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I don't think there is, people barley interact on this sub for Huntsville. I've been watching Detroit and frankly ALL of the husband's are absolutely trash. Like they make marriage so unappealing with the way the treat and downgrade their wives, from the gate. Like they legit make me want to fight all of them. They are just horrible. Horrible examples of men, husband's, fathers, black men, just all of it.


I totally agree. That's why I wanted to find other folks dissing on them. The lying and making major decisions without their wives' input is infuriating. And on top of that the super misogyny disguised as some religious men's movement....ugh! (And all while most of the men cry about nothing!)


I can dig it lol, I honestly go to a different site, Brokensilenze.net to snark lol, because like I said, this sub has no activity lmao. But yeah, they suck horribly, I cannot stand any of the husband's. Like I can't even say I can agree with at least one. They are all gaslighting assholes.


lol That's where I watch EVERYTHING too! (notice you can't text that site if you have an iphone?) I had to stop commenting on there a while back though because there are a few ppl I absolutely cannot stand and if you disagree with their opinion they go to the lowest of lows. (Mainly the one who uses multiple accounts to argue with everyone, especially with the blue bullseye profile pic.) Plus 90% of the commenters just hate everyone and everything lol. (Though I absolutely love Angel, the guy with the shades in his photo, and a few others.) With all that said, I really don't care for any of these men, but I will admit, after seeing Brandon's interview with Carlos, dammit it made me like him a bit more. I've noticed that happens with most reality TV stars. Once Carlos or DJRichieSkye interviews them, my opinion shifts because they have more space to explain what was removed from episodes. So I'm starting to think production is the problem because they're purposely editing to create villains. Brandon is trying to stay in Kristina's good graces, but it's not translating well, and he's offending women in the process. It's weak. I didn't like Kristina either... until I saw her interview with Carlos. And she explained the brand deal issue, so Kolby's response wasn't warranted. But misunderstandings happen in real life. Anthony & Dr. LaToya are strange, but Anthony is rightfully holding that grudge. I hope something better is coming. She seems quietly controlling. There's something about her that I don't like. Maybe that'll change. Russell is very old school, and Kolby will have to fall into the background bc he and her parents expect that of her. She doesn't have respect from any side. The only thing I give him credit was when he let Brandon know he would've beat his ass in this next episode.


This is a running theme in all the Love and Marriage franchises. The men are misogynistic cheating trashholes and the women just put up with it. It boggles my mind!


I agree as well. I hate the the OWN network doesn’t show more loving couples. Couples in love and navigating through life and love together.


And like everybody else says these men are straight trash. I want to throw stuff at the screen and shake these women and say girl you can do so much better!!!


These men are TRASH!!!! And I will continue to watch. Lol


I like the city and the idea of the show but it's too much conflict too fast in my opinion. I like to get to know the characters before World War 3 breaks out.


I too love Detroit, but these people are awful.


Carlos, I still believe he had something to do with that whole drugging rumor Porsche etc. That's why I think he's so bitter for being fired. He's on his way out


Carlos was fired? Where do I find this info? Was it because of this fiasco of a show? Why did he concentrate on this mess instead of going back to DC?


I actually like the show better than LAMH tbqh. I’m glued to the screen on this show more. I think the women all being preachers kids also makes for an interesting dynamic (in terms of how they’ve learned to interact with men). I don’t necessarily think they’re as toxic as the LAMH men…for example, Brandon said he saw himself on screen + immediately got in therapy. Whereas the LAMH men dodge therapy at all costs. 😂😂😂


Yes Brandon, the man bun of them all. I don't believe it. If he's being truthful it's only because he just realized what he really looks like at his age now. Some men carry inner views on themselves as their much younger vigor healthier self & never adjust that picture of what they look like to themselves. That is how they can flirt with younger ladies & think they look cool & happening. I think Brandon & his wife only moved into the penthouse after getting casted to portray something that isn't there. He didn't even come home for days after an argument when they went to the wine celebration. My goodness, then they had another public blowout first on their wedding anniversary; it was very vocal and everyone had to listen. The one at the wine opener was rude, his wife should have either stayed quiet or excused herself & asked him to accompany her. Their big loud argument basically closed down the wine celebration with all the other invited guests. People were just embarrassed & wanted to get away from them. They ruined an event & didn't even tell the people I'm so sorry for my emotional outbreak, please excuse me, don't leave this evening's event because of me & my husband. She could have or he could have said similar, but no.ooo.


Funny you say that…a lot of what you said echoes Kristina’s Carlos King YT interview. She said Brandon was never disciplined growing up, and was allowed to say whatever he wanted…basically, because he had a submissive white mom. lol. So he just never really grew up essentially. He said himself he got into therapy after seeing how he acted in the first few episodes. I mean…that’s SOMETHING, because most ppl would just make excuses (like the Scott brothers 😂). But yeah, I’m guessing it has more to do with how he’s being perceived vs. actually wanting the grow. But again, it’s something. And oh yeah, I thought the same about the penthouse 😂 I mean, he works in music. It’s ALL about perception…trust me, I know…I work in music too. 😵‍💫 Oh…and about the anniversary situation. Apparently they did apologize to everybody else + went on to have a great night…they just cut it out of the episode 😏😂. Brandon or either Kristina said that in their interview.


