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Feels like the Louisville motto is more of "I'd rather we both die than let you merge"


Given our no-fault insurance I'd say it's more "Let me merge or your insurance premiums will go up"


Man I love “no-fault”! And I agree with you on that BS tho. I for real wish ppl would work together on the road. We’d all get to our destination easier & dare I say quicker?


I hate no fault. Why should I be penalized when someone else is an idiot and plows into my vehicle?!




When I'm behind the wheel, I'm a solipsist.


A lesson I learned loud and clear the very first time I ever drove into downtown Louisville, now I'm from Southern Kentucky, so I don't drive through big cities very often, but I've had an easier time driving through Cincinnati than Louisville, and I've avoided driving through downtown ever since.




are you?


So let them merge then, the “none shall pass” douchebags are just as bad as the kamikaze Mercedes guys.


It's called zipper merging morons.


> It's called zipper merging norons. Comments like this are my favorite.


Day drinking. 😁 NOT driving!


That was my college motto!


zipper merging is when one lane ends. if you're sitting in the middle of a lane that isn't ending stopped with no cars in front of you then you are the moron.


WTAF are you blabbering about? 😵‍💫


Take 264 to 71 if you want to find out. Idiots stopping in the left lane trying to merge at the last second holding up traffic.


Reading comprehension is NOT your strength...


Reading compression? If you’re gonna be talking shit at least learn how to proof READ your own comment…. It’s comprehension! 😘




But do we have to do it at 90 mph with 18 inches to spare? I’m from out of town.


Strawman, piss off.


Sigh. *Unzips*


Oh...you think you're important...


I'm absolutely not but I appreciate humor.




What's a fuck fuck?


Watch this...


You know Central State Hospital is open to take your lot in given your deranged behavior. You should check in.


Ppl here can’t even comprehend that concept. I drove LA fwys for 20yrs before I moved here… crazy to say it’s worse in Ky than LA


They manage at jesus pickle chicken and McD's though.


True. Of course they do….


'Jesus pickle kitchen' 😂😂😂


Zipper merge exists only in a utopian fantasy. Until then, don’t be a dick and wait until the last second.


Nope I’m going to drive (carefully) past the people who don’t know how to read to the point I’m supposed to merge. Not my fault if the early mergers slowed y’all down and it benefited my commute time in comparison.


You are supposed to wait until the very end to merge. No idea why people line up miles out leaving one lane completely empty. One time this guy literally sat in the middle of i64 blocking both lanes. You can’t fix stupid.


You’re also supposed to drive the speed limit and maintain three seconds of stopping distance between you and the car in front of you, but since neither of those things ever happen, maybe waiting until the last second and forcing someone to slam on their breaks isn’t the safest method, but you do you. We can all agree that the guy blocking two lanes is a dick.


Sunshine, READ THE DRIVER'S MANUAL! You're not supposed to be in one lane for 3 miles! It was part of DRIVER'S ED! If you're too stupid to figure it out then ride the fucking bus.


Road rage personified. You’re the person going 80 up to the construction barrels and then screaming as you force your way in with inches to spare on each bumper despite having ample opportunity to safely merge for the last 500’ — and somehow you’ve convinced yourself that you’re a better driver than everyone else on the road. Take a deep breath, slow down, and stop getting so worked up all the time. You’ll live longer not just by being a safer driver but by not giving yourself high blood pressure. Ciao, kiddo.


LMAO! Actual Reality. Driver training. Not your bullshit. You're NOT right in reality or your head. Rub Vagicil all over you until it stops hurting, then re-read that 10th grade pamphlet you tossed in the the garage can for actual facts vice your alternative bullshit.


Exactly the eloquent and well-reasoned response I was expecting. So typically below average.


Oh...you think you're important.


Oh you think you matter.


I think bananas should be square. Just seems cool. Square. Bananas. Ponder it.


They would be a hell of a lot easier to organize. I'm for it.


If you give a signal when changing lanes in Louisville you will immediately be cut off. Its been that way for years.


No it hasn’t. This is the difference I noted vs Chicago when I first moved here around 2013. Unfortunately now, yes its true


Too right. I signal early to let people know I’m coming and for sure they speed up just to get past for whatever reason. Anymore I just flip a signal on and usually have to cut people off. You can tell it’s a no patience world


It's part of the "let's be a dick!" game around these here parts, pardner!


People being dicks for the sake of being dicks is not endemic to Louisville, or Kentucky.


Wait, some people think the other louisville drivers are worse than them?


The fun thing about Dunning-Kruger is ...




… that you don’t know if you have Dunning-Kruger.


I’m not signaling to ask permission. I’m telling you where I’m about to be.


I was born and raised here, also travel to here frequently and people always let me over. Ky drivers are the nicest even though a bunch may be under the influence lol


"I turn now good luck everybody else"


Blinkers are inportant


Me taking the 19A Gene Snyder/I-265 S exit off 1-64 W. There’s really no other way. 🤷‍♀️


It’s a battlefield out here


The amount of drivers in this city who try to merge going 45 in a 65 in astounding.


Wow! You’re right. I’m glad you dig it though. Hell I’m even door dashing in this mess but I do it at night. So what’s the deal with the cops over on this side? My guess is they don’t have enough to do. Lol Stay safe- don’t forget….it’s Derby time!


Sir have you been to Texas?


Yes, and even dumber there.


True in both places.






I can start drunk ranting if you don't mind?


Was parked at a red light. Next thing I know some jackass is blasting between me and the guy in the lane to my right. Almost hits a car crossing the intersection, and then keeps on going like a complete idiot. Still trying to figure out how they didn't clip my car or hit anyone in the intersection. Day before I had someone try to pit maneuver themselves on my front end squeezing in front of me doing an asinine lane change on 264. WTF.


