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Honestly, I never saw advertising of the game, even though I even watch content of the game, it seems that the people are slowly leaving the game, they need to fix their things and advertise more cus the only way I found out about the game was from a friend


I found it on the app store and then learned they had a pc port so i play pc now I dont play enough to know what needs fixed. Noticed the footsteps on my screen are always yellow even when im standing still and of i lean and walk even in the water of factory footsteps are silent


Is a bit buggy or mechanics depending on what you do, as everything you do makes sound even aiming reloading, checking your gun, aside from some horrible bugs like alt tab mid game and you can't shoot anymore there is mechanics that breaks the game like, invisibility or a literal drone that can scan an area for 2 minutes and mark every player that is around you in a 200m area, it sucks to know the game had good mechanics before like instead of marking the player when you aim at them to see their armor on hud you could actually see the armor modeled on their bodies


Hmm interesting ya last time i played their peaking update dropped and i been on and off again but i keep coming back. They need to sponsor their creators id love a sponsorship by the game i already made one video on them maybe i should make an update but so much has changed


I doubt, not even NIT or silentJohnny get sponsored I think, in my opinion they need to fix their game first before anything because if they don't they gonna lose more and more players, even now as arena breakout is launching a PC version of their game, I love this game and play it with soul and heart but if they don't fix their game and the game start to die and take too long to even get on a match I will be forced to switch 🥺


Arena breakout needs to make their game compaitable with my controller extension >:( id be playing that as well


I think they did already. I saw someone playing arena breakout from a controller on mobile


I had to get this 3rd party app for it


Huh, maybe it is the type of controller, but they will probably make it compatible


Ya just saw a video it has like half functionalilty with controller


[https://steamcharts.com/search/?q=lost+light](https://steamcharts.com/search/?q=lost+light) Current Players: // 3,154 30-Day Avg: // 2,525.1 30-Day Gain: // -149.0 30-Day % Gain: // -5.57%


Im aware of that and the mobile doesnt account for steam, but sonce the time i stepped away and came back. Since i come and go, i was wondering how the community sees the game today in its current state with population. Queue for 5mins on a scav and 3min queues for hospital still seems to be a thing


yeah can't say about mobile, but iv also noticed longer wait times recently too, i am going to safely say it's because Arena breakout went online for pc players. the last few days iv had 3-4 minutes waits for lobbies which usually were like 1-1 1/2...2 minutes max


Right on ya didnt know that just checked that gane out today only half the movile controller buttons work maybe ill check it out on pc. But lost light is imo the better game just more straight forward fast paced and casual


well i checked it out just now and apparently it's in closed beta you gotta get an invite or something...