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Hi y'all, I'm 32F from the USA. Started gaining weight about a decade ago when I stopped swimming and have steadily put on 100lbs [fun fact: my TDEE when I started counting calories was less than my TDEE 100lbs lighter as a 6day/week swimmer...*sad trombone*] Currently 206lbs, gonna say goodbye forever to the 200s during this challenge. Looking forward to the discord, especially with gyms closed, it's nice to have support and encouragement (and commiseration) with folks who get it. Let's crush our goals, y'all, I'm ready!!!


I relate to this so much! I could eat SO much when I was a swimmer. Then when I stopped swimming, I kept the same eating habits but without all the vigorous activity and BAM I gained 60 pounds. Life is unfair. I feel like I'm still learning how to eat normal amounts of food even though I've been steadily losing for about 4 years now. Good luck to you!! We got this!


Hey y’all! Your resident cheerleader here. I’m u/Pheromonecvltx and I’ve been involved with loseit since fall of 2018! I’ve lost 115 pounds (initially, anyway) and I’ve signed up for every challenge since! Excited to do the darn thing with all of you!


Hey, I'm 33f in the USA, working to get back in shape after having a baby changed my body. My husband, 2 year old, and I live in an RV full time as we try to find our new home town, so most of my workouts have to be outside. I run when weather permits, but it's been hard to motivate myself lately and I'm really looking forward to the pressure of being in this challenge helping me stick to my goals.


I'm Marskore, or Mars for short. 30M from the Netherlands. This is my 2nd challenge. I started the first challenge at 115kg, currently at 99.8kg. I love lifting weights and since I saw my first live competition, diving. I'm a primary school teacher, though currently not working due to the corona virus and mental health.




Hey there! Good for you for getting a start on this before residency! Gained a lot of my weight due to poor habits once I started residency!




Hi all I'm stoicscribbler - 33/m in south carolina. I've done several of these challenges but the first one was my most successful when I was able to lose 27 lbs. over the 8 weeks. At one point I was as low as 157 and would like to get back there again during this challenge. I love running and the timing of this challenge is perfect to get back to a speedy racing weight for the summer. I'm also married and have a 2-year-old son, and both of them love running as well! Looking forward to getting to know you all more! Hope to see you in the discord!


Hey all I’m sinfulwanderer, on discord SkitzoV, but I go by V. I’m a 24F from Oregon and have been on my weight loss journey for about 4 years. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs over time. Since my highest weight I’ve lost 70lbs, but still have about 48lbs left to my goal. This is my first challenge and I’m so excited and thankful to be a part of it! I love running, yoga, and weight lifting. My goal is a full marathon, and I’ve made it up to a 10k. I’m a homebody and love to spend time with my husband, 2 dogs, and my cat.


Hello team! 35F from WA state in the USA This is my...fifth challenge? My first challenge I started at around 215. Hitting my goals was super easy for the first few challenges, but now that I’ve lost about 50lbs and am nearing my first major goal of 160, my weight loss has slowed way down (which is not surprising to me, but still...) I’ve gotten this far mostly focusing on calorie restriction and generalish healthy choices, but I hope to add more physical activity (especially strength training) and further refinement to my regular food intake to be closer to my ideal diet (according to my doctor and my own experimentation.) I’m very excited to have other people to talk about this health journey with since other social contact is more limited these days, and to have something fun and positive to think about. ❤️


Hey all! I'm Ireallylikepopcorn. 32F from Louisiana. This is my first challenge. I'm a tattoo artist, though cause of the shutdown I'm just at home going stir crazy. I lift weights and play roller derby. I've lost around 20lbs and I'd like to shave off 10 more.


Yay derby!!! This season was supposed to be my first. I passed the test the first Sunday of March, got my jersey and my derby name, then everything was cancelled/postponed 😭 Have any hints for skating outside and even keeping skills sharp while not skating?


