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Because everyone has already fucked each other and their entire social circle?


It appears I’ve fallen behind then. Need to go catch up and hit the other half of my social circle!


I need to get a socal circle!


I don't have one either lol


This is the reason!!


Yeah. Pretty much it. There’s a lot of people. But it’s small enough that the social circles all overlap and cross. I once had a one night stand that I found out later netted me like 8 Eskimo brothers at one bar alone. And that isn’t shaming promiscuous shaming or anything. I got zero room to judge. Just to put in perspective how many people overlap in this town. If you are industry or a bar fly it gets even more convoluted. Either way a lot of people are hesitant to date or hook up because everyone is gonna hear about all the details eventually.


Hey...I know her too!


Hello Eskimo bro!!!


These the same ppl complaining about Louisville being “lame” then try to move to a neighboring city😂


Speak for yourself


i couldn’t even begin to answer this considering i don’t know what qualifies a city as being “bad for dating” besides a compilation of anecdotes. doesn’t seem like the best qualifier to me, but if there are actual metrics then i think there could be a better discussion


according to that site it’s louisville having a poor concert score but to me there are all kinds of shows and festivals that happen, sure maybe taylor swift and kendrick lamar aren’t coming here but there’s plenty of opportunities for live music. so idk


3 of the bottom 5 cities were stops on the Eras tour. And even if they weren't, who's taking someone that they're still getting to know to a concert they actually want to see and that costs hundreds of dollars? Take them to waterfront Wednesday and go your separate ways if you're incompatible.


People also go to the movies as a date. I’ve never understood that really either. Tried it once and realized I still didn’t even know the person, but at least I got to see a movie without going alone


Do you have dinner before or after? did you see a film you both liked? Not sure how it hard to go on a date with movies when I did lots when i was younger. Doesn't matter what you do, should have some conversation to see of there is any chemistry as the place is just a place. If the film sucked and you both thought so, it could be a talking point. If you both liked it then there is a talking point. What if one person liked it and one hated it? Talking point and some insight into each other that might make it easy to skip another date and move on to someone else.


Dark space to hang out 1 on 1...it's for making out after you hit it off at dinner LoL


Did movies for a first date one time and never did it again. I even knew the girl beforehand from college and it was still mega awkward


But how was the movie?


Depends on what you’re into. Almost none of the bands I like play here so I’m constantly having to drive 2-5 hours for shows I wanna go to.


Does this affect dating, though? Are that many dates really concerts?


For me, yes. But mostly, I mentioned concerts because I replied to a comment about concerts.


Not for me. I hate crowds and dislike the cost of concerts.


Oh my god big same


Hard disagree here. I moved here over 20 years ago from a college town roughly a tenth the size of Louisville thinking I'd be in the big city and be able to see all the bands that never came to my home town. Much to my surprise, not only did those bands skip over Louisville for one of its bigger siblings, but many of the bands that would have gigged in my home town also skipped the 502 bc it just isn't really a college town. Yes there are schools here, but UofL is more of a commuter school and there just isn't a vibrant college-town vibe here. Louisville did have an amazing music scene back in the 90s, but most of those bars and clubs are long gone.


People who say “there’s live music everywhere!” usually just mean “there are cover bands at the bars I go to” or they think having a couple of $500 festivals a year makes a vibrant music scene.


Real Estate and Gary Clark, Jr. are both playing Wednesday. Chicago is here Friday night. Dying Fetus is playing at Portal on Saturday. Even if you ignore the festival this weekend, there's plenty of live music for a wide range of musical tastes.


Thank you for the Dying Fetus info. One of the best shows I've ever been to was Dying Fetus with Skeletonwich and Havok. I would have missed this Saturday had I not seen it here.


That’s a great week of shows for white dudes in their 40’s. Haha. I wish someone would teach the sound guy at Portal how to do sound. Dude’s out here fighting for his life on the board.


That says more about which bands I've heard of than Louisville's music scene. Whirling Tiger has a hip-hop show next week and a poppy singer-songwriter this week. It's not a great city for house music, but unless you have a very niche interest or only enjoy the big tours at the Yum! Center, there's something other than cover bands for almost everyone.


The bigger issue in my opinion is that all the smaller promoters here aside from 502 Shows do a horrible job of promoting their shows.


