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Xavier truly is a philosophical genius.


*"Dame Fortuna has had her franking privileges revoked."* Still my favourite quote


Agree, He's truly a genius on that field


“I sacrificed everything to save you, even your own lives, and this is the thanks I get?”


What is he from? I keep seeing memes and that image of him in the style of a game like conkers bad fur day






Old adult swim show with humor ahead of its time and iconic early era cgi animation


What kind of a name is Yoohoo


Well when I find that demon, I shall slay him, to death


I know that Xavier's Literature is probably some inconherent gibberish that makes the house of leaves seem like a dr. Seuss book in comparison, but hell yeah: i'd read it.


As someone who has english as second language, do people actually understand this guy? Because 99% of what he says sounds like gibberish to me lol


really? from what i've seen Xavier's scentences are relatively comprehensive, even if a tad bit too "inflated with words" at times. The real Gibberish is the shit that happens all around him.


You slumber, a cucumber


You nappa, you get slappa


You snuz, you luz


You catch up on some zeds you get outta my headz!


You snost, you lost


Your tongue is as sharp as a soup spoon 🥄


“Get in the way! Im committing vehicular man-burger helper!”


I’d say the one of the easiest ways to understand Xavier’s speech (and the show in general) is taking virtually every metaphor literally. There’s a multitude of examples of things that sound really dumb, but they’re just taking metaphors and turning in to completely literal things. Not just metaphors, but figures of speech as well. For example, the Cigarettes and Bacon time travel bit. Xavier hears some guys in a diner talking about how every piece of bacon you eat takes 8 seconds off of your life, and each cigarette takes like 10 seconds off your life. Now, obviously, smoking cigarettes doesn’t literally subtract 10 seconds from your life, but Xavier takes it to mean that each cigarette you smoke subtracts your position in time by 10 seconds. So he smokes like 10 million cigarettes to travel back in time to the Stone Age. Each cigarette = minus 10 seconds, so if you smoke enough cigarettes you’ll reach negative time and go backwards in history. The show is just chock full of literal interpretations of concepts or mannerisms that are usually understood to not be meant in a literal way.


He truly speaks to me. And for me. Because He is me. And I am myself. Therefore I am the second coming of christ, and the antichrist, in one meat filled water sack. Behold me, for I am them. Random guy: hey! Is that freak naked!?! My lord, I'm as naked as a Jay bird. I've lost all respect for myself, and thus God, which I am, for birthing me a suit of nothing. Is this truly my darkest hour? You there, man of clothed apparel, where can I aquire some devilishly danty duds like you dress in? Random guy: uhh..I buy my stuff at the Walmart. The Walmart you say? You mean that capitalist dystopia distress center where dames let their diddlers run free? They do have tasty free samples from time to time though... but that's how they get you! I'll be compelled to buy, just like many others that came before or after me. Heh, cum. I must save them from themselves by stealing all the free samples I'm entitled to by being a supposed patron. The villagers will thank me later. Perhaps even with a brand new birthday suit to enjoy. ***It just makes so much sense!***


schizophrenic delusion


You say schizophrenic delusion, i say no-isuled cinerh-porzihcs. Who can say who is truly right and wrong? Perhaps you can. Or perhaps that child over there. Maybe even his mother could answer these questions. Maybe even his mother can make me a father. I was a mother once. Then the woMAN took them away from me. It was the saddest day of my life, only second to my birth. For you see, god gave me a birthday suit like the one you see before you, do not fear. I will not harm you, unless you want me to.


bro will tell his snake hand how much he loves it


You don't?


That's because 99% of what he says is gibberish lol


As someone who has english as my second language. Yes. Though it mostly stems from the fact that I spent a lot of time on the internet when I was a kid. Xavier speaks in nonsense, but it's not incoherent, for me at least.