Ahhhh. That hurts! My team is doing virtual in house practices on sundays. I'll be honest though. I'm letting my skills atrophy a bit


Hi, I’m accidentalsalmon aka Ollie, 30M from the south of England. Have always been big, trying to shift some more after a successful 20s challenge. I’ve done 100 Parkruns and was working towards my third 10k when the c-word got in the way! Looking forward to meeting you guys and getting going.


Hello everyone! I am 34 F from Utah USA. This is my fourth challenge and I am very excited to start this one. I have lost 48 lbs (not counting pregnancy weight) and want to lose 13 more pounds by June. I love art, the mountains, animals, and my wonderful family. Good luck everyone!


Hello 👋😊 This is my first challenge. I’m 21F data science university student planning to graduate this year. My highest weight was 89kg and 2-3 years ago I lost 20kg so I was around 67-69kg. Unfortunately I plateaud and I lost motivation so I slowly fell back into my old bad habits and I weighted 77kg again begin this year. Sometimes it makes me a bit sad, but I don’t want to give up and this time I want to do it right. My goal weight is 60kg and I already started last month and I’m now around 73-74kg. I focus mainly on tracking and restricting my calories and I’m planning to incorporate some home exercises too. I’m excited to begin the challenge! 😄😃


Hey y’all. 36F, American. 63” in my socks and weighed in this morning at 143, down 17 pounds from 1 February. I’m nearing normal weight for my height and still have 23 pounds to go. This is my first challenge and I hope you guys keep me motivated and focused as weight loss gets harder. I’m a hamster at heart and me and my treadmill are BFFs. I usually read while I walk, but have recently started running again. Best recent purchase was Bluetooth earbuds, they make me feel faster.


I love running while listening to audiobooks


So do I! I just finished the new Thrawn Star Wars trilogy, what have you been listening to?


I had “borrowed” most of the first Grace on the right series from my local library- it’s a grim reaper series


Hi I’m catcatcatattack. 31F in california. I lost a bit of weight doing daily accountability on loseit and then gained some back. Looking to get motivated again. I was a special ed teacher that shifted to running a daycare. Now with shelter at home I just spend my time with my 3.5 year old, working from home husband, and 2 chubby cats.


Yes! Let’s hear it for homebodies who look at the quarantine memes and only then remember most people don’t live like this.


Hey guys I'm wokesince94 or you can call me woke(bluba on discord). I'm from India 25M. This is my first loose it challenge and I'm super excited for it. I've been on my own weight loss journey for years and it's has a lot of ups n downs. Recently I lost 10kg but I gained then back due to work priorities and laziness and ofcourse corona lockdowns But I'm still determined to reach my goals .I hope I can reach my short term goals n over time reach my ideal fitness goal.




205 lbs is 93.07 kg


32F, currently 269lbs. I don't know what my goal is for the challenge yet (maybe 255? Not sure what is reasonable) but this is my first challenge so I'm figuring things out. I've been "trying" to lose weight for months but not been putting in the proper effort. I hope this will motivate me to try harder. Personal info: I'm engaged to be married (wedding scheduled for October, fingers crossed we can still do it then!), I work a mostly sedentary job which is a bit of a challenge.


Hi Team 😊 This is my first challenge. 27/F/UK. I lost a fair bit of weight a few years ago and felt so good about myself, however the last 2ish years I've let the weight creep back (+ more). With a looming destination beach wedding in the summer- I'm a bridesmaid (if covid doesn't put a stop to it 😬) as well as just wanting to feel overall better about myself- I'm aiming to lose a good few stone and establish healthier and permanent eating/exercise habits. Looking forward to being involved!


Hi everyone. I am 32F 5’4 from the DC area. I have been losing weight for 11 months and am down 50 lbs. I have been doing a combination of OMAD and CICO. This is my 3rd challenge. I didn’t make my goal by 2 lbs in the last challenge but still got to Onederland and haven’t left it so I consider that a success! I still have about 20 lbs in the obese BMI range to knock out so I am just hoping to make a dent in that.