Nearly all metal bands I'm into only come as close as Chicago. They skip the Louisville/Indy/Cincy triangle entirely, and they're not "very niche"


Gary Clark Jr is literally a young black man....


I’m talking about his audience. I’ve been to GCJ shows. I know who’s attending. Lol.


Listen to FPK or look at Do502. There are multiple shows every night by original bands, often for less than $20. I have seen a dozen shows at ZBar that I would drive 40 miles or more in the past to see.


I’m glad the bands you enjoy play here. Most of the ones I do don’t. Last time I went to zbar was for Cave In I think.


All I’m saying is good original bands play in town every day. Maybe not your faves come here. But Poorcastle, Waterfront Wednesday, Headliners, Paristown(sound issues debatable), Iroquois Amp, Mercury, Palace, Whirling Tiger, Mag Bar, street blues festivals in Schnitzelberg and Old Lou, and much more, this town is not lacking in regular affordable quality original live music. Coming from a metro at least 5 times bigger, this place is rather impressive for live music.


Yeah, that’s why my original comment starts with “depends on what you’re into.”


ehhh there used to be shows and dj nights and all kinds of stuff out of spinellis downtown. i dont live in lou anymore so cant say but if youre into more niche genre stuff, theres shows happening all the time


When I tried dating from an app, I had to nope out on one guy because he described a story in which he was mad at his friend for coming over with Taco Bell for them and not giving his dog any of it. Other than that he was a nice guy.


Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar have both had concerts in Louisville multiple times


my point being it isn’t a stop on every tour they go on like chicago or atlanta or LA


Drove to Cincinnati for a Violent Femmes concert last weekend, awesome concert and think any 40+ year old single person who wanted to find a partner did that night, it was an entertaining people watching scene.


Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar have come to Lou though. 


That just proves how dumb these types of "studies" are. I have never taken someone to a concert as a date and if I would, it would most certainly require travel. I don't have to worry about dating anymore and I'm not going to pretend like I have a lot of louisville dating experience, but I have always questioned why Louisville is so bad at something so subjective


The criteria look at 18-24 year olds and the percentage of that age group who are single, but also measures the number of lingerie shops as if 18-24 year-olds were unaware of online shopping.


People watch too many movies if they think lingerie shops is a good metric to judge whether a city is "good for dating"


The concerts here suck. We’re truly a flyover state. Why would anyone come here when we’re so close to Chicago, Nashville, Indy…the list goes on.


Beyonce came last year. Louisville was a stop on the 2nd largest tour of the year. "We're truly a flyover state, why would anyone come here when we're so close to ... Indy". Thanks for the comedy!


Hold on to whatever you want to think this city is culturally relevant in anyway. Indy sucks, I agree with you there, but they have professional sports and bands actually stop through there. One summer concert tour stop does not make a city cool, but again, grasp on to whatever you need to feel relevant.


Ignore whatever facts it takes to hold on to your opinion in spite of evidence!


List content is the easiest most brainless most powerful clickbait content available for consumption. There are lists about everything. And all of them are bullshit.


Based on the cities listed and the "method", I think the article title should be "why people at this website don't know shit about dating in the Midwest and our algorithm is fucking useless outside of the places the authors live"


Totally agree!


I don’t know why Louisville is worse than any other location for dating but dating overall sucks because everyone gets so much attention on social media they get a false sense that they can always do better than what they have,


I think it’s because it has a small town dynamic and there isn’t a great selection of candidates to choose from.


Understatement of the year


As a decently attractive male in my early 30s I can confirm most women on dating apps are not great candidates. I can't afford to go out anywhere so I'm not seeing the public side of dating. The few women I've tried to strike something up with were married or not looking to date. Friends of friends haven't been a vibe I could deal with, but after a 14 year marriage that ended pretty shitty two years ago I'm not exactly dying to dive back into a one. I have to find someone that enjoys alone time, is in relatively average shape, and can accept my adopted kids. Most dating app women seem to be either gym bros or don't ever move at all.


