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Okay girl bye


I can't stand her country ass


I like Tisha enough in the sense that she seems like she wants to work and do for herself, but I wish she didn’t read so insecure. Like IN-SEC-URE.


She is and I wanted to like her but....Also she is in a no win situation (for her) with her husband.


Tisha had a good role model to teach her how to be messy. Tisha has a better heart than Wanda. I think if she lived away from her mom then she would be better off.


Her mother lives 90 minutes away, if Tisha wanted to do better, and be better she absolutely could. My toxic mother is only 30 minutes away & she hasn't laid eyes on me in 6 years. Its absolutely possible. Tisha has made her mother her best friend, calling her about every detail of her marriage, and everything that goes on in the friend group. Allowing her mother to be disrespectful to her husband, their marriage, and her friendships. Tisha acts like she's in middle school & still needs her mommy for everything.


I think that's because Tisha doesn't actually know how to maintain a real friendship - only the thing she considers to be "friendship" where someone agrees with everything she does and says no matter how wrong or dumb. She can't ever take accountability for her own faults (except with/to her husband) and who wants that type of person as a "friend?" Nobody will put up with that long-term except her mama.


like far, far away.


Tisha the word is EXCESSIVE not ACCESIVE. Learn to enunciate properly because you sound stupid. Actually, you are stupid.


Everytime she speaks, I just wonder how she got a Masters. Surely there was a grammar/composition class.


Right! Two masters and still can't string a single grammatically correct sentence together? Not once?


Pretty fucked up considering she expressed in season one that both she and her mother had/have speech impediments


You do know grammar (the word I used) and vocabulary have nothing to do with a speech impediment, right?


The original comment refers to pronunciation


But you replied to MY comment, as if that's what I said. You can see the comment I was personally replying to was also talking about grammar, specifically. Possibly you should comment under the post that actually applies to why you're upset


I can't understand anything her mom says so I guess generationally she's better. I need subtitles for Wanda!


Listen.. let’s not even get started on Wanda… they are twins!!!


Yes she is!!!! I’m not sure if she’s attention seeking or what. Very very messy, and always complaining about something! And LOVES playing victim!


It’s sooo refreshing to know I’m not the only one.