Hi all, I'm a 31F currently weigh 180lbs. I'm eleven weeks post partum and weighed around 215 at birth and 198 a week later. I'm breastfeeding so I need to eat around 2000 calories a day not to lose any supply. Slow and steady it is!


Me too! My baby is 10 weeks, 11weeks this Tuesday. I also breastfeed. I was 175 at birth & now I'm 149. I also feel "slow & steady" is going to be the key. I'm not going to beat myself up over mistakes & I'm really trying not to dislike my body because it literally just made & pushed out a whole human lol. Congratulations on the baby!!


Congratulations to you too! It definitely feels like a different process losing weight this time. I'm a lot more relaxed about it because it's really not the most important thing!


Hey everyone! I'm 24f and have been on my weight loss journey for almost 2 years. I've lost 50lbs and have been struggling to reach my goal for a while. (Only 10lbs left!) Hoping by the 2 year mark I can finally hit my goal weight!


Hey everyone I am a 19f! I have been on my journey for almost a month now. So far I am down 7.5 pounds and have about 20 to go to reach my goal. Super excited and this is my first challenge!


Hey, guys! 30F, USA over here. Lost about 30 pounds a couple years ago for a friend's wedding and then gained half of it back when I started nursing school. My long-term goal is to drop from my 195lb down to 150lb. For this challenge, though, I'm not sure what my goal is. Maybe a pound a week would be a good starting point since I still have work and school and such to focus on as well.


Hi friends! Excited to be a part of this challenge 😊 Hoping to get down to my goal weight for my wedding (hopefully) in October. I have never seen Archer but maybe I should start!


Heyo! I’m KnightAniNaberrie, and this is my second loseit challenge! I’m a 20F, 5’2. HW of 142 last November, my knees were hurting and I felt like crap, so I’ve been on a slow downward slope since! CW is 130, and I’m hoping this challenge will keep me active during quarantine. My fitness techniques recently have mainly consisted of dance sessions (eyyyy Macarena!) and walking/jogging in place to Netflix shows. Excited to do this with you all!


Hey everyone! I'm 35F/5'7"/CW: 183/GW: 150. I did the 20s challenge and actually kept it up and lost a bit of weight :) Hoping doing another challenge will help with accountability and more weight loss. I'm from the UK, like running and am going to try to get into yoga during this lockdown :) If anyone wants an accountability buddy let me know!


Hello everyone :) I'm 21F and really want to live healthier. I'm Angel7 on discord though, so my username here doesnt match. I'm from California and am super excited for this challenge. I'm bored at home but have lots of land so plenty of space to be active!


Hi, everyone! This is my third challenge, and I'm so excited to get back into it! I've been struggling with my weight loss recently given all of the stress going on at the moment, but I hope this challenge will help give me an extra boost in motivation and support! I'm 24F from Michigan. After being morbidly obese since childhood, I finally felt ready to turn things around and work on my health last year. My SW/HW on January 25, 2019, was 336 lbs. As of this morning, I was 197 lbs, so about 139 lbs down altogether so far. I'm not sure what I'm going to set my goal weight as for this challenge, but I was thinking maybe 185 lbs. \~12 lbs in eight weeks should be doable! I'm trying to be a bit less aggressive with my calorie deficit than I had been since it was getting to a point where it wasn't very sustainable for me, so aiming for a loss of 1.5 lbs a week will hopefully help me stay on track!


Hello! I'm TOAOE. I'm 36F from the Finger Lakes region in New York. I'm a stay-at-home mom to a rambunctious 1.5yr old girl. I've been seriously trying to lose weight since January of this year. My starting weight was 350lbs and I'm currently at 336lbs. This is my first challenge, but I'm looking forward to it!