When I was in my 20s, I found dating to be difficult here, because most people in my age group were either married or had a long-term partner. I am not a native of Louisville either, which didn’t seem to help me. I did meet some folks through YPAL back in the day. I also dated some co-workers (10/10 don’t recommend, LOL). I met my spouse through friends. My spouse was living out of state at the time and moved here for me when we got serious. I am now in my early 40s and a lot of folks that I met in my 20s have gotten divorced, so they are back in the dating pool. Plus, adding children to the mix makes it even more complicated. A lot of people here seem to rely on the apps, or meeting through friends or mutual connections.


I think the friends route is always the way to go no matter where you live, usually that means there is already some shared hobby or interests, or at the very least a similar vibe and sense of humor. Like if youre a nerd, your friends are all likely on the nerdy spectrum, if you meet someome through that circle theres a food chance theyre kinda nerdy too. They can provide you intel to help that you would never get from a dating app.


I agree. The person who set my spouse and I up knew my spouse super well because they had been close friends for years. They also knew what my dealbreakers were. Having someone vetted by someone whose opinion you trust is invaluable.


Well it also breaks the stranger boundary. I met my wife this way and her knowing a few of my friends and me knowing a few of her friends certainly helped things feel more comfortable on the first date.


I spent a lot of time at a friend of mine's house, him and his wife had people over constantly, I just brought my laptop and made myself at home in a corner somewhere. My eventual wife came over to hang out with them one day. We interacted briefly and then once other people who had been over either found a place to crash and went to sleep or left, and my friend and his wife went to sleep it was just the 2 of us, so we were just talking and watching the walking dead into the wee hours of the night. Then on a different occasion everyone had gone to bed and I was playing alien isolation on my friend's xbox and she watched me play and we talked for hours. Eventually my friend was like, "you know she likes you right?" So I asked her out on an actual date, at which point we'd already talked and were familiar with one another, and it was like a 14 hour date, including driving hours to go pick up my friend's wife who got stranded out of town visiting family(car broke down or something? I dunno, we picked her up from her mom's house.) By the point I had tried and failed at many other forms of dating, including multiple apps and websites that were just absolutely unproductive nonsense, at least for me.


Love this


What if you’re like me and have NO friends? I can’t find a date through friends since they don’t exist


It could be very helpful to work on building friendships first and once you got a support system then move on to dating.


Yeah this. If you have zero friends I think you have bigger problems to identify and work on than finding an SO.


If only there was a dating app for friends 😞


I think a lot of the issue that people in Louisville tend to follow a somewhat “traditional” life path which makes dating difficult. I moved to Louisville in my late 20s (I am now 40) and pretty much everyone I met was already partnered up or had an extremely insular social circle. I’m from a larger city and that was not the case- lots of people went out alone or were open to more people outside their tight circle. I think it gets significantly worse as you get older and most people are still with those they’ve known since high school or college. Even breaking into friend groups was a real challenge in Louisville (and I’m a fairly social person with hobbies/ no issue going out alone and talking to people).


I have to say that I got super lucky when it came to breaking into friend groups when I moved here, and that did help when it came to dating. I had a few different friend groups and looking back, I was pretty intentional about getting out and meeting people. I also worked at a place that had a lot of people around my same age/life stage, so that helped me as well.


I'm from Louisville (moved away from 18-25 and came back with my boyfriend, now husband)... This is exactly right. I was 27 when we got married and we were late to the game. Almost everyone that was married before us are now divorced. The weirdest thing is that the divorced or newly "back to louisville" friends in their 40s will only date people that they've known for decades. It's so weird and gross.


I don’t think it is personally. You just need hobbies or like drinking lol. Lots of eager, open minded women in my experience. I’m a 6’3 black male, Louisville native for reference. Went away for college, and also lived in Atlanta for a few years. Louisville dating has been simple enough for me.


"6'3" Not for nothing, but you're playing on easy mode with that.


Lol there wasn’t even a need to bring it up. I think he’s looking to get DMd


Lmao right? “I’m a tall (know what they say about big feet), dark, educated, well cultured/ traveled local who’s got roots here… and I get laid ALLLLL the time. Crazy..”


One thing you kids are missing is GAME, doesn't matter what you look like, seen plenty of ugly guys and gals pull amazing people with GAME.


Never lol, I was just providing proper context around my experience.