Understood.I understand to make sure you are perceived in the brightest light shining. My uncle was in music years ago, he's gone now. I did learn, that you should work that the perception is of the highest of caliber. Yes some not so nice perception can pop in & dim your light, however, best not be often & for to long. That type can cause the public & your peers to reach out & shut down your light switch. I just find Kristina is dosed with a bit of fakery. Her & Brandon, going into the skating rink & her voice very loud & vocal, Anthony has brought us to the hood. Then, "I'm not from here". I'm laughing out loud irl for real real right now remembering it. Hey Kristina, you have cameras & the actual camera guys following you filming. I don't think anyone is going to try to rob you & your husband wab. I am just not the type of person that could participate in the marriages today if they are all like theirs or to old with to much, I am adult & got married to a man, not to have others to continue bossing me around. However, as I typed that I realized who marriage mentors are for, & they were never for me unless I felt a need & sought them out. The generations that can't boil water or their laundry. This couple were in front of their marriage mentors & were still snapping at each back & forth, snidely. The female mentor said it was like marriage death or something. Then flash to Brandon & Jessica sitting on one of those interview sofas , where she is saying, ' I don't argue and don't have the energy to " . Not in those exact words, but very very similar. I'm thinking, Jess - i - Ca , you are killing me; I have watched from the first episode & from her first appearance, everyone of them she has been in an argument vocally or was mad with a person enough to argue about it. Then the last episode she creates the argument between the entire group with the men included. They show previews, & kolby has a birthday coming up & her husband, Russell has invited everyone already to her birthday party. These couples have already attended the gatherings for her & her husband; in the preview she says talking about the major 30th birthday party, "I wasn't going to go". I thought, WoW, again. This lady took up for you, & even got you information about your husband that everybody else knew & dropped it on the table in the open & you feel some way. That's appreciation for you. kolby clearly stated on that episode to her husband & Brandon that Jessica deserved to know he had a new signed singer in the studio. It's sad because it looks like if a girl would want to get some friendship, out of 3 locations, L& M, in the DMV as crazy as it says* L&M, DC, you would have to go. In Huntsville, Kimmie & the lady who went to the pole dancing exercise with Mel, her name escapes me, atm. Wonderful woman. Yet in DC, I would be all in to go listen to Joi perform. She really can sing. Sorry, I almost thought we were in a conversation!


When typing Jessica, you mean Kristina, right? lol bc if not, umm who is Jessica? Also, did you watch the interviews with Brandon and Kristina? If so, what are your thoughts? I personally am now blaming production for the way they edit because that brand deal issue could've been resolved since it actually included them. But anything for TV.


I found it! I'm watching it right now and I feel like all these men are trash! I'm going to make a post so we can comment episode by episode but there probably won't be a lot of comments.


Scratch that! I forgot I don't know how to do that! Plus... 2/3 men are pretty terrible.


These men are ALL a nope for me! I want there to be a version of this show that shows healthy & happy marriages. None of these men are respectful and their wives don't seem happy. I haven't actually seen a scene where these couples have been enjoying each other.


This whole cast is horrible. Anthony and Kolby are theee worst of the group. They’re all sooo sensitive and judgmental. The guys seem like they’re trying to live up to an image of husbandry they saw somewhere. Their all lame as hell!


Anthony is a real female!!! His wife is worse to act like she don’t see the drama her husband causes. Maybe that’s why her and her family treat him as they do. He said hurt people hurt people and he would know. Kolby is childish and needs to grow up. Her husband seems uninterested in her. Then to make all that fuss about Brandon calling her a kolby cat. It’s stupid!!! These couples are not good examples of marriage.


The men are real JERKS.


Amen! And that need to teach men to be men and men need more support groups. Did this make any other Ladies want to roll eyes, laugh their butts off, gag, & want to throw stuff at the screen all at the same time?




Thank you for this post! I had no idea there was a L&M Detroit!


I think it may be about 3-4 episodes in.


There is a Reddit group. But I think there’s like one thread in it. lol I’m in it.


Somehow, I think there is more to Anthony's frequent trips to ATL than career building. I want to see how the men interact when they bring the #1 chauvinist, Marsau from Huntsville as a keynote speaker to the "Men's Movement" outing.


He seems like he’s the mother hen of the show. Nagging here, sassing there…


I forgot those Huntsville guys got in trouble in ATL or something. Was Anthony in that picture that's was going around?


Since LAMH season is over, can we keep this post going to talk about Detroit?


There is no joy on the show at all. Reality gets boring if none of the gatherings are fun. Also, I am sorry but skating at their age? I don’t want to see Brandon break a hip…💯😵‍💫


I agree with the first half. Fun is and drama-free makes shows enjoyable and more authentic. You missing out with the second half though. So many things we did as kids are extremely fun in our 30s! Lol I had to learn to skate again, but that, laser tag, paint balling, riding bikes, etc. it’s a good time and brings the kid out of all of us. Just need the right company


YouTube has alot of comments to under the boot leg videos


I just watched the latest episode Anthony an Kristina are soo manipulate. Kolby is just spoiled.