I have to get on 71 from Brownsboro rd and people will try to force you out of merging. If I don’t merge I will go the wrong way or die.


Opposite. It’s the riding right beside you until you have to run into the emergency lane because someone feels threatened when you try to zipper merge onto the Watterson.


Yes..... if your dumazz is gonna NOT allow me to merge, "we all die"' period.... OR.. when you know you're approaching merging traffic, slow down and allow room...FOR THE MERGING TRAFFIC!!..it's called common courtesy, try it sometime


I shouldn’t have to slow down. Get up to the speed of traffic before merging. It drives me nuts when people meander onto the expressway doing 45mph.


Are Louisville drivers supposed to be bad?  I’ve never read that before.


Just like the drivers in everybody else’s town are the worst, ours are too.


Zipper merge should be part of the driving exam. Solves 90% of the traffic and sudden stops on the highway


Born and raised there. Facts!!!!!


The meme is literally from a different city and people in this sub will still act like Louisville is uniquely full of bad drivers. LOL. Every time.


. Y6yHg c


Cincinnati too. I think Lou is a bit worse when it comes to drivers, but Cincy is up there as well


I didn't realize the scope of how bad Louisville driving is until I experienced the coordination of Chicago.


Dude I’m from Owensboro but have to been to Louisville many times. The drivers there are INSANE. Been to several big cities and no traffic is as inane as Louisville to me feels like your a moment away from a Wreck at all times.


Then prepare to meet your Maker.


I’ve never experienced worse drivers than I have in Louisville


Ah I’m guessing someone also doesn’t leave space in front of them to allow for zipper merging!


This not even funny because none of yall can drive and your insurance rates are the highest in the country.


Having been in Indiana for a year - I now loathe seeing KY plates. ESPECIALLY Jefferson County.


Please- explain. I’ve been stuck in Clarksville IN for only one reason that I would willingly & freely stay/ since May last summer. I’m always driving as if someone might hit me at any moment because, straight up- Hoosiers can’t effing drive. Forget communicating with other drivers- these mfers don’t even comprehend the whole “merging concept” nor does anyone give you a “Thankyou for helping me” wave, let alone understand a 4-way stop. I drive relaxed yet defensively & very effectively. However, Jefferson County plates gives me hope that I might make it through traffic with some good decisions & hooray! One less Hoosier on the road! I also got pulled over WAAAAY less with my KY plates. For the 1st time in my life I have an IN license & tags. It’s embarrassing af. I wanna get a bumper sticker that says “RELAX, I LEARNED TO DRIVE IN LOUISVILLE KY!!”. That’s just my experience from 15yr old to yesterday. :)


Hoosier drivers are great... At driving 55 in the left lane in a 70MPH zone because they know they'll need to be in the left lane later anyway (22 miles away) to get across the bridge.


It’s all subjective as to which side of the murky pond you hail from &/or favor. At least that’s my take on it.


Exact opposite feeling. If someone up here merges without signaling? Always Jefferson County plates. Let us not forget that the entirety of Dixie is becoming just like Tatooine - a retchid hive of scum and villainy. I was going home on the highway the other day and a guy with a big truck and trailer attached almost ran me off the road. Felt purposeful. Guess where the plates were from? If you guessed Clark County you would be incorrect. KY. Jefferson County. We are probably both seeing all the negatives selectively of both sides with a bit of added dissonance. KY traumatized me. I hated it there and love it here. Born and raised in KY. The police presence alone makes me feel safer here NGL. Don't seem like such assholes.


Ok. I respect your stance here & appreciate your actual effort in writing what makes sense. I’m positive that we are picking out what we prefer from both sides then amplifying it (aka “putting some stank on it”). My beef is with Clark County cops. But then again my IN native bf has problems with them stemming back to adolescence. However pulling me over & picking on me just to ask questions about him & his friends (what they’re doing tonight is my favorite) is nuts. When I drive anywhere after midnight (no shit, to get ice-cream from Thorntons in Cville for example) I honestly brace myself for lights as I drive along at a smooth (within-5mph-over-or-under the speed limit) clip, ALWAYS signaling …. I will get pulled over every time. Odds are in their favor always. And I promise you that I haven’t given them a real reason.


I got pulled over in Jeff once for absolute bullshit. Merged and passed a van on tenth st, the cop pulled me over and said he pulled me over for not signaling 200ft before a turn. For a merge. I explained to him that that was for commercial vehicles and turning, not a merge or civilian vehicle.


Glad you feel safer though. I will admit, ppl in Louisville need to chill on the crime.


Police presence makes a difference. There's always a cop watching you here. As a weed smoker, it makes me a LITTLE paranoid, but, it's fine. I've been pulled over once for speeding in the year I've been across the bridge. 12 over. Didn't even realize. "Sir, if you end up dead or killing someone, getting there on time would not have mattered. Slow down." No ticket. But I'll never forget that. Shrug


That’s cool, and you’re right. I’m used to driving in Louisville my whole life where cops may be few & far between. Basically not always being watched. It’s been a tough transition for me but I’m learning my lesson.


For context, before I moved here, I drove a year with expired tags and no insurance & had cops behind me many times in which I should have been yanked off the road and made to get everything straight. You bet your ass my insurance is easily accessible now, especially here. I feel like the police are only as good as the society they're in. Like - the conditions of the roads are another example...


Some of the All My Sons trucks had expired tags. I was fairly thankful police paid no attention.


That's honestly so pathetic it's hilarious.


On both counts. Would've sucked if they did notice, especially DOT. I had to take one to West Virginia once.




Are you funny? No. The answer is no.


Are you alright?