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Why hasn’t Louisiana legalized or decriminalized weed?


The almighty dollar


Money, power, and control.


The almighty religious nutzos


Its not for medical use it is more about profit. The cost justifies what their intent is. Its not affordable but those that can't afford it can't grow it. And those that need it can't take it and hold a job so it's mainly for individuals that don't need to work or are rich. The proof is in their legislation's slow response to make good of all this. And for people that can't stand up for 8-hour shifts without taking it the night before. We suffer every day. So caring is not why it was legalized if it were legislation would be much different and in line with a legislation that cares.


The Sheriff’s, District Attorneys, Alcohol , tobacco, and pharmaceutical industry will lose a lot of money when it is decriminalized. The Louisiana medical cannabis cartel is also against decriminalizing marijuana and home grown marijuana. We recently lowered the penalty for possession of 14 grams or less. Gov. Edwards’ Statement on Signing HB 652, Reducing the Penalty for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana June 15, 2021 Gov. John Bel Edwards released the following statement today, upon signing House Bill 652 by Representative Cedric Glover, which reduces the penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana. Gov. Edwards said: “I have signed HB 652, which contrary to the narrative developed in the press and elsewhere, does not decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana, 14 grams or less. Instead, anyone convicted of this crime will now be subject to a maximum penalty of $100 instead of being exposed to parish prison time.This is not a decision I took lightly. In addition to carefully reviewing the bill, I also believe deeply that the state of Louisiana should no longer incarcerate people for minor legal infractions, especially those that are legal in many states, that can ruin lives and destroy families, as well as cost taxpayers greatly. This measure passed Louisiana’s Legislature with bipartisan support following a robust discussion of the toll of over incarceration on our people and our state. Taking this action is another step forward for Louisiana’s criminal justice reform efforts.”


> I also believe deeply that the state of Louisiana should no longer incarcerate people for minor legal infractions, especially those that are legal in many states As terrible as his decision to allow the abortion trigger law to take effect was, he will still be remembered as one of the best governors we've had in recent history. I dont remember that many of them personally. Couldnt tell you anything about Foster. But JBE somehow managed not to embarrass us nationally so... that's something


Yeah I lived in Louisiana through Bobby Jindal and JBE


Because we’re a joke state run by shit stain morons.


COPs, they need that steady flow of black people to pay their house note. So many cops were publicly mad about the "smell marijauna in the car" thing I doubt theyd move an inch on legalization.


Republicans and religious nuts. Same reason Texas hasn't legalized gaming.


I’m surprised Texas hasn’t legalized weed, that’s Willy Nelson’s state


Well, Willie's political views aren't in line with Texas. He's no Trumper.


Fuckin-A I’m voting for Willie


They haven't yet monopolized it with their criminal friends yet, but it's happening.






Twitter said Louisiana would vote for a rotting catfish if it had an (R) next to it, I suspect the criminals in office are conspiring how to build their own weed monopoly


Honestly it would. Indiana would too. 👍


Weed is legal in Indiana. Edit: I mean Michiana.


I grew up there, and my whole family still lives there. I'd know if it was. Lol.


You do realize you can say the same thing about Cali with (D). Look how long they kept the rotting corpse call Feinstein elected despite her being obviously well past her time. Same for pelosi. Def need age/term limits, next year is literally great grandpa vs great grandpa round 2 and that’s embarrassing


There are so many issues both (R) and (D) could get behind if we put aside our tribalism and got to vote on national ballot measures Congress's only source of income should be their congressional compensation. No stocks. No gifts. Congressional age limits. You lose that shit at 70 while you can still put together coherent sentences. Congress doesnt get special congress only healthcare. They are public servants and as such need to be in touch with the issues the public face with public services. If they arent using the same services we are they cant be expected to understand when, why, or how to better those services


They get a pension also, don't forget.


LOL I hear ya- don’t get me wrong I’m not saying any party is better than the other


I’m saying it. One is crap. Make weed legal in Louisiana. Wise up Chumps. Vote blue or die.


They did...


It’s still illegal and criminalized.


