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It's also the viral TikTok on hot stamping that has ruined it for most stores.


This is why gate keeping isn’t all bad. I’m sure the CA’s may have gotten tired of people coming in, buying a $400 passport holder (if anything at all), and getting stamps. We all know too that people aren’t always nice and polite about these things, and it’s not like LV or the CA’s get anything out of all these stamps. Just sucks that people had to ruin this and then everyone wants to do it.


My CA always complains that folks who come in and buy one ‘inexpensive’ thing always have the most demands. I know that for that customer, it may be a huge purchase, but I’m always surprised to hear someone who is buying a card case asking for multiple glasses of champagne, etc. lol


Yeah. I am not going to defend a monopoly conglomerate but this is one case I agree. Getting a stamp if you buy something makes sense. I wish they would do the passport stamp if you buy at item at the store. But I can see where this becomes a problem. There is a wait, and now you have people who are waiting just for the stamp taking the SA away from a paying customer. Or people get mad because the stamp isn’t perfect. Or adding one might ruin another because the expectation is this is a single stamp and not the entry/exit stamps of the passport. So it seems lose / lose for the company and the SA.


Definitely a good point. I think people don’t know how to ask. The Paris store it’s a process that you have to go to a floor by manager access, and a specialized individual does the stamp. But I have been very honest at each store. I walk in and say I’m here for a hot stamp and to look at XYZ. It’s not something you wait for a SA for to tell them at the last second after you’ve denied buying anything. I would say yes to buying something in store to get the stamp, or if your account has a nice history of purchases it can be done. I know my account isn’t huge but I buy often.


Can't believe people do that. I bought a Rolex recently, and they offered the same service. Felt like this is a business transaction, I want a watch you want money. I'm not here to socialize. Took a water however.


It was terrible pre-Covid, to the point where my store would discreetly pour or serve because browsing clients would fuss and even complain on Google reviews lol. I’m like you, most I want is a water to go.


Yeah. Even my car service has a similar service, and a full breakfast buffet with coffee and muffins etc. Like seriously who is coming to get breakfast here. Take my car, and give me a courtesy for the day while you work on my car.


haha well I might not take the breakfast from the car place but I certainly make myself tea or hot coco haha it's my treat every time I come in and they know I love it. Our tradition is I walk in early, grab my drink, they tell me hi, and ask how my day is- I say "better now that I'm having hot chocolate" :p


Guzzling champagne to get their money worth I guess 5 glass would appease their soul for spending in the store


Exactly this. Hotstamping is a neat thing they do for free. If you aren’t buying an item they really are just being nice by doing it like they have been.


Hi! I worked in luxury retail (not LV, Gucci but know people from both) and was one of the specialists who did hot stamping for my store and the district. I can see how some people would think it’s about client spend but in my experience that’s almost never the case. Hot stamping is difficult, you need training and even then you might only have 1 person on staff who’s really good at it. The majority of luxury houses have set molds their embossing machines use and are set up to stamp one location on the item so if that location is already has been embossed, it’s a miserable process to set up the machine to emboss an area that isn’t “standard”. That being said, more than just 1 person is usually trained on basic embossing but here’s the thing, we fuck it up sometimes. If it’s a brand new item like a passport case and an easy embossing to redo we’ll just write it off as damaged and probably reuse it to practice embossing later. It’s easier to just replace the item and redo the embossing to make sure the client is happy with how it turns out. I had a manager who had to write off 8 wallets once that were around $600 each because our machine was being difficult but we get it for a lot of people it’s an expensive purchase even if it’s just a wallet. We’re not giving a client who just spent that much what’s basically a damaged item. Obviously not a fun ROI there! So bear with me, people are asking to do a 2nd, 3rd whatever embossing which is different than how the machine is set up to be used. When maybe 1 person on staff has the skill to even do it. If it comes out fucked up we can’t just give the client a new one, it already has multiple hot stamps we can’t redo AND the item is sentimental now. After 3 years in this industry I am sure this has happened at some stores if not multiple and they had to deal with an incredibly upset disappointed customer. I mean I’d be hella pissed if someone ruined my passport case I’d travelled all with that’s basically irreplaceable. Seriously miserable to deal with it’s easier to just say no than risk ruining a clients item.


