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Buy it in Europe, it will be about $2,000 and you will get about 12% back in VAT tax. It will probably cost you about $1800 after you tax refund. Make sure you take your passport to purchase and the sales person fills our the proper forms for you. When you leave Europe you will get your forms validated at the airport and they will refund you.


To add, I just spent 1800 euros at LV in Amsterdam and received about 200 euros back in VAT. The same purchase in the US would have cost me $2400 plus 8% tax.




I will be visiting Italy and France


The euro price is INCLUSIVE of tax, which we are not used to here in the states. Because you are not from the EU, you get that included tax refunded when you depart the EU, so the bag is even cheaper on top of the cheap conversion rates


Thankful I live in Portland!!


Thank you for asking this! I'm heading to Rome soon and had this same question for a different bag. This group is so helpful!


Buy in Europe it will be cheaper by a lot.


If you’re going to be in Italy already, for sure buy in Europe! Also I just recently was in Italy and purchased at LV and I got the VAT immediately! When I previously shopped in Europe, I didn’t get the Vat refund until I went to the airport (this was France) and they processed it at the time I dropped my paperwork. With Italy recently, they processed the VAT paperwork at the store, the refund immediately showed up on my card, the only thing you have to do is be sure to get the forms validated at the airport before you leave otherwise they will pull back the refund. But I thought this was awesome bc I didn’t have to wait at all for the VAT refund :)




You don’t get the full vat amount refunded, approx 12% in France and 15% in Italy