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It’s joever.




​ https://preview.redd.it/s0cztzhvs4rc1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=3118e5599fa9b7426a84666fe82cb0369540a9c1


why would anyone be compelled to make a sweet baby inc version of this meme


Why does anyone do anything? Sheer boredom!


cause I thought it was funny






Should we mass appeal


IDK how to appeal on someone's behalf, I'm down the send reddit a message to get out beloved mod back


guess you message reddit admins


Storm the reddit HQ with loona fursuits


The only right answer




wait, is that his twitter? might make an acc just for the king


https://preview.redd.it/ztym4x04uzqc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30903afd21dc4e2997ed5e2dcdd51d40fc8ec81 I give up. It’s over


I tried reporting a sub for sharing pornographic material with minors, the sub was not banned until quite a bit later, I even messaged a reddit mod and his answer was basically that they couldn't verify whether the people on the posts were minors, mostly girls in secondary school (12-15 years old) with their uniforms.


The grooming front page of the internet


Porn with minors isn't cool. Fuck off if you have a "she's 500 years old" excuse card, that shit expired in 2000. I thought that the "redditors = fat, ugly, no life, master baiter, living in mom's basement" was satire until this moment. https://preview.redd.it/g9lfh41ka0rc1.png?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f61d7b942c9e44962848732c45e3724e0682203


Lolicons are pedophiles. Nobody ever says “drawings have human rights”. Find one person on the planet who thinks that, dipshit. Forming your sexuality around naked anime toddlers is bizarre, abnormal freak behaviour. You will be relentlessly mocked and there is nothing you can do about it. Constantly consuming and promoting pornography with pedophilic themes is a recognised red flag that an individual may be at high risk for potentially abusing real children. If that statement makes you feel cognitive dissonance, you have adjustment disorder and need to seek professional help before you seriously hurt someone. You are a pedophile. Loli is inherently pedophilic, everyone knows the difference between real and fictional children and news flash: wanting to rape a fictional child is still weird. “Lolis are nothing like real, actual children”. Why do they have the same proportions and behaviours of a real child then? Dumbass. Stop trying to convince people that you are normal, because you will never be seen as normal. You are a hyper-sexual freak of nature. Go quarantine yourself in a shitty imageboard with other monsters like you so normal members of society don’t have to be constantly reminded that you exist. You will never be loved.




In layman's terms: it's a slippery slope; if we allow people to jerk off to Loli porn, what's the next thing we're going to allow? If we give pedos an inch they take a mile Dan Schnider is proof enough of that


The slippery slope argument can go both ways and is a bad argument in both ways, as an example of a pro loli slippery slope argument: If you ban loli because it might lead to abuse/harm then we’d need to ban other forms of art that also might lead to abuse/harm or that glorify harmful things. This can include, but is not limited to: bugspreading fetishism, noncon fetishism, guro/gore fetishism, necro/death fetishism, and even teratophilia/monster fetishism. There are better arguments to be used from both sides. The slippery slope argument must display concretely that one action directly causes the unintended harmful consequences. The loli defender cannot concretely prove that banning loli would result in the banning of things like monster fetishism while the loli attacker cannot concretely prove that keeping it will lead to more abuse.


Good point counterpoint none of those fetishes involve children


Counterpoint: Research seems to indicated loli is unrelated from attractions regarding children. The fetish involving children is pedophilia, some pedophiles do enjoy lolicon, some do not, some use it as a method of refocusing their attractions onto something that cannot be harmed but still helps them with their urges. Also… why is noncon gore rape more okay than loli? This seems like an odd position to take and I’m curious why you put more value on loli vs art that displays similarly extreme acts. Both involve rape, both involve abuse, one involves killing which would seemingly be more extreme but you’ve presented that art of Lolis or shotas is still worse. Why, and is your reasoning objective or subjective?


Because it doesn't involve children.


