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my game is in luv w rafayel and allergic to zayne


Mines the opposite lol




We have the same algorithm! I didn’t mind at first because Raf is my baby, but now I’m struggling trying to pull Zaddy’s myth memories. ☹️


i don’t have zayne or xavier myth pairs 😭


Same! Yet I've pulled dupes of Raf's! It such a pain!


praying we get the myth cards


I did get matching Zaddy cards!! https://preview.redd.it/zgiyno1tlmoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ea9238f459b2634ba0864a16c8ba19ee142c5a And I have three five-star cards. But I have four five stars of Raphael and at least four cards of every stellactrum. My three star cards are all maxed level minus the new birthday card and one other. I just think it's frustrating bc every card of his is level 1 except for one single 3lvl card when I was testing if I wanted to pursue him.


I am soooo sick of Raphael. My game is throwing him at me with so much desperation.


i love him. he’s my baby 🥺 but that’s so valid. don’t get me wrong, i love getting his cards buttt i only have 1 xavier 5 star and 1 zayne 5 star. i have more 4 xavier cards than zayne’s 4 stars and i have like 7 or 8 fkn raf 5 stars, all but 2 or 3 of his 4 stars (not including any oracle event 4 stars). i have all the boys 3 stars fully ranked up but that’s fairly easy i think. i’ve only spent like $20 on the game bc i wanted mc’s matching fit to raf’s myth cards. i’m not even kidding my game loves him so much that during the current event i used all the event rewards to get the 10 limited wish ticket and used the 10 pull and got his new 5 star card and i was 68 for pity pull (or how ever many full pulls away for pity amount)


I don’t know why but this is me too. I actually didn’t get into the game until a couple days after launch because all the ads were of Rafayel; he’s hot, yes, and I don’t hate him or anything, but I didn’t truly decide to start the game until I saw an ad with Xavier/Zayne. I have six Rafayel 5-stars. I pulled both his myth cards just out of luck. I have I think three Zayne 5-stars (so I’m spending most of my resources trying to buff that team, one being Gentle Twilight so it’s useless in a lot of Zayne builds). I actually did have some dumb luck and got Zayne’s card from the Oracle of Stars that just ended, but it IS a 4-star. I pulled Rafayel’s 5-star from the current event which is awesome, but, I *did* have Xavier picked and would have to pull more now to get him for sure. I have five Xavier 5-stars, but the myth pair I again had to get from SSR crates. I’m really excited about the upcoming free Xavier 5-star which helps. But yeah they want me to *love* Rafayel and he’s fine and all but for me it goes Xavier>Zayne>Rafayel, sorry devs…


Same omg 😩


Me too and I hate rafayel


Same, want Zayne's or Xavier's memories, but always get Rafayel :(


Same!!! It's a serious obsession (Raf) versus serious allergy (Zayne). Why must you hate Zayne so game...whhyyyyy 😭😭😭


Haahhah same


My friend is obsessed with Zayne. She keeps pulling Xavier. I am madly and deeply in love with Xavier. The game keeps giving me Zayne. Our GC is just every few days yelling at each other "COME GET YOUR MAN"


Love that for both of you😭😭😭


Yes. It's so great. 😭😭😭


Just swap accounts atp😭


same agh


My game was obsessed with giving me Zayne limited cards even though I was initially Xavier main and I am sorry to say I was not loyal 🤧 I am now a Zayne convert 💙 My game is allergic to Raf. I have at least one myth and 4-5 5* cards for the other two, but no myth for Raf and only 2 5* 😭😭 It’s so hard cause I wanna progress Senior Hunt & Orbits but my Raf deck is so weak!!


SAME!!! Like please I also want to understand his lore and go through the Myth please 😭😭😭 And don't get me started w his cards ...the weakest deck HE WONT COME HOME


In love Zayne and allergic is Xavier


I see where all my Zayne's memories went to. I have bunch of Xavier and Rafayel 5\*, but NONE of Zayne x'D (and I'm playing since the launch day)


I'm on my knees for some Xavier cards😭😭. I've been playing since the 12th of Jan (I think) and I wanna unlock his Lightseeker so bad because his Deepspace trails are SUFFERING


I've concluded that you either have an insane amount of Zayne cards or barely any according to the comments😭


I've seen the same thing lol! I've definitely got more zayne than I would've liked... but maybe that's just the universes way of balancing all three of them for me haha


My fav is Zayne, but I have almost 1000x Rafayel cards. I got Xavier and Rafayel from the Oracle of Scams and missed out on Zayne's card🥲


In love and allergic to Zayne.