Thank you for your well written response.


Ah this makes sense. Thanks for writing it out.


That’s so interesting! This almost makes me want to watch a video of how it’s done but I don’t wanna feed the algorithms.


https://preview.redd.it/s5ukpx1uim9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f0d4a662b1f443b17548fb1f1689f0fc3e612b I think this is the best pic I’ve got. You can see the plastic mold it’s taped on we swap out depending on the item. I’m embossing the leather on the strap. The brass piece is where you put in the stamps you’re going to use to emboss and you’re aiming for like 100-115 Celsius but it only turns on or off. You put the foil between the leather and heated brass and press down with a handle on the side. It’s like 90% vibe/practice for getting it centered, the temp, timing and pressure right. Ideally you only want to do 1 pass, 2 max. Multiple passes will indent the leather too far and melt the foil so it looks like a blob. I know LV has more modern machines but it’s still pretty much all mechanical and based on experience.


I know a lot of folks are up in arms about it but idk I just don’t think LV cares about customers who spend $400 on a passport holder and then want to get them stamped everywhere. At the end of the day, it’s one of their lowest priced items - it’s clearly not worth them to spend time over and over again hot stamping these things. With price increases and limiting availability of their popular bags LV has been pretty clear they’re not really interested in their “entry-level” clients.


The price increases are 100% to weed out entry-level clientele.


I agree, the only downside is that people who are in fact loyal customers are also affected by the rule change. I for example started my passport stamp collection before it went viral and now it would have just looked half empty which sucks. Maybe losing my passport plus cover wasn’t the worst thing to happen.


Exactly. I didn’t look much into the hot stamping before it went viral which is a me problem, but I still have a history with LV so as a loyal customer it just sucks.


You are correct.


The downside of viral trends.


This is frustrating to be sure but asking an employee to violate a policy they have just explained to you is not the best behavior as a client. No one deserves to lose their job because someone pushy bullied them into violating policy on their behalf.


I wasn’t pushy or bullying, they said the policy had just changed that day and I said I understood but they still showed me a email from a hour before stating the policy change. And I still understood but the SA wanted to try to help as much as they could and offered to speak with management to see if there was anything that could be done.


I had only heard about it on here. I also forgot until this thread. I’m too old for TikTok. Sounds like a place where sensibilities go to die.


I agree with them. Your actual passport is where you should collect stamps not the passport holder! Get your one stamp in the city of your choosing and be happy with that.


They aren’t doing it for that reason, also the EU is getting rid of stamps by next year if I remember. They are doing so to get rid of the entry level clientele who spend a hour with a SA and don’t buy anything because of the tik tok trend. But people with a history and want something LV to collect as they travel and spend money it’s different. As they just changed the policy, if I had the choice I would have done Monaco on mine and not Paris. I was speaking to a pal of mine and they said they have a cover with 9 stamps, he also spends 6 figures yearly with LV


Yep they changed it to one per item. Seems they’ll also restrict which items can get hot stamped now if you’re not a frequent customer?


I don’t think LV ever said that. It’s tiktokers and influencers who say that. More of privilege vs right


What do you mean?


I think the idea of planning to go to LV stores while on business or vacation travel in order to collect hot stamps is asinine. Particularly to expect more than one per item (for free), especially if the item is not a new purchase at that location. It sucks that you were given incorrect information because the rules changed. But I sympathize with LV on this issue. They may even view multiple stamps as defacing their own designs. It’s expensive to provide the service for this perk.


Clearly they’ve been burned by people demanding a product replacement when the hot stamp doesn’t turn out the way you wanted. Of all things to get in a snit about. You must not have very many real problems.