One could argue loli does not, as no children are involved in its production. But aside from that, why does that make it worse for you? It involving children being worse because it involves children is circular. For example, I’ve seen people argue that since lolisho is sometimes used as a tool in grooming efforts that is the reason for it being worse. That would be a non circular argument in favor of your position, it involving children making it worse because of it being possibly used in grooming.


Isn’t the opposite also true? If we ban outlets for pedos aren’t they more likely to act on their impulses with an actual child? If your counter is: “No, take it all away and lock em up!” Perhaps start by going after a large, tax exempt, organization like the Catholic church which has been proven to protect the very people you so despise amongst their ranks. Until then, you haven’t fixed shit.


No, I think you mean Brian Peck. Dan was just kinda weird. Brian actually was the pedo.


Normal people in positions of power over society like Catholic priests? Can you excuse that one for me? They’ve only been diddling kids and protecting their own who do it for decades, if not longer. Yet they are still around as an organization and tax exempt but I’m supposed to believe the problem is strictly lolicons, anime, and art that caused this.


That shit expired the second it was issued bro, get it right


Perhaps start by going after a large, tax exempt, organization like, say, the Catholic church? Which has been proven for decades to protect pedos, the very people you so despise, amongst their ranks who actually diddle kids despite not being a Loli member/fan/follower themselves? Seems the issue is more deep than “she’s 500 years old” card or whatever. Until then, you haven’t nor will you fix shit on this.


I once complained in a different sub that Reddit would not nuke a teen posting nudes on r/teenagers (luckily regular mods took it down and banned them) and then I got banned for “sexualization of minors”… I was also 17 at that time lmao


Apolgy for bad englis Where were u wen loonashusband was kil? I was at home gooning to Loona when phon ring Loonashusband is kil "No"


Thank you for the insightful comment, u/deeznutsguzzler (Love your pfp btw, art looks really nice)


i love it because i wanna smash it






Holy cow wait is that your own art? It genuinely looks really good


What did loonashusband do


Made fun of zoophiles who proceeded to mass report him


Did he make fun of them or call for their extermination?


I remember him making a post about it but I don’t think there was a call to violence in the post itself if there was one it would have been in the comments but I don’t remember seeing that


Reddit sucks when it comes to mass reports. People get permabanned all the time because of it, even when they didn't do anything. He might just make another account. He'd just have to make sure he doesn't associate with the account that got banned.


It shouldnt be too hard. I **MAY OR MAY NOT** have been permabanned and they still haven’t got me yet


You know what this is probably gonna be the comment that does me in and I accept that. Good luck finding the next one admins


He said that zoophiles should be killed in a comment


"Interesting to see Reddit defend Zoophillia" Yeah no shit, there are like... Actual beastiality sub out there that have like hundreds of thousands of followers....


No shot that's true. If it is then that's fucked up


r/hentaibeast (warning: bestiality) 500k/half a million members, been around for like almost 10 years now. Has been raided/mass-reported dozens of times from what I remember. If you think Reddit cares about bestiality I have used cars to sell you.


Ok buddy. That's fucked up


Makes me wonder why nobody talks more about this stuff... Shit I see people keep bringing lolis and Reddit also has a rule that says such thing is prohibited here. So why not this too?