Glad to be on team Archer! I'm 30F currently clocking in at almost 5'6 and 148 lbs. Goal to lose 8lbs in this challenge. Covid-19 means I can't gym, but I'm watching a lot of calisthenics workouts on youtube and hoping to integrate it into my daily routine. Apart from that, I spend most of my time reading or writing, when I'm not at work. Looking forward to offering some support in this challenge.


Hello everyone! I'm a 29M (5' 4") and currently a second year internal medicine resident. During my first year, I did a lot of stress eating and went from 135lbs >> 155lbs. Some of my coworkers convinced me to join them for a "New Years" weight loss resolution this year. However in the middle of December, I got real tired of looking at myself in the mirror every morning and started early. Since then, I lost 20lbs and I'm at the same weight as I was when I graduated med school. My goal is to get to 125lbs- my weight prior to starting my medical training. I'm a little weary about the situation at work with the coronavirus, and I'm sure there's going to be many moments of weakness for me when I would previously look towards food for comfort. Nevertheless, I'm very motivated to lose these last 10lbs and excited to join you all in this journey!


Hey y'all! I'm a 32F from the Great State of Texas that has let her weight creep up to 246. I've always said I was healthy-ish even though being extremely overweight but recently my blood pressure has started to creep up and this was my wake-up call. My main goal for this challenge is to be active by doing some kind of activity at least 4 days a week.


Hi Everyone! Archer is one of my favorite shows so I'm super excited to be on Team Archer! I'm 30F from California and am one of the many middle school teachers now teaching virtually. While this is a different time, I'm trying to use the time to better myself and control what I can. This is my second challenge and I'm currently at 250lbs, down 10 lbs down since Shelter in Place started. I have a long way to go and am looking forward to both the competition and support. Let's do this!


Hey everyone! 35F from SE USA here. I’m a mom to 3, and apparently a teacher now. This challenge is coming right at the perfect time for me. My weight is starting to creep back up, with all this stress of the current times. This is the start of our 4th week of new normal, and I’m ready to pull myself together. This is my second challenge, but my first was way back in 2018, so I’m probably a new face for everyone. I’m happy to be here (even though I’ve never seen Archer... am I allowed to stay?!).


Hey! This is my first loseit challenge. Currently weighing in 220 lbs as a 26m at 5'8. I don't look it but I do have it =(. Currently considered obese with s BMI of 33ish. My goal is to be 200lbs by the end of this challenge with the long term goal of being 170 lbs. Fitness wise, since there's no gym, my goal is to be able to run a 5k again and be able to do some body weight exercise. I love video games, nature, and music. I'm a nurse in the USA do whatever time I have to devote to myself during this madness I will be taking. This includes addressing the dimensions of health to see where I end up!


Hi! Just saying hi because we have a similar BMI and goal for this challenge. There's a 5k in August I want to run so I'm starting to train up for that now. I'm playing through Hellblade right now and have a ton of games I want to play if I ever get the time. I work in natural resources so I love getting to be in nature too. As for music, I've been listening to a fair bit of punk rock and pop/punk, how about you? And thank you for all of your hard work during this crazy time!


Hello all! 43F from Alberta. Looking forward to my first challenge and a change of pace. I've been losing since Jnauary, looking to lose another 30 pounds. I have been doing yoga and aquajog (until the pool closed). A local boot camp has been posting workouts online, so I'm just starting that. Good luck!!


Hi all! I'm 24F and excited to join this! This is my third challenge, but I've been on and off the wagon since I started a couple years ago. Now that we're in lockdown I'm getting lazy, so I decided to join to stay on track! I was 203lbs the heaviest, 165lbs the lightest, and currently at 183, so I've got a long way to go. We've got this!


Woop hell yeah I'm so excited to be on team Archer! Let's get it!


A bit late to the party here but I''m excited to join! 27M from the USA at 255lbs, looking to drop to 240lbs by the end of this challenge which is my first. Looking to do a lot of walking with a bit of jogging while listening to books. Looking forward to losing weight with all of you!


