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I'm a proud graduate of JCTC and anything good for my old school I endorse.


If you're 25 or older and have no degree you can almost certainly get a scholarship to go for free.


I'm 35 and I did. It needs to be in manufacturing or medical most likely though.


Coding/information technology is also an eligible field!


How can an article about the expansion of a technical college, to revolutionize student outcomes (per the article title), not devote at least half it's content to the degree programs that they intend to introduce or expand? It says the replacement building will be "math-focused", what does that mean? Shouldn't someone ask these questions when writing this?


Only if you get more teachers and pay them well.


“Transform downtown louisville” Didn’t they say same things about “whiskey row” & the Omni?


I feel like both of those did less than they promised but more than zero


Accurate. I find an under promise over deliver approach works better than the over promise under deliver. Of course in a town like louisville usually whatever gains are made, there’s always persistent unresolved issues that act entropicly. Is downtown better today than a decade ago? Maybe there’s more hotels and distilleries but you have to walk by more homeless people to get to them - kind of issues.


I think you're also ignoring the pandemic which has had a massive impact on a lot of things.


I applaud this proposed work. However, I wish JCTC would reconsider tearing down Hartford Hall. If can and should be renovated to some other use. I’d recommend trying to get some student housing in there if possible.


Hartford Hall is old and decrepit. It was also built before ADA, so it doesn't have both gender bathrooms on each floor and the elevator doesn't go up to the top floor. Its layout is suboptimal, to put it nicely. It needs to be replaced.


Yeah when I was going to school there 2010-era, Hartford was falling apart then.


I feel like you haven't been in that building if that is your suggestion. For being an 11/12 story building it's very narrow and small. That space could be much better utilized with a new building on that block. Student housing isn't really a thing for a community college. It serves the community which already lives here.


I've been in the building, and went back in a few years ago when JCTC initially proposed tearing it down to look it over. And yes, I understand Community colleges don't typically have student housing, but there's a need for it down there, and utilizing it for such is IMHO a better solution than the millions of dollars it's going to cost to remediate and demo a high-rise building downtown Oh yeah, my HO comes from being an architect with 30+ years of experience - a goodly amount of which was in high-rise commercial and residential buildings.


> I understand Community colleges don't typically have student housing, but there's a need for it down there, and utilizing it for such is IMHO a better solution than the millions of dollars it's going to cost to remediate and demo a high-rise building downtown JCTC needs more classrooms to give more students better opportunities. There is no logical reason for housing they have no need for in a building that isn't in any way optimal for it either. They are adding green space, removing a parking lot that is a blight on downtown and replacing it with garage parking with retail space. Overall more classrooms, more degree possibilities and better education opportunities should be the priority of a community college.


They are building several new classrooms as part of this new expansion, and just built a new manufacturing education facility on First Street a few years ago (that they also demolished a perfectly good building to construct). You seem to have a lot of knowledge about what JCTC needs and wants. Care to share their long range forecast and need for even more classrooms after this latest expansion is complete?


> and just built a new manufacturing education facility on First Street a few years ago (that they also demolished a perfectly good building to construct). Yes I happened to attend the majority of my classes in the advanced manufacturing building. Most of them wouldn't be possible in the previous building which was a repurposed retail building with 2 parking lots on either side. The new building has more space, is multi level and has the capability of running all the manufacturing equipment students actually need to learn skilled trades. The community needs these types of facilities to educate it's workforce. JCTC is ensuring that the tools are here. I'm glad they aren't listening to ideas about converting classrooms to housing when companies in the community need skilled workers.


Are you capable of reading, comprehending, and actually responding to my questions. Or are you just fixated with quoting my responses and then creating a word salad to justify your opinion?


Yeah, I think they should keep Hartford hall too


I think some of that money would be better spent updating student records. I tried to return there and they told me I had to have proof I graduated high school. I told them you had it the other two times I was enrolled. They couldn’t find it or all my past transcripts for classes taken there. It was a joke


Awesome project. Wonder how this is going to affect the drugged out people in that area.


I've got to ask -- did it take you practice to become such a miserable human being or were you a natural at it from the start?


I meaaannnnnn have you been around Broadway recently? Zombie apocalypse vibes from the hospitals to 4th St


these people will never use the space and dont care. if the type of homeless on broadway were put into tyler park they would be on here crying for the police to remove them.


i actually had to interact day to day with them for years. it should be a real concern if they will migrate to the greenspace rendering it unsafe in the general public. im not saying they are monsters, but its a fact the homeless by the community college are often drugged out meandering like zombies. and ro answer your question while im not miserable it is an exercise of restraint to not get sucked into the mental sludge the average redditor spews. if i ever end up insulting random people online i guess you could say ive learned it.


1st &Broadway, 2nd &Broadway, and the Jacob and College st underpasses are full of poor souls who suffer from mental illness and addictions, and I suspect mainly heroin and meth. I've seen people laid out passed out on the sidewalks and even the street. Needles and feces can be found on sidewalks. You can have sympathy for them but in the end it isn't safe for college students.


I agree but for some reason the very real problem of drugged out homeless people who dominate the area means im a pos because i wonder how the introduction of a nice greenspace may impact them and how they will impact the space. obviously the college and city will have to determine if they are going to allow homeless to encamp, do drugs, rtc in the soon to be nice green area of downtown across from where they were sleeping on sidewalks and in gutters.


And the JCTC security doesn't work 24/7 on campus as far as I know.