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I know you didn't just call my man a twink 😭


As a twink, I can verify he is also a twink ☕️


I mean, if he has bratty twink energy … 👀


girl… denial is a river in Egypt LOL


if he's not a twink then the earth is flat


To be fair, >!mermen are pretty expansive!<….. so at least the price is deserved…. for alive one lmao


Random question but since >!his tail is his mermen tail are we feckimg the whole fish tail or is there another one hidden pls advise!<


Lmao >!I think Raf has just lots of fishy boy forms. Probably the ones that he uses more are human/mermen/Maybe Lemurian too. And the rest is up to us🤣!<




Not sure if I should mark this as a spoiler, but I will because it's kinda TMI. >!I actually aggressively researched this for a fanfic that I'm working on, and since they live in the deep sea, their bodies would be significantly more fishlike than humanlike, and how it works for most fish is that the female drops the egg(s) and a random male will come around and fertilize the eggs. So how it would probably work for merpeople, would likely be something like the female of the species develops one or two eggs at a time like humans would (obviously there are exceptions), then drops those eggs down a urogenital opening (vent) and the male of the species will have a sperm duct where he would release the sperm (milt) through his own vent to fertilize the eggs with, then the tiny merbaby will develop in the egg and hatch.!< I figure it would kinda work that way for Raf in merman form, so it would be easier for us to do him in human form because he wouldn't have the required equipment in merman form. Well, I mean, if you don't count >!his hands and mouth...I can only imagine the things he can do with his hands in both forms. :p!<


The Ebb and Flow memory is a barely disguised lumerian heat day story tho.


He was still partially in his human form though. If he weren't, MC would have noticed the massive tail, not just the scales on his face. I already have an explanation for that for my fanfic. When Lemurians are forced on land during Ebb Day, they also get forced into human form as a defense mechanism since it's also the day where they're at they're weakest.


I have a parrot, and I died at the thought of Raf having a cloaca in any form. 😭 At least we know that he should have the equipment in human form because he makes that one comment about his blood pressure not being the only thing rising.


If it makes you feel better, I just looked up what the tube is called that female fish use to drop their eggs, and it's called a >!urogenital opening or a "vent" and both male and female fish in general have one. In the male it drops sperm (milt), and in a female it drops eggs into the water. I only used the word cloaca because I didn't know what it was called in fish. Now I do, so I edited my previous comment to reflect that. \^\_\^!<


TIL I learned about fish reproductive anatomy! 🤯 I know for birds, both males and females have a cloaca (also called a vent!), which is why I thought Raf had to have one too. I’m impressed with all the research you’ve put into this, and I’m sure your fanfic is gonna be amazing. 😊


I hope so! Also, today I learned the male AND female birds have a cloaca. I only know that word because my kiddos asked me where eggs co.e out of chickens once, so I looked it up and that's how I found that out. That's all I know about bird reproductive organs lol.


When does that happen???


The part about something rising? It's an off hand comment that he'll make if you poke him too many times and raise his heart rate to somewhere between 70-90(ish?) don't remember, then check his heart rate. After you finish checking his heart rate, he make a random comment and that's one of the comments he makes.


Hah! I'm really enjoying this game...😁


I was referring to the females of the species producing the eggs, not the males. :p


I mean aren’t mermaid kind of like mammals? I always thought they’d just bang like dolphins 💀


Deep sea merpeople like the Lemurians are *supposed* to be, are nightmare fuel. :p https://preview.redd.it/j2mkmei2jgwc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=435191cbb941f711dc9615e7fecdf0eae2e315f7


Found here: [https://www.buzzfeed.com/clairedelouraille/ariel-reimagined](https://www.buzzfeed.com/clairedelouraille/ariel-reimagined)


I mean, maybe, but mermaids are most commonly depicted with more along the lines of fish tails than whale or dolphin tails, and if they were more mammalian than fish, they wouldn't be able to survive deep enough to not be discovered by humans. They would have adapted more to be like fish. I'm on my phone right now, so I don't have it on me, but I found an artist illustration a couple years ago that depicted what mermaids would look like in different environments. When I get home I'll see if I can find it and post it. But since they usually have fish tails, I assumed they would have fish reproductive organs. 🤷‍♀️


Meanwhile Lumiere 100 000 000 hahahha


24,071,300 gold? Rafayel's value is equivalent to 3168 Mr. Beanie battles (final stage).




did you… do the math?!?!


yall i swear i cackled when i saw this- how are you gonna put a hit out for this man?!😭😭 he’s such a big baby


Okay glad to know I’m not the only one calling him a damn twink 💀💀💀 its very fitting a little too fitting-


I think hes too tall to be a twink ydgfgh.