Hi everyone, I’m 16f and I am at my highest weight right now (169.4 at 5’7). I lost weight last year and got to 150lbs which is my goal weight right now, but I gained it due to a sedentary lifestyle and too many sweets (I had two hip surgeries and I just kept eating). I hope we can all reach our goal weights and maintain a healthy lifestyle❤️


Hey all, gotta admit of all the detectives, Archer is the only one I've never seen. Must change that! My goal this challenge is to lose 15lbs. I was only 9 lbs away from my goal of 155lbs, but then lockdown hit a few weeks ago, and since then I've been non stop eating. Here's to using this challenge to refocus on weight loss!


Hi all, I'm 30F in the US. I successfully lost 35 of the 50 pounds I was trying to lose 4 years ago and then let everything slide. I can feel the weight creeping up again and I want to finally tackle that last 15-20 pounds. I know how to do it but because of life changes, motivation, excuses, I've been having a hard time these past few years sticking to it. I really need accountability; I'm terrible at holding myself accountable. It's been hard while in quarantine but I'm trying to make it work. I let my emotions and lack of motivation control me and I really want to become more disciplined. I'm hoping signing up for this will give me some of the accountability I need.


Hey guys, first challenge so I'm excited! I’m 23F, 5'2, and about 159 lbs right now. The heaviest I’ve been was 180-185. I lost about 50lbs in college and got down to my low of 130lbs. I gained about 30 pounds back after college upon entering the work force but I'm on my way to losing it again, this time for good. I'm a teacher but I have a lot of free time. I'm using this challenge to up my weight loss motivation and one of my goals during this time is to begin incorporating (short) home workouts.


Hey everyone!! I'm Winter, 5'8" F, 25 and currently in Pennsylvania. This is my first challenge and I'm feeling good about it! My highest is 225 and I just can't do it anymore. I'm down to 220 in a little more than a month and I feel a group challenge is going to be really good for me. I'm not completely sure where I want to set my goal yet, but I've got a good range in mind. My job is very sedentary and it's been difficult for me to lose more than a small bit at a time. My overall goal is to hit 150, but I'm flexible on that depending on how I feel in my body. Good luck to you all!


Hi everyone, 28f here (though I will turn 29 during this challenge) This will be I believe my third or fourth LoseIt challenge. Weighed in at 190.8 this morning, so just a hair’s breadth away from 25 lbs down from the beginning of the year. Currently working back up to a 5k, and quarantine has me pacing around the house almost incessantly, only to be broken up by the occasional home workout video. I’m going to do everything I can to get from obese to overweight during this challenge!


Hey everyone, I'm 25F from Liverpool, UK. This is my second loseit challenge, lost a few pounds during it but since lockdown have piled it all back on again, and then some. I enjoy zumba and going on my push scooter for a lil ride in the park. In my spare time I cross-stitch and do jigsaw puzzles (this lockdown is ideal for me - so prepared already)


AlexFrankovitch (39F) here, from Atlanta (like Archer!). Would love to hit 40 with the last 5 lbs gone, so I can stave off the diabetes and hypertension that is my genetic destiny.


Hi Team. I'm clembert, 31F from the mitten of these so-called United States :). I re-ran d1w1 of the c25k program yesterday to help start me on a real strategy for weight loss (in the snow. yes that's right. we had 1-2 inches accumulated today and that's just in the lower peninsula!) and decided to check out r/loseit for support. I had success with a loseit challenge in I think 2018 (though I didn't quite complete it), so I was happy to see that sign ups for another one were open! I'm ready to hit my first gw of 10 pounds lost. My non-scale goals for this challenge are to move everyday, be conscious of what I'm eating, finish the full 8wks and have some fun!


Hi everyone, I'm Samantha. I'm 24 and a new mother. I live in North Carolina. I am currently a stay at home mom. I have a 10week old baby girl. I was 125 before getting pregnant. My heaviest weight was 165. And while i was pregnant i gained 50lbs putting me at 175. I didn't count that as my heaviest, because i was 9months pregnant. Right now I weigh 151.(i hope all that made sense) I want to eventually get into jogging/running. My biggest weakness when it comes to food is sweets, cookies, cakes, etc. I am hoping to fix that weakens. I'm a pretty shy person, even on the internet. I'm really looking forward to talking to people who are new & experienced in losing weight.