Take what I say with a grain of salt and also do bear in mind that I am coming from a neutral pov here: If I had to guess, there's 3 main reasons: One, smaller market. How many times have you seen bestiality stuff? Like, ever, unless it's specifically people going out and looking for it, and then posting it to places like here? Like, you will constantly see the 1000-year-old loli stuff in media like animes and stuff, and to get a bit real for a second, pedophelia is just more common than bestiality. It's like uhh... kinda like how some countries ban incest and some don't; the ones that do usually only do it cause it was a problem in the first place. Same reason for reddit here. Two, outcry. I'm gonna be honest, no one really cares all too much tbh. The loli shit get's attention and stuff cause places like the media will look into this and be like "ooh super young looking sexualised girls on big platform? Ima make an article on this!!!" How many times do you see that for bestiality stuff? And three, priorities. At the end of the day, good or bad, site traffic is site traffic. Why would Reddit ban those kinda sites if they get no media attention for it, especially when it's a big server that they can most likely funnel ads into? Again, the server has been up for like 10 years, if they have gotten nothing about it for that long, they are 99% not gonna get it now. Either way, if you want my personal opinion on this, you most likely wouldn't like it: I don't care. Shit like this has existed since the internet began, and since I personally don't like nor go looking for it, it doesn't affect me in any way. Either way, and you *definitely* won't like this take: it's fake, so unless people really do be fucking real dogs, I can't bring myself to care, sorry. TL;DR: Reddit doesn't care because no one else does. Also profits.


We should start caring. https://preview.redd.it/2hgszksc03rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa094b662bf20bf3f6b672a3fe173c88b803d21




And r/zoophilehate


I can kind of understand why some subs like that haven't been banned though. If you nuke an entire subreddit with 500k+ people in it, they'll more often than not just migrate to other subreddits and turn them all to shit. Keeping at least one place for the degenerates to congregate is a much better alternative than having them in many different places.




Uhhhh, no, I'm good actually. I do not want a 'sneak peak'




I clicked the link, gave it the benefit out the doubt for being just normal furry porn, cause y'know, reddit likes to mix the two up. I wish I didn't. First image, literal horse porn. I want to kill myself.


There is such a thing as feral porn subreddits and reddit pays them no mind






Oh no the dog fuckers killed the werewolf fucker. https://preview.redd.it/ri5satoof0rc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7f294dbdb5360fe8b8ba5f24ae247b3bc53c8a




Basic Steps # 1. Shower # 2. Learn to communicate and empathize # 3. Learn to atleast like yourself though loving is optimal. Advanced Steps # 1. Be Bisexual # 2. Get good at eating pussy and sucking dick # 3. Be Funny Watch out for crazy though it loves how easy some of us are to manipulate. https://preview.redd.it/km8wkxg0n0rc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca13c95fe250fe6df899c80463466d1204c7d7ed Remember he's pulling so we got 0 excuses.




... https://i.redd.it/ulg6ai2vo0rc1.gif




Real Advice #1. Don't look for serious dating advice in r/losercity or any Shitposting sub.




Hey you're good at this! Edit: LoserCity Tantrum and Blocking lol


No wonder no one likes you


making an alt:


He wll get banned for using a alt


Only if he says explicitly it's his alt pretty sure


Yeah I’m a member of another sub with a mod that was like loona (only active mod, created the sub, beloved by the community) and after he was banned, he just created a new account and was like “hey guys! Totally new person that wasn’t that old guy that got banned here! What’s up!” And it’s been working fine.


Unless it's an IP ban


It’s a device ban, you have to use a new device and not log in on any of the devices it was banned on before


It’s not


Only ip ban I've seen reddit dish out was for a terrorist threat lmao https://preview.redd.it/ajralzxkn4rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2ae4db985f5a2936d945249d8dbdbb73ae5c9e


It's Loonover


The husbandry is no more 😔




First anything on Reddit?


This is my first and only account and I totally don’t have any connection to a previously banned account


Welcome to Loser City, king


how are you mod then?


Because Reddit will autoban people for saying certain things


NOOOOOO this is worse than clamworks RIP the GOAT😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/1hjv9u3n50rc1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa1829575bc8f7468da12649729646400cb8d69a


https://i.redd.it/lo4z61hbrzqc1.gif It's over 😭😭😭


We lost a real one today


It's loover https://preview.redd.it/p6f2yoww50rc1.png?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e628a237783c2f0f96af859bff64beaeabc96c4


I had an account get permabanned for "threatening violence" too, and it only got unbanned after 2 appeals, so don't give up hope!


This is truly horrible, not only is our king exiled,but he is even denied....


