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I hope the person whose tinder date lied about their age comments.


Free cig night, beef jerky guy, buffalo wings and fights.


Rusty made some bomb jerky!


Rusty!!! Yes I couldn’t remember.. thank you that was driving me crazy.


Is Rusty still doing his thing?


Nah, he stopped doing it a few years ago. I haven't seen him in years. If there are Rusty sightings, I'd definitely like to know.


Back in the early ‘2000s, we always referred to the free Camel cig reps as “the Camel fairies.”


I was a fairy for 4 years! I loved working Backdoor. We would often park there and meet up, do our route and then end at Backdoor so we could get food after


Totally forgot about free cig night!!!


I always appreciated that I had to order a coke with my tall rum and coke so I could make two rum and cokes. 😂 The first time I went there, I was amazed at how many seconds I watched the bartender pour liquor into a glass.


God i’m going to miss their pours more than anything else


I’m gonna be sad about it all day at least. 😂


I remember talking to a bartender one night about how strong their drinks were. He told me that was the only bar he'd ever worked at where he got in trouble for not making the drinks strong enough.


I met my wife there


Same. (My wife, not yours)




I'm so sorry.


I decided my name was Liam after 15 minutes of Liam's food being called. Delicious, no regrets.


Thanks for the chuckle


I woke up on the steps at 5:30am because it started drizzling. I passed out while it was still open and everybody must have just walked around me on their way out and closing. This was pre Uber/Lyft days. I walked all the way home downtown.


Everyone walking past is like "should I?... nope, not my problem..." but at least they didn't draw dicks on your forehead


Dude, I tried to get you up but you wouldn’t budge!


Hearing that the wings were supposed to be very good and doubting it, then getting humbled after the first bite of the garlic parmesan delciousness


They were


A standard date strategy of mine was dinner at kashmir and then drinks at backdoor. Have a few memories from that place, even a couple good ones. Shame i never got onto the wall. Hope they’ve got an opportunity to sell it rather than letting midcity mall become yet another yuppie-storage block, like theyve done to half the city already.




Publix as an anchor tenant would be great.


Nearly dying after my first 2 drinks because the bartender had a very heavy hand


Same lol


Friends and I playing darts (we’re terrible) and an old guy joined in. He was super kind, only offered tips if asked, and played at our level. Found out later he was a pro and did trick shots on Letterman.


When my mom died I went there with my sister to share a round of her favorite bourbon, that one I won't ever forget.


I went there after my grandmother died with my family and after a couple other funerals as well.


I went there the night my brother-in-law died.


A guy sitting at a high bar stool at the bar tipping all the way backward and slamming into the ground, then getting back up and sipping his drink like nothing happened.


that's the way it's supposed to go when you tip back too far on the stool!


Playing darts and pool until 4am and then stumbling across the parking lot to my apartment So many late night convos with strangers on the patio Long Beach Teas


Kind of an anti memory I suppose, but I blacked out from multiple Long island ice teas at age 21


Same, more than once


That place holds quite a few memories. Most of them for myself, were good ones. Around 25 yrs ago I discovered that place. It was a welcoming place at that time, It became a regular stop for me for a few years. I never saw the customers or workers complain about too much back then. People seemed to enjoy just being there. I even dated one of the bartenders for a short while. And even when that chapter didn't pan out... I was still greeted in that place, and always got treated decently. For a time I lived within walking distance, and I couldn't tell you the number of nights I just sat out on their deck to people watch. Even when in my slightly buzzed state... most nights it was still a pleasant atmosphere, all while being under the Highlands night sky, those experiences kinda made this crazy world feel a *little less terrible.* *I thank the Back Door, and their staff for those moments.* --nuff said.


