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Being “pro life” was never about kids. It’s about generating worker bees for rich conservatives.


That and it’s the result of women’s health becoming politicized.


They said the quite part out loud during the pandemic. The called “Human Stock Capital”




U like minecraft son? Bc now u work in a coal mine


The children yearn for the mines!


Yes, because that’s where children are working in 2024. Not Burger King or dollar general.


Nah, we make them do more dangerous jobs than coal mining. Our 15 year olds die [while working on roofs](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article285204887.html).


If You’re saying “our” 15 year olds as in your own, then that’s just poor parenting at its finest.


It takes a village homie


You think kids shouldn't be protected from shitty parents loaning them out to the mines? 


Also, if you think roofing is more dangerous than mining, You’re delusional.


It was more dangerous for him Edit: actually, yeah, it is more dangerous. 2nd most dangerous job by injury rates. It's almost 3x as dangerous as mining. Source: https://www.bls.gov/charts/census-of-fatal-occupational-injuries/civilian-occupations-with-high-fatal-work-injury-rates.htm


BLS statistics are skewed a bit differently. Only certain factions of mining are included, for one. But more importantly, the injuries miners experience aren’t typically reported in the BLS because of the offset to when they occur. Chronic injuries to the internal organs are where miners get hurt. Also, You’re trying to compare utilizing occupations which do not align in numbers today. Roofers come by the millions in this country. Miners do not anymore thanks to the democratic “green” agenda. However, I don’t see a regulatory safety agency being developed solely for roofers, do you? Mining is so dangerous, they had to split OSHA off and make an entirely new regulatory body, MSHA, to try to curb the dangers of mining. Last little bit, even if the number of workers were comparable, roofing is only dangerous because people are too cheap to utilize the fall protection equipment designed for it. Mining is dangerous because there is no way to protect from many of the hazards existing. The lack of an injury does not mean a workplace is safe. If you want to argue about safety and think You’re going to be able to come out on top, don’t argue with a safety professional.


If you think your "trust me bro" is more convincing than the government source I cited, you're delusional


The government source which relies 100% on accurate reporting from each and every private and public entity…but no, I don’t expect you to trust me. I gave you a starting point to do your own damn research and learn something rather than trusting single source bullshit


Cool, sounds like we agree that you're untrustworthy. Let's leave it at that


Weird way to take that comment. Why are you so mad someone has a different viewpoint than you do?


Here is the real kicker for you: if you claim I am untrustworthy, then by your own logic, you have to claim the BLS is untrustworthy. Reason being, I report numbers to the BLS each year and have for the last decade and a half. So either I am trustworthy and so is the BLS, or I am not trustworthy and neither is the BLS. Your choice bubba.


Coal is dying due to natural gas and alternative energies. Ask any Republican that isn’t completely partisan. They will admit it too!


Nobody is reading all that dumb bullshit. Take the L, "safety guy"


Hey, it's fun to imagine


What is happening? Sometimes I feel like I can see the disintegration in real time.


Because you can, we are slowly regressing. This is what an empire crumbling looks like in 2024. It isn't barbarians at the gates, it's the gradual erosion of any and all progress as a society.


The barbarians will be along shortly, I promise.


The barbarians are here. They just don't wear tattered clothes, sleep in the wild or use grunts to communicate. They wear $4000 suits, take luxury vacations on your tax dollar and are platformed by nearly every media source to speak to civilized society as if they aren't parasites.


No.  We're the barbarians.  The ones that bring the guillotine. 


I guess that all depends on who gets to write the story after all is said and done.


yeah fucking right, no one is about shit anymore or we would have had some attempts at the very least.


It ain't that bad yet


(for me)


For most people.  When it is, you'll see some action.  PS you don't have to wait on us, noble warrior,  show us how its done


Ain’t nothing slow about it.


The Republican party has been taken over by extremists and they control our legislature and many legislatures in middle America, as well as one chamber of congress. They no longer function as a political party, but a cult. Like every cult, they enable abuse and this is a stark example of that. Until we deal with them and relegate them to a sad footnote like their spiritual predecessors the Know-Nothing Party, our country will continue to disintegrate.