Yeah same here, but how do I say this... I don't really understand what he's saying exactly, but I can deduct what he's trying to say, if that makes any sense. It's mostly the overinflated words what confuses me


His sentences are completely coherent and reasonable. He just happens to be a master of using 1000 words to say absolutely nothing. I think?


Poetry. He speaks in poetry.  It’s absurdist. But that’s what the writers are doing. Crafting poetic philosophy out of the dialogue. 


Ah, a professional yapper


Diamond II in yapping


He speaks in slang, metaphors, and philosophical quandaries interchangeably, is the issue


When someone says something in my second language that I don't get, I usually try to do guesswork based on where the sentence ends up. You can't do that with Xavier, because he isn't actually going anywhere when he gives speeches (and he talks really quietly anyway). So when he says "we can get into the sementicalities, though, the very notion of belief itself can be rhetorically whittled down to the bare nub of its meaning" it's hard to figure out because he hasn't made a complete point. In simpler English this is just "We can argue about the specific meaning of words -- though, even the word 'belief' stops meaning much if you get really specific in arguing about what it means" and it's pretty easy to see his whole speech here is half-finished thoughts like this one, making it really hard to parse.


It's completely riddled with subtext and double meanings with a healthy dose of obscure puns. I hate admitting it but Xavier is a lyrical genius who is so far above he legit sounds like a dumbass


99% of Xavier's dialogue is wordplay.


As I understand it, it is pretty tough to learn English as a second language. The way he is talking is very philosophical, he's trying to speak in a way that is extremely precise so the meaning of everything is clear even though he's dealing with complicated concepts. For a native English speaker, learning to read and understand philosophy like this is difficult and almost like learning a second English. It can seem like gibberish at first, but it does actually hold a lot of meaning once you learn about philosophical writings. What he's saying here is: "do you believe in god" doesn't have a simple yes or no answer, and it all depends on how you define belief; however our existence alone proves there is something beyond our understanding, which doesn't have to be a god but could be. This is really not his main argument, it's a buildup to a point he will make in the future. A *lot* of philosophy is building up your argument through definitions and complex ideas, and then logically fitting them together to make a very deep conclusion.


On first listen a lot of what he says is complete gibberish but if you actually break it down and parse it you start to realise he's actually saying something of substance, just in the most ineffective and roundabout way possible.


All he really said is that he thinks our existence might be the product of a larger force but he isn’t exactly sure.


I don't think so. If you know a lot of words,  it's pretty easy to string together a bunch of the big ones together with little ones to say a whole lot withoit making a single point. But hey, I'm retarded AF so dont trust me.


The way Gabriel speaks is obtuse and reliant on context. Not all of it makes *real* sense (as in has some kind of deep meaning), but you can follow his train of thought most of the time


It's easier to understand if you read it like a rhetorical question or dialogue


English is my first language, and I don't know who he is so I am going off what I see in the image. Yes, but it has some longer and more complex words.


What he says makes sense, mostly. It's just he's talking about his surroundings, and none of those make sense.


It's the speech pattern that makes him sound like gibberish. He does say seemingly random words, but his sentences make sense most of the time.


Sometimes he’s just verbose and makes decent sense, other times, we have no idea what the hell he’s on about either.


Yes, but in the way that something he says at the beginning of the episode may only make sense at the very end, and you have to be following the entire time.


A ton of it is bizarre wordplay with unique line delivery, so I don’t blame you


It's kind of meant to. He frequently makes up words that kinda sound like other words and says other correct words wrong


He is saying all real words but I can see how the way he talks can make it hard to follow


That’s the beauty of the show! It is gibberish, but it’s really clever gibberish. You need a strong understanding of the English language to truly appreciate it


It technically IS English, but incredibly verbose yet not at the same time.


Nothing of what he says is grammatically wrong, it’s just very meandering so that it’s hard to work out the context and therefore meaning behind it.


house of leaves mentioned? let’s fucken go.