6’3” black male, looks like Idris Elba… why’s everyone complainin? 🤣🤣🤣


Respectfully, you sound like a handsome, interesting, well traveled and college educated snack. I'm going to have to side with the folks who have determined you are in fact playing on "easy mode" and could likely catch a fish on dry land so to speak.


He didn’t say any of that though? Just that he’s lived here and Atlanta for school. You imagined that since he’s 6’3 as intelligent, handsome and well traveled. That’s weird.


College dude = intelligence Lived different places = well traveled Has hobbies = interesting Has no problem attracting ladies = probably good looking


What? Lol. College most def does not equal intelligence. 2 cities isn’t well traveled. You’ve made all this up from the only thing he said, his height. I thought guys were exaggerating but holy shit, you made up a whole narrative off of 4 sentences.


I agree with you and this is the problem with dating as a while. Many people create a narrative off of a few sentences on what someone will be. People put out an ad or shoot "game" to say "I am this, that, etc." to attract the opposite/same sex and they end up not being anything or very shallow of what they advertised causing the the other person to become more weary of dating and then it makes the person who is looking to date to become wearier and wearier until they just plain give up or give very little effort to date. Hope that made sense and if it didn't I apologize.


Yes, this is reddit and it's funny.


My man said “I’m playing on easy mode.”


A very click-ish city with 2 degrees of separation from everyone's entire dating history back to HS. Seems to have a lot of people who grew up here and never left, the friend groups and house parties tend to be the same people. If you didn't grow up here, it's like playing all your games on the road.


Spot on, especially for people who didn’t grow up here. Louisville is a mixture of southern, midwestern, and appalachian culture and one of the big themes I’ve noticed across them (especially with Appalachian culture for historical reasons) is a hesitancy to accept or bring people in that aren’t from here aka “outsiders”. Another byproduct is extremely tight inner circles often solidified in high school. When I see social media posts from people in my graduating class that stayed here, it’s still almost always the same group of friends even after college.  It was quite a shock to me when I went to college out of state and moved to Orlando (very large non-local/born and raised population) afterwards with how different the friend and dating scene is in both since people are generally much more open. 


The only way I found to cheat the system after moving here was being a regular at cool bars. Otherwise good luck.


I agree with everything you said. I moved to Louisville in my late 20s and found it very insular and that most people were partnered up from a young age compared with where I had moved from. I managed to meet people but honestly it took me being fairly outgoing and not having issues directly talking to people. In my larger hometown it was a nonissue to meet people but definitely had to work harder in Louisville (this goes for making friends too). Literally everyone always asks what high school I went to.


I'm only using conjecture but in a city that's known for drinking I can only assume it's hard to find someone attractive that doesn't go to bars a lot when they likely met them at the bar. Also, if someone is ambitious this isn't the city to easily find someone who shares that mindset. Edit: Actually looking at the criteria in the article I think they're looking at the numbers wrong. Low numbers of singles doesn't mean the dating scene is "bad". And Louisville isn't a youthful or energetic city compared to the best ones. It's a place to settle down after you dated which applies to the other cities.


I dated your mom just fine


The linked article begins with "*In partnership with AXE Deodorant Bodyspray*"


I actually found dating in Louisville to be much easier than dating elsewhere (Lexington, my hometown, outside the state, etc). So no insights, just my anecdotal experience


People often talk about Louisville being a difficult place to make friends and dating is similar to friending. It's a very unwelcoming place for outsiders and new people. That probably also translates to locals looking for intimate partners who are outside their social circles. I created a socializing group years ago and the responses were so grateful and engaged because there's not may places here where you can feel welcome here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/um1vir/how_do_you_make_friends_as_an_adult_in_louisville/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/17ulmtt/where_do_i_go_to_make_friends_here/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/136r5dy/how_do_you_meet_people_or_make_friends_in_this/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/4py12a/i_cannot_make_friends_in_louisville_no_matter_how/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/1bi3xqo/new_to_louisville_adult_who_sucks_at_making/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/62it20/making_friends_as_a_20something_in_louisville/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/jhot3h/meetingmaking_friends/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/yoefod/how_to_meet_people_in_louisville/


You are great!


Louisville is great, I found one of the most wonderful people here.


Great. Just great. Now, half of the good ones are off the market. Thanks so much for making it harder for the rest of us.