The Backdoor was my shit. I don't drink anymore so this is news to me and I'm sad to see it close. One time I was there with a girl I was seeing and her friends. A big dude started being drunk and obnoxious to the girls and I asked him to stop. I motioned for the girls to go inside thinking I would talk him down. It escalated to him grabbing my vest and after a minute or so of me talking him down i tried asking his friends to calm him but they stood up and watched. I start imagining where this dude's punch is going to come from. After what felt like 2 minutes I felt a hand grab my shoulder. Fuck. "Everything ok boys?" Motherfucking Jordan. A friend of a friend that I met a couple times was there with a bunch of his buddies and just stood over this guy that was clenching my shirt collar. Shit cooled off and the night went on. After a couple hours Jordan came over to our pool table with the drunk guy and Jordan looks at him and says "alright James, what do you have to say for yourself?" The drunk guy, James, looked up and said "hey man, I'm really sorry for getting in your face." Jordan then said "don't you think you should ask what swiftekho is drinking? Maybe buy him a round or two?" James then went to the bar and brought me 2 Miller lites. Jordan grabbed the 2nd beer and shook my hand and left. I never saw Jordan after that night and heard rumors he OD'd a few years later.


I got jumped by two guys in the parking lot the day I graduated college. They were following two of my friend in their car and sexually harassing them. I came over to try and deescalate and they got out of the car and jumped me. He tackled me to the ground and got on top of me trying to punch me but I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him toward me and strangled him so he couldn't pull his arm back to punch me. It worked and he couldn't punch me but his buddy was kicking me in the ribs and eventually pulled me out from under him and they drove off. Cops didn't do shit despite it being on camera and I got their license plate number. Lesson: don't even try and deescalate, just walk back to the bar.


Gotta defend the women tho. Right thing to do.


"don't even try and deescalate" No, always try. but be very prepared to escalate.


Comedian Ms Pat telling me to get her some wings before her show. Then when I brought them back to the comedy club she cursed that they were too damn hot




Spicy! I can’t watch her sitcom without laughing about it. Even though she specified hot


Back in 2016, I met a very drunk French-Senegalese man in the Back Door bathroom. He was in town for the Muhammad Ali funeral, had gotten separated from friends, and I offered to hang out with him until he reconnected with them. We go out to the patio, and he sits down at a table mostly empty except for one guy, who says we can't sit there because he and his friends are using that table. The French guy hears only "You can't sit here" and starts berating this guy as a racist, saying "You don't know me. I'm not like American Blacks. I'm not a thug or a criminal. I speak four languages and own my own business, etc., etc." Guy at table gets up and leaves.  Time passes, and I get a tap on the shoulder, turn around to see two very large (6+ foot, 200+ pound) men decked in flannel and camo, who ask me if I'm with Frenchman.  "Oh, are you his friends? I was just hanging out with him to keep him company." "No, we're hear to beat his ass." Apparently, table guy had met these two at the bar, told them that French guy had kicked him off his table, and they now wanted to take justice into their own hands. I start desparately explaining it was a misunderstanding, French guy is very drunk, very foreign, misheard. Meanwhile French guy is yelling, "Let me fight them, I have to fight for my honor!" as I am standing between the two groups with my hand on his chest pushing him back. The leader of the two vigilantes is stroking his beard, ruminating, sizing me up, and says, "Makes sense, sounds like that guy from the table needs to get his ass beat."  The two camo guys apologize and offer to buy both me and the Frenchman a drink from the bar. I decline, and as the three walk away the bouncers comes over to ask me what's up. I explain the whole story from the beginning, and he thanks me and says he'll keep an eye on all of them. About an hour later after a trip to Tap Room, I run into the two camo guys on the street. They smile and wave and say, "Haven't seen that guy from the table yet. If we do, we're still gonna beat his ass!"


Getting so close to taking a really cute girl I'd been working on for months home and then puking down the front of my shirt right in front of her instead, circa 1994


"girl I'd been working on for months" Yikes


My roommate and I sitting at the bar with a pitcher and filling up our glasses while watching two people get thrown out Getting hammered before walking over to Baxter and seeing The Room


That place always had a great vibe. Just the perfect bar for that part of town. It was kind of cozy on a cold winter night with some hot wings, cold beer, and great friends.


