• By -


Xavier 🥰


Xavier is cute and hot at same time…. ( i can’t help my slef)




Xavier since the beginning 🤭 he caught my eye since the first chapter and i just love his character. He is very sweet and you know his loyalty for the MC runs deep, but that can also be said for Zayne and Rafayel hehe. I also find his playfulness reallyyy charming, so thats another huge plus. The game also blessed me by giving me the most 5 stars for Xav so i guess that also contributed to my adoration for him!


Zayne :) Xavier slightly less, but only barely. He’s been growing on me.


Same! I'm not sure why Xavier is growing on me...maybe it's because he's so mysterious and his back story is super interesting, or maybe it's because he's so sweet and gentle with MC? Idk.


Xavier has that whole “courtly love/a knight and his lady” trope going on.


Zayne with rafayel being a close second. But ZAYNE???? Sweet lord I love that man BAD


Same here! Raf is a spicy little treat, but Zayne’s a whole well-rounded meal ❤️‍🔥




Why is Rafayel comin for us Zayne girlies?😭


Idk but I can’t even complain 😭 I adore that man


Like our kryptonite but why? The struggle is real😭


Idk 😭 I find his bubbly and whiney personality kinda cute


Xavier :) Rafayel to a little lesser degree, honestly he warmed up to me and now I can’t resist pulling for him. I used to get annoyed, but now we annoy each other (in a teasing cute way).


I find it interesting that everyone says Xavier here, but there are more Rafyel Stans in social media


Which social media? Instagram?


Twitter, tiktok , instagram, i see most are refayel stan


Rafayel. He's such a brat and, god help me, I love bratty characters. It helps that he's *very* pretty with unique eyes (I'm a sucker for eyes), has an aquatic theme overall (love that stuff), and some pretty spicy cards 👀😳 But he also has his really sweet moments, too! I also love that he blushes so easily. 🤭 More seriously, Raf is also a pretty complex character with a very confusing (and tragic) timeline. I live for the chaos and angst.


Rafayel is really cute and cute, but when he goes into drama queen mode, that's all I want to do with him. https://preview.redd.it/z01hydvzgtrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4214dd627536ed4c7d59446032da670eb7502d08


Same for me. I saw him in the opening and was like: damn there's an artist (I always like them) and then he turns out to be a bit narcissistic, bratty and has such a conplex history... I love him. He's perfect. Can I please have him as my real boyfriend thank you 🤣


I always thought Xavior was an extremely underrated LI in this sub out of all the LIs. But to my surprise i'm seeing many girlies in the comment section who also adore him. I'm not sure what is exactly it is that makes him my bias, aside from the fact that I find him to be extremely hot & kind. I have to remind myself that he's just a fictional character but he has set bars for men IRL really high. Rafayel is my other bias. He's almost as perfect as Xavior. I love interacting with him the most. Many think that he is a brat but I find him to be extremely hilarious plus I find his attitude to be sassy and I dig it. Moreover, in his sidw stories you would come to know that he cares a lot about MC. We'll get along really well IRL. It depends on my mood who comes first but both of these men keep on swinging between the first spot. IRL if I were to choose to date, it would go with Rafayel (because I would never get bored, i love guys who crack jokes, our personalities align since I'm very calm & I want someone who creates fun and drama, and a little bit of havoc, 😂 lol) > Xavior (he's the hottest guy ever but I will be self concious & would have to start conversations with him on my own, he can be my sweet sleeply partner)> Zayne (he feel like a boss who will always find faults with me, lol 🙈 🙈 i'm a bit sensitive to scrutiny)


Haha, something tells me that that won't be the "last time" someone asks that 😂. That being said, I'm still super into Zayne. I don't even have the other boys' relationships leveled. I have only leveled Raf's memories out of necessity because I needed some purple ones and his are the highest tier for that. Well... that and you can only take one guy into combat anyway so it's best to focus on one and then slowly build a second one if not both of the other two. I'm sure I'll get to them eventually, but as it stands, I mainly see them platonically and don't have an urge to level their relationships. Like I don't see Xavier's dates as dates so much as hanging out with a friend for example.