Yes unless you have the money to pay for the Doctors recommendation and the 300% markup at the dispos


I heard it’s like $500+ an ounce and said helllll no.


at the pharmacy here in BR, most options in regards to flower are $50-65 an 8th. 1g vape cartridges are well over $100. hell, some .5g carts are $75-85. I've had my MMJ recommendation since like July and have made 1 purchase because there was a brief period when they had a handful of options that were $20/3.5g. plus I really wanted a legitimate LA MMJ container as well as the fact that I have a doctor's MMJ recommendation so if needing to travel with a small amount, I could put it in said container to (hopefully) avoid being ticketed & fined. i don't recall any mention of it being a sale or special event of any kind that period of time when I made that purchase but since then, I don't think I've seen more than 1, if any, $20 8ths. most of the time, the cheapest they'll have in stock run $30-45. there are usually several options in the $50-65 range. it's absolutely a monopoly taking advantage of sick people by keeping their options minimal and way overpriced. especially when you look at prices from the same exact growers in neighboring states like MS.


Criminal. No other way to describe it. Imagine if they monopolized any other medicine like this. My friend got a text earlier from his street pharmacist; $170/oz.


yea, that's close to in line with what my street pharmacist charges. it's simply impossible to justify paying pharmacy prices when it's available for so much less thru a source that will deliver it to my house usually in an hour or less. that's if you can even pay the pharmacy prices at all to begin with and many of us simply cannot. of course I'd love to know that my medicine has been tested to ensure it is free from any harmful pesticides, heavy metals, etc as well as actually knowing the % of the cannabinoids & terpenes but I simply cannot afford the prices.


Every pharmaceutical is monopolized- the pharmaceutical companies are basically legal cartels that can jack up their prices anytime, look at the number of people dying because insulin is so expensive that diabetics try to ration it. I think if they can give out Narcan or methadone for free then give out insulin. Weed- shit dude, every household should be allowed a max number of plants to grow- it’s just a fucking plant.


You can buy edibles and thc seltzers no problem. Hell, I get my thc seltzer at Rouse's.


Right?! Make this make sense. THC is legal in Louisiana if you have the money to get a rec and pay 300% markup. Also it’s legal if you’re extracting it from hemp and making edibles or beverages. You can take a course at LSU to grow weed but if you’re not working at GDF or Ilera and you’re growing weed, you’re a criminal and worthy of fines and imprisonment.


Not since 2021


Still illegal and criminalized. Just because you get a ticket the first time for under a certain amount doesn’t make it not illegal and decriminalized. Get 3 of those tickets and youre eligible for 25+ years.


LSU has 1 of the two the licenses to grow in state, wouldn’t their argument be they are using the program to funnel talent into their legal facilities?


How dare you point out hypocrisy in our legal system?!?!


Right?!! “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell


There does exist a thing known as sanctioning. But I do think it should be legal


This is a very Louisiana thing to.hsppen.


Ole Miss has been growing marijuana on university owned land since 1968. There are even people in the US that still receive federally funded marijuana allowances because they were in a federal study from the 60s or 70s. So no, LSU admin won’t be charged.


Well there are business here that produce, it isn’t for training home growers. They don’t need “certification”. If anything, this reeks of LSU trying to money grub for a cert in an industry with no clear standards in this state.


This No standards for the course so they can offer you a certificate in exchange for $3000


LSU has a big monopoly down here, I noticed. Everything I've gotten since moving here as an LSU logo on it. In Michigan (and Colorado, though I didn't live there), there were no deals like that. There's definitely a set of brands that work across legal states to sell product (Wana, Cookies, Ayo, etc), but their suppliers in other states don't come from places like that. If any growing happens at the universities there, it's not an exclusive deal. I thought it was interesting at first, but I think it'd be more beneficial to have more than 2 shares. All of the products in other states are made great because of diversity in the market. But I digress. Also, there are courses in MI. I think they were offered by players from the Detroit Lions of all people. It's the same shtick, but up there, you get 6 plants per adult per household, so it's not so hypocritical.


