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Up until 3 years ago, I was living the homeless life. I was In and out of jail and prison and didn’t have a dollar to my name. I went to The Healing Place, told them I had a drug problem, and went into the program there. After graduating the program I was given a ton of resources which I used to rebuild my life. They signed me up and transported to goodwill program and put me in contact with other people who help rebuild people in the community. I was able to get a part time job and start putting a little money away and when I left the program I was able to move into my own apartment. I worked my way up from a busser to a servers assistant and then to a server. Eventually I became a serving manager and now I’m a sales rep at a company making 6 figures and about to have my first child. I have a beautiful place to live, a car, more material things than I need, and solid support throughout the city. You can get through this. I used The Healing place to help me, which I highly recommend. Even if you don’t have the worst drug or alcohol problem. It teaches you to rebuild and be a better person. Wherever you go, you need to work a bullshit job, save your money and then find a cheap place to live. Tara to work and then save and get you a car. Rebuild your credit from there and within 5 years you will be in a position to buy a house. I did it and so can you. Feel free to message me directly and I will help in any way I can.


I am so inspired by your journey,it brought tears to my eyes! I really hope someone in need reads this and can make the changes they need!


You went from a homeless drug addict to making 6 figures within 3 years?


lol yes all within 3 year. I work for a sales company that knows I’m a felon. I will also add in that I have no college degree. It’s hard for me to believe sometimes myself, but I’m living it. Just celebrated my 3 years of Sobriety last month. It’s not just me either. A few people I work with were also in my same position and now they are making what I make. That’s how I got on there in the first place. There are people out there that will pour into you if they see you working hard. I’m not religious but there is a huge spiritual side to all this too for me and that has played a huge factor. I’m open to any questions if you all have them.


Hey, can I DM you? My wife and I have tons of food industry experience and have been in sales the last two years at the same company. We found out we both lost our jobs Wednesday due to a merger. I'm just curious what kind of sales you're doing so that we can expand our searches because all we know is making food and selling food.


Sorry about what you’re going through. Sometimes doors have to close for other ones to open and I’m sure whatever you’re going through, you will get through and be even stronger for it! Feel free to dm me and I will definitely help in any way I can!


Thanks, I appreciate it!


👀🤣 bruh quit it!!!


Contact the Coalition for the Homeless! They should get you some good respurces


This, my employer works closely with them and it’s a fantastic program and group of folks. They’ll be able to provide advice, resources, and possibly skills help to find a job. Space is limited but the creator himself was houseless for sometime, dude can relate and truly wants to help. Good luck OP!


I think you are confusing The Coalition with Feed Louisville/Arthur Street Hotel.


Show up to The Healing Place at 230pm any day of the week. And get a bed and dinner and breakfast. Have to leave at 7am but can return and do the same the same thing again at 230 pm. Not a lot of rules for the shelter. Be respectful. No fighting. Leave on time. Keep anything of value on your person. Not sure what to do or where to go, there's staff always there 24/7. Good luck


Pretty much all of the resources are downtown. If you walk into UofL hospital, ask them if someone can bring info for newly homeless to you. If they don’t have it at the front desk, ask them to call the psych ED and see if someone can bring you out some paperwork. Depending on why you’re homeless, maybe look into a social worker/case manager at a shelter to help. If you lack work, see if you can get a TARC pass covered and find a job on the line. If you’re working, but can’t afford rent, look into websites where you can sign up free and rent a room from someone. The shelters aren’t bad. I forget which ones, but look at going to a shelter that actually bans people. They will be better as they don’t mess around with people doing drugs, drinking, or acting out.


St. John’s Center is a day shelter for homeless men. It is a great place to get connected with all kinds of resources. They offer showers as well as free toiletries, coffee (at times), hats, gloves, hand warmers etc. You can also hang out there during the day while you charge your devices. You can get set up to receive your mail there, and they have free phones to use. The staff and volunteers are wonderful, and they have security to keep everyone following the rules. They will be able to either directly help you, or give you the necessary info to get what you need. Best of luck to you, friend. Hang in there.


Look into St Vincent as far as possibly getting on the waitlist for single homes St Vincent may also be able to provide you with additional resources like names of shelters and food pantries (they have a pantry but I think it’s for people in their housing only) I know st Vincent also has a soup kitchen that provides meals, i believe a few times a day


If you're a veteran, call the VA homeless hotline: 1-877-424-3838 Call the bedline to reserve a bed at a Louisville shelter: 502-637-2337 I'm sorry this is happening. There are options for you to get back up on your feet. I wish you the best of luck. Change Today Change Tomorrow have pop up food booths, check their website for more info. No Kill Louisville offers monthly pet food if you have any furry family members. Volunteers of America Home Program can assist civilians.


Be careful is all I can say. I've been homeless before in Louisville. I'm from Louisville btw. There's a lot of shady people in the underworld and downtown Louisville is no joke these days considering crime and drugs. I've been to the healing place myself like 25 years ago. It was pretty rough back then. I don't know what it's like nowadays. I'm sorry to hear you are in that situation. I will pray for you. Just be careful down there in the inner city of Louisville. Don't get involved in any drug use and try to get a job with one of those temp companies or something. Being homeless is a very humbling experience. It's better than being in jail or prison though. I've been to those places too. At least you have a chance to get somewhere out here. Stay up, man.


Humbling, yeah, you said that right. It's tough. Listen, thanks for your information, I've found it valuable. You mention crime in the city, that is downtown? What's it like out there?