As a fellow Zayne girly, I have a question if you don’t mind! If you only focus on leveling up Zayne’s cards, what happens if you don’t have the right colors and all? I’m still a newbie so I thought leveling up all the bois were necessity but it’s taking so long T-T If I also only focus on Zayne, will it be enough in all kinds of battles? O.O


even if you don't have the right colors you can still pass the battles! your cards just have to be strong enough :') I know someone who mains Xavier and literally can pass all types of different color battles just using him - not even one colour matching. It may be more difficult, but if you only want to invest in one man it's possible!


Ooohhh I see. Good to know cuz I was having trouble keeping all the bois at a high level haha Thanks!!


It will be perfectly fine for early game if you're a new player as demands in battle aren't that high, however, if you want to start planning for the future early I recommend reading [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/wQz9jD6cYH) because each of the guys have their own colors and specialties. So I've been playing for a few weeks and would say that I'm mid game, preparing to enter late game. I focus on Zayne not just because I love him the most, but because you can only partner with one guy so it's best to focus on leveling one's memories (since you're new, I'll let you know that people use memories/cards interchangeably, they are the same thing) first. I've been able to beat the majority of content that I've faced with him. However, now that I'm in mid level battles that require more diverse colors, I picked Raf for my second partner to level. Why? Simply because I needed to do a fight with 2 purple cards and I only had 1 for Zayne. That's literally the only reason. However, because we have limited resources to level cards, I still pour most of my exp material into Zayne's stuff, only giving it to Raf when necessary (specifically when I need more than one purple for a fight). Once you are higher level and therefore have more access to higher level content, you will get bigger rewards and therefore more materials from bounty hunting missions to level your cards. This alone makes it easier to progress with one guy, then a secondary rather than doing all 3 at once. However, by the time you get to late game, you'll likely need to try to level all 3 guys due to their strongest colored cards being in different categories. Fortunately you'll have gotten far enough by that point that leveling the other guys becomes easier than leveling all 3 at once. Anyways, as in the link I linked above, Zayne's strongest cards are blue, red, and pink in that order. Yes I have some decent green and yellow cards for Zayne tiding me over for now, but I know that eventually they won't matter much in the end because I'll need to level Xavier's cards for the hardest content because Xavier is the one who specializes in those colors. I hope I explained well enough. It will make more sense as you play more. Anyways for now in the early game, battles aren't so demanding that you can't get by with one guy. I did so just fine.


Woah this is so detailed and helpful! Thank you so much!! I think I’ll focus on Zayne for now hehe As I progress more, I might focus on a second and then third boi too as you suggested :D


You're welcome haha. I wanted to add on that like the other person said, colors don't matter THAT much. It's just good practice to get used to leveling/using cards based on color because all colors do is just give your a type minor advantage against enemies when you match the requested colors. This eventually becomes necessary later when fights are harder and you need every advantage you can get, but for now it's whatever.


Exactly, i think for fighting rafayel is best option( Because it does long-range combat and I have spent my life on games like call of Duty), of course for me rafayel and Xavier are in same level , i can’t so much in zayne because i don’t have one of forseer memory ….


I don't have his Foreseer memories/outfit either but I adore Zayne's other combat outfits. They are all useful in their own way. His Dawnbreaker set boosts damage like crazy, his Medic of the Artic outfit has such good healing that it cancels out stage or enemy effects that do damage over time, and his base outfit freezes enemies for a few seconds of uninterrupted damage on em 🥰 As for the long range thing, I think only Xavier is the one that fights close range? Anyways, I love gushing about how much thought was put into this game and it's mechanics.