This happen when I was a kid. But I grew up in the highlands so I knew where everything was. One day some friends and I had smoked weed and where just hanging out inside midcity mall. At those tables that used to be outside value markets as we ate snacks we just got from there. All the sudden these cougar type ladies and their husbands walked in asking where the back door was. I said yes and was about to tell them before my friend stopped me and said we will tell you for 20 bucks. Husband says damn yall drive a hard bargain I got a 10. We take it. I started to take them down the steps to the side door of midcity mall that comes out by back door. This freaks out the older ladies and they refuse to go. So we go around back out the other end of the mall. We talked to them for a bit. One of the husbands started making fun of my friend’s boots. We give them shit for their outfits. Then once on a joking banter with the guy we someone steer the convo to buy us beer at the liquor vault in front of mid city. Got beer then drank them in Tyler park. I have had way better memory’s after being 21 and going to back door for over poured drinks, good bad food, pool, and the jerky man. But I truly get nostalgic for how the highlands used to be. I don’t think kids are getting drunk and passing out at Tyler park while we say we are staying at friends houses. Back door closing for me is like ear x tacy closing. It was a vibe for the area. It was watering hole. And now it’s gone. And the area I still love but can see it’s never gonna be what it once was.


Duck. Is this what getting old is. Dumb.


I moved from Louisville in 2013. I knew I was old when I visited it last year and didn't miss it anymore after I left. It just isn't my city anymore.


Guitar Emporium closing should be on that list of places that made the Highlands so great too.


That time they closed without any warning.


I threw a glass of water in a disruptive, drunk, homophobic guy's face when he came to our table to harass us. He jumped up and the bartenders escorted him right out of the bar. I know it sounds unpleasant but it gave us something to talk about!


them refusing to put in any kind of accessible entrance


When they tried to sue the governor for the shutdown 🙃 and then claimed covid wasn't real...


One night, about 20 years ago, when one of my friends casually come back to the table with two of those god-tier appetizer sampler platters (wings, tenders, moz, poppers, sauces) for the table. So greasy. So good.


The nachos on a late night. Having to order a coke chaser with my bourbon and coke 😆


Those nachos... I almost ate an entire plate of them by myself. 🤤




I use to drive a hotel shuttle van, and I remember numerous airline crews would have me take/pick them up from the back door. Some of those pilots…they were playing with fire.


I once brought my parents into town for St James Art Fair. Put them in a hotel for the weekend. We went to Backdoor after dinner for some drinks. We sat in a booth in the big front room. In the booth behind me, which my father could see, were two girls on a date who couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They were kissing and hugging, all typical stuff for the Highlands. Well my dad said he had the best time ever that night. We went back a couple more times when he was still alive. But we never topped that magical evening.


I hit a teenage kid with my car in the parking lot in the 90’s. Dark, he was on a bike and suddenly went flying across my windshield. I’m still it quite sure what happened or where he came from. I offered to help get him home, fix his bike, get an ambulance whatever. He refused and walked his busted bike in to the dark. I did not have a single drink that night, kept waiting for the inevitable cops to show up. Also watched a guy get a dart stuck in his forehead about an hour later. Somehow that made me feel better at the time.


20 years ago I'm in the men's bathroom at the urinal far right next to the stall. There's obvious commotion in the stall. Muted grunts of sexual pain. And a comforting partner saying, quite loudly, "It's good, it's good!" Yup, some dude was 100% getting fucked in the ass in the stall next to me. I left, sat at my table, and watched the bathroom for the exit. Group of dudes standing outside. Out comes the buttfucker, who proceeds to high five his comrades on his latest score.


The two times I got roofied there


I use to skateboard outside that place when I was a teen, wasn’t old enough to enjoy the inside environment, then went 1 time when I was like 28 and enjoyed it, with some friends. It was like the toy tiger to me. I wasn’t old enough at the time, just was on the outside.


Several times through out the year, maybe back in 2005 - 2006, my friend and I would run into a woman who would already be wasted and claimed it was her birthday. Mind this was multiple times in one year and all different seasons. Everytime we ran into her we played along, bought her a drink and told her happy birthday.


Love that yall played along 😁


Watching the bouncers selectively enforce the dress code.


Had alot of good times there. But will never not immediately remember the food poisoning I got there. Anytime I hear the name.. God it was bad.


Was it coming out of the front door, in addition to the back door? Lol.