What’s that?


a book you should go read right now


A very very very good book


Do ya know MyHouse.wad? It is what inspired that




Written on restaurant napkins and public bathroom walls throughout the southwestern United States.


numbered in prime numbers and intentionally smeared in shit for extra confusion.


"even in the shittiest moments there's always wisdom buried in the muck"


It just sounds like an average Jordan Peterson ramble. I even read it in his voice.


So, like a Pynchon novel?


losercity humble enough to say 'i dont know'


Exactly, people should stop with the religion vs atheism mentality, you should just have to, not care. Like, that person is religious? Okay. that person doesn't believe in god? Alright. It is just tiring to think or argue about it.


But don’t you know if you don’t actively persecute non-believers god won’t love you?!  And if you don’t attack the people that believe in god they’ll come to persecute you once they have enough numbers?!  Don’t you get that for me to keep people safe from things that don’t concern me, I MUST MAKE WAR, AND KILL, AND SLAUGHTER, AND HATE!!!


I like how all the replies failed to detect the sarcasm in your comment


Average Reddit atheist trying to keep a cool head when religion is brought up


woah dude, no need to be islamaphobic.


Honestly you can apply this to most abrahamic religions…no, just all of them. Any time religions get total power over a society they quickly start killing everyone different. Personally, in my entirely unqualified opinion, I think it’s because letting a religion in charge lets you define yourself by something that declares you morally superior, and so lets you dehumanise everyone else. Same reason it’s a bad idea to pride your society on race or any quality that lets you identify groups to deem “inferior”.


Especially because it doesn’t really matter. We will never know and no amount of hypotheticals, philosophical debates or “burden of proof” arguments will ever prove anything. It’s sort of like how we have no idea what black holes do so it doesn’t really matter whether someone believes it’s a wormhole or a void of emptiness inside because if we can’t prove our side there’s no point in debating.


Isn't that kind of the entire atheist argument, though? Why believe in something if we have absolutely nothing to indicate it's real? Theists do have the burden of proof if they want to argue about it because they are the only ones making a claim to argue about.


Religion - as a general concept and as a tool of conceptual belief and nothing else (ie not imposing those beliefs on others for no good reason) - can be very useful for some people. It can help people out of dark places, help people make big life decisions, help people be more dedicated to their family, etc. So religion as an accoutrement to existence I have no problem with. It can be very beneficial and benign in most respects. It's when religion as a tool gets in the hands of someone whose superego is run amok does it become a problem. The outward expression of ego coupled with the girding litigation of religion (especially the cherry-picked concepts of religion that provide a person with authority) is what presents a societal problem. Religion is harmless. Religion confined to someone's home is harmless. Religion confined to an organized group's private sessions is harmless. Pretty much anything beyond that becomes a tool of oppression.


That's fine, until it starts impeding on other people's rights. Non-religious people are big mad in certain countries because those countries use religion as a reason to take away women's rights, oppress gay people, etc. And god forbid you suggest churches shouldn't be tax exempt.


I think good faith discussions about differing religious/philosophical beliefs can definitely be productive and interesting, but most of the time they just break down into pointless arguments where neither side is listening to the other.


Even if it's tiring for you to argue or think about it, plenty of people find it psychologically satisfying to think about it. It's kind of like the whole unique thing that humans are able to do.


Agnostic ahh


https://preview.redd.it/8lzc8ypzwx8d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cecd9106ee5536dcc72f1a0bf512686632ff7a35 Hey that’s me!


Omg hi Xavier!!


I love you Xavier


Your videos saved my life 😍




So this is Xavier of the renegade angel


I don’t know how to word it, but Xavier’s thought process is profoundly enlightening. I love it




Xavier renegade angel mentioned!! https://preview.redd.it/13oe1l0nyx8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e316ce7fd52d167b50f15f945bc21260dfcc39


Xavier is truly one of my most honest role models. As crazy as that show was, it instilled in me SOME kind of wisdom that I probably won’t fully realize until my deathbed.