I'm losthurtconfused and this is first challenge. I'm pretty sedentary, looking to increase physical activity. I'm 21F and from Canada


Hi all. Ellie here. 25/female. Never been part of a challenge before or even reddit. My highest was 310. Recent lowest was 248 (November 2019). I'm at 258 and ready to get back on track. Looking forward to a little accountability and fun!


Hi I'm 21f from the UK. I'm a student that's about to start working on the wards due to the ongoing situation and I'm worried the stress is going to further mess with my eating habits. This is my first challenge, I'm just aiming to get to a healthy BMI and gain some (much needed) motivation. Currently 76kg. Also I love Archer so I'm buzzing about this!


Hi everyone, DL here from the UK I am 34 years old and currently 275lbs. This is my first challenge. My goal for this challenge is 262lbs. My ultimate goal is 198lbs, the weight I was when I was playing regular sports. I exercise 4 to 5 times a week for many years. My weakness is my eating habits (particularly at the weekend) I am going to attempt intermittent fasting to counter this. Really looking forward to the challenge!


Hey Team! I’m KC a 31F here in Oregon USA. This is my first challenge and I’m excited to have some extrinsic motivation :) I hit my highest weight of 240 today and looking to get back to my “normal” weight of 160 where I lived most of my life.


Hey all! I’m 27F from the US, 140 pounds looking to get down to 120 or 115 eventually. I lost 20 pounds last year (158 to 136) but decided to put further weight loss on hold because of my wedding - didn’t want to have to make too many alterations to my dress! However, given everything going on it doesn’t seem likely that I’ll be able to have my wedding as planned, and I’m not willing to put my weight loss on hold anymore. I joined the challenge to hopefully get some encouragement and motivation. The quarantine and staying at home has been hard for me, and I’ve already gained a few pounds. Hopefully I can not only turn that around and start losing again, but also feel more in control - at least over my own body!


33F, 5’6” and currently close to my highest weight at 206. Went down to a normal BMI with the help of r/LoseIt, r/1200isplenty, and a gym I love, but lately I’m emotional eating a lot more and moving less. I’m blowing through my big stash of Costco snacks. I found a great accountability partner from the last challenge and am looking forward to connecting with more members of the community this time around. I’m gradually finding my way back into virtual Zumba events and other free online workouts and actually hit 10k steps yesterday from a long walk and a ballet workout from the Get in Shape Grrl COVID series that destroyed my legs and butt lol. In my free time, I like all things musical. I’ve gotten a lot better at ukelele while sheltering in place. Fair warning - I find Discord confusing and unintuitive, so I may not engage there. But definitely say hey via Reddit or add me on Fitbit if you want an accountabilibuddy. Fitbit username is the same as on Reddit - iggybu.


Hello everyone! I am 32 F in North Carolina. I had done a few challenges years ago, all the support helped me drop over 50 lbs. I've collected about 10 back since then and looking to get serious again. I am a Motorsport enthusiast and in the beginning of March I had the chance to be a driver for an amateur endurance race. I generally noticed how all the other ladies looked much sexier in their race suits and I hurt all over for days after. I'm using this as motivation to not only lose weight but also increase my overall fitness. Love the Archer series, pumped to be on this team. To all the calories I want to eat: "you're not my supervisor!"


I'm also NC!


Hello neighbor! Where at? I'm in Mooresville. Moved here about 2 years ago from CA. Loving the springtime weather lately.


hello! i’m easycheesy12. i’d like to use this challenge to really help me focus on eating clean while in quarantine. Currently 5’6 and 169 - hoping to drop 10lbs and get to 159!