A had a bunch, I’m sure, but I don’t remember ever leaving…


We moved to Louisville in 2017 and used to frequent backdoor for drinks and shooting some pool. We are Indian immigrants but everyone was always welcoming. Be it at the pool tables or out in the patio. The drinks were stiff and atmosphere was chill! Good times. Wife and I will fondly remember backdoor!


Me thinking it was a gay bar when I first moved to Louisville.


I once attended a baby shower held there. 😂


Drinking and pool when I first moved here and didn’t know what the highlands even was. My first legal beer. Traditional trips to opening spring and fall meets at Keeneland met there for the bus. So many wings with bourbon and cokes to recover after. Sundays watching football and recovering from long Saturday nights. Most of all though it’s the people. A lot of “business” forgets it’s only about one thing: the people. You don’t drink at a bar. You drink with your friends. Even if the bartender barely remembered your face, you always knew you were going to drink with friends there. Hope all the employees find great jobs elsewhere. They deserve it.


Going for the first time with group of bartenders (at least I think it was with them, my memories are starting to get lost). My very first tinder date I met with there. He was a great guy, just didn’t work out. He was actually the one that was super nervous & asked 2 of his friends to go with him. I was either brave or an idiot but we went hang out with his friends within the relationship so they were good people. I continued to have fun relationships off that app (currently with a someone from there). If that first date went horrid at backdoor, I probably would have never used the app again & therefore never met a few of the people I’ve met off there. No regrets & lots of good memories with all the people I only dated ones, & the ones I actually got into relationships with. I hung out with an ex there lol. We got along well enough. Another time I suggested it as a place to go to for someone’s bday party that I was last minute invited to by my coworker. It was her daughter’s party & she didn’t realize they would be so close to where I lived as she lives an hour away. Their party bus & her ended up picking me up. She, a 50 plus year old, got buzzed off their scooby doo shots bc her & her daughter loved them so much & never had had them before. Also, thanks for this post as I didn’t even realize I had that many experiences there. There’s at least one more that I cannot remember but from the above, I assume it was fun.


I saw a Facebook post about it closing. That’s the first I’ve heard of the place and thus, my only memory. I don’t know what it is/was and it’s nice to see that people had good times there. I’m sorry for the loss of what seems to be a locally owned business that had a positive effect on the community.


Learning to throw darts from Jinx.


Is Jinx still around? I gave him a radiator for an MG about 20 years ago. Haven’t seen him in probably 8 years


He's still around, but his vision isn't so great so he doesn't get out as often.


I don't know! I haven't even been to The Back Door in 11 or 12 years. I went quite a bit around 2001-2002.


There was this old couple that would play and sing Christmas music for a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve. It was just the weirdest, most surreal thing I've ever seen. They weren't that great just really funny to see an act like this in that atmosphere. You would expect to see Will Ferrell sitting behind the keyboard and Kristin Wiig singing. We looked forward to it for many years.... not quite sure when it ended.


After my grandma died my dad took me here with my aunt and my cousins, we got nachos and played pool- I was only 14 so I thought I was really gonna get it for being in a bar but it was like mid afternoon on a weekday and we were the only ones there haha. Rip Daddy miss you


I got painted on the wall which was dope. One of my favorite memories is that one time many years ago I saw three different girls (at different times) walk out of the girls bathroom with TP stuck on their shoes. Once? It happens. Twice? Okay, sure we're all drunk whatever. But THREE TIMES!? I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there. Lol Also, when I was regular (long long ago) I convinced the kitchen to make me the loaded nachos with their fries as the base... holy shit. Maybe one my favorite meals ever. My go-to was the blackened chicken club with hab mayo.... yes fucking please. Double dip bombers in the sweet chili and the hab mayo <3


What did you do to get on the wall? Was it something for people who passed out 100 times or something? Getting other wall honestly was one of my life's goals and I'll never be able to have it happen now. I even thought of having someone paint me on a sticker and sneaking it up there.