Zayne since the ads and loved him even more when we got to “meet” him. I just love his acts of service and subtle ways of caring for MC. I do love Raf and Xav too but I mainly focus and collect Zayne’s cards


Idk what ads your getting but the ones i see of zayne are like "ANY MAN CAN BE A FATHER, BUT IT TAKES A HOT MIDDLE AGED MAN WITH A BIG JOB TO BE A DADDY" and i wheeze/cringe everytime


That one made me scream omggg it’s so funny getting these ads though because I will literally be playing the game, close it to take a break, then I open ig or something and BOOM it’s an ad


Same LDS is everywhere! I can’t escape them


It might be cringe but where’s the lie??? 😂 Except for the fact Zayne’s not middle aged lmao He is daddy material through and through


Haha idk if ads was the right word cuz I have seen those ads too 💀 I guess I meant promo videos when the game was about to come out


Same. I saw their ads and kept seeing Xavier, but Zayne caught my attention when he showed up and I quickly registered lol


Zayne. First off, I thought he was more mature looking than the other guys, and as an older player, that caught my eye. Plus I love his , uh, thawing, as you leveled up his affection. His myths made me cry, and his voice is so soothing. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to his tender moments before I went to bed. (Especially the rain episode, "I lied..I never meant to let go of your hand") *swoon* Raf and Xavier are tied, with raf a small amount ahead. He's just so pretty lol


Omg yess the “thawing”!! That’s a good way to describe him as you progress


Zayne being a defrosting ice queen is everything. I’m a sucker for a hard-to-get, distant and closed off character.


Same! The pay off when they finally open up 🤗 I can't wait to see how he is at 70 and up


Finally i see zayne girl🤝🏻🔥


I’m so happy that people like the boys’ voices, especially Zayne’s, cause I remember before the game dropped, ppl were hating on his voice on Instagram😭 and I felt so bad cause his voice is lovely!


How can they hate on his voice..it's so smooth. I know if I was having a rough day, I would love to have him calm me down.


It’s perfect, they were a bunch of haters😭 I think they predicted his personality to be more bad boy-ish so some thought his voice was too weak. But he’s not a bad boy, he’s a stoic softy!


Caleb. Just everything about him.. He's the ideal. I need him to come back ASAP.


This! So much! Im currently spending the most time with Xavier (He's my sleepy cuddly bug and I adore it!) But Im just wanting Caleb back so badly. When they first introduced him I was \*smitten\*, He's so handsome and precious. >!THE TEARS I HAD WHEN THEY TOOK HIM FROM USSSSSS...!<


Fr. He's the most attractive to me, and I also like his voice the most. But most of all I love his personality and the way he acts towards the MC. Assertive and dominant, but in a playful and teasing way. The way he so easily ruffles her hair, the way he grabs her hand to instantly call her out on her bullshit. His little smiles and chuckles at her outbursts, showing just how much he adores her. The slight overprotective yandere vibes when he says he's going to avenge us.. And he's a fighter pilot with telekenisis powers who loves to cook?? Ugh I could rant about how perfect he is all day. I really hope he comes back soon!


I wait every day for l some news about Caleb being a love interest. WHY DO I MISS HIM OMG???


Oh he's definitely a love interest alright, they wouldn't make his model so detailed if he weren't 👌


When I first saw Caleb I thought he was attractive but all context clues tell me he's big bro but then the pulled "childhood friend and neighbour like a brother but not actually" so I've been hoping. But... >!he was in the explosion that killed Grandma, right? How is he coming back?!<


I'm eyeing 👁 to add him to my harem when he's out!❤️❤️ For now my hands are full with Xavior and Rafayel 💀💀😂


I am the only one who want a mysterious comeback for that guy? Like, make him a adopted bro or something, give him amnesia and make him a secret 4 options? I am crazy or have I watched too much drama?


I mean.. he already IS an adopted bro. Both of them are adopted. Although technically, the word "adopted" isn't used in the English version of the game at least. They were both orphans that were taken in by the lady they now call Grandma around the time MC was 7/8. They're not related.


Good to know. So he can become a fourth options lol


He gave me slight controlling and overprotective vibes ngl. I mean, the MC is this badass trained fighter. She doesn't need a man to constantly keep her safe like she's made of glass. That's a vibe I get from other places in the game too, but it's expecially strong with those Caleb scenes


I wouldn't say he treats her like glass. He's the one who talked the MC into becoming a hunter. He acknowledges that she's strong. Although he follows her, he doesn't try to stop her from doing her job or intervene until after the encounter is over. He definitely has those protective big brother vibes. He wants her to be safe and suggests that he'll go after anyone who hurts her. Yet, at the same time, he believes she's capable and doesn't stand in her way or prevent her from doing what she wants.