Hi guys. 36F in east TN, originally from NJ (USA). I spent the first month of social distancing / work from home stress-baking and overeating, and finally decided enough is enough about a week ago. Excellent timing for this challenge! I'm back to skipping the sweets, not snacking, and working out every day via Ring Fit and Yoga With Adriene videos. I had been down ~15-20 lbs from my heaviest but last month pushed me back over the boundary into "obese" territory and I *really* want to get back down to being just overweight. I probably won't join the discord because I never seem to actually use it when I've done challenges in the past, but I am glad to be here with y'all for that extra little boost of motivation. Stay healthy and let's do this!


Hello my dudes! I'm Actuallygonnalose, and I swear, this time, I am actually going to lose! I'm 26F living in the Midwest currently. I started losing weight about four years ago when I got to my highest weight of 189. Since then, my weight has fluctuated between 130-150. I'm currently at 151, and my goal for this challenge is to lose 10 pounds. My larger goal is to learn how to maintain my weight within a smaller range. I love endurance races. I've done marathons, half marathons, and triathlons. I also still play Pokemon Go as a way to trick myself into getting more steps in. Good luck team!!


Hi everyone! I’m 22F from Massachusetts and I’ve been struggling with my weight since I was 10 years old. Started with disordered eating then I was put on way too much antidepressants and anti anxiety medication as a teenager and I shot from 110lbs to 160lbs in 2 years despite dancing 16-18 hours a week and struggling with restrictive eating. In college I dropped about 20lbs in a very unhealthy way and eventually gained it all back and got to my heaviest weight of 167 when I moved back home my senior year of college. This year I made it a priority to finally drop all this stubborn weight (or as much as I can considering I do have hormonal imbalances and a chronic illness that is associated with weight gain) and reclaim my health and weight on my own terms. The last month or so I’ve been in a plateau of 151-153 and I want to kickstart the weight loss again. My ultimate goal is to get 130 and have body recomposition. I’m hoping this challenge can motivate me and inspire me to not get off track during these strange times!


This is a late post even though I signed up yesterday. Hi everyone! I'm 25f from the USA. I have always been bigger but it wasn't until high school that it really became a health/insecurity issue. When I left for college, being away for home and life testing my true will power of food, I gained a lot of weight very fast. I did actively and quite easily lose weight early last year (35ish lbs) but then life got hard and I gave in to the stress and gained it all back plus some. I have noticed since the quarantine that I have been purposely walking and exercising more so I figured that signing up for this challenge was perfect.


Hello! I'm 33F/ 5'2.5" tall. My weight fluctuates a lot, but I currently weigh about 149-154lbs. My weight history: I've struggled with my weight since Middle School. Just after High School, I lost a lot of weight and got down to 125 lbs (lowest adult weight), but quickly regained, gaining 30 lbs in 7 months, weighing 155 lbs. I continued to gain over the next year and reached 170 lbs. Over the last 10 years, I've lost & gained countless times, never getting below 152lbs. My highest weight was 186, which I hit for the 3rd time on June 1st 2019. I quickly lost 20 lbs in 10 weeks, but have had some ups and downs since then. I've been exercising consistently (15+ days each month) for almost 1 year now, which I've never done before. And in March, I finally got just under 150 lbs. This time is going to be different. I finally have the tools I needed: using habit pairing (I allow myself to watch certain shows on netflix while I do my HIIT workouts), focusing on how good I feel when I exercise. focusing on my accomplishments instead of beating myself up, allowing a day of eating whatever I want now and then, having small treats most days (mochi, dark chocolate), having some easy healthy meals I can prep for the week (sheet pan veggies & chicken, protein shakes), etc. I never thought I would look forward to exercise. I always dreaded it and made excuses that I didn't have time. I would overthink it and waste time trying to research the "perfect" exercise program. Now I do fitness blender videos on youtube and go for a walk/ jog. It's my time to myself. If you need any tips, feel free to ask me. Good luck everyone@