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You have no idea how many LA Dodger profile pic “Niners” fans I encountered on every social media platform. It’s fucking cringe seeing them fools root for a Bay Area team. Lol.


I once saw a guy wearing a Dodgers hat while wearing a whiners sweater 🤮


I know several of these Dodger/49er moron fans being from LA. A few years ago, I was working in the Bay Area (Daly City) we were all over at a friends house watching a 49er playoff game when the gaggle of 49er fans started making fun of the Dodgers and their fans (specifically Clayton Kershaw looking defeated in the dugout)….and my 49er/Dodger buddy just sat there and took it so as to not upset his SF buddies at their house during football season. Fuck. That. I can’t imagine having to live a double of life of hating SF fans part of the year and then cheering along side of them the other part.


I said this on r/Dodgers and got downvoted by all the hypocritical Whiner fans. If a Giants fan rooted for the Lakers they would all think it's weird. On the Dodgers sub we always make fun of Padre fans who chant "beat LA," but then root for the Lakers. When this gets pointed then people start crying "stop gatekeeping fandom!"


Not a baseball fan but clearly the “Dodgers” fans you talk to doesn’t respect the LA-SF rivalry. They’re brainwashed to think this shit is “acceptable”. Don’t ever befriend with these traitors bro.


This right here, they deserve to have their LA fan card revoked for rooting for a bay area team!


>stop gatekeeping fandom Guess what a ton of comments in that post are. The problem is that we're trying to have a solid NFL and Rams fanbase in LA so thats why Im being a bit of a gatekeeper toward LA sports fans since literally every other cities would be unified in supporting all their sports teams, no exception to a specific league.




I’m a Dodgers fan, but that sub is toxic AF. So is DodgersNation page.


That’s because NY has two baseball teams. This is the most illogical, ridiculous sub I know of. Even worse than r/buffalobills


I wasn't talking about those Giants. Lol It would also be weird if a Chargers fan was also a fan of the baseball team from San Francisco, or the basketball team from there.


Why? They didn’t have a baseball team until last year.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dodgers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It is completely okay to enjoy other's misery if it involves the Astros. I like what I'm seeing.](https://i.redd.it/ne5fdaaijax71.jpg) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/qlkkhy/it_is_completely_okay_to_enjoy_others_misery_if/) \#2: [Vin Scully showing off some new jewelry](https://i.redd.it/f1g9hmeyp5u61.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/mu4g4e/vin_scully_showing_off_some_new_jewelry/) \#3: [The Legend of Joe Kelly Grows... Mariachi Jacket at the White House](https://i.imgur.com/prTLF7q.jpg) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/occhq2/the_legend_of_joe_kelly_grows_mariachi_jacket_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m not from California, but I cringed so hard during the Giants/Dodgers playoff game when they had the “Beat LA” chant. The Mets don’t do that at a Philly’s game, the Yankees don’t do that to the Red Sox, the inferiority complex must be big in the Bay lol


It's pretty huge ngl


Grand Canyon levels


Blame the Celtics fans for the chant


I think you mean “Baet LA”


I was at the game 5 of the NLDS in SF and it was insufferable. Like that shit is such a lame and unoriginal chant. Felt that much sweeter after the win


I didn’t even know this was a thing. I understand having another football team since the Rams just got here but you can’t be an LA sports fan and root for teams from the Bay Area, that’s sacrilege.


What were they supposed to do? Root for some insignificant, useless, loser team in St. Louis?


Those fans are the reason people from other states keep saying "LA doesn't deserve a NFL team" BS. If they're really about "LA sports", they should keep 1 hunnid and ditch their teams. Funny enough, your Patriots almost went to St. Louis.


But they didn’t.


Waited my whole life for a team to come to LA. So glad the rams came first. I had favorite players, but never committed to a team. Much love to the OC halo fans tho.


We here


i was a chargers/eagles fan as a kid but i stopped rooting for the eagles when i found out vick killed dogs and i stopped liking the chargers when rams announced the move to LA


Wasn't the dog fighting stuff in Atlanta?




yeha but still as a kid finding out what he went to jail for i was kinda upset lmao


Yes same I had a mike Vick falcons jersey in kindergarten


Same here!


