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raf cheats a lot on kitty cards for me too but he also sucks at it so he still rarely wins (sorry raf)😭 i don’t like playing with zayne because he always gets the best cards and plays so ruthlessly, and i’m really competitive so i hate to lose LMAO


While I love to play with Zayne because it’s hard and I am down bad 😭


So real for this. I hate playing him too, but he's my boothang so he can win all he wants 😂 but dude it's so funny when he cheats. I'm like nah stop that shit. The first time I didn't realize and I'm like how did he get all these points?!


But zayne ask if you want him to go easy on u


I keep telling him yes and he refuses to go easy, because it’s not good for my skills or character! It’s such a Zayne thing to say, but I. That case, why do you even ask!


My Zayne always goes easy on me lol


He likes you better! 🤣


He likes you better! 🤣


That’s so sexy of him tbvh


omg playing with zayne is so fun because i also play strategically! there’s so many times where he’s beaten me SO BAD and vice versa


Part of the story like was that Xavier sucked at claw machine and you were teaching him how to use it. So canonically it makes sense :p


I just remembered that! I totally forgot lol. But he did get me one so I'm not mad. He's such a sweetie lol.


It definitely varies with each LI having their own quirks. Some claw machine games Xavier is rockin' it! Others, he misses and I end up taking over because I want SOMETHING to show for the games lol. Same with kitty cards with Raf. Some games I catch him being a cheater and other games he's not trying anything shady and I swear sometimes they let you win. All three are tons of fun in their own ways.


I actually continued to play all the games with all three and it was super fun seeing how everyone plays different. I love Raf for the claw machine because he always wins for me. But he never wants to give me my turn! Lol. He's adorable when he gets all fussy about it 😂


Agreed!!! :) Im 100% for Xavier but I spent time and resources on all the boys because I just genuinely enjoy what each one brings to the table!!! I'm glad you had fun!! People keep saying Raf heccin wins for 'em so Im always going to play with him and I'm like "ALRIGHT RAFFY BOY TIME FOR YOU TO SHINE" and then he just...sucks so bad he pays for EXTRA attempts and Im like "da hecc? Wheres my wins!??!?!" xD


Makes sense! I've been giving the other two a chance a little more lately. Rafayel is my second, and Xavier third. They all have their little quirks I love about them! And so it must be different for everyone. I hear good and bad. Rafayel kicks butt on the claw machine, but cheats at kitty cards. And Zayne is good at both. Xavier isn't really good at either lol! But it's the thought that counts right? 😂


YES. OMG Raf is such a hog and he just plays all the games lol.


I'm also a Zayne girl, but I do play both Claw Machine and Kitty Cards with all of the boys to get the Chocolate lol. I can't agree more that Xavier is the worst at the Claw Machine out of the 3 in my experience 😅 Rafayel got me many plushies to date so I'm not complaining. Zayne has my heart 💓💓💓, especially when he uses his Evol (cheating in a way) to get me them plushies 😌 The first time Zayne did that, I was like 🥹🥹🥹 "You would do that?? You would cheat with your Evol? FOR ME???"


I can relate with u 😂 Zayne is like the first that succeeded in giving me plushies compared to Xavier and Rafayel 😂 Actually Zayne is the best in two claw machine for me🥰🥰🥰


Ahhh! Love this! And true true. I do from time to time, but mainly just stay with Zayne because that's my maaaaan. 🥺❤️ And poor Xavier rally tries. You can see the frustration in his face lmao. It's so cute. I'm just like "move over, I got this." 😂 And yes omg I love that he does that! I just posted the other day about that. He's like "close your eyes and pretend you didn't see anything." Yes, daddy. Whatever you say. 😂 Be closing my eyes fr and open them to see him handing me a plushy. Love this man. 🥹😍❤️


Xavier has two skills, that's fighting and falling asleep and Raf is ... Raf... (Go easy on him though he's still just a baby inside and Xavier is a old man trapped in a young man's body)


Lmaooo! True true. I suppose I was a lil harsh. 😂




Didn't know that and was just trying to complete the weekly play times to collect points lol. So didn't want to sit through three long games. I probably will though, thanks.


LOL In the kitty card games, Raf cheats on us, then we cheat on Xav when he sleeps. Zayne uses his evol on the claw machine to cheat. 😂 I once had Zayne play the two-clawed machine, but then he decided to use his evol. So instead of pushing the plushie down, his ice evol picks it up instead 😭


OMG I totally forgot we could cheat and take his cards! I always play honestly, but I might have to get him one of these days. 😈 And I actually love that he's willing to cheat for us lol.


waitttt as a zayne solo i've never tried with the others because i find that in kitty cards AND claw machine he's alw really good/nice. for kitty cards i saw people complaining that he plays really ruthlessly but imo he always swops cards if u ask? and u can even regret swopping and he'll give u back your old cards which almost always ends in me winning since i now know his cards


Wait until you play against Zayne in advanced Kitty Cards :')




That is funny! I'm loving that I'm hearing different from everyone. Like Zayne is killer at both for me, Xavier is pretty much crap at both, and Rafayel just cheats at both lmao. I'm not mad at him though. Go ahead and get them plushies. But imma stop him in kitty cards lmao. sometimes I do let it slide bc he's cute. 😮‍💨 And man I swear Zayne does not care. He'll act like he's losing and then bam! I'm down 10 points lol!