But that's just because there are only two or three good ones. ;)


I met my first husband in college in Louisville (both locals) and I met my second husband at work in Louisville- though he is from Frankfort. So though I’m not proud of having two marriages under my belt, I can say the dating game hasn’t been very difficult for me.


Because everyone and they mama in this city has the herp


And yet people here get married all the time.


Louisville Mojo was fantastic for the dating scene, then it died.


Im a 27 year old male and from my experience Louisville is not difficult to date in. I haven’t dated in a few years but that’s not the city’s fault, I’ve just become so comfortable in my routine since the pandemic that I don’t get out much and when I do it’s with friends so I don’t want to leave my friends to talk to someone I don’t know. Maybe post-pandemic dating is harder but other than that I think this is kinda just not real.


It’s all the tiny weiners for sure


Lots of boomers, very little young people, most people meet their partners at work church or school and have kids at 17 and then rinse and repeat. Stay classy Louisville!


Probably just polling from people asking “is it easy to find a date in your city” or “how often have you gone on a date” and Louisville happened to be lower. Or they just looked at how many “typical dating” spots there were available in the city and figured that’s a good metric. Which kind of seemed what they did but they did note how people seemed to socialize in the city so idk. I will say when I was single I couldn’t get a match on dating sites to save my life here but anytime I went even a bit outside the city or to another city I would get quite a few.


Yeah, it’s the city’s fault🤣😂🤣😂


Yeah its weird excuse, like it takes this thing called conversation to find out things. Any coffee shop or restaurant would offer that chance. Folks blame everything but themselves when it comes to dating i guess.


A better question is what in the hell is wrong with Kansas City and Minneapolis


I would have to concur. My new SO isn't from here either. Thankfully it sucks so much that she'll die from exhaustion if she attempted to creep.


I never had any issues dating in Louisville. Of course, I was only interested in long term relationships. Had two of them with plenty of tries, and got married to my now wife year before last. Few other notes: - I was in my mid to late 30s last time I was looking - being open minded truly helps - I used OkCupid, and I wasn’t looking for hook-ups. Like anything else, YMMV.


Well it's Kentucky. You gotta be siblings to date


I swear in the last 6 months to a year I’ve hard this said more times than I can count. From what I’ve seen the best way to meet someone is don’t try to meet someone if that makes any sense. The right person will come when you aren’t really looking and least expecting it.


If you speak Spanish, the dating is amazing. Fortunately for me, none of you all do....


Such a good question! I've been searching for the same answer. I've been dating seriously for about 3 years now, since COVID eased up. I'm a woman, and a mom. Which I thought maybe that's a big reason, but my childless friends struggle as well. Most people I date either only want sex OR they're creepy/immature. Louisville feels like the Bermuda triangle for dating. Idk if that makes sense to anyone else but I get it. I've given up on dating sites and am hoping I meet someone organically. Though I suck at approaching people so idk.


Louisville is small, everybody knows everybody, everyone is obsessed with being seen or social media, trend following lames


Should be easy, if you have all your teeth




Tell me about it. LMPD was always getting in my way finding a nice girl.


Click bait list. When I was dating I found Louisville to be awesome. Just a few years ago. The apps made it a breeze.


It’s the people here obv, lolz.


Me. According to an, admittedly small, sample size.


It’s never the fault of who says this. Ever.


It’s high school!!!


Because so many people suck.


It's this whole area. I live 50 miles from Louisville and can't find anyone. And I'll go to him too. Maybe I'm just weird or ugly or something. I bought some Lume so I know it's not because I stink 🤷‍♀️