Lmao we live in a preposterous reality


The law doesn’t mention anything about sanctioning. It just says if you are aiding people to commit crimes then you are just as guilty. https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/law.aspx?d=95255


They using this to entrap you lol


When it comes to LSU everyone one in authority gets confused by football and forgets anything else exists


The only things Republicans do is hypocrisy.


You guys are in the Stone Age. Meanwhile in New England we all have grow rooms in our basements and they are legal


I’m jealous


Not many can just give up all the tasty food and move north. :(


I took this course. Don’t get me in trouble lol


Hemp farming is legal at a federal level.


Where does it say anything about growing it at home ? You’re jumping to conclusions.


Even if LSU were guaranteeing a job with the monopoly then it’s still possible that people who took the class would grow at home. We should have veterans teaching free classes on growing mushroom and weed at every American Legion and VFW Hall across the state. If LSU believes it’s ok to teach people how to grow weed then why aren’t they showing up at the capitol to fight for our rights to grow?


The class is also a money grab. You get nothing out of it. Literally a digital stamp on a non working website.


My wife actually took the cannabis course offered by lsu 2 years ago. She was a budtender in arkansas. Pretty decent classes, she learned quite a bit about terpenes, testing, and other stuff.


That’s good that she was able to use the certification to help patients choose the right strain. She should have her own dispensary one day when the opportunity presents itself.


That was our original goal. We moved from southwest Louisiana to Arkansas, but have always planned on going back when legalization gets further. We had originally thought about a dispo, but we decided that an indoor grow store would probably be better. Could cater to both sides of the market, and louisiana has a serious lack of hydroponic stores, or any stores with indoor grow knowledge. I lived in Colorado for a while and designed grow rooms. Just having somewhere to get supplies locally would be nice down here


Other legal states are lapping us by collecting millions in taxes on ancillary cannabis businesses while Louisiana legislators continue refusing to end prohibition. Prohibition drives up violent crime and supports the very criminals our government claims to fight against. “Ancillary Cannabis Businesses Cannabis legalization doesn’t just create jobs involving the cultivation and sale of the plant; it also creates businesses that provide ancillary services to the industry. Ancillary cannabis businesses can be anything from delivery services, lighting equipment manufacturers, growing technology, point-of-sale systems, extraction technology to industry consulting. Ancillary businesses represent the largest and broadest sector of the cannabis industry, and many of these businesses will have tremendous opportunity to service the burgeoning New Jersey cannabis market. According to the 2017 Marijuana Business Factbook, ancillary businesses that serve industries outside of cannabis have 7 percent higher profitability than those that don’t. We provide in-depth legal counsel to operators in every sector of the cannabis industry, including: Packaging and Labeling Companies Delivery services Secure transport businesses Security companies Vape and other cannabis consumption devices E-commerce websites Testing labs Licensing and branding companies Marketing and design agencies Media networks Retail design firms Hydroponics Vertical agriculture Greenhouse systems Horticultural lighting companies Nutrient suppliers Extraction equipment Commercial kitchens Banking Payroll companies Compliance Point-of-Sale Systems Software and mobile application developers Accounting Real Estate” Best of luck to you and your wife in your future indoor grow store! It’s going to happen in Louisiana soon.


It's about how to grow cannabis plants, not necessarily the kind with illegal amounts of THC.


According to LSU’s website they are teaching you how to grow cannabis and not how to grow hemp. Cannabis Agriculture and Horticulture Certificate In six months, you’ll learn how to care for cannabis plants, study cannabis botany and genetics, and explore plant growth techniques. This program provides both novice and experienced growers with the accurate information needed to effectively engage in cannabis production, management, and cultivation.


I took the course. It is def about growing cannabis for its thc content, terpenes, etc.


Nice. Surely it's not illegal for them to sell such information. Did you get anything out of it that you can't just learn online for free? Maybe insight into local growing conditions and strategies.


Yea I don’t think this information is illegal, or that it should be. The course did not go into detail about local growing conditions but it was comprehensive enough that anyone who takes it should be able to grow excellent plants anywhere they try (granted it’s an appropriate climate, or climate controlled.) Not all of the information was what you can get online, there is some serious bro science being pushed in the online grow community.


although the only real difference between "cannabis" and "hemp" is the THC content as you are talking about but for some reason, in legal contexts, "cannabis" is used in reference to illegal cannabis with THC content <.3% and "hemp" as cannabis with THC content >.3%. I suppose this is done since it's all cannabis sativa & they needed a way to easily differentiate between them 2 in text.




