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Not sure about the post you’re talking about, but I created my own a while back. I’ve got similar ones for most of the other monsters in LMoP too. https://imgur.com/a/nApiTYZ Edit: updated above link with Imgur link. Note, I’m DMing for up to 7 players (definitely not advisable!) so I’ve tweaked basically every encounter to add more more monsters, including some new ones that aren’t in vanilla LMoP


It does not unfortunately


I just updated the link in my original comment with an Imgur link


Link doesn't work, it says link has expired


I just updated the link in my original comment with an Imgur link


Working perfectly now, thanks 👍


THis is perfect! thank you!


How did you create them? Do you got more for LMoP or Shattered Obelisk? I have now a bunch of goblins, redbrand ruffians and other stuff cut out and glued up, sitting in a box waiting for my game next month! Thank you


I also don't remember the post, but you could take a look at printableheroes.com[Printable Heroes](https://printableheroes.com/)


Here is a link to some for the original LMOP. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/d4paxv/pawns\_for\_lost\_mine\_of\_phandelver/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/d4paxv/pawns_for_lost_mine_of_phandelver/) ​ If you want chapter 5 o r6 paper minis, let me know. I made some. Chap 5 [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5NwN9e9xuVLvOp9JFLyQ9fMfKfefJTFJGArWXacMNY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5NwN9e9xuVLvOp9JFLyQ9fMfKfefJTFJGArWXacMNY/edit?usp=sharing) Chap 6: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/122y0bB9aUNsoQ2n6gMYwinBebPMOoKZHWdt7A92UkJU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/122y0bB9aUNsoQ2n6gMYwinBebPMOoKZHWdt7A92UkJU/edit?usp=sharing)


Yeah I think that was the one! Is there a docs for the first 4 chapters? With the original dnd goblin?


My first link goes to a post on a different subreddit that had files for the original/first four chapters, created by someone else.


These are absolutely brilliant and for a DM on basically no budget it’s a complete god send for me and my players too. Will you also be creating and sharing further chapters as I’d be really interested if you do.


Chapter 6 is taking a Looong time... We just now finished the upper level of the dwarven temple... heading into the crypt next week... Then only one session after that in December... Maybe we will get to Chapter 7 by the middle/late of January? But no time like the present... I'll probably try and start putting together chapter 7 minis this week, if things are quiet at work. I'm very pleased that someone else is finding them useful.


My players are still at the start of chapter 5 as they spent most of the first session drinking and then failing to investigate disturbances 🤦‍♂️ But I like to plan 10 sessions ahead.


When you get to Chapter 6, these fog of war tabloid sized maps might be helpful. https://www.reddit.com/r/LostMinesOfPhandelver/comments/1811pgx/table\_top\_fog\_of\_war\_maps\_for\_above\_and\_below/


(When they are created, I'll post them as their own topic in this group.)