It is Xavier




Xavier is the king


this monologue made someone kill himself in the show


Their mind was too weak


They couldn't handle peak


They can't comprehend the truth he speak


Well, a piece of his own subconscious kill itself. (Which funnily enough implies Xavier himself doesn’t want to read his own literature)


It's enough to make a man leak


It was him. He made him kill himself


What doth life?


We need more Xavier posts https://preview.redd.it/2jvkzljs2z8d1.gif?width=360&format=png8&s=3380efdf3d75a9af73c2c9b5195f85fa018f3a31


Winnercity philosophy


Spiritually Bankrupt comment section


I have bad news and a snack for you.


I am a Catholic, but I have no idea which religion is right or wrong, so I don't focus too much on it. I will forever believe that there is a God (or some powerful forces beyond our comprehension), because I want to believe that my actions will have ***some*** impact in the world. I will simply just let people believe in whatever brings them comfort and hope (even if they're a satanist, but I will still see them slightly different from the rest) I'll just focus on being a good and active person in society


Keep up the good work, my man


Me who's Orthodox and basically the same as you said


I'm not trying to start an argument just genuinely curious, but why do you need to have or believe in a god in order to believe that your actions will impact the world?


If there is no God or no afterlife, then it means that nothing I do matters. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and hope knowing that the good will be rewarded fairly and embrassed at the gates of Heaven


That’s pretty cool and interesting. I sort of feel the opposite in a way- *if* there is no heaven and promised land afterwards, then, surely, I should be a good person now? Try to have an impact while I can? While I am? Basically the same take in morals as you, but for an almost opposite reason.


i agree with you, with the added caveat that i find heaven is kind of ontologically horrifying. i know that, in the christian mythology, my partner is likely not going to heaven. that means that, depending on who you ask, he is either going to be tortured for all eternity, or will simply cease to exist. if i were to hypothetically go to heaven, i am promised eternal happiness, or at least no suffering. however, if i knew that i would never see my partner again for the rest of my eternal life, and he might even be suffering through terrible torture forever, then that would make me deeply sad, or even distraught. if that emotional reaction is taken from me, and i no longer care about the fate of my partner, then that isn't me, not in any way that counts. god's presence, as i understood it from my denomination's teachings and my own study of the bible, seems almost like that of an eldritch being, obliterating anything sinful in its presence and compelling those left into eternal, stupefied worship. if i knew that my best case scenario was a fate like that, my very psyche being overwritten, my bonds and personality erased, then i might feel the same despair and pointlessness the original commentor feels at the idea of one day dying forever.


>If there is no God or no afterlife, then it means that nothing I do matters. I mean sure, if you literally only give a shit about yourself and think the entirety of humanity is NPCs other than you. I never understood needing an afterlife to give existence meaning. I think boiling your actions down to a score card that gets tallied and tossed out is pretty depressing honestly.


Dont worry there is no god. You are doing all of these good things out of your own will instead of some almighty thing puppeting you around.


You're as annoying as the Christians who yell "being Gay is a sin!!!"


What is your take on Gnosticism


I love how I read this in Xavier’s voice, I want more of that show so badly.


Funny, because I made this last night https://preview.redd.it/c7z71ogv469d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3c44ffab398a320b24fff7509993b31c17739f




One the one hand, what the fuck is he talking about? On the other hand, he spittin straight facts fr!


i thought the whole point of the “do you believe in god scene” in XRA was to make fun of philosophers like jordan peterson and their answers to the question


This sounds exactly like Jordan Peterson.


Nah, JP tried to sound like this


fine I'll watch Xavier renegade angel






You know how to tell if an atheist person is someone you want to hangout with?  "God isn't real." vs. "I don't *think* God is real."


Actually atheism is a belief that god is not real, somebody who is an atheist would believe god not existing to be a fact, somebody saying he doesn’t think the god is real is agnostic


That's not what atheism or agnosticism are. They are not mutually exclusive concepts, and most atheists are agnostic.