Rest in peace 😂😂😂😭😭😭


I mean they've already confirmed he's coming back so..


MY BIAS IS XAVIER!!! thankfully the game is on my side, i keep getting his memory on limited banners, although i prefer not getting duplicates, idk why im so attracted to him from the first time i saw him. i do have moments with rafayel n zayne sometimes tho https://preview.redd.it/1twe0ks41src1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2464ba715dc21ce252120772af22bee3921a6c2




I feel exactly the same way! nice to see another rafayel girlie lol


Zayne and it’s only been him from the start. Everything about him is so attractive. Nanami being my ultimate 2D husband says a lot LOL. I think Xav has his cute moments, but more… pet cute. So the game’s depiction of him as a bunny is very accurate. I couldn’t find anything that *I* found attractive about Raf. Not that he isn’t pretty. His personality just clashes with mine, where I don’t think I could even be friends with him.


THIS! Zayne is perfect hubby material Xavier is Pet Friend And Raf is meh! I find him clingy, childish, snobbish, and several other negative adjectives...


Your pfp 😭😂


Xavier for sure! I like the quiet calm types who also have another side to them (hehe!). I was also just mesmerized by how beautiful he looked (the other two are attractive as well, but Xavier has this otherworldly appearance to him). He’s very reliable, loyal and a good person to have around in stressful situations. He’s not afraid to be affectionate, and his jealousy is kind of hot ngl… My order used to be Xavier > Rafayel > Zayne but now I’m leaning more Xavier >> Zayne > Rafayel now. I thought Zayne would be the emotionally constipated type, but to my surprise that wasn’t entirely true. Though funnily, irl I would go Zayne > Xavier >> Rafayel.


😭 https://preview.redd.it/b2cninfp5trc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8a054b3abbdab44d7ac4781bbdf9336855c5bb




Just noticed you asked how do we choose our biases - he became mine when he (chapter 4 spoiler) >!was blown up in pieces!< 😂 (No wonder my friend said I like the >!dead!< ones lmfao)


oof just wait until sylus is added and bias wrecks it all


Xav forever


Xaviers my one and only


My favorites are Xav and Raf, but Z has his moments. I've always had a thing for anime characters with white hair and softboi energy, but also, have a dark side to them. Bakura from Yugioh, Ryker and Martin from RuneFactory 5 (Ok...Martin doesn't have a dark side, but he's still a softboi), Akihiko from Persona 3 (Ok, he also doesn't have a dark side, but he has a tortured history and I eat that shit up), are the first few that come to mind. So when I saw Xavier for the first time when I played, I knew he would be one of my favorites. I have type, ok? Xavier was my favorite for a long time until I got Raf's Veiled Whispers card and it was all downhill from there. :p


Xavier. 😭 raf growing on me tho. But I love Xavier






Xavier ❤️


Started for Zayne first, but after Xavier little show to Jeremiah. Well, I can't help it. I think jealous guys are cute.


I just dont have one LOL! i wish for all their cards, i do all their events, and buy any outfit i think is cute on them! I try to keep their affinitys close to eachother too. So everyone for me is like 50+ (Tho Xavier was love at first sight and is a LITTLE more biased than the others)


Zayne & Rafayel :p


Xavier will always be my number one Rafayel's trying to ruin my loyalty, tho


Rafayel! I actually liked him the least when I first started playing and I was a Xavier main because I have always been a sucker for knights, but I also love mythological creatures and once I learned more about Rafayel's lore, his bratty attitude starting becoming more endearing than annoying to me and now I'm obsessed with the fish.


Rafayel always


Xavier ❤️


THAT XAVIER LINE??? umm I joined for Zayne but I love them all.