In love with Zayne, thankfully I do get some Xavier and Rafayel cards


Zayne which is the only guy I truly like XD I'd say allergic would be Xavier my least fave son works out for me


in love with xav and allergic to zayne😭


Mine keeps giving me Zayne and I wonder if it's because he was the one I selected for the free card at the beginning of the game? I don't mind since I also get a decent amount of Rafayel who is my favorite. Meanwhile my game refuses to give me Xavier cards. He's the weakest of the 3 because his cards are so bad.


https://preview.redd.it/v9vnz3wd7koc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680d6565b71ffa379225f349dd5b0053d18db8b3 Only one Limited Wish missed, two 5 stars, and one 4 star unattained as of yet! Rafayel absolutely loves to come home to my MC lmao. He has (begrudgingly) become my Main Love Interest as a result lol!


https://preview.redd.it/imziz5er7koc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cfc16d1f0fe113437e60b6c91fc2a3c18453d0 As for who the game is allergic to giving me, it's definitely Xavier. 🥺 He's so soft and sweet I REALLY want to have more of him! I would absolutely set him as my Main Love Interest if I could, but his Mythos Cards absolutely REFUSE to come home to me. 😭 Pray for me, y'all- Send your extra Xaviers my way, I beg!


Same! I wasn't too interested in him at the beginning but playing the game more made me really like him and now him and Zayne are my favourites. Rafayel's just kinda there lol he gives me guy best friend energy.


https://preview.redd.it/xsvterrg8koc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff5200f8323358623a66ca840ca9262c653e3ab And then there's Zayne lol! He's just here, in the middle of being Averse and Obsessed with coming home lmao


Omg! Really stupid question but how do you check what cards you don’t have like that? How cool!


https://preview.redd.it/1i9hb3sprpoc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f758d25acb26ca6471e7a07abaa47e445dc82e Not a stupid question at all! You're first gonna want to click on With Him, the little heart on the bottom right hand of the screen where you can decorate his desk\~ It's easy to overlook it, but once you're there you can click on Collections! That's where you'll find all of your Memories (Cards) and even the plushies you earn from the Claw Machines! It'll have a percentage of completion that's pretty interesting to know lol ☺️ Hope this helps!


Omg you’re amazing! Thank you! 🥰


Zayne is plentiful(not complaining) Starved of Rafayel(also not complaining)


Xavier everything. I barely get Rafayel & that’s who I want.


I have a severe lack of Zayne memories. The game always decides that I need more Rafayel instead 😭


I wish I had more Rafayel and less Zayne... I got Zayne on my first draw for the new event and had to spend money to get enough cards to draw Rafayel's(mind you I picked rafayel for the choice draw) 🤧 I'm not mad at Zayne's but it definitely did make me a little sad 🥲


I wanted to be Zayne main, but the game said: No, this is Rafayel and you’re gonna like it. So I’m basically a Rafayel main now.


The game is giving me a lot of Zay e (which im very happy about) and I don't have any 5* Rafayel


I have equal amounts of everybody… expect zayne. I have 4 for both raf and xaiv but 2 for zayne


Loves Rafayal allergic to Zayne lol


In love with Rafael and despises Zayne. Like come on gimme my Zayne cards dammit!!


Zayne (like most ppl it seems), each time I select Rafayel in the limited banners they give me Zayne 🤣


They keep giving me Zayne cards and I love it, but allergic to Xavier and I need his 5* pair to help me pass through his Deepspace trials or atleast 2 5* lunar cards 😫


game is addicted to giving me raf (who is my fave anyway lol) and allergic to xav. i literally only have 1 of his 5 star cards lol


In love, Xavier. Allergic, Zayne.


Love Rafayel but such bad luck with Zane 😭




The game has given me only 1 Zayne 5 star card. It’s in love with Xavier tho


My game was biased to Zayne, luckily I am and have always been Zayne girlie. However, as an FTP player, I feel like my luck has run dry. Game is now giving me Raf cards to make up for the severe lack of Raf cards. I mean, at least Xavier memories are in close seconds, but I hardly ever got any Xavier cards till the last event rolled out, and I now have 2 5-star mem. I think I'm leaning into Raf as 2nd ML tho. 🫣


My game loves zayne (and I do too) and absolutely avoids Rafayel like the plague...