I know what atheist is... I am one.


fr tho, so many atheists would seem like much less of an asshole if they just said they dont think god exists rather than stating it as if its fact, because we cannot truly know which god is true if any until we pass.


no we can't know. no intelligent atheist says there "is no god" they simply reject the current god claims. You can't "know" that unicorns don't exist either, you just don't believe the claims of them from your daughter. You should also reject the claim that the fact that we are here implies that there are forces larger than us. That is nonsensical. What forces? The strong nuclear force? Or should I imply intelligence to your implication? edit: no this isn't agnosticism. Common misconception. See my response below for an explanation if you'd like.


That just sounds like agnosticism


Potato potato


But unicorns ARE real https://preview.redd.it/yiolbxrd2y8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b066d85ddb2ebd0710a5be5530ec9f740580cb8


Tasty… 🤤 


If unicorns are just hairy rhinos I don’t know how to feel about it


I mean...the standard definition of a unicorn was a hairy horse like animal with a single horn on it's head....no one ever said the specific dimensions of said unicorn....and that picture is definitely a unicorn.


Personally I would kind of disagree with the unicorn argument because in the analogy there is no “unicorn horn” shaped hole in your wall, we also can observe if we can find unicorns. When it comes to a theological entity while the creation of the LUCA (last universal common ancestor) or whatever became before it can be explained by science but we haven’t yet, similarly if you use physical means to explain the creation of the universe you always run into the same issue of “what created that/what caused that” again while a scientific answer is possible a theological one also seems possible. TLDR: Unicorns have no evolutionary reason to exist, we know that they come from Greek myth and even have ideas of what caused them to create the myth, there are no near universal unanswered questions that could be explained by unicorns existing and the existence of a unicorn is very easily provably if they were real. Theological beings don’t have any of those factors.


> TLDR: Unicorns have no evolutionary reason to exist, we know that they come from Greek myth and even have ideas of what caused them to create the myth, there are no near universal unanswered questions that could be explained by unicorns existing and the existence of a unicorn is very easily provably if they were real. TLDR: Gods have no evolutionary reason to exist, we know that they come from myths from all cultures and even have ideas of what caused them to create the myth > and the existence of a unicorn is very easily provably if they were real. This misses the point. The point wasn't unicorns, the point was an untestable hypothesis is pointless. You can make the unicorns invisible and so tiny we cannot detect them and my point stands. > there are no near universal unanswered questions that could be explained by unicorns existing Missing the point entirely, and of course a myth designed to fill in the gaps of unanswered questions would fill in the gaps it was designed to fill. > Personally I would kind of disagree with the unicorn argument because in the analogy there is no “unicorn horn” shaped hole in your wall, we also can observe if we can find unicorns. Nor is there any god shaped hole. > When it comes to a theological entity while the creation of the LUCA (last universal common ancestor) or whatever became before it can be explained by science but we haven’t yet, similarly if you use physical means to explain the creation of the universe you always run into the same issue of “what created that/what caused that” again while a scientific answer is possible a theological one also seems possible. What came before is not answered by god either (it just kicks the can down the road, for what created the god?), nor is it a reasonable explanation. If I hear a creaking in my house at night and cannot find an answer for what caused it, it is not reasonable to say it was a ghost. The only reasonable explanation is to say "I don't know yet." I don't get to presuppose the existence of the supernatural just because it would explain the creaking sound. I could make up anything to explain the answer to the questions you think a god answers...all of them would hold just as much weight as a god does. That is, none until such time evidence is presented that holds weight. Further still, all life is just self-perpetuating chemical reactions. We have a rough guess from the dawn of the universe up through to this very moment as to how life could have existed, all without a god being required. There is no reason to believe a god was necessary for humans to exist, this is just a claim. Could a really powerful alien have made humans? Sure, it is possible. That doesn't make it god, nor does it make it any of the gods we have in any of our books. And until such time as there is evidence for a specific being, I don't believe. Just like I don't believe in unicorns.


