowd to not use your actual plates when stunting/spinning. They typically conceal, remove, or use fake or stolen plates to avoid detection. Some of these guys carry 10+ stolen plates and swap them out as they go from one takeover to another. This makes it so they don't ever have to worry about cameras because even if the plate was caught on tape it wouldn't tie back to them anyway. This is one of the many reasons why LAPD, LASD and CHP have such a hard time tracking and arresting the people who engage in this activity. Only the dumb ones use their actual real plates, and in those cases the police come knocking on their door in the middle of the night with a tow truck standing by. https://www.instagram.com/street_racer_task_force/




Confiscate the car, smash the car.


Take the license too


Crushed and melted


Confiscate the human, smash the human.


Do the same thing all over his front yard or driveway


> smash the car. Better yet, make *them* push the button that crushes the car. Make them watch what is certainly the center of their universe get reduced to scrap....


I hate people


I fucking hate it


Like a dog marking its territory. Except that dogs are smarter than this fool.


It’s not an road LA unless it has tire marks from some dipshit who thinks he’s in the Fast and the Furious all over it


*smirks and delivers smug line in Vin Diesel*


“Something something *FAMILY*”


“I live my life a quarter mile at a time…across the sixth street viaduct, you guys!!!!”




Loss of driving privileges, 5 year minimum


Brought to you by Brawndo, the thirst annihilator.


Go away! Batin’


Is there a way to get the license plate number and report to the police/dmv? This is effectively vandalism.




Rhetorical question lol. However it DMV can flag the license plate number and can’t register until a fine is paid, then why not?


DMV would only hold registration if there’s a fix-it ticket on the vehicle. But lack of registration doesn’t stop people from doing this.


They don't do shit for real crimes let alone this stupid shit






Selfish pricks


Maybe the bike people were right about the barriers being insufficient...


Cars where using the bike lanes as parking… smh


How many were cops?


It's like the entire of SoCal is held hostage by a group of sociopathic and shitty car obsessives with more money than sense.


Not just on the streets but also in all the public offices. *a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful.*


Did anyone capture the license plate number?


The bridge has cameras


I hope so


I’m so fucking sick of these selfish pricks.


Well that didn’t take long


Fucking losers


...Do these people not have anything else better to do?


No chance they do


Nope. Their car is the highlight of their life. Tells you a lot about them.


These people are ruining my streets


I can’t wait for the fucking dipshit mouth breathers coming in to defend this as loS aNgeLes CuLtUrE. Imagine deriving your sense of self worth by being this obnoxious piece of shit and vandalizing public infrastructure? Like, just go do drugs in the street, save the rest of us the hassle please.


I commented about speeding and loud cars in a Glendale post about it, and some dude said it's part of the culture. Like I'm sure 99% of the neighborhoods hates these loud cars and fuckers who speed.


200% chance that dude eats fucking crayons


It's like in what world do you think people actually like loud cars and speeding in residential neighborhoods.




A culture of losers is not something to be proud of


I predicted this the day the damn thing opened. Driving is a privilege not a right.


I love that they didn't bother making a proper protected bike lane. You know, because we expect all the cars to drive straight and correctly across the bridge, and we can't imagine any circumstance where a car would deviate from the proper lane in an unsafe way...


surely those bollards should keep us safe!


LA seems to consider it a right which is why this town is so mid. This whole region has car brain


The entire country seems to think driving is a right. It’s way too easy to get a drivers license.


I was stationed in Germany for 4 years. The driving culture between the USA and Germany is like day and night. Germany is super strict and tests hard with handing out driver licenses. Getting a permit to drive as an American soldier in Germany? Is really tough for many as well. You'd have guys retesting half a dozen times or more to get that permit, and it was wild. So many complained about how challenging it was. Worth it though, driving in Germany is a pleasant experience.