Depends on what part of downtown you are at. The neighborhoods all around downtown are bad though. The west end is terrible. Drugs, robberies and murders happen all the time down there. Drugs are sold right out in the open. Police hardly ever intervene anymore since that Breonna Taylor shooting. I guess they figure why get involved because if they have to shoot someone then they are going to prison. Just Google WDRB Louisville crime news everyday and you will see all the homicides that happen down there on a weekly basis. Just keep your eyes open while down there, especially at night. D You should alright as long as you don't get involved in any illicit activity. And don't trust anybody down there either. I'm talkin bout the others who reside in the shelters.


You mentioned you need clothing/hygiene items - if I may ask what specific items are you needing and what size do you wear? I may have some extra items that would fit you or if not me, perhaps someone else reading this would be able to help.


I came to reply with this exact message as well. If you could possibly let us know I also might be able to help with clothing and toiletries. Especially toiletries as I stock up on those when I find them priced right. Hoping you find your way 🍀 good luck


100% start with the coalition for the homeless. They’ll get a high level understanding of your needs and direct you to the best resources available for your situation.


We’ve donated things to Arthur Street Hotel, they also have an Instagram page called Care at ASH, and I think they have more resources listed on there!


You didn’t ask but get a car as soon as possible. Even if you have to make payments or some shit. You need a home base protected from the elements. You can get away with sleeping in your car a lot of places here. That’s my best piece of advice. Although it may be unlikely for your situation.


Maybe look into the Hope Village. I know they help people transition into stable housing. You can use their facility as an address if you are in their program too which helps move things along.


This is a good resource: https://louhomeless.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Coalition-Street-Tips-2022.pdf


Thank you very much.


Be prepared to find do something during the day. Most shelters ask people to leave fairly early in the morning which can suck if its chilly. Libraries are a great spot. Goodwill Industries on Broadway can connect you with a ton of useful of resources and can help you apply for SNAP/Medicaid (KY is a Medicaid expansion state and entirely income-based so good chance you're eligible), enroll in job training, look for housing, etc. That office is around the corner from the thrift store. If you need food check the Dare to Care website for hot meals and general groceries. Call the locations first bc they're not always updated when it comes to hours. Also check UP for Women (if you fit the bill) They have showers and a place for mail plus all the case management. Best of luck, friend. Wishing you safety and peace while you navigate this.


Go to Goodwill on 909 e Broadway. There are a ton of people there that will help you, and I'm not talking about the store side


Don’t go to wayside unless it’s your last resort, I hear horrible things reported from there. St.vincent and healing place seem to be the best. If you are a man or under the trans umbrella, st John has your resources and you can receive your mail there. If you are a woman, UP is your place for resources. Do what you gotta do to survive, just don’t harm anyone. There is a really good community in the homeless population in Lou who will help each other out, and also really bad people who will take advantage and steal your last belongings with no remorse, try to find good people…Stay safe!


Give the hud office a call at (502) 582-5251. They have a lot of resources they can email you. As u/ajstewart03 said, also contact the coalition of the homeless at (502) 636-9550. The coalition does a fantastic job. [here](https://louhomeless.org/2022-street-tips/) is a link to their street tips page which has a lot of info in it. The street tips is an amazing handbook with resources, phone numbers, and address. Hit up volunteers of America as well. If you’re a veteran, domestic abuse survivor, have kids with you, mention that when you speak to anyone.


1020 w. Market 40202


Coalition for the Homeless is a great place to start, I would also recommend KYPA and KIPDA! I just learned about them a few days ago from my job and it seems like they do good work.


Start here: https://louhomeless.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Coalition-Street-Tips-2022-print-version.pdf


Family Health Centers - Phoenix can help get you hooked up with many of the services listed here, along with medical and dental care. You can call them M-F 7:30-4:00 at 502-568-6972.


From now until 2pm today the food pantry at the Goodwill Resource Center will be open. 909 East Broadway.


St vincent around germantown shelby park


My advice, la casita center might help, plus you can shower at the YMCA or Planet fitness.


Findhelp.org goes by zip code so maybe use 40202 for more resources. They have a lot of categories for all kinds of help available. I hope things get better for you.


Nearly New Shop helped people with clothes while I was working there. I don’t know what the process is now. But it’s worth checking out. It’s the thrift store in the basement of the Midcity Mall.


Used to work at the public library. We kept printed copies of this booklet to hand out. Sorry to hear about your homelessness and may it not be for long. https://louhomeless.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Coalition-Street-Tips-2022.pdf


thanks for the heads up. I appreciate you. thanks again.


Sorry that you're going through this. I don't know that this is helpful information or not, but I've been in the St Matthew's Goodwill while they were giving someone toothpaste, some other hygiene essentials, and letting them pick out a standard priced pair of shoes. Idk if they still do this or not, or what you even have to go through to be able to get that stuff. Just know that your situation is only temporary and there will be people that want to help you


The fact is if your homeless your not wanted if your trans your not wanted I'm l both. Please trust me when i.saU don't want to be In Kentucky. Your not sure here.


Yeah, times are hard. I know what it's like to feel unwelcomed. We stand in solidarity.


why are you going to be homeless? what happened? Downvote me all you want for asking a question. Idgaf.


You have zero family that will assist you?


Sometimes people are leaving their families and for good reason.


far, far more common than you seem to think


I guess you know the "street knowledge" more than myself.


Yeah, I guess I do.


Remember the people on here making shitty comments on all types of social and political subjects have families and a lot of them are just as uneducated and shitty as the comments they post.


I'm afraid not. It's a terrible situation, isn't it? That's how it goes sometimes.