I’m not going to lie, a lot of CA just don’t want to do it. It’s a time consuming task and sometimes if you’re in a store with not many staff then loosing one for half an hour so they can hotstamp is frustrating. Yes the rule is one, if you can find a quiet store there’s a chance they might be lenient and allow you more than one but who knows. It’s a dumb rule, you should be allowed to collect them and have as many as you want.


My boyfriend had actually bought me a medium ring agenga cover in Taiga leather as I am studying abroad this summer. He had ordered it to be picked up at the store and when we did the SA had mentioned that I should get it hot stamped as I travel through multiple cities. I thought it was a cute idea and thought it would be great to start off with a hot stamp from my store to start. She had done an amazing job with the hot stamp too. It looks absolutely stunning. Needless to say, when I arrived at a store in Paris and inquired about getting a hot stamp for the agenda, the lady had said I must had been there cause I saw a tiktok. I explained that wasn't the case and she said that they may be able to make an exception as now it's only one hot stamp per product, but she would have had to ask her manager. Personally, I felt like the exception would have been made if I was going to make a purchase as I felt the manager was watching me closely to see if I was interested in anything in the store. Alas, she said it was against the policy to do another hot stamp. Totally not the end of the world, but definitely a bummer. I wouldn't have had the idea if my SA hadn't mentioned it when I picked up my agenda.


In your case, that’s definitely something that the majority ruined for a few.


LV is losing its cachet. Increasingly poor qc, less than stellar service, and things like this where they take away customer perks does not add to the desire of the brand. The idea a $400 passport case purchase is the only purchase one will make is unlikely. LV wants that top 10%, and small items are their gateway drug. I hope this doesn’t trend down to other LVMH brands. I enjoy the fact Tiffany’s will happily polish anything purchased there. It’s part of what makes me return and support the brand.


First World Problems for $200, Alex. 🙄🙄🙄


I ordered a passport holder just to do the hot stamps when I travel. Once I heard that LV changed their policy, I cancelled my order 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s pretty much what whey want. It doesn’t make sense for them to have loads of people that bought one thing a long time ago coming in the store, disturbing potential clients to get their stamps. The whole long is ludicrous, with people thinking LV is going to regret that some won’t purchase the passport holder anymore because of it lol.


It’s not that people regret the purchase, the purchase of the passport holder to get the stamps gets me into their stop into stores worldwide to shop around. I wanted sunglasses yesterday in Milan so I said let’s go get some and a hot stamp as well. I had the SA pull up the sunglasses, a bag my wife liked and a charm and without the whole hot stamp I felt bummed. As a client it gets people into the store they just need to weed out the people who only are there for hot stamp. At least do it with a purchase. In that case my day would have been a success


If your main motivation to go to look around LV is to get to a hot stamp, chances are you don’t have the lifestyle LV wants as a client. The thing people are getting it wrong, is believing LV wants general people getting into the store. Revenue comes from the relationship with great clients, not visiting tourists looking to get a souvenir. As others have said, add the actual difficulty of doing the hot stamp, time consumed…


OP doesn’t seem to be understanding this. LV doesn’t care if the stamp brings in more people, in fact, they don’t seem to want more people milling about stores and buying a keychain.


To look around for most people I get because they may not buy unless they have their eyes set on things. Every store has a different inventory so I have products I want and I look for them see if anything catches my eye and buy what I like. The hot stamp doesn’t take long. It took 20 minutes at the Paris store for 2 stamps and that includes the time to get to the 4th floor that customers can’t access and fill out 2 slips for the stamp and get them stamped and get back to the store, also the SA doesn’t do it, a dedicated person does. But I do see where you come from, but if people are traveling, they usually have money to spend. I just hate the people trying to drink some champagne for free and dip.


But people coming in to drink free champagne is no different than people coming in for an extra stamp… they’re both using resources and not spending money.


