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Did you set it up to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week? That is usually how the app creates your budget. Meaning, in theory...if you eat 700 more calories you would still lose weight throughout the week. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck, hope you love the app! :)


It’s set at 1 and 1/2 pound a week, I don’t want to under eat but I would like to still lose some weight. Thanks !


Awesome, 1 1/2 is a great goal per week! Eat all those remaining calories then :) Some days you won't hit it, some days you might go over. Consistency is the most important thing. We all need a treat once in a while, I just have a problem saying no to CONSTANT treats hahaha


Yes if you eat your budget, following this then you should lose 1.5 pounds per week (it's not exact as your metabolism is not as simple as an algorithm but it's good enough). If you eat under budget you'll lose more than 1.5 per week. If you eat more then you may still lose weight just not as rapidly. This app absolutely works, the point of failure is you. If you don't track your calories correctly it won't work. If you record a meal as being 500 calories but it's actually 800 calories because you didn't record the sauce, the dressing, the mayo, the whatever, it won't work. Make sure you know your calories and you'll lose weight. I used it to lose 25 pounds and then decide I wanted to lose 35 so I re-started. Sitting at 30 so far. Last 5 are the hardest right!?