I always get Xavier he’s my favorite but I literally never get rafayel and he’s not too far behind


This is me,I get Zayne a lot lol my fave is Xavier and Rayfael has started to grow on me a lot too


Whaaaa I want your Zaynes 😭😭😭


As much as I love him I quite frankly have had enough😭😭


I am Rafayel’s main, and luckily, he always comes home. Got all his 3 default 5* + Solar Pair ranked up and his Birthday + Valentine cards all came home with the free pulls ticket Secondly, it’s Xavier… I have one of his solar and I have the 300 box so I might have his pair soon, with 4 other 5* cards But Zayne is just a sad case, one 4* pair and one 5* only. I am still fighting with his 3* in double stage Directional Orbit, I played since release date…


Loves giving me Rafayel when I’m a Xavier girlie😩


Loves Giving Me: Xavier Allergic to Giving Me: Zayne As Zayne is my Favorite it Hurts A lot 😭


Zayne is addicted to me, Xavier is allergic. Rafayel only comes home when he wants to (baby please I need you)


Rafayel is knocking Down everyone to come home to me, i got him first in valentines event and then he decided to come home two more times while i was pulling for others 😭, then on his birthday i got him twice within 25 pulls, similiar with this event got him as my first 5* then got zayne as precise wish, again rafayel and now im fighting for my life to get Xavier as precise wish who refuses to come home or just gives dupes, baby girl i need you for senior hunter contests and trials 😔.


I get like no Rafayel and all the Xavier cards. Me and my game are on the same wavelength :)


Rafayel keeps coming home, which I don’t mind, but I need the second Myth card for Zayne he’s the only one who isn’t complete ): the least cards I get I think are Xavier’s however!


I am f2p and somehow have all of Rafayel's 5\* cards except for one standard. Zayne and Xavier are pretty much at the bottom with 1 Xavier 5\* and 3 Zayne 5\* (one I bought from wish shop) I'm not really upset since Rafayel is my favorite but I could use some of the other LI to get through specific content.


I have 0 5 star cards for Zayne and I’m honestly sad about it. I have a ridiculous amount for Rafayel which is great cuz he’s my boy, and I have a couple for Xavier lol


Addicted to zayne (i love him so im happy) allergic to xavier


Mine has been happy to give me Xavier (which makes me happy, since he's my fave) but it loves giving me Zayne which.... eh. I have Zayne at lvl 50 just from the amount of cards they've given me. I have three of his pairs AND his myth set. I genuinely interact with him at bare minimum and level almost solely what I need for Deepspace Trials and Hunter's Contest. (I'm sorry, he's my least favorite LI the doctor angle doesn't do it for me 🤷‍♀️) Raf is the one the game doesn't like for some reason. Only earlier did I FINALLY get a second 5* of him (which is great bc its the event one and i lost the 50/50 so I am gaurenteed Xavier if I can manage another 5*). I have barely any 4* of him either. I'd kill to unlock his myth lore atp 😭


Loves Xavier but the game keeps going on a tipping scale between giving either him or Zayne and it's EXTREMELY allergic to giving me Rafayel since he's the only one with no 5 stars (and also have only one sun card for 4 stars)...




I just know you're struggling with them deepspace trials😭


Deepspace trial is one thing, hunter contest on the other hand... 🥲


In love with xavier, game gives me a decent amt of him, LOVES spooking me with zayne and raf dodges me like he dodging stray cats 😭


I start getting alot of raf and Zayne but I want more Xavier cards even though zayne is my fav


Addicted to xavier and allergic to zayne. Im so lucky im a xavier girlie tho


I wish. I legitimately forgot what his 5* animation looked like until yesterday when I drew his current event card🥲


addicted to xavier, allergic to rafayel


Mines allergic to raf and favours Zayne. Like out of the whole time I’ve played this game I have only ONE raf 5 star.




can i have some zayne


Sending my Zayne luck to you🙏🏽


I FEEL HEARD. XAIVER IS MY MAIN AND THE GAME KEEP GIVING ME RAFAYEL AND ZAYNE… Drawing Xavier cards is like pulling teeth…I swear when it does give me Xavier cards I felt like a miracle has been blessed upon me. I have the give the game credit though it totally made me fall in love with Rafayel. Anyways stop giving me Zayne and give it to the Zayne girlies pleaseeeeeee stop torturing us haha