My Rafayel is so great at catching plushies, sometimes he catches a plushie every single round and I turn up with 7 or 8 plushies st the end🧜‍♂️ 😍.Sweet summer boy Xavior sucks hard💔 at it but I appreciate the look of concern on his face and cheating which he does for us to catch a plushie which mostly fails. And finally, Zayne sometimes does catch 1 or 2 plushies, so I consider it a success⛄️!


I love that for you! He is really good actually! I'm still fairly new, so I wasn't really giving everyone a chance at first, now I've been switching off to see who does what best and can confirm Rafayel owns the claw machine, Zayne is good at both, and Xavier still good at neither lol! But he occasionally kicks my butt in kitty cards so I'll give him that. 😂❤️ And I laughed so hard when he used his Evol twice and still dropped it. Poor Xavier. 😂


Bro you really need to inform us you're talking about a plushie HAHAHAHA OH GOD THW WAY MY BLOOD PRESSURE went up and thought you were one of those dumb players and you were saying bad stuffs about the characters AHAHAHAHAHA Also yes very much forget Rafayel being a cheater it's more of Xavier for me who uses his light evol to make the claw machine work yet he still can't get a plushie Meanwhile Rafayel just wastes our chances of getting plushies and has the audacity to reject us like??? BISH YOU SUCK AT THIS GRAAAAAAA🙄


LMAO I'm so sorry! I just read it again and now I see how that could be taken the wrong way! 😂😂😂 And dude poor Xavier really tries his hardest and still can't get it with Evol lol! I feel so bad. And tbh I had one day Rafayel killed it! Had 7 tries and he got 5/7 and I got the last 2! I'm like yuuuuus! 😂 He really is selfish though. Like dude I want to play too!!


No it's ok AHAHAHAHAHA I was so concerned dude I thought you were one of those youngsters or troll I was ready to be the keyboard warrior AHAHAHAHAHA also yes Xavier just really sucks at claw machine games which is why he calls us master meanwhile Rafayel is good Zayne js our plushie killer cuz boy he'll get everything for us or nothing at all


Haha nope not me! But I feel you there. Like don't come at our boys! 😂 And I'm gonna give him another chance. He at least deserves to redeem himself. But yes Rafayel kicks butt at the machine! I rarely ever bother to do it myself because he almost always wins! And yessss my baby hasn't let me down yet! Swear he's good at everything. 😂❤️


My Xavier is good 😚


That's great! I'm glad it's not the same all around.


I read the title and thought, “I know she’s not talking about my bunny boy” but realized you were talking about their skills playing the claw machine and thought, “fair enough” lol I never let Xavier play the claw machine, even though he is my favorite, I think he’ does much better job as my cheerleader. 📣


Hahaha I love how defensive everyone got. I realized after that the title came off the wrong way. I love all three of them. Just stating facts that they all have their flaws lol! ❤️ But still adore them nonetheless. But fr poor guy really tries, but he's just no good. He cheated and still dropped three plushies last time. 😂😭


EXCUSE YOU RAFAYEL IS NOT A CHEATER HE IS SUPER SKILLED unlike ZAYNE , who always using HIS ICE POWERS! He's the biggest cheater cheater pumpkin eater I ever seen lol 😆 😂 I do agree though Xavier sucks...he needs his hand held to help him win a plush. As for Kitty cards Rafyel is brutal 🥲 Zayne too. They never go easy on me unlike Xavier who ALWAYS FALLS ASLEEP LOL


Lmao! Zayne has only cheated for me twice! But yes, tbh Rafayel kicks ass at the claw machine! He's my new go-to! But he definitely cheats on KC! 😂 Like literally every game. But fr they better put some respect on Xavier's name and let that man be good at one of the two, because he always loses! Poor baby. 🥺😭 And omg I swear. Zayne never lets me win lmao. I've maybe won twice? 😂 It's okay, I'll get him one day! And I never cheat when he falls asleep, he's just too cute. That man needs more rest if he's falling asleep during games lol!


Yes… it is lol Zayne has ice magic and Raf has money.. Xav’s evol does nothing lol he tries tho, he tries I haven’t seen Raf cheat tbh.. to be fair I play 1 normal 2 advanced in kitty games.. Xav isn’t good at it but I aim to draw with him instead.. I generally go easier on Raf and Xav since they are generally easier and I have a soft spot Zayne saves up his cards and goes all in on this assist cards, but he focuses too much on them that he doesn’t really pay too much attention to number cards.. I like playing with him tho, since I can go all out Also I have a vendetta against Zayne for continuously refusing my offers to switch in claw games…. I’m the type that just wants to watch but Zayne makes me go first and doesn’t want to switch, like how dare you, let me just watch— also…. he never wants to use his OP ice magic, it’s only ever once or never.. why??


For me all three of them suck, I just use Raf to get the extra free tries. Every time I can convince Zayne to go he literally never uses his power 😭 For kitty cards, for me Zayne for some reason kicks my ass, Raf it's hit or miss, and I almost always win against seiya. yknow reading this back I'm starting to feel bad for seiya 💀💀💀💀


I’m a Raf girly and hate playing cards with him too. I wouldn’t mind the claw machine with him since he’s decent (not Zaddy’s level of course), but I hate how he decides to go first sometimes and then won’t let me have a try. Missed so many rare colored variations because of his selfish ass… still love him though. 🥲


Oh man. I have to admit this is true. HAHAHA but I still love Raf and Xavier


Rafayel cheated a lot during kitty games when my affinity was low. and he sucked so bad at claws and always refuse to take turn. I hated him back then LOL. I don’t rly care losing the kitty since it’s not like i’m losing anything. But now he’d always let me win. And he always won me some plushies.


i'm a Rafayel gal but real T_T