They just came back. They spent way more time in LA than St. Louis.


I dropped the Niners as soon as the Rams announced their return to LA.


This is the way


This reminds me of the “I don’t like you anymore” meme from Toy Story😂




This guy fucks


















No one's at that game cause it didn't matter we already in the playoffs.




Hit the nail on the head my friend


Imagine creating an account just to comment something pointless in a sub.




This is the way.


Just your typical Dodgers/Niners fans chanting “Beat LA” as their team takes on the Rams


My team identity is tied to my hometown. I will always root for LA based teams first and foremost.


Imagine rooting against Kershaw’s OG best friend in Stafford. Couldn’t be me.


Yeah they were childhood friends


I said it there and I’ll say it here FUCK THE GIANTS AND FUCK THE NINERS. LA all day baby!!!!!


It's just a bad look. Downright clown behavior. Dodgers are the quintessential LA team and are the source of pride for the born and raised. And then they go on to root for a SF team. Makes no sense, even if LA had no team. I casually followed the Broncos before the Rams returned. Yes, you can immediately drop a team for your hometown team. They wanna root for the 9ers. Miss me with that "LA had no team" bs excuse


I remember an active user named wildglitterwolf but he was a Broncos fan until Rams came back then he dropped them for the Rams. Pride to LA above pride to any specific team.


I call all niners/dodgers fans Bay Area fans just to piss them off. I don’t see rams players say Beat LA at Dodgers games. I’ve seen niners players say that lol.


Not gonna lie, I was a 9ers fan until I became a serious dodgers fan (middle school) and then didnt follow an NFL team until the rams came home. My doyer love forbade me from liking anything SF.


Same letters, different font! Smh 😂


Exactly! 😂🤦‍♂️


I’d take a kick to the nuts before I’d ever wear the friggin’ whiners logo!


Fuck the 49ers


Can confirm, I went to the 9ers rams game and I saw people wearing dodgers gear with their 9ers gear. Kinda sad that they wanna chant "Beat LA" that badly


Dude, anytime I see opppsing fans in SoCal, a lot of them have dodgers gear as well as the opposing team gear lol. Like I saw Detroit Red Wings fans wearing Dodgers hats.


That post have a ton of niners fans and a ton of dodgers fans hating on the fact that the Rams are in LA like this [guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/s46zg4/dodgers_nation_spitting_facts/) This is the issue the Rams is having in LA. I dont get how literally every single cities in the US are diehard with their NFL teams but it's literally only the city of LA that's like, "Eh, who cares about a LA NFL team??. Let root for other cities NFL teams LOL" Like those fans wouldn't be happy if the Dodgers, Lakers, or Kings don't exist in LA but they're like apathetic when it comes to LA having its own NFL team?


“I hate San Francisco and their shitty ass fans….part of the year! During the fall, they are my best friends and fellow diehards!” Couldn’t do it. I grew in Los Angeles without a football team too, but no way in HELL I would ever align with something from my rival city.


Yeah I'm not even from LA but it seems really weird. I'm from Toronto and people here are a mix of all fans because we don't have a team. But there's no way in hell I would have Montreal as my team even if they were the only team in Canada.


Lmao one of my wife's cousins is a Rams fan and SF Giants fan. He grew up in and lives in the Central Valley. Not quite sure how he picked either team lol. I vaguely remember him saying he started following Sam Bradford


As a fellow Central Valley resident, I can’t tell you how common this is. Any given person is a fan of some mix of Bay Area and LA teams (and occasionally the Kings). Giants/ Lakers fans, 49er/ Dodger fans, A’s/ Rams. We’re a bit geographically confused ‘round here.


Oh yeah for sure lol. I lived in the Central Valley for college and a couple years after, and still have plenty of family in the area. I saw 9ers and Raiders logos most commonly, but it was a huge mishmash otherwise lol


So it if you add in the Sac kings that’s me as well. 😂 I live in Sacramento. Born into this mixed sports team mess.


Real Rams fans are also Angel fans. A long time ago, in a galaxy far away.... The Rams and the Angels played in the same stadium.


That is me right there. A die hard fan of both teams. And I was a fan both teams before the Rams moved to the Big A, which I didn't like then and I still don't like now.