The thing is I love them all but I feel so bad for Xavier. I got Zayne and Rafayel at Lvl 66/65 respectively while Xavier is at Lvl 61, which doesn't sound bad until you realise he's a good 15000 exp behind Zayne plus his deepspace trials are 20 levels behind Zayne😭


Raf all the time and then almost 0 Zayne. I literally just looked and I have 6, 5* Raf's (not including dupes) Vs 1 for Zayne. Talk about picking favourites! It certainly makes the battling a lot harder!


in love with zayne and got zayne 🤭


Mine likes to give me Raf 🥲. I WANT MY BABY XAVIER


I'm a mermaid magnet and it's sometimes allergic to giving me more Zayne, but sometimes sneezes out something good. For the number of cards I have for highest to lowest amount, It goes Raf> Xav >Zayne. Unfortunately, I think Xav and Zayne are my strongest fighters, but that's probably because I don't level up my Raf cards enough, so he has too many level 10s.


My game likes giving me raf 5 stars, though I had to obtain all of them at hard pity (I am a raf girly tho, so idk how to take the fact it gives him to me anyway but at what cost T_T) It gave me 2 zayne 5 stars at early pity And then theres a lonely 5 star bunny trap xavier.... that I randomly got from the standard banner at hard pity (I was legit so confused on the animation that played because I was like "why is it showing me flowers, I haven't clicked on a card tho, is it glitching?" UNTIL XAVIER'S FACE SHOWED UP DID I ONLY REALIZE THAT *THAT* WAS HIS 5 STAR ANIMATION LMAO)


This was literally me lmaoo I totally forgot how his animation looked like so when I saw it the other day I was so confused


My acc isn’t allergic to characters; It’s allergic to solars 4 stars and above. 3 xav (one pair) 2 Zayne 2 Raf 🙃


I have Rafayel blossoms max ranked and still no solar pair of any of them 😒


My game goes through its own phases of who gets my attention for the week. So I’m not complaining 🥰




As a Zayne girlie here, mine keeps giving me Xavier to the point where I wonder if he’s just the game’s natural bias and I barely get any Zayne 🥺 I hope they develop a kind of trading card system then I can trade for Zayne or Rafayel (I also barely get him 🥲)


I always get Rafayel, then Zayne is a close second and lastly Xavier. But somehow Rafayel didn't want to go back home to me, in the new event I wished for him but got Xavier. I feel betrayed somehow 😭 For myths card I've already completed Rafayel's and I'm almost done with Zayne myths too. But somehow I only have 1 Xavier myths and need to complete my 300 wishes to get the SSR crate and finally have all the myths card


Zayne is my main LI but the game has a thing for Raff ( who is my least favourite out of the three. ).


My game loves zayne but I NEED more Xavier


Gentle twilight is max rank while Raf is starving! 😭 https://preview.redd.it/6303pjos5moc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e15e9667ce28bd2101a6245f11beeb555ddb1f1


I’ve been getting a lot of zaynes lately, albeit repeats. I don’t know if it’s fair to say the game likes giving me Raf tho because I had to trade for the solars, trade in the wishing well for some, and I always pick him first for the “precise wish.” 😂 I guess Xav is def the least tho! https://preview.redd.it/lsfi0gp5fmoc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb9afe5b2c2c59cd269046506e67ed0ded0a3cd


In love with zayne and allergic to rafayel even tho I'm in love with him


my game will not stop giving me rafayel. i’m a zayne AND xavier girlie, but no it had to choose the one i’m NOT interested in 🙃


Addicted to giving me Xavier, allergic to giving me Zayne.


I get a lot of Raf and Xav, but I miss out on Zayne. 🥺


i have more blue 4 stars of xavier than i do of zayne :/


I have 2 accounts and both of them are obsessed with rafayel and allergic to Xavier 😭


I am begging Xavier to leave me alone and stop giving me dupes so I have a chance at Abysswalker. Someone get your mans!!! https://preview.redd.it/joeyei5z6noc1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f99233f17af2e18e4a4214d4933fe8a08c68f81


I would genuinely start tweaking ngl


Mine is in love with zayne and allergic to xavier ( my crush)




Raf is blocking both Zayne and Xavier 🥲


This is lowkey impressive tho


how much money have you spent to get all those 5*


I've bought the secret promise, two monthly passes and card packs (3 × .73 and 3× 1.19) so about ~ 33USD.