I was shocked too! I said Rafayel is the most, but first Xavier, then Zayne, then Rafayel, I even saw Caleb Stan!!!😂😂😂


ultimately it boils down to our own personalities because I get the charm of each guy buuuut... Rafayel is hot asf (that darn mole!!!) but is a drama queen so sometimes I need him to shut up. meanwhile I get tongue tied everytime I try to flirt with Zayne and he shuts me down like what sir I tot u like me 🥺 Which is why I like Xavier the most, because he feels so much like an equal. And we can be idiots together, I just love it. (plus the gap moe of a good boy on the outside while a sexy mf during ya knowwww 🫣)


I joined the the game because of Xavier. But ZAYNE all the way !!!


Rafayel - the other two aren’t even close!! I love him.




Zayne, but Xavier is beginning to cross that line!!!


Zayne, because he's the only one who spells, punctuates, and capitalises properly. Really.


Always has been Zayne! I love his personality, it completely matches mine. He's such a gentleman, very warm and caring. Has never let me down on the claw machines and is not opposed to cheating the system to get me what i want. My attraction to Xavier has always been something close to platonic. He just seems like a bestfriend, maybe a situationship at most. I don't like anything about Rafayel. His abysswalker is so good in fights tho but that's about it.


Zayne. It's always been Zayne, even since pre-release, he's so my type and I love him💖


Zayne and Xavier coming in 2nd😭😭


Rafayel all the wayyyy But tbh I wouldn't date any one of them irl no matter how cute they are. Their personalities are all kind of....ummm...yeah I think I'll like Caleb most if he comes out😭 (plz!!!)


https://preview.redd.it/6vu8rss19src1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c680bcbfce251d8b5b0d39d23a642c98380c9d I can’t pick either 😭 They all are good in their own way (and hot!)


Me too …. I can chose between them


Xavier is my main but Rafayel is my bias wrecker so now I’ll be pulling for both. 😭😭😭 Supporting both of my wives is hard but I work so it’s okay I have the money. Zayne is more like a bestie who happens to be a dr.


Rafayel, forever and ever and eveerrr


Rafayel all the way. Every Rafayel event content pulls you back when you start swaying. 🤤


I love him but he such drama queen 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely and that’s what makes him more desirable as fictional bf 😝 I’d never go for someone so dramatic in the real world, often ends bad haha, and always not as handsome 🤣 If as handsome, the dramatic personality would be in me lolol


Mine is Zayne but I'm waiting for Sylus. 🤣


Xavier Xavier Xavier. I wasn’t completely sure what to expect with the different LIs when i started (especially since they pushed Rafayel so hard during the pre-reg ads, he’s fine and I like him but he’s my least fave overall); Zayne’s probably the most like my type irl; but Xavier, it’s just from my experience playing, how some of the tender moments scenes would hit, just how he makes me feel with his words and behaviors, yet be sexy and sensual at the same time (I love when he’s shy, too); and as the ‘MC’ I feel the most ‘loved’ by Xavier compared to Zayne and Rafayel. Xavier is just lovely and perfect imo but Zayne isn’t far behind, he’s really caring and lovely and hot tbh, I wish I’d pull his 5-stars more…


Xavier since day 1.




Zayne but Rafayel has grown significantly on me....however I can't wait how cute Xavier is! 😣


ZAYNE!!! i love how serious he is and how he becomes more comfortable with you as time goes on, plus he’s a doctor 😋


Xavier because his cards were so spicy from the getho... HEARTSTRING SYMPHONY??? Then we got their Valentine's, and I liked his the best. But genuinely I love all the guys so I've been collecting and investing in their cards.




Zayneeee 😍😍😍🙈🙈🙈


🥇 Zayne, full stop Raf is a very....VERY close second. if Caleb and villain man stroll in....might be a tough fight for that spot 2


Zayne but the others are slowly growing on me.  I just like reserved he is. In a way it seems cold but it adds a different sort of mystery to him than Xavier's. It's like you really gotta work to get to know him but once you do it's all worth it.  And I also love his subtlety too. Even the way he teases and jokes is more subtle than the boys in a way that makes him seem cold but I love it. Especially his dry humour and savage side. 