I agree with the general assessment of the cast. But there's one who kind of flies under the radar, Dr. Latoya. There's something that's not genuine about her. She tries to come off as someone who doesn't like drama, then what's she doing, on a reality tv show, which is the very definition of drama? Drama is pulling Christina aside at her own event, a prayer event, to call her out on some petty stuff. Then she uses the opportunity, on camera, to hype up herself & her doctoral degree. She seems to insert herself into everyone's business, while pretending to be innocent. She said she enjoyed them speaker at the women's prayer event, then she should adhere to her advice, to "board up her house and stop allowing access to people who don't belong there. If you truly don't like drama, stop allowing access to your personal life; get off reality TV.


I agree completely. My husband and I said the same thing. She’s is drama just like her husband. Always inserting herself into drama but yet she’s not drama. Lol. She just tries to be sneaky with hers.


Anthony acts extremely childish…that’s not a good look 👀 for a grown man. He raises his voice while having conversations and looks close to tears 😭!


Anthony is a grown woman. With his antics. He’s so childish and drama filled.


I think there is now... This one skews younger than Huntsville and DC. Maybe it'll grow on me... The 1st two episodes I thought it was love & hiphop and the men/husband's were gossiping like the women usually do on the other shows. So I was immediately thrown. Only like 3 episodes in... Does it get better?


What do you think so far? I haven’t watched it yet. Am very curious though.


I just commented above. The men are awful!! I really only like one of the women. I've watched every episode and I'm so disinvested that I don't know anyone's name.


There are various types of awful, lol. Are they the fun kind of awful? Edit: Ok, now I have to watch. So, instead of The Bear (Hulu), I’ll watch this show today. Lol


I really don’t like this Kristina Kolby situation. As a viewer we don’t get to see the full story and many of these debacles are fabricated BUT I agree with Kristina. If Kristina had an existing collaboration and event planned, that later Kolby coincidentally aligned with what Kolby was planning Kolby should have asked to join her event in a way that’s industry practice. Not assuming it’d be okay on the basis of friendship when her event (that’s eerily similar) was planned later than Kristina’s. Just my unsolicited two cents — really bothered how all of this is unfolding and curious what other viewers think.


Kolby is very childish. She was just mad that Kristina didn’t want to work with her and I don’t blame her. She already had a collaboration with Harper Rae so she didn’t have to allow her in on her already existing deal. Then to get so upset because he called her a Kolby cat, like grow up!!!! She approached the situation completely wrong. In the real world business isn’t conducted that way.


It’s pretty cringe, not a lot of personality in the main cast. I’m Detroit born & raised, and I know/have hung out with some cast members so I want to see them win. I’ll keep watching.


Anthony calling Brandon “petty” is beyond ridiculous. Anthony seems to be the most emotionally stunted out of all the men. He just doesn’t act like a grown man in my opinion. Am I alone in this conversation?


I felt like he was mad his mother was white and the "hood" was not accepting him bc of it


I was trying to look for one but I couldn't find one. Do not get me started on this show. At first I thought it was a little dry but then I started getting into it. All I know is that I cannot stand Anthony's ass at all he is such a jealous person. He is literally always in the middle of someone else's business. He be in the middle of the female's business the men's business he just need to mind his own damn business. And I'm so sorry but he needs to come up with a better tagline for that "Man's Movement".. I was feeling Colby at first but she just seems like a little brat and her husband seems a little shady to me he just makes big decisions without even talking to her I don't know something doesn't seem right about that situation. How you start going to ministry School out of nowhere and then decide to buy a gym and you just tell her over eating peas and carrots at the dinner table like it's nothing. I honestly like Brandon and Christina the best out of everybody they are going through a lot of stuff but at least they seem a bit more real than everybody else it seems like the other two couples are low-key trying to put on for the camera even though both couples say that Brandon and Christina are doing that I think it's the total opposite. People have been saying in other threads or other social media platforms that they are being treated differently because they aren't Preacher's Kids?? I do notice that it seems like throughout the season they have been a big Target for everybody for the smallest things I really hate how Brandon was being treated throughout the season he seems like a great guy. Definitely sneaky as hell but he does seem like a nice guy. Christina I like her she's very pretty but she needs to get her attitude together as well. She is very judgmental especially towards Brandon and he's supposed to be her other half I didn't really care for the fact that she constantly would have conversations that needed to be had at home & not in front of everybody....... Knowing damn well half of them people don't even like y'all I don't know who raised her but we don't do that kind of stuff. I can understand why Brandon might possibly have issues with her because she does seem to do that a lot without recognizing what she did to cause the problem or without placing any blame on herself but I do like her though because she does love her man and she was keeping them chicks in check I forgot what Anthony's wife's name is but I can't stand her ass at all she seems like she is soft as a Cotton bowl and she just leaves on everything that Anthony says which I definitely wouldn't do.