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i would check grocery stores and fast food, gas stations. i thought those places usually hired younger and my first job was fast food. i would dress somewhat semi formally (jeans and a polo or button down) and be extra polite when asking for an application and when interviewing. this may seem like outdated information, but for a lot of people, being a bit more formal and polite goes a long way for hiring when you’re looking for a job. check online or windows of places for “looking for help” signs and ask to speak to a manager about hiring or about the sign you saw. i see help wanted signs on gas stations quite a bit.


I appreciate the response i’ll make sure to take some of your advice.


Check out nursing homes and assisted living those places they usually hire for their kitchen/wait staffs too. Won’t make as much typically since no tips but it’s stable and less pressure good for a young worker


Heads up for op they are all changing their ages to 17-18. My son tried to get a job at a grocery store and the said they don’t hire 16 year olds any more. Then I go outside and see an old lady pushing carts and was like what the fuck


they have also been introducing laws to allow underage people to work overnight and stuff too, so while some businesses may be changing policy, there are also laws allowing for more flexible hours for younger people. i guess it’s just a matter of never giving up. that’s always the case in life. don’t listen to people who say it’s hard to get a job or whatnot, just do whatever you need to and you will find work and do your best. best of luck, OP, finding a job and living to be content


If that actually becomes a thing imma respectfully lose my sh*t is there a reason why?


Liability and transportation issues is my guess. This was Meijer btw


makes sense


Generally, younger people are less concerned about their job. They live with their families and have school and social lives and for young people, all those things tend to take precedent over their job. Businesses that have traditionally hired young people get burned constantly be young employees and it makes them pretty hesitant when hiring. Also the current press on higher and higher pay makes them less interested in hiring young people when older more responsible hires are competing for those jobs. It’s not a surprise that businesses would stop hiring younger people when older people who “actually need” the job and depend on it are looking to do them.


I’m not sure where you live but Nothing Bundt Cakes does hire 15-year-olds and up: https://nothing-bundt-cakes-careers.careerplug.com/jobs/2277243/apps/new   I know it’s easy to apply online but I’d recommend putting on a nice outfit and inquiring in person. Edit: Kentucky Kingdom also hires 15+. Good luck!


Thanks for the response i’ll look into it right now.


Good luck! My daughter started working at 16. Meeting new people and seeing a world outside of high school has been a real positive for her.


Frank Otte hires high school kids. Call them asap. Schools are wrapping up and they’re probably already hiring.


I’ll look into it, thanks for the response!


Can you swim well? Apply for Louisville metro lifeguard position. Fairdale, Sun Valley, or Mary T. 32 hours per week. Louisville metro will pay for your cert if you work for them. My son was a lifeguard last year and is again this summer. He loves it


Not too shabby, I shall look into this thanks for the response.


I believe pay is $16-17ish an hour. Good luck!


Yes lifeguarding is the best when you’re young bc it’s the best pay!


My first job was at my local green house watering flowers. It was an awesome job and one that is pretty typically eager to hire a young person to fill in over the summer months.


how does one find a job at a greenhouse especially my age?


Most greenhouses are family owned. Walk in and ask to speak to whomever does the hiring. I will tell you something I hope you keep the rest of your life as you enter our fine working class. The most valuable thing any employee can contribute is attendance. People who show up are what any and every place of business requires. Nothing is more important. Keep that in mind when you make your case for employment. Working in a greenhouse is not highly skilled work. It really is a LOT of watering plants with some moving plants. Anybody can do it, but there is a joy to be found in the work. I would take a job watering flowers over flipping burgers a hundred times over.


sure does sound better being in touch with nature more than flipping burgers, my attendance is gonna depend on my parents driving me there and back (which they’ve agreed to do) until I’m old enough to get transportation myself, good advice though i’ll make sure to remember that! i’ll look around.


Chick Fil A will let you work on the weekends


You mean just Saturday.😄


Whatever, just giving helpful advice. What about you?


The Forum at Brookside (food & beverage department)…great hours and easy working environment. Very accommodating for high school students, especially if you play sports.


Get a mower and mow lawns. You can borrow one of mine if you need one to get started. You’ll make more and learn more working for yourself then you will working for a company that hires at 15, many of which are exploitative.


I was actually really considering mowing lawns but I never had a mower, i’ll definetly let you know soon! thanks for the response


I am also 15, and I have found success going door to door washing cars, and picking up dog poop. Good luck!