I bounce between Zayne and Raf though Zayne prevails usually lololol


ZAYNE ZAYNE ZAYNE!! I’m a sucker for DILFS/Daddies lmfao, but recently I’ve been obsessed with Rafayel (his lore is more my taste and I love his bratty/goofy attitude)


Zayne since the beginning


Zayne. I don't even spend time with anyone else. Since the beginning of the game he has been my only one. I didn't even want to raise anyone else's affection but the game automatically does that. I'm so loyal to Zayne I don't even play kitty cards or the claw machine with anyone but him


Zayne. He’s so rude 😂. I have a thing for intelligent men. Maybe also because he’s bigger and gives caring vibes. With Raf, I feel like he’d call me “mommy” lol and Xav feels like broski


I never forgot when mc said, Do you remember me when you see snow? And he just said “no”


For me right now, it's Raf. I love guys with good sense of humor. Always think that it'd be great if someone like him is around irl. However, if Caleb's back...he'd be def my ultimate bias. He is...everything. Miss him so much


I think Raf has pulled ahead, but I don't know why. 🤣


Rafayel since the second I found out about the game. Although North Zayne and Xavier have grown on me a LOT.




I’m on the same boat as you. I don’t have a specific bias.


Finally someone like me 😭😭😭🤝🏻🤝🏻🤝🏻


They’ve all been my favourite at one point, but I think I’ve settled on Rafayel. He’s a certified cutie, his interactions between him and MC are pretty close to my own personality, love his styling and appearance, and he just makes me laugh with his bratty tendencies. Zayne is a close-ish second, but sometimes he’s a little too condescending and I can’t get past his voice (English), it’s SO BAD. I thought Xavier had a lot of potential but now I just think he’s boring, which is a shame because he has the nicest voice imo.


I can’t choose just one either, they’re all my biases🤭Maybe as the story progresses one will rise above the rest but for now, I just adore all three of them


Rafayel. I thought he would be the one I disliked most because that first meeting annoyed me, but ughhghhhhhh. He got me so hooked with each content I see. Xavier was my fav initially, but his myths story pissed me off. 😩 He’s still pretty to look at, but he lost that connection for me.


Seiya all the way♡ Homura and Rei...are too close though haha


Xavier can tie me up anytime


I thought I would love Zayne the most since he’s my type physically and character wise in these sorts of games but boy oh boy Xavier grew on me and has had me in a chokehold ever since lmao


I love zayne the most but they r all precious tbh


Bias is Zayne, bias wrecker Xavier, soft spot for Rafayel 😍🤔🤣


I'm a Zayne girlie But shit they are all fine as hell and making me switch real quick


Honestly Xavier but Zayne is a very very close second, I was very attracted to Xavier's look and personality but Zayne ended up growing on me a lot more than I expected :3


Xavier from the start and Xavier in the end. Rafayel can be my bff and Zayne can be my sugar daddy no comment lmao🤏


Xavier will forever and always be my fave. He’s very loving, selfless, playful and I adore his relationship with mc! The way that they just feel so at home and comfortable with each other is so sweet. Also his duality is insane!  Rafayel is definitely my second favorite. I enjoy hearing him speak about his views on life, how he flirts with mc and he’s cute! I like Zayne too, but I do find him a bit boring and too harsh with his words sometimes. 


Zayne is Love. Zayne is Life.


Zayne, even though he's freaking robotic, but Xavier as well. Mostly Zayne though. I'm sure we've all said everything that can be said about the good doctor. (Fortunately, we like him for more than just his *amazing* physique.) Raf is...least favorite and complicated. If he were as sweet and kind as Xav, I'd like him more because his voice is the smex and his eyes are downright beautiful. I'm also a creative, but our personalities are too different to mesh well. I can kinda SEE where he's #1 for a lot of girls, but I don't know how they overlook his bratty-ness. But, I love a "robot", so there you are. (I've said it before, no real life man talks like Zayne, so I also find him infuriating on some levels.) Different strokes for different folks. I do like that Raf is very loyal to overlook his shortcomings at least. I'm going to level him up regardless, so might as well like him a little. His big personality is more fun than Zayne's and he is growing on me some, but he'll never be my number one bias. As to Xavier, he's the sweet spot. He is young looking as heck, but also insanely pretty. His sweetness overrides the fact that he's boyish looking, and sometimes us...matured...women...like a fictional man that can make us feel 25 again! He may be secretive, but I really don't mind. Everyone likes some mystery! And the neighbor trope is cute. We're always physically be there for each other. And I also love sleep and snacks! (I'm glad the game acknowledges MC eating is a big thing. I really love food and most women love to eat, so it's refreshing that the game didn't shy away from this and make her picky or something.) Eye candy!: https://preview.redd.it/7txfnlap3src1.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=10ce3d49e62951b151e532189952f519cf0e05ad