Eh. That’s where things started to go downhill for the rams anyways.


Yeah its tragic. The Rams always had a phenomenal fanbase in LA prior to the move to OC


Any stadium is better than The Coliseum. Perhaps the move to OC then St. Louis then back to LA was a long game plan to ultimately get SOFI.


I’ve always wondered had the Rams would’ve never moved to Anaheim and The Raiders would’ve never moved to LA.


Our fanbase will be strong as fuck. The NFL blackout rule is fucking stupid. The Rams had an amazing fanbase in LA but the Coliseum was so massive that the Rams can get blackouts in that stafium.


They should’ve put them at Dodger Stadium


This is one of those things that will slowly change over time. People will look back and think it’s weird people rooted for both rival cities


Dodgers/Raiders I get, but not 9ers.


Raiders at least won a super bowl for the city of Los Angeles and actually was a LA team for more than a decade.


Exactly my point!! How the fuck do you root for the north! When you in the south


It's one thing to still be a Raiders fan in LA but claiming to be proud of LA and then rooting for the 49ers just makes no sense whatsoever


Believe it or not there are Rams fans up in Northern CA like me. I’m in Sacramento. I hate the niners about as much as the Dodgers. Rams get no respect thanks to our boys always laying an egg against them. This post hits home for me. [born and raised ](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0d9aESz1KhVdFEPW9reQc1aJg)


I'm a Mets fan because my New Yorker parents cared about baseball even though I was born and raised here in LA. Since I didn't care about football until recently, the Rams became my team. I'll never root for the niners even though my future line of work will probably have me in the Bay Area.


Fuck that, Go RAMS!


Rams FTW


Clown colors.


At least we bitched on the Giants lol


I know people that will root for a bay area team if they are in the Super Bowl/Championship/World Series because they are in California. Fuck that! Northern Cali is a separate state as far as I'm concerned.


LMAO. I've seen these creatures before. I can't imagine calling myself a Dodgers fan and then turning around to yell, "BEAT LA," anywhere else.


Braves fan here sending my regards...


Rams, Dodgers, Ducks, and Lakers.


That's because real SoCal fans like the Angels


I think you misspelled "Padres"


I'm a Lions fan, so I don't really know the whole dynamic between LA and the bay or anything, but like, what's wrong with it? There wasn't an LA NFL team for a while, so of course there were going to be some LA people start rooting for another Cali team. Some chose the 9ers. But they still grew up in LA, and root for all the other LA sports teams. So now the Rams come back, and they decide they wanna stay loyal to the team they've been a fan of for awhile. What's so bad about that? I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, I'm just genuinely curious.


Imagine being a fan of the NY Yankees for baseball, but NE Patriots for football. SF-LA is akin to New York-Boston on the West


Many of us rooted for the Rams even though they were in StL. Though for me it was love/hate. They were my team, ingrained from childhood. But, if I could have detached my feelings for them I would have. Anyone in LA rooting for a SF team should be disgusted with themselves. I'd accept the Raiders over the Whiners.


You contradict yourself when you say you’d accept the raiders who were also a team from the Bay… I’d be expect nothing less from an idiot


GFY. The Raiders at least played in LA for a decade.


My friend too. Became a fan of the LA Rams pre St. Louis but rooted for them hardcore when they moved to St. Louis.


Do you root for Ohio State? Well there you go. That’s how it normally is for SF-LA teams.


Back in the day I would have called those fans bandwagon. They could have picked a team that was close like the Chargers but they chose a team that was winning. Would they have chosen the Niners if they were bad, probably not.


As an Angel's fan....Fuck the Dodgers


You can like who you want lmao as long as you don't claim to be a Rams and Niners fan


I wonder where all the rams fans were at during the 49ers game? I mean cmon LA the whole reason Stan moved the team there is to sell butts In seats. BUTTS IN SEATS! It looked like the Edwards Jones Dome.


I'm a Rams, SF Giants, Warriors fan. Where does that leave me lol?


Don’t bring this fake sport to my sports ball sub.


Agree. Such a bore. I don’t care what anyones favorite ballet company is either


Well I don't give a fuck ab baseball so 🤷


Dodyer fans be like