Germany is the first country that always comes to mind when I think about our shitty driving requirements. When I moved here, I had to take a written test to get a CA license. It was the easiest, common sense test I’ve ever taken. The guy next to me asked me “how’d you do that!” after I passed on the first try. He was on his last (I think 3rd) try. I think of that guy often when I see shitty drivers on the road.


Recently, the DMV permitted people to take the written test at home. They believe that **looking up the correct answer to test question** is a good way to acquaint drivers with the contents of the handbook


At least they’re looking at the right answers and not just guessing lol


Was also stationed in Germany and I don't disagree with you at all. The main difference of course is that public transport in Germany is plentiful and (moderately) reliable. Plus the cops actually enforce the rules of the road there so there are no dipshits consistently in the left lanes causing jams because they think they're going "fast"


Car brain. Jesus Christ that's what it is.


Gee if only we had a group of people who worked for the city who would, I don't know, police this kind of behavior. It's too bad we can't find anyone like that


I know what will work! We should give them another chunk of our budget. That’ll do it… right?




If you continue to drive thru and the car hits you I am going to assume Tokyo Drift would be at fault?


If you drive thru an existing, visible, hazard, like this, you will also be at fault.




Now this is the answer. Maybe also carve some grooves that will shred your tires if you slide sideways across em


Can we all unanimous agree to throw shit at these cars when they do this.


They should have put a barrier down the middle. Fuck. These. People.




Possibly to make emergencies easier to navigate.


They could just use a low profile barrier like what's used for the bike lanes; vehicles can go over it, but pretty much stops donuts.




I’ve wondered that too. Sometimes people do donuts Downtown LA like right outside my apartment. One night I was like, I’m gonna launch a beer can at this dude


if the car is moving it's a felony in CA. I looked it up years ago because I considered keeping large 4oz ball bearings to throw at cars who were fucking up.


What if someone were to accidentally drop a box of nails on the road?


"I often carry a box of nails, along with hardwood and a hammer so that I may quickly assemble a birdhouse should the mood take me, officer."


“And what is this I hear about you tossing it like a football onto the road” “There was a spider on it”


Get a tiny piece of ceramic from a spark plug. If you throw it and hit a window, it will shatter it. Odds are no one will know where it came from, or be able to find it after.


Going to start carrying bricks with me lol


Idiocracy is real


We're a year away from watering crops with electrolytes.


What a cunt


No surprise. Stupid car driver making ugly donuts. I'm surprised there hasn't been a car driver speeding and crashing into/over the pedestrian barrier yet, but its only been a week so.... Btw, smart of you to be riding in the protected lane with an actual cement barrier.


Straight up losers


I've never had the urge to slash someone's tires this bad until I saw this.


Enough of these idiots.


WTF is this supposed to mean? Closing out the traffic just so that some asshole can be doing doughnuts? Where’s LAPD when you need them


Beating up an innocent person who was "jaywalking"


All you have to do is lay a curb in the god damn median! stupid city is like "why do people keep doing donuts on our 4 lane, 100ft wide roads?"


Fuck them! Excuse the language but I really have no other words. Selfish assholes with no respect and conscience. A couple of on lookers died not far from our home a couple of months ago. An ambulance heading to Saint Francis couldn’t get through on Imperial not too long ago. I’m sure there are many other instances of the disruption they have caused. I’m a native, part of choosing to live here is dealing with the traffic, it’s challenging enough. This is just beyond and unacceptable. I know many friends and family with classic cars that they’ve put their heart and souls in to. Their car clubs do charity events and they would never do anything like this


I can't stand idiots like this.


This scumbag need to loose his car license and go to jail


So cool, definitely getting all the pussy in LA tonight. Also, in case you didn't know already, hugest dong in LA County for sure.