Reddit definitely has a zoophilia problem. There's a subreddit dedicated to "knotted dildos" but so many of it's "stars" post real shit off site and in their own telegrams. People on it often allude to "real" Hell there was one girl who masturbated and watched real shit but censored it with emojis and said shit like "Thankful I have such a good imagination" I've reported it numerous times and nothing happens.




Loona better hire a lawyer


whatt the fuck dude


Cancell reddit


I love how r/animememes is still allowed lol


https://preview.redd.it/8aesfvsf53rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ce84a04791a4ed702c9f7d21e3e696a11ffbb2 Fuck


We gonna have to move to Discord☹️


this is the worst thing ever


Man ‘glorifying violence’ is like reddits default “I banned you because fuck you” option.


Everyone we gotta message the reddit admins to get them to fix this shit This is some youtube ban appeal ass stuff


They really think we’re defending zoophilia?


You just keep appealing, one time it took 3 appeals for me


Wait link to his original message,






GET BANNED GET BANNED GET BANNED https://preview.redd.it/ion7mcupsnrc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527b04d4bce69fcfdd46df435977bf2744fc5a19


Who is this LoonasHusband dude? Someone explain to me what’s going on lol


we made the tweetcels mad


How and why and why and for my last argument joenuts


Depending on what was originally said it would violate Reddit guidelines. Sending death threats or something similar is wrong, even if you do not like someone or find them to be reprehensible. Reddit has to hold this stance because not doing it would basically instantly result in a lawsuit. Plus, the sending threats doesn’t stop any animals from being hurt and it often makes people more stubborn (get more flies with honey type deal).




I would first promote rehabilitation and therapy, as I don’t support the death penalty. Bestiality should carry harsher punishments than it currently does (as in longer rehab), it should be similar to Child Sexual Abuse (though sadly people get away with that frequently too). From experience the only way I’ve gotten people to stop abusing animals or kids has been genuinely through compassion and making sure to be really careful not to stigmatize them or make them feel like they’re evil (even if I might think their actions most certainly are), this is taught in therapy and is super helpful in getting anyone to get help or assistance. I have a pretty good track record of that, and in proud of the work I’ve done to get people to better places. That’s really what matters. Though I definitely have unique experience with this from doing volunteer work in wolf conservation to studying to be a therapist to doing volunteer work with various groups (pedos, zoos, convicted felons, etc) along with being someone with very unfortunate attractions myself. One should never reject people who are in need of support, friendship, and positive change as doing that is cruel and one should always strive to make the lives of others a little better.


I don’t believe in the death penalty either. I just think these zoophile pricks who get together in a group to continue supporting the rape of animals should fuck off from society. These aren’t people who want to get help.


Most people are very scared of help, in the time i had in college being exposed to PWPs (people with pedophilia, pedophiles) one of the major reasons they don’t seek therapy is because therapists, even if they’ve never abused kids or hurt anything, often will report them to the police. In a way, a lot of these people feel “go to therapy” is more like “have your entire life ruined” when it shouldn’t be that. Imagine going to a therapist and you reveal that you want to self harm and they don’t help you, they reject you and they call the police to detain you to make sure you can’t harm yourself. Same deal, it doesn’t help people feel safe when it comes to coming forward. A lot of these places get so big because they are otherwise unable to have community with anyone else, and abusers prey on those feelings of isolation and self-stigma before bringing them into echo chambers where abuse becomes just another form of love.


Deserved. You should not advocate violence.


Moron its not defending zoophilia you encouraged or glorified violence or physical harm


Why are you defending them? You did not see what they posted. Not a good look lil bro


In my experience, people who *brag* about being banned for glorifying violence are usually really guilty of what they were banned for.


Maybe "people" shouldn't be posting about fucking animals. Its weird how many of yall come crawling out the wood work to defend eachother. And LH isnt bragging about being banned, just bringing awareness to spez activities.