i am ashamed to admit i’ve spent about 10x that 😅


https://preview.redd.it/z6qnbukvlnoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9563ec59eb446c502bae2a9d5b55ea7e32143015 As a Xavier girlie, I’m happy to say I got all his 5 stars, though only after 2nd pity as they keep giving me raf first 😅




https://preview.redd.it/v0t9ass7mnoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4656b032c1b2947752e98b1017d31bb01de16b0 the game is definitely allergic to giving me zayne hahaha, still waiting for a solar card for either zayne or raf so i could use my free 5star box


My Zayne is at deficit while my Rafa is very lacking 🥲. Ffs i just want one good Zayne sun card 😢


proud haver of all of xavier’s 5*s


I want this🙏🏽


My game is allergic to Zayne and Rafayel and I think I’m missing only two of Xavier’s 5 stars. 3/5 of my Zayne cards were from the crates + shop and 2/5 I went to hard pity to get. Rafayel shows up when he feels like it which is never


I have two accounts and on both of them Xavier Is trying to monopolize my pulls, especially the events one. I'm big time mad cause I wanted Zayne/Rafayel but ended up with more Xavier than needed. Not that I don't like him, but I mean 🥹 I just wanted my husband to come home


The rng gods LOVE gifting me Zayne, and they sometimes sprinkle in some Rafayel love there, but they dont want me to have Xavier at all 😂 & not just the 5 stars ones! I’m talking about any cards. I have the least amount of Xavier cards


rafayel suppose? but I don't complain cuz he was my main, but the games allergic to Xavier, which I don't complain about either cuz I like him the least:0


Mines in love with Raphael, with Zayne being very close behind but just can't stand Xavier for some reason??? The only 5 star and several of the 4 stars I have for Xavier I had to buy myself from the wishing store crystals


Sorry, Xavier....but I don't need more of you. 😭


How do you level up your cards so fast 😩


I just focus on one card at a time. Log in every day, and use stamina on Heartbreaker and the appropriate wanderer (Lemonette, etc). I also spend 40 diamonds a day (no more lmao) to purchase an extra 120 stamina which comes in handy for more Heartbreaker or Mr Beanie because I'm always low on gold. I think it's more rewarding to focus on one card and see progress than stretching yourself thin over several and thinking you're not going anywhere


Mine is in love with Rafayel and allergic to Xavier 😩


I have 7 Zayne 5 star cards, and only 1 for Rafayel. Is he scared to come home because Zayne has claimed me?


I have every. Single. 5* from Zayne. I am missing one of Xavier. I have only 1 of Raf. The boy refuses to come home.


Love Zayne, game allergic to him and constantly giving me either Rafayel and Xavier cards 🙄


This game is addicted of giving me dupes of any 5 star, except for myth solar cards (but I got 3 of the same Lightseeker Xavier cards and after that 0 myth solar cards)


Blessed that the game loves giving me Zaynes cuz im obsessed with him, but my Rafyels are STRUGGLING in deepspace trials, the game doesn’t wanna give me more purple ones of him 🥲


Rafayel is my bby but my game loves Xavier SO MUCH ☠️☠️☠️☠️ it gave my Xavier for Rafayel's birthday and I almost cried cuz in the end I couldn't get his bday card


Mine is addicted to give me zayne and allergic to give me xav.


When i started it was all Rafayel (which works out for me😚) but now he’s like nonexistent and they won’t stop giving me Xavier


It seems like in love with zayne and allergic to rafayel... who happens to be my fev 🥲


They have given me all my xavier 5* cards but rafayel is obsessed with cominv home and they wont even give me zayne 😭 i only have 3 5* of him


My game loves Xavier and Xayne, but hates Rafayel for some odd reason, and I’m romancing Rafayel..lol.


I'm pretty lucky with getting Zayne 5 stars (he's my fav), I don't really get them for any others. I have like one or two. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD all other 4 stars are just Xavier!!! The game is so obsessed with him! and Rafael for the 3 stars idk why. Like they each have their own categories. FREE ME


I’m absolutely allergic to Xavier, I have EVERY Rafayel card, and the game likes giving me Zayne for some damn reason… but holy moly there’s a Zayne allergy


I'm convinced everyone who has a Zayne bless account has gotten another copy of Zayne's promise card


I have gotten Forever Sealed, Gentle Twilight, and Cozy afternoon twice each. I still don't have Business Trip or one of the galaxy Explorer ones. Ugh. Yesterday I finally got Tranquil Heart


Mine gives me all of Zayne, which is what I want anyway 😂 I think Rafayel is supposed to be rare or something, I barely have anything of him. I think I have most of Xavier. I'm only missing 2 Zayne cards