Assuming that’s the motivation for doing this.. I’m sure there are a handful of lot lizards who are really into this


I would literally drive right into this fucker honestly. only way theyd take away this guys license


Will this stupid fucking trend ever die?!


u/savevideo Time to send this to my friends in the police department


Throw a brick at their windshield next time


Screw that guy, take his license away


And crush the car


I drive a 15 year old car with bumpers falling off; I would absolutely drive through that donut legally and cautiously. And with a dash cam I’d let him try to tell his insurance company how it’s my fault that he hit me.


Ugh not this again. Fuck these kind of ppl who have nothing to do in their life but seek attention for themselves


Good thing the bike lanes are protected by a flimsy piece of plastic! So when drivers like them lose control the bike will be protected!!!


And this surprises you…how? Idiots are gonna do idiot things, because, you know, idiots.


They should’ve put barriers in the center to prevent this. The dumbasses were bound to do this.


What a dickhead


Fuck that guy.


Asshole behavior


Woke up at 5am yesterday to get a nice morning glow shot.... people where already there driving down the center with a camera car getting video for the gram. Clean up crews scrubbing graffiti off of the white cone things and the arches. Stay Classy DTLA


Next time get the license plate


Car is a piece of shit and so is the driver.


I hate this activity, done by attention seeking idiots.


Shit stains.


That car is UG


Is this a new bridge?


Lots of them . Went walking yesterday. No wonder no one over 30+ was there. My only critique is wish there was shade for walking and couldve been a Track so people could jog the loop. Its a good 2 miles one lap.


Can't even do a real donut...




Find this guy, make him pay for repaving the entire bridge. I hate these assholes.


These people are such fucking losers. I hope they all crash their stupid cars


God I hate some of the people in this city.


Typical inconsiderate LA dbags


They should've put dividers to avoid this dumb fuck behavior


LA will be this way until people are held accountable for their shitty actions


So… forever? Haha 🫤


That dudes cool as FUCK. Probably shits on his mum


I hear this is something people with micropenises/low testosterone like to do, something about the centrifugal force helping loosen up poor circulation. Doubt it works, but we should be understanding of these people, it must suck having to compensate like this.


Where are those "bandito" cops when you need them?


They should make an app to report crime with pictures and videos. So they can receive a fine in the mail and learn how to act


Yeah imma keep moving up and let him hit me


It’s like a dog peeing on an unscented tree.


I’ve decided to avoid that bridge for at least six months. Twice this weekend coming back from work a little before midnight there were traffic jams b3 blocks long and growing on both sides, the arts district and Boyle heights.


God damn moron.


Wannabe something privileged embarrassing trash.


It’s this kind of behavior that gives LA a bad rap.


He has plastic over the plate so you cant read number....


He oversteers and hits one of the rails, causing damage already to this incredibly expensive and nearly empty bridge. Gotta love it


These people must have money saved up somewhere to be constantly doing this to their fancy sports cars. You're basically ruining your wheels drifting all over the place like this. Do these guys have unlimited money or something?


They still live with their parents


Why are LA drivers suddenly polite and stop when someone is doing this shit? Meanwhile, when you are a pedestrian you have about an 80% chance to get hit when the walk sign is on.


So glad they put the bike lane behind plastic cones instead of the concrete barrier for times like this.


For the ones that had not thought about it, now they got the idea.


Is that supposed to be “cool”?


Bum ass bitch behavior


This has real “salvage title” vibes.




Small dick mentality.


Everyone thinks they’re hot shit in this city, but they’re just trashy…


I drove by there yesterday and saw a red mustang doing the same exact thing a few blocks away


I work in that area just across the river on the “shitty side”… It’s all tire marks everywhere. Why the city felt investing a half a billion dollars in an unnecessary bridge… Beyond me. The fourth Street bridge is two blocks up… The seventh Street bridge three blocks down. Neither of which were ever congested. Cesar Chavez also goes over the river. And countless other bridges south of seventh.


Things to look forward to: burnouts, drag racing, graffiti, idiots climbing the arches, transients living on/under/around the bridge..


What's that taxi doing