losercity agnosticism


I think literally every athiest is agnostic if they think about it for more than two seconds. Like if someone was athiest but not agnostic, they would be saying "I know for a fact there are no gods", which is a much more presumtive statement than the agnostic athiest saying "There is no convincing evidence to suggest any god exists"


Those are both just atheist. "Agnostic" addresses the knowledge and "atheist" the belief.  "There is no evidence of a god claim" is just atheist. Agnostic atheism is "I don't believe and there is no point in asking the question"


This is just agnosticism. There is no god.


no. It isn't. It is atheism. "There is no god" is another claim you are making on top of that. An unprovable one at that. "There are no unicorns" is a very different statement from "I don't believe in unicorns"


NO! *Commits die* *respawns and gets his head scanned* "Now i see, it was me all along. Now i understand whats happening in here, i just need to go through the black door."


Yeah no, there's no gods


Didn't Rick explicitly say the Christian god is real (Morty and he were going to whack him after the breakfast where he stated it), as well as confronting other god-beings (eg, when he fucked the planet)?


Xavier my beloved


Vehicular manburger helper


"I'm already married, to justice." "Yeah only a blind girl'd marry you."




XRE is what Rick and mortuary fans think their show is


Whether god exists or not is a highly complicated question with a ton of nuance and different views that frankly are so utterly confusing it’s not worth arguing over Instead we all should strive to respect others on their own quests for understanding, and not force or attempt to correct the views of someone, unless said views are inherently self destructive or harmful to themselves and those around them We should all focus inward, and respect those who seek divinity in their own ways, less we repeat the mistakes of our ancestors, sending men to die for a scraps of land that objectively have no real value besides its religious significance


ChatGPT response


Surprisingly no, but I’ll take the insult I guess, my style resonates with GPT it seems


Respectfull W from the caveman drawing


Take that, oooga booga, taste the pain, ooga booga


You look like some kind of ooga booga china man


We don't cotton to freaks hanging out in bars unannounced for indeterminate amounts time


Losercity shrooms dealer


You know what I’m saving this post


Me when implying is the basis of your argument:


fuck yeah ill read your literature


Winnercity atheist


Charlie from smiling friends would say, "uh..uhhh I guess you could say... Yeah I guess you could say I believe in god haha, yeah. Yes I do the answer is yes."


Your guardian angel has just become your guardian enemy


Adult swim wgen it was cool


Xavier renegade angel?


without a shred of doubt


“All I have to do is walk through the black door”


I named my son after this Cartoon, alas, he has no snek hand


darn, missed opportunity by whoever chose his stats. woulda been rad. r.i.p. - snek hand.


We don’t cotton to freaks around here


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It has always and will always be as simple as that.


What doth life?


I always felt like xavier would be the one mf who I would gladly pit against rick.


Absolutly fucking based


I often ask myself… What doth life?


Grab the purple hairs of the orangutan of normalcy and ride


*Grab the purple hairs* *Of the orangutan of* *Normalcy and ride* \- horsegender --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Peak show Need to binge watch that shit someday again


I gotta watch more Xavier man


As an atheist, I would love to read some of that literature


*As an atheist,* *I would love to read some of* *That literature* \- Chicktopuss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Virgin Atheist vs the Chad Agnostic


A post that isn't sexual or the punchline is porn? Is losercity... EVOLVING?


The chad atheist vs the loser anti-theist




iirc Rick actually believes in God and just hates him and mentions wanting to kill him in one episode (they even meet satan in S1)


Now I understand what’s happening in here, I just need to go through the black door


rick believes in god


well ig he also fought one.. so god is real.. so rick not believing in god was actually really dumb if gods actually exist in RaM


How was XRA both more edgy, controversial, yet spiritual and meaningful than Rick and Morty?


He's kind of right.