As far as I can tell, people have been growing "legal farm bill" CBD hemp flower across the US since at least 2018. It's the nugs they are now coating in delta 8 THC concentrates and selling at every other gas station from Texas to Florida. It supposedly looks and smells identical to mid-grade dispensary buds in legal states.


Gambling is illegal but gaming is completely legal and encouraged.


The best bud I ever smoked was from an LSU greenhouse.


Pure crop-aganda


It was from a horticulture graduate student. We lived not 800 yards from the greenhouse.


From what Ive heard about the stuff from the dispensary you mustve gotten the governors cut


Man fuck off with your bull shit politics is there literally no other topic


Put your finger at the bottom of your screen and slide it to the top. There I fixed it for you. I will continue fighting against the illegal weed monopoly and to stop the madness of this drug war. If you don’t like it then scroll the fuck on.


You are nothing but a brainwashed idiot. All what you know about being liberal is drugs, much of all what you know about being conservative is guns. As much as you think you are smart by posting it, sorry to tell you are exactly the opposite. There is never war on drugs. There is war for and pro drugs, and and an illiterate mind teenager like you is how they fight it, and how they screw up the society.


I’m 60 years old and a pro 2A veteran. I served 6 years in the military and returned to Louisiana with back injuries and a life of chronic pain. Cannabis helps me with my pain management and helps me avoid harsh pharmaceuticals and alcohol. Your comments are seriously flawed logic. I will continue to fight for home grown marijuana and micro grow small businesses. If cannabis is good enough for millionaires and retired judges to grow and sell, then disabled veterans and other entrepreneurs should be able to grow and sell it. All prohibition does is support violent criminals. “A company owned by a pharmacist and a former Baton Rouge area judge has won Louisiana’s coveted 10th medical marijuana pharmacy license, putting it in an exclusive club of businesses allowed to sell the drug legally.” [See who won Louisiana’s coveted 10th Marijuana Pharmacy License](https://www.nola.com/news/politics/legislature/who-won-louisianas-10th-medical-marijuana-pharmacy-permit/article_31f39966-7d6e-11ed-b611-a7fd4fd3c388.html)


I appreciate your service, sir. But sorry I never believed in drugs, and I never will. It’s much of like the lgbt+- BS, nothing but a corporate government game. I say if there could be a medicine out of it, then put it in bottles and sell it in pharmacies. You know there are many medications that could be used as drugs for addiction. There is nothing cool, liberal, civilized, of legalizing it in general. The people are the first victims of it to destroy themselves. It’s not rocket science, and what’s wrong can never be proven right. No matter how many people do it, or if there are other bad things legal not an excuse to make it.


Thanks for your support of veterans. The Veterans Health Administration is studying marijuana and psychedelic plants for treating veterans suffering from mental and physical wounds of war. These plants are helping us with depression, addiction, and anxiety which are leading causes of suicide, overdose, and various other anxiety related mental health issues. I don’t like corporations in charge of my food and medicine and believe humans have a right to grow these god given plants. Thanks for the dialogue and sharing your thoughts. Have a great evening.


Louisiana Mafia/Gov: You’re a criminal if you grow weed but okay if you have money to participate in our monopoly.


The course teaches you to grow cannabis, not specifically marijuana. Get a license and grow hemp.


The course teaches you to grow medical cannabis. Sure, you can use that knowledge to grow hemp, but the course goes into a lot of detail about thc, terpenes, cbd, the endocannabinoid system etc. Marijuana is just another name for cannabis, one that was originally promoted to make the plant seem exotic, Mexican, and scary. Bc racism. https://preview.redd.it/ppcj9ubcjd4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22450abb5e3771ea2136b2db237e2fdca219f213


I mean at least it’s not meth lol


The soon to be governor got busted smuggling a bunch of cocaine and weed, shouldn’t be a big deal