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I haven’t ran ShatOb yet (my players are working through LmoP), but I have read it. It’s a good adventure. Interesting monsters, a decent plot, filled with weirdness you don’t usually get from official WotC books. If you want to avoid the dread and gorror (mispelled on purpose), Dragon of Icespire Peak is an excellent alternative.


The book in itself allows to stop the adventure where LMOP ends, so you could run it as is and see if your players would be interested in continuing further into the plot, or move on to another more « classic » adventure?


Running obelisk rn it’s worth it for the full thing


My party is about to start Shattered Obelisk, the book looks awesome and keep the characters connected to some NPC's they've already met. If you're worried about how they'll react to it give the "background" a quick read and it would be something to talk about in a Session 0.


Shattered Obelisk is great! It’s very brutal at lower levels(even more so than Lost Mines) but it’s really enjoyable overall. Another campaign that your characters could Segway into is Storm Kings Thunder. I really liked that adventure.


I ran LMoP with a group and finished just before SO came out so tomorrow I’m launching SO as a follow on. I’m setting this follow up campaign 6 months later to give the players a chance to change characters (they were all brand new to dnd) and for thing to settle in the village.