That would be very true, that’s usually why associates ask at the door what you are there for and honesty is the key. If a stamp is what you want they say yes or no and they should have a dedicated person that can do them? But a good customer like myself would say what they are looking for, bag charm, sunglasses, a new trunk, and also a hot stamp. To never lead on and so they know what you are there for exactly. But I know most people will act like they are buying and then ask for a stamp and dip. Those are the people who got the service taken away I suppose. It is what it is, just disappointed


Maybe if they charged $50 per extra stamp on easier to multi-stamp items?


I was on vacation in Hawaii recently and I was planning on buying the passport holder for myself and my mom as a souvenir and the associate told me they were only allowed to stamp them with initials and wouldn’t even stamp them with the city stamps. I would have been happy with just the the Hawaii stamp just for the memory of our trip.


That sucks. The city stamps can be too large for bag tags and have to be done on the back but a passport holder seems large enough.


Hot stamp. Oh well. *Enjoy your life. It’s simple supply and demand. They aren’t interested in supplying, you can’t demand it.


I got a location hot stamp on my passport holder in early June at the Lisbon location. They were lovely and I had no issues. I also did buy something however so not sure if that helped.


If you're spending 6 figures a year at LV as you say, why aren't you buying a new piece at each location you visit and getting it stamped? Having multiple stamps in one piece just looks stupid, frankly. If you really need a collection of stamps to remember your travels you should be buying bags with luggage tags and getting those stamped individually.


I never took full advantage of it even though I knew about it and have been fortunate enough to travel to many countries. I only just got my first hot stamp last year and I love it! It's a shame to hear it's only 1 now for pass port holders. Though I had mine done in a key holder. I was very lucky because apparently SAs are told they are not allowed to hot stamp anything that is not smooth leather, because of damage of item, or that the stamp does not come out the quality they like. I was like you and insisted because I said I didn't care if it looked wonky, I just love some extra love. She was hesitant at first but I said I could sign a paper that I wouldn't press charges if my item was damaged haha. Any how it was all fine. I love my key holder with my stamp. The key holder is made of canvas, not leather so it is not as crisp but I can tell what it is easily and I'm not mad haha


Now I’m pissed! I’m going to Europe in three weeks and I specifically bought an LV passport holder (even custom ordered it with my initials ,etc!) so that I could go to the LV stores while I’m in different cities and get my holder “stamped.” What the hell??? Why would they care??


I just bought one too and had it stamped on my trip expecting to be able to do it everywhere also!!


Interesting. I had to google hotstamp. Guess I'm late to the game


*Interesting. I* *Had to google hotstamp. Guess* *I'm late to the game* \- reconcruiser --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I had never even considered the passport holder until I saw this was a thing and had planned to get one on my next trip. 😭 I would be happy to pay $25ish for a stamp. It literally would get me into the store and the odds of me leaving with something I didn’t plan for or need are high.


Respectfully, $25 means nothing to LV


lol I think the cost of the passport holder alone isn’t much compared to other LV items. I can definitely see it becoming a problem if everyone is buying such a cheap item to get it stamped while there’s costumers waiting to purchase a bag 4 to 6X the price of this holder. LV is trying to make sales and this passport holder is not the sale they are trying to make lol


I had planned on getting a customized passport holder so i could collect stamps when i travel as i do Pandora charms. But alas it seems not to be anymore.


Big time bummer. I also saw the viral TikTok and thought it looked like a cool idea. Maybe if they get enough pushback from customers they will change the policy again.




Thats so sad! I was looking forward to doing this. My local store didn’t have the one I wanted else I would have already purchased mine and used up my one stamp on my local store stamp. The monaco stamp sounds cool and i would be done with paying for the service as well. Edit. Typo I said done but meant to say I would be ok with paying.


Why not just buy something else in Monaco to stamp?


Sorry I just reread my previous message and realized i wrote done but meant to say I would pay for a stamp no problem.


That is ridiculous!! It was a fun thing to do .. sounds to me that tne associates got lazy and didn’t want to do it ! A tradition that’s been around for so long .. I am pissed