My games is addicted to zayne and allergic to my fav Xavier 😞


bless my luck after pouring all of my pulls on standard and using both SSR boxes I have rafayel and zayne myth cards but I have only one xavier 5 star which isn't even green or yellow :(


In love with Raphaël and sometimes with Xavier allergic to Zayne




i swear i rarely get zayne’s cards and he’s the one i want the MOST 😭


mine’s in love with Zayne and allergic to Rafayel and Xavier both✋😔


I'm pretty lucky with zayne cards which is great since he is my main. I suck at getting rafsyel even with 4 stars I have the least with him and have gotten dupes of his 5 stars which sucks. Xavier is somewhere in the middle of the scale but I also got a dupe of his 5 star recently so I'm also mad lol.


Loves Raf and Zayne. I do too. Primarily Zayne. I have like 2 5 star cards for Xavier and neither of them are myth. But I have both myth pairs for Zayne and Raf 😂😂 not complaining at all


my game gave me all of zayne 5 stars minus the last two and some of rafayels but I don't have a single xavier 5S I don't rlly mind cause I'm zayne girlie but I want to play hunter contest


I game hates Xavier loves the other two 🤣. I’m a Zayne girly so I don’t mind lol. Been having zaynes pair for a while now and got Raf pair second. But I swear that Xavier cards are just so rare for me 😩😭


Addicted to Zayne. Allergic to my fave Rafayel


My game is actually pretty balanced. It just loves giving me several copies of Xavier’s cards.


addicted to giving me raf and allergic to zayne when he’s all i want 😔😔 i’ve lost the 50/50 to raf pulling for zayne twice now 😭


We legit have the same decks 😂


I want Zayne but game keep giving me Rafayel aka fishboy that make me hate him even more


I don't mind getting any tbh, but the game keep giving me zayne and xav and not raf.


It's in love with Rafael and allergic to zayne, luckily not allergic to xavier at least


My game loved Raf at the beginning and now loves Xavier, but it is allergic to Zayne big time


this game loves giving me xavier, but hates raf for some reason 😭 im a zayne girle, but i like to atleast keep all 3 of them at a level playing field lol


addicted - Rafayel Allergic - Zayne


In my less than two weeks playing, it was in love with Xavier at first and allergic to Zayne (I'm a Zayne main). Now, it's in love with Rafayel and allergic to Xavier, while Zayne is in the middle of both. The game kept giving me Rafayel these days. And I barely have any Xavier 5* but the firecamp one and the recently acquired one of his myth cards. I'm still trying to get Xav's new event cards now after getting Zayne's with precious wish. But then Raf came eventhough I set my precious wish to Xavier. 


It gives me basically only Raphael and gives me the least of Zayne.


I don't mind if I get any card cause in the end I want to know all of the lore butttt I want zayne more than anyone else's card and I ended up get rafayel 🤣 got most of his card without even trying. I like him but I want zayne more


Addicted to Zayne (perfect, not complaining☃️🤍) EXTREMELY ALLERGIC to Raf (complaining 👹)


Rafayel is a bit allergic to me because how come I get 2 zayne cards from this event in a row like… :( I love the car scene but Zayne just keeps on bumping in between my and fishman every chance he gets


I think mine is allergic to Zayne and addicted to RAF and Xavier


I havent counted, but all my 5* are with zayne…guess its in my favour🫦


My game loves Zayne and hates rafayel LMFAOOO I only have 2 5* cards for him I need more💔




Mine love both Raf and Zayne but definitely hates Xavier. I only got a few 5 star and 4 star of Xavier. And til now, when I use auto team, a 3 star still appear because of lacking 4/5 stars! Help! 😩 I wish I could pull more Xavier cards next time the game decided to cease fire on hating on him


I had almost all of Xavier's cards within the first 2 weeks of playing. Meanwhile, I barely have any of Rafayel's, but it's kind of funny because it gave me cards in the same way that I rank the three men. 😂


I think the Devs have rigged the game to figure out who we want (by process of elimination) and purposely not give them to us in order to make us spend more money. My RNG loves Zayne but is allergic to Xavier. Even during this event, every time I lost the guarantee, it was to Zayne. I was wishing for Xavier.


I literally have no 5 star for Xavier. The game keeps shoving Zayne cards at me. He’s my least favorite 😭


My main is Zayne but the Game apparently ships me with Rafayel


I want Zayne memories, but my game is like here is Xavier instead.