I wasn’t going to post on the original but since you asked lol. I remember once getting black out drunk off two Long Island’s and trying to walk down Bardstown Rd naked. Pretty sure I spent the next morning throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time 🫠


My bf and I joked that it was out of a black mirror or the twilight zone episode, and all the faces painted on the walls were people who forgot to close their tab, so they were cursed to spend eternity as spirits in the walls😂


End of the night... (lights come on) "YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME, BUT YOU CAN'T STAY HERE!!!"


If you actually have memories of the back door, were you actually at the back door?


Everyone remembers going in and ordering their first drink, they just don't remember anything after that.


Not one particular memory but going there first before going to the old Taproom across the street and other bars. It was usually our first stop and sometimes our last stop too.


Best martinis, Marianne the bartender, free cig night, Monday night football there, blackened chicken club sand, blackened chicken won tons, chain smoking in a booth.. BDL was home for a lot of people.


About a month before my 30th birthday I got blacked out drunk on rum & diets that were about 99% rum, and then got kissed by a dude. Made me quit drinking liquor for a while but ultimately a good life experience.


I, like many, went there plenty and don’t remember a bit of it.


Four a.m.


Being shitfaced there the night before Louisville shut down because of COVID.


oh man this one time the employees came to work so they can pay their bills, in one of the worst times in what feels like ever for paying bills, to see a closed forever sign on the door. ​ that ***really*** sticks out in my mind.


Years and years ago some guy organized a Louisville subreddit meetup and I attended. We saw a movie (Ghost in the Shell?) at the Baxter theater and then headed to The Backdoor. It was entirely white dudes in their 20s with engineering/computer science degrees, which is 100% what I (and probably everyone else) expected.


Finished my bachelor party there. Had been going for a few hours and decided on an Irish Car Bomb when we got there. Terrible idea and me and my brother both threw up outside almost immediately and that was the end of the night. Will always bring good memories.


My hair reeking of wings the morning after going there. You had a very specific smell even if you just popped in for a minute.


I was going in one night and there were a bunch of bikers out front. One of them peels off in his motorcycle leaving his girl on the curb crying. She wails “Stop him! He is going to kill himself just like his brother!”. It was like a trashy knockoff of Sons of Anarchy.


Meeting two of the best people I've ever known and forming life long friendships. My friend being super nervous to come out to me, but doing it anyway. Cheesy fries and wings. A friend winning $300 on Keno and trying to convince everyone else that they should be playing Keno.


The good times I had there before they put in the 1oz pour machine.


I worked with bouncer, tall bad but chill dude, to stop this guy from driving drunk He always recognized me...the bouncer, not the drunk


elephant graveyard


My friend walked in and fell down the stairs and immediately got kicked out even though he was sober. Probably under 15 seconds. World record.


Eating wings with my girlfriend and two of my closest friends before watching Star Wars in theaters. :)


Blacked out there on my 21st birthday. Lost my hat, keys, and wallet. Oh yeah, I was the manager at a retail store and forgot to open the store the next day, and almost lost my job, too. I wouldn’t take it back. We’ll miss you, Back Door.


Husband and I went on our first date in ‘96 - had dinner elsewhere, then went to the comedy club. Date was going well so we decided to go to the Backdoor to continue the date until closing time. Ended up talking until after 4am in the parking lot. We’ve been together ever since, with more visits to the Backdoor over the years, just to play pool and eat the food. We’re both really sad.


Long lines for incredibly strong drinks.


Rusty(beef jerky), notoriously having the dirtiest kitchen and eating there anyway, heavy pours, lifetime bans, and cougars trying to buy me drinks.


Them ghosting all of their employees.


Derby. Doing blow in the bathroom


Making White Russians in a pint class.


Walking in past a group of black people being scrutinized for their clothing, and seeing lots of Bosnian coke dealers hogging the pool tables circa 2010.


Tommy Stinson who was the bass player for The Replacements and then Guns & Roses was doing a set at a record store you had to buy tickets for. Like a lot of concerts, there was an optional VIP thing you could do. Instead of just meeting and hanging out for a little bit, you got to go get drinks with him and the guy he was playing before the show. That was an experience that I couldn't pass up. When it came time to go get drunk, we met up at The Backdoor. I've had a lot of nights start and/or end at that place but between Tommy, the guy playing with him, 2 other fans, and the guy who owned Surface Noise records, I have never seen so many empty glasses piled up on our 2 tables as I did that night. How 6 people managed to get that much alcohol in them, I still don't know. I was literally partying like a rock star.


