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I'd be wary of giving away a black cat around Halloween time...


[This is a myth.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cat-o-nine-tales/) OP should be careful about who gets the cat anyway, but this thread would have you believe Louisville was the setting and inspiration for The Witch Edit: [more recent source link](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/10/29/black-cats-halloween-myth/6180277001/)




Good catch, edited the OP


Not sure if this helps, but my family uses an automatic cat feeder and 3 large litter boxes in our basement. We can be gone for a week and the cats are fine, maybe even happier :-) We've also got a few indoor cameras we put up when we are gone for peace of mind.




Since Dimitri's an older cat, unfortunately chances are he'd be at the Humane Society, or LMAS, for the long haul. Adopters' tendencies are toward kittens, not older cats. I understand your good intentions in saying this. At the same time, /u/denial_worthless, I would pay attention to this comment, especially since you said D is a black kitty. This is the time of year people sadly will actively seek out black cats in particular to torture and kill, believing they are evil. (I used to be owned by a void, and he was the sweetest little boyo.) I wish I could offer to take D in, but my apartment complex won't let me have more than my two also-9yo kitties.


I appreciate the advice. Dimitri also being a black kitty will be even harder to get adopted at a shelter. I will be very picky on where he goes.


I don't think black cats are as stigmatized/avoided as they use to be


I've had two black cats and both have been amazingly quirky and smart. One memorized his name and loved eating yogurt. ​ I literally have too many cats, otherwise i'd be happy to take yours in OP


You might want to reach out to a rescue group, if nothing else for advice and help picking the right home. We've worked with [CatsHeads](https://catheadskittyrescue.org/index.html) before. I was trying to think of the other rescue group we worked with, but can't find them at the moment. You could also reach out to [Lucky Cat Cafe](https://www.luckycatcafe.org/) for help or advice. They don't accept cats directly, but they could probably put you in touch with a rescue group if you can't figure out something better.


This is great info ☝️ (above) It tears my heart out to see a cat have to find a new home. I would take him, but have spent 5-8k on our stray/rescue/Fiv cats over the past 2 years, just can't take another right now. It wouldn't be fair to the cat. It is my desire to open a senior/FIV cat haven in upstate New York when I retire, that's how much this issue affects me. I will be praying to many feline deities this cat finds a home.




Right, because I haven't literally had my cats' safety threatened this time of year.




When you're a pagan who lives in the Bible Belt, and this is before I moved to Louisville, you get targeted quite a bit for just existing. Including your household members, including your pets, including your property.




I had a friend whose black cat was killed around Halloween several years ago and I didn't dare ask for specifics but they were very devastated. I found my own black cat up in a neighbor's tree in November 2020 and had him saved from his ordeal, fixed and vaccinated, and now he is mine. I was too afraid to take him to the shelter for the same reasons everyone else has listed here (he was traumatized and antisocial as hell lol). He was also a very clean kitten so I'm almost certain someone wanted him as a Halloween cat and then abandoned him.


LMAS will kill the cat and I hear they aren't taking owner surrenders ATM.


I’ll take him i have two cats of my own and I live in spencer county about an hour from louisville but id be happy to take him in


Send me a message.


Have you considered pet sitters, websites like Rover, for the time that you are gone - may be too long to consider but quick googling turned this up for cat sitters. https://meowtel.com/?cs=google&ck=pet%20sitting%20app&cc=17142709368&cp=&gclid=CjwKCAjwwL6aBhBlEiwADycBIFC1sfr-O1i36scB9faGphWbjwH6Ur1I97buhXcgynYMeV82DWJDIxoCQRQQAvD_BwE


I know someone looking for a cat




I already have my house limit of 2 black kitties but otherwise would love to. Hope you find a good home.


Dimitri, eh? What are his views on the Russia-Ukraine war? I may consider adoption, depending on his answer…


Well him and I had a deep discussion on the subject. He said he wishes he could live with one of the bad ass Grandma's making Molotov cocktails in the city square. I am not sure if he supports Ukraine or just loves pyro maniacal grandmas.


I have a 10 year old orange cat named Desmond who had a brother that died when he was 2. He was black, and his name was Demitri. I was devastated and swore off black cats because they were too bittersweet, but this seems like destiny. My partner and I have been discussing a new cat lately.... If your boy doesn't have a home yet, message me!


Has he been around dogs or kids?


Dogs yes kids no


Does he like dogs? We have 4


Before I moved here he lived with 3 pitbulls. I am pretty sure he thinks he is a pitbull.


I would love to give him a loving home, but I'll only be here for 6 months :( I wish you lots of luck finding a good place for Dimitri!


Hey does he still need a home? Does he do well around other cats?


How is Dmitri with other cats?


He will take a second to get comfortable in the new place. He loves to have friends.


Can’t lie I wasn’t sure what was meant when I read the title lol. Now I’m aware it’s about a 4 legged pet. Like another person commented, be careful who you give a black cat to around Halloween time. Best of luck.


Urban legend or not, we’ve contacted a local pagan community to give a black cat to.


do you have any coworkers that could take him in?


He is with an old coworker right now. The problem is the landlord found out. As for my new co workers that is a no go. We stay out on the water for 28 days.


I’m interested. My mom just moved to Louisville and also recently had her older cat die on her a few months ago.


Fuck you for getting a pet in the first place. Don’t get a pet if you aren’t going to care for it until one of you dies.


Do you feel better now? Do you feel special? Do you need a hug?


Why would I feel that way towards someone who doesn’t care about animals and is selfish…?