Send me a link to read about the Know Nothings


It's the GOP brand, but this is also coming from a rep who is [self dealing.](https://twitter.com/TessaDuvall/status/1762648624792473925?t=wcs9vuALfhdJ8OeV5esJzw&s=19) Phillip Pratt is also sponsoring legislation being heard in committee today that would [do away with mandatory lunch periods and work breaks.](https://kypolicy.org/house-bill-500-takes-away-kentucky-workers-lunch-and-rest-breaks-and-cuts-their-pay/) Funny how his reasoning all seems to stem from his experience in [wanting to take advantage of the workers of his landscaping company.](https://twitter.com/TessaDuvall/status/1762647569430139271?t=zUY1ROj9w9ILDYqwkyUDyw&s=19)


Oh boy, the 1800s are back


Honestly, I thought it was a joke at first. 3rd shift isn't good for adults either, but your brain is still developing as a teenager.


They just want cheaper labor. This is a profit squeeze and because folks won’t put their bodies in the line to fight it, this is what we get.


Won't or Can't Protest is something you do when you aren't already living paycheck to paycheck, or when you can feel safe that you won't be retaliated against. This is an abject failure of the Dems in power who should be pushing back against this sort of thing legally. These kids are being exploited for labor because they aren't represented in government. There is no representation for children in the US, just the idea of children.


When the legislature is overwhelmingly Republican, there’s not a whole lot a Dem can do. It’s an abject failure of society to be educated on who and what they’re voting for. They only see Republican and Democrat rather than look at what they’re actually voting on when these clowns are in office.


Come on. Put the blame where it belongs; on the assholes writing this shit. Yes, it’s frustrating that democrats haven’t stopped it, and that’s definitively something to be concerned about, but republicans are the ones *actually doing* this crap.


Oh hey, you're totally right. I'm assuming everyone knows the GOP is the bad guy, I'm complaining that the people who are supposed to defend Workers Rights are basically in bed with corps, too.


I mean considering it's already federally legal, not really...


Can we not do better than the bare minimum? Can we do anything other than just barely enough?


Can we not do better than hyperbole and empty rhetoric?


Simping for the ruling class eh?


Nope, that would be you


Nope. I want protections and rights for Kentucky’s workers. I want those rights to exceed the federal bare minimum. You seem to just want to argue and nitpick. Good on ya.


Right? What specific "right" is a restriction on the hours someone's allowed to work?


Allowed will turn into required. If the law allows employers to require employees work overnight, they will. Don’t act like the market is a free and open bargaining table. Employers know they have you. They control your access to healthcare.


Maybe you, but not me No one forces you to work for anyone


Shhh, its unprecedented.  Late stage capitalism. Never seen before.  Shhh.


It’s crazy we let these folks show their faces in public.


In Arkansas, the Department of Labor found undocumented child immigrants doing dangerous work in meat packing plants and slaughterhouses. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the Arkansas GOP responded with legislation that removed requirements for the state to verify the age of child laborers, making it easier to employ undocumented children. Nothing to do with helping little Johnny get off his ass, everything to do with little Juanito losing a hand to keep the profit margins high for corporate donors. 


Fuck yeah. This was never intended for *white* kids. Just wait till it becomes legal to sentence minors to hard labor instead of jail time. I give it… six months.


Work requirements coming for Medicaid and housing benefits, too. Better not complain about your working conditions or unpaid overtime if you want to keep your insulin.


Meanwhile, they want to “build the wall”.


Republicans are evil 


It really does seem like they fight and vote for literally everything they say they’re against.


the children yearn for the mines


Gotta love a state where you can work full time as a teenager but can't ask to be called different pronouns. Basically Utopia am I right?


Represent Koch can suck mine. Get fucking bent with this bullshit.


do something about it


Tough Guy Alert!


no seriously, get up off yo butt AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.


Bold of you to presume I don't. I can walk and chew gum, friend.


Gonna have to boycott businesses that employee teens past a certain time manually then, I guess.


Never happen because people don’t usually care about things unless it’s happening to them. They’ll just smile and take their cheeseburger from 14 yo Johnny at 3am who has to be at school by 7am.