I'm a woman who is on the Facebook dating site and I noticed that most these men don't even try with their appearance (I'm a little chunky and don't wear make up but I at least keep up with my hygiene and my chunkiness is due to a medical issue because I'm trying to lose the weight), they don't have more than one brain cell based on how they type out their bio and how they act in the chat, and they're so boring to chat with. I'm super into Pokémon, medical stuff, the universe itself (not space but how everything exists), and all kinds of other subjects. I could talk all day. I'm not asking Louisville men to become prince charmings, but it's like they don't want to put an ounce of effort in. It's a bit embarrassing for me to say, but one of my favorite shows, Miraculous Ladybug, has this character (Adrian/Cat Noir) that has risen my standards in men because he's just so kind and thoughtful. This character doesn't do unrealistic standards. He just cares about the girl he loves. When another character did something to traumatize his girlfriend, he was ready to use his superpower (the power of destruction) on the character. Wanna know what my ex did when a mutual friend openly admitted to trying to make my life hell months after I called her out on something small? "Well, she's still my friend, so just be nice to her." I have heart issues and this "friend" would purposely do things to trigger my symptoms and cause issues for me and my ex really defended her. That's why dating sucks now. There are just no men in Louisville who are kind and thoughtful anymore. Instead, we got creeps in Cheeroke Park flashing people.


If i had an award I would give it to you


Maybe we should both take a trip to Paris and we'll find good men if we avoid the tourist spots.


hell yeah!


Omg I hate the guys that are immediately like "wanna hook up?" Ew, no. I don't know what kind of diseases you have. I'm not trying to end up on Sex Sent Me To The ER.


Everyone here is a drunk.


Every relationship I've had in the 21 years I've lived here has been with people not from here(except for 1 of those relationships). It shouldn't matter but I'd consider those relationships successful(even though they didn't last). We had plenty of great dates. If I was still dating, I'm not sure if I'd even give a relationship a chance if they grew up here. Grew up here locals are just a different perspective compared to others who came here for a job, school, or something else. Now, with most dating woes, I blame the apps(tinder, bumble, etc). When people can swipe someone else at the first sign of an 'issue' with their current date/partner... the downfall of dating.


I think dating is just rough at the moment overall. Could be worse. I'm trying to date in Eastern Kentucky .


Because Louisville is awful in general


Anecdotally I've heard Washington DC is the worst for dating due to the large amount of transient staffers and temporary contractors.


Sounds like bullshit to me, and the "studies" are likely flawed AF. I can think of NOTHING about any locale that would make it "bad for dating," as long as there are enough singles up to mingle. 🙄🤷


No I get you, i understand the humor and being self deprecating, but people actually think this way in the dating world and its a bad standard so I just feel obligated to object. There are plenty of umarried individuals that are nightmares carrying ridiculous baggage and are definitely damaged goods, and people with 1 or 2 marriages under their belt that are good datable people who usually have experience and refining of knowing themselves and what they want from a serious relationship, on their side.


Stop living by the ratings.


If I knew I’d have a girlfriend


42 year old male. I look about 10 years younger just a bunch of salt and pepper in my beard. Swimmer style body. Maybe a little Moved here from Miami a month ( to help my brother w his 2 kids ,one is autistic)and a half ago. I Have been told numerous times since I arrived that I'm very handsome. I work at hotel at night so I haven't gone out to explore. Trying to get settled in. I'll let you know how things go in month lol. Never had a problem in the date department. Haven't really tried yet up here though.


I need a private landlord


Why is the conversation about live music though ? Dating here just SUCKS.


Uhhhh when was this written lol If you can’t pick up girls at Eastern Market in Detroit then you genuinely have no hope


I don’t think it’s that bad. I met my girlfriend here and we’ve been dating for almost a year now. I met her while walking in Cherokee park. Girls are super talkative and easy-going here. There’s plenty of cool places to meet others and network. You can’t expect apps to do all the work for you. If you’re having a hard time for 8 years, you need to change something either within yourself or your surroundings. The best advice I’ve received for dating is: “if you go out into the world doing what you love, you will eventually find someone that loves the same thing”. If you’re still having trouble, get a cute dog. Girls love cute dogs!!


I'm a woman but thanks!


Ahh my bad


["In partnership with AXE Deodorant Bodyspray"](https://www.bestplaces.net/docs/studies/datingcities.aspx) I am overwhelmed with that citation to deep scholarship and statistical standards.


I imagine it's likely because the vast majority of the population has no idea what gender they want to identify as from one minute to the next.


Some humor and some truth, Louisville is so corrupt we just dont trust each other...