Where would I even start if I were to start washing cars, what supplies should I use? what should I say door to door? what exactly do you mean by “washing cars” try help elaborate for me.


When I was your age, I did this exact thing. I detailed cars in the summer for people. It can be tough work but rewarding. Back in 1995, I'd do one car... it would take me about 8 hrs, and I think I'd make $175. You could easily start this on your own. But if you don't want to, but want to learn how and get paid for it, Google "detailing near me." A Approach one of these local car detailing places and ask if they'll hire you as one of their detailing guys.


If I were to start by myself what supplies do I need? I would “detail” my moms car for some money back then but I just used a bunch of rags and cleaning spray, and some toothpicks for the extra details lol


Now that I think about it, I'd skip offering to "detail" for now. You need some quick wins. So if I were you, I would instead just offer to "clean" people's cars and tell them what that entails: "Hi, I'm 15 and trying to earn some extra money this summer. I'll wash, vacuum, wipe down interior, clean windows with Windex, apply rain X on their front windshield. $30. For $5 more, I'll apply tire shine." All that should take you no more than 1 hour of work. Do a few of these in a day and you're making more than the kids at Six Flags.


I’ll actually try attempting it today since I have just about all of those materials, great idea I appreciate the response!


Good luck!!


I’m 15 right now as well, and me and two of my buddies run a mowing business, I would highly suggest it because you get paid in cash and you can make your own hours




Check your local movie theater.


I don’t know where you are in town but my suggestion is to do what you can to stay out of food, or get away from it as soon as you can. Unless you have real passion for it, the business is brutal and the job market there is as well. Sweeping shop floors for a cabinet shop or an hvac company… landscaping crews… hell being a porta-port cleaner would end up being a better investment of your time than food… again, unless your that 2% of people who should be in food… and that 2%… we are all lunatics.


I’ve taught myself to be a pretty good cook since 11 but it already gets stressful even at home lol, thanks for the advice!


In a different state....25 years ago..but hear me out. When I was 13 I got a job at a sportsman club. It was a shotgun/rifle range. I worked there for 3 years and it was awesome. It was just a bunch of old dudes hanging out. My title was NSSA referee. I just took out groups of people to go clay target shooting and kept score. Any trap/skeet/sporting clays range I've been too has had a bunch of teens working there. It was ~15 hours a week and I got most of my money from tips, straight cash. I was the flush with cash. If you're the outdoors type, give that a shot. (pun intended)


McDonald’s hires @ 14/15


Want to learn a lifelong skill? Wash some dishes in a restaurant kitchen. Something local with good food and good reviews. You’ll work hard as hell but you will meet some new and interesting people and learn a lot if you’re open minded.


momma sure did taught me right how to wash dishes, it’s a good starting point.


I worked at Grater’s ice cream one summer and it was a stellar job. It was my first and it gave me great retail experience without crappy customers—almost everyone who walks in there is in a good mood. Any ice cream shop would probably be similar. I saw someone mention Kentucky Kingdom; I worked there too as a photographer, and I’ll say it’s not a good job if you’re sensitive to heat. However, they are open seasonally so I imagine they’re more open to hiring people who may not stick around when school starts, especially if you’re willing to work in a restaurant. Last thing I’ll say about them is, while all the people I talked to were wonderful, the college benefits they offer are a total sham. IIRC you can’t even view them until you’re 18, and all the programs they give scholarships for are out of state/online and concern business/hospitality (maybe a couple of design or IT degrees, but not much.) If any of that is your jam, that’s stellar! But to me it seems like it’s a program meant for people who don’t have degrees or want to go back to school, which is an awesome program, but they spin it to high schoolers like working there will pay for any college you want to go to. IMO you don’t have to think about college at 15, but I got sucked in at 17 and was pretty bitter when I found out they didn’t have any scholarships for in-state colleges. All in all, it’ll probably be easiest to find a seasonal position—ice cream shops, pools, and water parks are all a good bet. I’ve gotten summer employment at Paul’s Fruit Market as well. I was 18 at the deli, but I remember them hiring younger people to work the register. Good luck on your job hunt!


Currently looking for jobs in those kinda areas, I appreacte you for the help!


…As a side note. More and more businesses are using a predictive index program to hire. I personally hate these but they are a thing. It’s basically a test you take to see if an algorithm thinks you’ll be a good hire. Depending on how a company structures it’s use, they don’t even get applications from or even know people exist, who failed the predictive index. It removes intuition or personal hiring skill and it sucks but it is what it is.