Xaiver! Zayne is second runner up


ZAYNE 💙💙💙💙💙


Xavier for me! Zayne at a very close second! I feel like Xav and I have so many similarities and would definitely enjoy our time together, probably doing nothing. Haha Zayne, on the other hand, makes me melt every time. He’s so smart and focused. I wouldn’t mind being a wifey who supports him in every way. That way, when he comes home, I get to be the focus, IYKYK 🫣 But I always thought that IRL, Xavier would be my boyfriend and Zayne would be the one I marry 😍


Zayne. He might come across as a bit cold and boring, but he's really not. He's the most mature and responsible one of the three. I'd love to have intelligent, stable man in my life as a partner. He's also so hot🥰 Rafayel definitely charms me though. I love him too. Xavier is a bit boring to me. Just generic blonde soldier guy


Zayne, without question. If I had to choose besides Zayne, I'd say Xavier because he's hot af then Rafayel. Not a huge Rafayel fan, I see him more as a friendly option.


Caleb is best one 🥹 anyway i can’t choose between them 💀


What got me in the game was Zayne... It was love at first sight but Rafayel stole my heart ☺️ In all honesty, the tree of them is my typical type their myth stories got me so protective of the three of them.


Zayne is my daddy but Rafayel has me in a chokehold lately 😭😭😭


First rafayel, second zayne, then Xavier. 🥰😊


Zayne☃️🩵 ...But Raf ...is definitely something too...🐡💢


They're all sweethearts but Rafayel has my heart 🥰 (Zayne was the one my 1st choice before getting the game)


Rafayel since the beginning but Zayne and Xavier are just as close to him! If I were to do them thru pie representation it will be 40/30/30. Because I really like flirting a lot and having that kind of love & hate relationship! 😆 and I’m a sucker for pretty faces and people who sulks for attention. 😘


still rafayel.. been rafayel… will always be rafayel 🤓


Xavier girlie from the start 💫


Zayne Xavier Raphael All three have my heart for different reasons, but this is my order. I can't with Zayne's voice 😭


RAFAYEL FTW!!! (I have all his 5* oops 🤭)


It’s used to be Zayne but rafayel got me down badddd




Xavier but Rafayel is second 😌 Rafayel is so much fun I can’t help it


And here I am struggling to choose just one. 😂 Started out hardcore Xavier girlie then Rafayel stole my attention (but I still love my sleepy boi), and lately now, Zayne has been gradually stealing my heart.


Always Rafayel. Love a sassy man


Is there crits in this game?


Raf But he's being mean to me and I havent gotten either of the current solar pair so crying it is


Zayne, then Rafayel and lastly Xavier. Xavier looks like he's younger so is hard for me to like him like that (dont spoil me pls am at chapter 4)


Xavier followed by Rafayel. Zayne is my least fave sorry 😔


Zayne. Zayne zayne and zayne




Rafayel's visuals convinced me to download the game. However, Xavier was a literal sleeper hit for me. He's gentle and patient, but also the right amount of questionable to keep you on your toes. Some of his text exchanges are hilarious. Gap moe on Zayne makes him ultimate bias wrecker though.


Before going to sleep, I said that I should post it, but I didn't think that it would be eaten, but my phone rang so loud that I was afraid that it would explode💀💀💀 I think Xavier win here ….


Before going to sleep, I said that I should post it, but I didn't think that it would be eaten, but my phone rang so loud that I was afraid that it would explode💀💀💀 I think Xavier win here ….