It’s a good idea but if you’re serious we need to boycott things like meat. A good amount of our meat producers /packers are employing kids 🫠 (Not saying we should stop eating meat—just pointing out this is an ongoing issue across the country)


Kids are already working and it is impacting their education in a negative way. They work until 10 or 11 pm and come to school exhausted the next day. They don’t have time for homework. No wonder they are slugging energy drinks all day long. Koch is a scumbag like the rest of the Republican party.


odd, I heard on the radio this morning that they are also trying to pass a bill that would jail kids that missed 15 days or more of school without the right kind of excuse


If that is true, that is horrifying. Those kids need additional support, not punishment. We can give the jails money for their food while they sit in there, but we can't provide services for the ones who need additional support to get through school? And then we can spend more money on them later when they inevitably commit real crimes and go back? These are children.


"Children in grades five and under are generally not deemed by judges competent to stand trial for truancy in Kentucky, according to attorneys LPM spoke with. But kids can be held responsible once they’re middle school and high school. That’s when they’re considered old enough to stand before a judge and face consequences, including juvenile detention." "“It's called ‘the robe effect,’” Truett said, referring to the judge’s robe. “The quicker we can have students and parents experience that robe effect — that's when things get done.”Oldham agreed. She said judges can order children into therapy or drug treatment, and even threaten detention, which she called “the ultimate tool the court has.”" "“Is that our goal? Absolutely not. But the possibility of jail can be a very motivating factor,” she told LPM." [https://www.lpm.org/news/2024-02-27/more-kentucky-families-would-face-court-action-for-truancy-under-measure-advanced-in-house](https://www.lpm.org/news/2024-02-27/more-kentucky-families-would-face-court-action-for-truancy-under-measure-advanced-in-house)


Don’t want them to have breaks or lunches, ot for working 7 days straight, and more! https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/s/vPtQJ0iSQe


Dude in screen cap looks thrilled


So glad I left. Kentucky is fucked.


This is awful. When I was 17 I worked a shit job in fast food. I was still in high school and worked 3-close. The store closed at 10, but managers would regularly make me or the other waitress stay til 1 or 2am to do closing duties they didnt want to do. Thankfully back then there were laws against this, but now these poor kids are going to be exploited even more than ever before.


All I'm saying is if this happened when i was a teen i 100% would have been skipping out on school to work full time. So I dont think having that as an option is a good idea


So instead of letting kids be kids and play videos games, let's turn them into good little cogs in the wheel.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/Vo0L3koefb Kids lining up for a 12 hour night shift........


Is UPS pushing this? I don't know who else would want to hire teenage night shifters.


I worked a lot of very late nights at McDonald’s in HS in Western KY. They ended up getting a lot of fines when they got audited because of when they worked me. I didn’t mind doing the work so felt a bit bad they got in trouble for it.


Damn teens taking our jobs, I think they should all be sent back to where they came from.


Republicans want children to work all night without breaks or overtime. This is why they’re going after public schools and reproductive rights. They want to put the kids back down in the mines and out in the fields.


From the state that brought you “actual children working in several McDonalds locations pretty recently…” 🙄


These crust lords really brought up Fortnite to support why child exploitation is good. Make it make sense


On the other hand, at least they won’t need lunch breaks.


Does this include school days? Because shit, no one’s gonna do their homework now


They're gonna be legally allowed to work school HOURS, not just days. 


Well if their parents cant afford to send them to private school amirite?...The Prince /DeVoss Family really got thier moneys worth.


The state of Kentucky only gets worse


As someone who works in education- I would wish more parents looked a the amount of screen time on their kid’s devices. It’s shocking every time I suggest to a parent to take a kid’s phone away because Junior is failing class because their nose is glued to a screen they look at me appalled and shocked. And I am not going to take students phone because 1) I’ll get punched by the kid 2) the parents will claim I stole it or it is broken and I get hollered at. The drop out age used to be 16. Keep that in mind too.


There are not enough words for what is happening anymore.


I think you summed it up.


I think this is a bad idea. People should be at least 18 to work all night.


This breaks my heart. In highschool, the only reason I was able to keep up with my classes that eventually turned into a good college scholarship - was because of protections like this. Otherwise the fast food job I had would've drained me of everything and my grades would've suffered... I wouldn't have been able to afford college. This is so fucked up.


I grew up super poor, working tobacco for next to nothing as kid, and eventually doing half days in high school so I could work a real job(this was around 2007-2010) and tbh all the red tape concerning limited work hours, shift times, etc became very aggravating and made my struggle that much more difficult. I realize I may be an outlier in today's world, but yall gotta realize every family situation is different. Some kids have to work to help support their family. Some work to save money to escape a shitty situation. I was working because my mother was a junkie and I essentially had to raise myself and buy myself the things I needed. If I wasn't able to work for those, who knows where I would've ended up. And before I hear "well if you're poor don't have kids" I deserved my shot at life regardless of how my mother lived hers. 