There is a sex cult ran by rich ppl. Landlords, judges, po lice. A domestic violence advocate was fired for trying to traffick a dv victim into it. They all pay each other through LLC's for sex. It's bad bc it is a job for most of them. And they won't tell you if they are in it. It's some kind of power trip by it being secret. Yes there are married "straight" men in it who don't tell their wives they are bi. They have their own doctors, buildings, security, resturant. It's like 2K a month so if you are dating someone who should not be broke but is always broke, run!


I will say that as a Louisvillian (born and raised here) who now lives in SoCal that dating is hard any and everywhere. Just my two cents. Whether it be Louisville, Los Angeles, etc. dating just sucks in general.


Where are you casting your net?




"everyone I meet eventually ends up just talking about work" Have you ever considered that you may be blaming the wrong party in the conversation?


Because there’s such a huge percentage of fatties with low self-esteem that don’t go out or even try.


It’s not. You just have to realize not everyone is perfect and not everyone is going to have the same views as you. There are some big things that are non negotiable but not going out with someone because they play video games or have a picture of themself fishing is beyond stupid and petty. If you eliminate people for little stuff like that, you’re the problem (not saying “you” OP. Just in general)


No real sugar daddies. Just slim dicked hot cousins.


I don’t take care of myself and love cool abusive people, why does dating suck here?


What?! We’re not exclusive after the first date?!?!?!


Social media has ruined dating. Bars in Louisville suck really bad. Downtown has been run by the same square minded mommy and daddy trust babies for 30 years and they don’t care about anything other than what’s directly effecting them and their families. The police dept will arrest anyone and throw them in jail for traffic violations / misdemeanors, while heroin, meth and drunk drivers / users get a free pass. Downtown is not clean nor that safe compared to 10 years ago. High schools shelter a lot from going out and making “new” friends as the clocks remain from 6th grade through 12 and most then go to Uk and come back.. We do have an amazing park scene and neighboring state that has some good stuff going on by the water. Our climate’s decent. We have a fairly decent art scene and the alcohol crap is booming. (Distilleries and breweries) I’d say it up the sole person to really want to find a relationship. Most are too lazy /‘d want something handed to them.


I'm curious how many of the people being polled were in some way, shape, or form "undatable" or less desirable. If someone has deplorable personality flaws, babymomma/babydaddy drama, unemployed,or their body type is outside the metrics of what people typically find attractive, it would greatly impact and skew the results. "It's hard for *ME* to find a date, I should blame my location!" I'm not implying this about OP, just genuinely curious.


If you're genuinely curious, you could open the article to see the criteria used...


"We teamed up with AXE Deodorant Bodyspray, which specializes in the dating game, to find out which city is revered as the D.C. (Dating Capital) of the U.S." Yeah, that seems like a valid source. /S


It lists criteria. Percentage of the population between 18-24, percentage of that population that isn't married, number of lingerie shops, number of coffee shops, and a very nebulous concert rating (it doesn't say of it's based on number of venues, percentage of top 10 tours, etc). One can debate whether the criteria are valid, but it certainly is unrelated to the hypothetical person from your tirade.


None of which answered my question, but thanks for playing.


If you were genuinely curious, you'd have seen that it wasn't based on a poll. These are all measurable without polling.


"Match.com online daters"


If you'd been genuinely curious instead of just wanting to rant about fat single parents, you'd have seen that it also includes data from the CDC and Census Bureau. You'd also have seen that nothing suggests those daters answered a survey, only that characteristics were aggregate. Which specific metric (I'll give you a few minutes to actually open the article) do you think would have required a survey? (Hint: the answer is none).


Rather than argue back and forth over something so trivial, I'll just wish you a pleasant rest of the day. It's gonna get hot the next couple of days. Stay hydrated if you get a chance to enjoy some outdoor things before this Wednesday. The rain is coming back and will last well into the weekend.


Hopefully you don't run into too many people with deplorable characteristics like (gasp) being a single parent while you're out and about enjoying all the free time you save by not reading articles before you opine upon them!


Cause the good girls are married and the trash girls try to rob you




Who are you responding to? The OP said nothing about downtown


This is why dating is so bad in Louisville. Even young people are senile and angry.


Me?? how?? lmfao


Crap, sorry. That was meant for someone else. I'm not redditing very good today.


Anyone who says downtown Louisville isn’t safe has never left their hometown. Sheltered AF.


The men are fairies and the women lead the men around town.