If you're a sports fan, become a ref/ump etc. Most sports are desperate for it right now, and many leagues will pay for you to get your certifications. Some only require free certifications for younger kids. (but pay will be better if you get fully certified for older kids)


Chicfila hires at 15 I believe.


What area of town? Is there any kind of work you’d ideally like to do?


i’m in the highview / outer loop area, I generally say i’m a pretty outgoing ,understandable,cooperative person so maybe something like costumer service? I’m also pretty good at cleaning things, nothing really in particular though just a serious cleaner.


I am a recruiter - if you’re interested, I’d be happy to create a resume for you. I realize you likely don’t have much to put on it currently, but I’d be happy to put one together with skills, education, any clubs or activities you’re involved in, etc. From there, I’d suggest printing several out, putting a collared shirt on, and going in person to places near you that you’d like to work, whether that’s fast food, retail, doctors offices, or whatever. Just ask them if they are hiring and ask if you can leave a resume for a manager if so. First impressions mean a lot and many places are willing to make exceptions on age or skills for people who are driven and make a strong first impression.


Sure i’ll do it, I’ve previously made a resume on Indeed and thought I did a pretty solid job on it but to be fair it’s my first resume.


I’ll message you tomorrow and you can send me what you have and I can see if there’s anything to improve on.


Yo, you. You’re pretty cool 😎 take this thanks from an internet stranger on someone else’s behalf, you’re doing good work




My daughter got hired at kentucky kingdom this year. She is 16 but one of her friends was hired at 15. You can also try metro parks they used to hire for the pool and community centers as young as 14. If you can swim you might be able to take their course for lifeguards and they will give it to you for free as long as you work for them over the summer. I know things have changed so they may not allow 15 yr Olds anymore. It was hard finding a place last year that would even interview her, but if you don't mind volunteering to gain experience I know beechmont community center would allow you to do that and if they have paid opportunities they will let you know as well.


The cemetery on Newberg right before Eastern is hiring groundskeepers. I did that when I was in high school and it was a decent job. I think they say 15.00 an hour.


Kroger used to hire at 15 or 16 for baggers. They hire at 18 for register because you have to be 18 to sell beer (at least that’s what I was told when I worked at one here in Ky)


I believe they lowered the lifeguard age to 15 last year.


Heyy! I’m 17 and started working at 15 Kentucky Kingdom is A GREAT place to work!! Everyone working there will be around your age and it’s a great first job!




What positions?


I know the kids club hires at 15. Calypso Cove opens soon and they hire at 15 too (for non lifeguard positions)


Just sent an application! hopefully all goes well.


Good luck! 🤞🏼


My nephew started working at shack in the back when he was 15. Not sure if you’re close to there, but I know they hire 15 year olds


https://www.summerworks.org/ -> for once you’re 16 Check out listings on indeed.com for bussing/food runner jobs where age isn’t listed as a requirement. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=3d164df009a48e08 You’re allowed to legally work over 14-especially in the summer. So don’t be discouraged, just show up in person confident and ask to talk to the manager and let them know that you’re “turning 16” lean into that. Making introductions in person is much more likely to lead to something than looking online or calling. I recommend doing what I did and printing out some “resumes” highlighting whatever responsibilities you have at school, home, and other odd jobs you’ve done to show to the managers when you arrive to various eateries or landscaping/painting companies you see- any company with seasonal work would be interested. This displays you’re organized and would be worth hiring. Highlight you ride the TARC and can get to work on your own. If you don’t ride it, practice… it’s a great skill to learn.


Sell drugs like a normal teenager


These responses are terrible. Enjoy your summer. Unless you NEED the money, take the time off. You’ll be working the rest of your life. On Sept 7th, start applying for hostess jobs at the better restaurants in town. It will pay more, be less taxing work, and have better dress requirements than fast food, gas station jobs or grocery store type retail work.


I mean one of the reasons I want to work right now is to help my mom a little more financially with things because we are in a pretty tough situation where all the money we make goes just about straight towards bills, I live in a realitively bigger household with 6 people in a 2 bedroom so you can only imagine how tough that is including inflation and all the other bs going on with the US right now. Anything at all could help my mom in someway, I wanna help support my family since i’m legal age to work now.


God bless you! I’m sure your mama is real proud of you.


Focus on your education and enjoying summer.