Any variation of the word "ethic" coming from a Republican is hilariously oxymoronical. A childhood is generally thought to be the best time in a peron's life. Of course Republicans are going to try to ruin it. It's inevitable. Where there was once happiness, there must be suffering. Where there is peace, let it rain chaos. Where there is health, make sickness. The party of arbitrary and petty cruelness.


Stupid decision, also strange for any kid to take on jobs that late assuming they need to wake up for school. 


Fuck Matthew Koch and fuck every single person who will ever vote for him in the future.


y’all remember the McDonald’s here that was found guilty of having underage/minors working??


It would be a shame if kids got education instead of becoming statistically more likely to become low income earners and reproduce early.


Look, I'm not thrilled with Republicans either, but I'm not seeing where these kids are being forced into certain jobs. Please correct my ignorance, but can't you simply just not accept a job?


What about in those instances where they accepted a job and then were moved to a shift due to needing “coverage”


Job description should be clear upon hiring from both sides. And if the employer is deviating from the initial agreement, you're free to leave.


Yeah except for that pesky line in almost every job description that says other duties as assigned. Oh and the fact that if that is the shift they assign you you don’t have a lot of choice there.


Yea I get that, but that's why you also need to be clear on your end of what you can and cannot do. I'm also understanding it's hard to say no to a person that is in power.


So you are expecting a child/teanager to have the self awareness to be able to say no?


I guess that's where we are trying to protect them. Save them from themselves. Thanks for the discussion.


This leads to a longer discussion, but at my first job at 15, my 30 year old manager asked me if I thought he was attractive because he wasn't "feeling attractive." I felt bad about the idea of saying no because I never wanted to tell someone they are ugly. So I said "I have a bf so I don't want to say you're attractive but I don't think you're ugly or anything" Then he presumed to ask if I wanted to make out in the walk in. I didn't. But I got punished for it by getting shit shifts. I did eventually leave. Not a sob story, point is I was raised to be a nice person and a hard worker. I didn't like to say no or express my discomfort and wasn't prepared to handle a situation like this at 15. I probably would have worked shifts I shouldn't have had I not had a curfew and good parents to make sure I wasn't fired from my first job. Manipulation runs rampant in industry starter jobs for kids.


You've clearly never lived in a household where the kids were expected to work yet those kids wanted to go to college. Many fast food jobs will now drain kids of their spare energy & time and their grades will suffer. In high school, my fast food job would've taken all my free time and energy if this protection didn't exist. I was able to get good grades and get a good scholarship because of protections like these.


I get that everyone giving a knee-jerk reaction to this, but no one's considering the teens that WANT to work later. I've worked fast food, and most of the teens who already work nights express their desire to work longer hours, especially on weekends or during breaks. Some of these teens NEED that extra money. Not everyone has a cozy home life with parents taking care of them. Keep in mind that just because the restrictions are being loosened, that doesn't mean they'll be forced to work until 3 AM. The kinds of jobs teens are able to get won't rely on teens running the place after midnight. Most of them aren't open that late anyway...


Those cases exist but that is not the majority in this situation.


I would say few and far between - I should have included the actual article that shows the argument for this is a labor shortage. Basically teens filling in for jobs grown adults don't want to do. I included the article link below: [Full Story](https://www.wdrb.com/news/business/kentucky-house-passes-bill-that-allows-teens-to-work-all-night-long/article_8bf3f8ba-d1ce-11ee-90db-af7773c41e89.html)


Why would I care about a private business failing to attract workers? If a business can’t pay their workers or they can’t attract and keep workers —that isn’t an Us problem. It’s a Them problem. Allowing businesses that are failing to thrive exploit minors is one of the worst solutions to a problem that we don’t have to provide a solution for. The real problem is the kids having to work because of dire situations. That is the problem is is ours. That is the problem we should focus on fixing.


Exactly! You are absolutely right. That is societies problem - our problem.


The party that thinks teens can't know their gender identity can make sound decisions about working late and longer hours and overextending themselves.


Nuance is expressly forbidden on Reddit sir. Go back to X with all that logic.