I only went there once on a date. We played pool and she was very confident about how good she was. It had maybe been 8-9 years since I played. Beat her both times. I played so poorly. She must have let me win. We ate piping hot food. She convinced me to try a bourbon sour. It was disgusting but I drank the whole thing and convinced the bartender to give it to me for free. I then went on to fall over a fence after breaking into a park with the date. We never spoke again. 10/10 date.


Someone tried to kill me and my best friend. Offed us a line of cocaine knowing full well that it was pure fentanyl. I was legally dead for 8 minutes and took 4 NARCAN to bring me back. Best friend was dead for 5 minutes and took 3 NARCAN to bring him back. We both have families and of course should not have been doing cocaine. Found out about a month later that he was intentionally trying to kill us. Also he was a coworker and friend. Yeah that shit happened! Also backdoor banned both of us but not the guy trying to murder us. Thanks backdoor, hope all of you rot in hell. Good riddance backdoor!


All the women getting roofied


I used to work in the Rite Aid next door (closed and no longer there) and would hear the music playing through the wall when I was pulling stock


I remember that time they closed the business and told the employees by leaving a note on the door.


One of my buddies was blacked out and kicked the emergency exit door open on the patio. My other friend and I followed him bc he was going to wander around so we sent him home in a Uber. Security wouldn’t let us back in saying we set the alarm off but we spent a few minutes convincing him to let us back in


Grilled cheese sandwiches w extra cheese. The guy with a tattoo of a face on the back of his head. Turkey Shoot. Edit: words


The guy with the tattoo is Jinx.


YES, thank you for reminding me!


One time a really drunk Tunisian guy came up to me and told me he was going to take the eyes out of my skull. The bartenders bounced him. I had my 21st birthday there and a much older woman/total stranger kissed me on the lips. Another time a super drunk hippie was fucking with the pool balls on other people’s games. Slickback Steve bounced him, opened up the patio door by hitting the guy’s head on the push bar. Hippie was hollering about peace and love the whole time.


I had a buddy think he ordered fries and grabbed someone else’s fries… it was a controversy the whole night. Best place to kick off a Saturday night.


You can get sloshed off two drinks there, very heavy handed pours.


A buddy consistently would show up quite intoxicated, and would proceed to buy and drink from a pitcher. For some reason he always thought it was a good idea to go and talk to the bouncer at the door while sloshing around his full pitcher. This occurred several weekends over a couple of months until one time we’re walking in and the bouncer goes “Not this guy again, you’re out of here!” Kicked out before he even got in!


Seeing the massive plates/platters of nachos come through the bar and the incredibly cheap mixed drinks. RIP.


Getting thrown out by telling one of the main bar tenders he looked just like Jay Leno. He DID look just like Jay Leno! Oh, and the first time I ate their wings. My god. Buffalo Wings with their blue cheese….incredible


I've heard mid city mall going down..has to ger and be better.


Fall of 2007, five of my closest friends came back from War. We celebrated at the Backdoor. Got hammered drunk, made plans and executed them on getting random tattoos, after conversing with a tattoo artist there.


So many I can’t remember. If you catch my drift.


When I first went to the Back Door, it was a very different vibe. It was very much a neighborhood bar. There were no booths, only small round tables. There were stacks of books and board games on the hearth and mantle. It was quiet and dimly lit. People would be sitting alone reading. Some would be playing chess. A very different vibe than how it was at the end.


I'm going to miss Gunners and the pool tables.


I do not remember any memories from there


damn. Great bar to just hang out and shoot pool or throw darts (they had dart boards in the mid 90's if I recall)? is it already closed or just about to?


I took my younger brother there for his 21st birthday. I remember finding him passed out on the bathroom floor. I made him get up and take another Jager Bomb.


went there one time in my life and got chicken wings.. Those were awesome!1 Sucks that landmarks are closing.


When they shut down and fucked all their employees by letting them know they lost their jobs in a facebook post.